/* * Copyright 2005 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR * NON-INFRINGEMENT. GIGASPACES WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR * LOSS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.springmodules.javaspaces.gigaspaces.app; public class BaseSimpleBean { private String teststring = null; private int testint = 1; private long testlong = 1; private float testfloat = 1; private boolean testboolean = false; private double testdouble = 1; public BaseSimpleBean() {} public BaseSimpleBean(String test) { this.teststring = test; } public boolean equals(Object other) { if(other == null || !(other instanceof BaseSimpleBean)) return false; else { BaseSimpleBean otherBean = (BaseSimpleBean)other; return (otherBean.teststring != null && otherBean.teststring.equals(teststring) || otherBean.teststring == teststring ) && (otherBean.testboolean == testboolean ) && (otherBean.testdouble == testdouble ) && (otherBean.testfloat == testfloat )&& (otherBean.testint == testint) && (otherBean.testlong == testlong ); } } public String getTeststring() { return teststring; } public void setTeststring(String test) { this.teststring = test; } public int getTestint() { return testint; } public void setTestint(int testint) { this.testint = testint; } public boolean isTestboolean() { return testboolean; } public void setTestboolean(boolean testboolean) { this.testboolean = testboolean; } public float getTestfloat() { return testfloat; } public void setTestfloat(float testfloat) { this.testfloat = testfloat; } public long getTestlong() { return testlong; } public void setTestlong(long testlong) { this.testlong = testlong; } public double getTestdouble() { return testdouble; } public void setTestdouble(double testdouble) { this.testdouble = testdouble; } }