package org.springframework.samples.petclinic.orbroker; import net.sourceforge.orbroker.BrokerException; import net.sourceforge.orbroker.Executable; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.orm.ObjectRetrievalFailureException; import org.springmodules.orm.orbroker.BrokerCallback; import; import org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Clinic; import org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Owner; import org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Pet; import org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Visit; import org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Vet; import org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Specialty; import org.springframework.samples.petclinic.util.EntityUtils; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Base class for O/RBroker implementations of the Clinic interface. * * @author Omar Irbouh * @since 2005.06.04 */ public abstract class AbstractBrokerClinic extends BrokerDaoSupport implements Clinic { private static final String SEQUENCE_PARAMETER = "sequenceName"; private static final String OWNERS_SEQUENCE = "seq_owners"; private static final String PETS_SEQUENCE = "seq_pets"; private static final String VISITS_SEQUENCE = "seq_visits"; public Collection getVets() throws DataAccessException { // Retrieve the list of all vets. List vets = getBrokerTemplate().selectMany("getVets"); // Retrieve the list of all possible specialties. List specialties = getBrokerTemplate().selectMany("getSpecialties"); // Build each vet's list of specialties. Iterator vi = vets.iterator(); while (vi.hasNext()) { Vet vet = (Vet); List vetSpecialtiesIds = getBrokerTemplate().selectMany("getSpecialtiesByVet", "id", vet.getId()); Iterator vsi = vetSpecialtiesIds.iterator(); while (vsi.hasNext()) { int specialtyId = ((Integer); Specialty specialty = (Specialty) EntityUtils.getById(specialties, Specialty.class, specialtyId); vet.addSpecialty(specialty); } } return vets; } public Collection getPetTypes() throws DataAccessException { return getBrokerTemplate().selectMany("getPetTypes"); } public Collection findOwners(String lastName) throws DataAccessException { List owners = getBrokerTemplate().selectMany("findOwnersByLastName", "lastName", lastName + "%"); // load owners pets and visits loadOwnersPetsAndVisits(owners); return owners; } public Owner loadOwner(int id) throws DataAccessException { Owner owner = (Owner) getBrokerTemplate().selectOne("loadOwnerById", "id", new Integer(id)); if (owner == null) { throw new ObjectRetrievalFailureException(Owner.class, new Integer(id)); } // load pets and visits loadPetsAndVisits(owner); return owner; } public Pet loadPet(int id) throws DataAccessException { Pet pet = (Pet) getBrokerTemplate().selectOne("loadPetById", "id", new Integer(id)); if (pet == null) { throw new ObjectRetrievalFailureException(Pet.class, new Integer(id)); } //load owner Owner owner = (Owner) getBrokerTemplate().selectOne("loadOwnerByPet", "id", pet.getId()); owner.addPet(pet); // load visits loadVisits(pet); return pet; } public void storeOwner(Owner owner) throws DataAccessException { if (owner.isNew()) { if (supportsSequence()) { owner.setId(getSequenceNextValue(OWNERS_SEQUENCE)); } getBrokerTemplate().execute("insertOwner", "owner", owner); if (supportsIdentity()) { owner.setId(getIdentity()); } } else { getBrokerTemplate().execute("updateOwner", "owner", owner); } } public void storePet(Pet pet) throws DataAccessException { if (pet.isNew()) { if (supportsSequence()) { pet.setId(getSequenceNextValue(PETS_SEQUENCE)); } getBrokerTemplate().execute("insertPet", "pet", new BrokerPet(pet)); if (supportsIdentity()) { pet.setId(getIdentity()); } } else { getBrokerTemplate().execute("updatePet", "pet", new BrokerPet(pet)); } } public void storeVisit(Visit visit) throws DataAccessException { if (visit.isNew()) { if (supportsSequence()) { visit.setId(getSequenceNextValue(VISITS_SEQUENCE)); } getBrokerTemplate().execute("insertVisit", "visit", new BrokerVisit(visit)); if (supportsIdentity()) { visit.setId(getIdentity()); } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Visit update not supported"); } } protected void loadOwnersPetsAndVisits(List owners) { for (Iterator oi = owners.iterator(); oi.hasNext();) { Owner owner = (Owner); loadPetsAndVisits(owner); } } protected void loadPetsAndVisits(Owner owner) { List pets = getBrokerTemplate().selectMany("loadPetsByOwner", "id", owner.getId()); // load visits for (Iterator pi = pets.iterator(); pi.hasNext();) { Pet pet = (Pet); loadVisits(pet); owner.addPet(pet); } } protected void loadVisits(Pet pet) { List visits = getBrokerTemplate().selectMany("getVisitsByPet", "id", pet.getId()); for (Iterator vi = visits.iterator(); vi.hasNext();) { Visit visit = (Visit); pet.addVisit(visit); } } protected Integer getIdentity() { // we need to cast to Number since some JDBC drivers return Integer and others return Long final Number value = (Number) getBrokerTemplate().selectOne(getIdentityStatementId()); return new Integer(value.intValue()); } protected Integer getSequenceNextValue(final String sequenceName) { // we need to cast to Number since some JDBC drivers return Integer and others return Long final Number value = (Number) getBrokerTemplate().execute(new BrokerCallback() { public Object doInBroker(Executable executable) throws BrokerException { executable.setTextReplacement(SEQUENCE_PARAMETER, sequenceName); return executable.selectOne(getSequenceStatementId()); } }); return new Integer(value.intValue()); } protected abstract boolean supportsIdentity(); protected abstract String getIdentityStatementId(); protected abstract boolean supportsSequence(); protected abstract String getSequenceStatementId(); }