package org.springmodules.cache.key; import; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.apache.commons.collections.keyvalue.MultiKey; /** * * A {@link CacheKeyGenerator} based on commons collections. * * @author David J. M. Karlsen <> * */ public class MultiKeyCodeGenerator implements CacheKeyGenerator { private final boolean cloneKeys; /** * @param cloneKeys set to true to clone keys to assure they stick immutable. */ public MultiKeyCodeGenerator( boolean cloneKeys ) { this.cloneKeys = cloneKeys; } /** * Equals <code>this(true)</code> */ public MultiKeyCodeGenerator() { this( true ); } /** * Generates a key based on {@linkplain MultiKey}. * {@inheritDoc} * @return a {@link MultiKey} co-variant of {@link Serializable}. */ public MultiKey generateKey( MethodInvocation methodInvocation ) { Integer hashCode = System.identityHashCode( methodInvocation.getMethod() ); Object[] arguments = methodInvocation.getArguments(); Object[] keys = new Object[ arguments.length + 1 ]; keys[0] = hashCode; System.arraycopy( arguments, 0, keys, 1, arguments.length ); MultiKey multiKey = new MultiKey( keys, cloneKeys ); return multiKey; } }