package org.springmodules.ant.task; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.AutowireCapableBeanFactory; import; import org.springmodules.ant.util.BeanFactoryLoader; public class SpringDependencyInjectorTaskTest extends TestCase { SpringDependencyInjectorTask task = new SpringDependencyInjectorTask(); Project project = new Project(); protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); task.setProject(project); } /** * Test that autowiring can be done on a DefaultListableBeanFactory. * @throws Exception */ public void testAutowireDefaultListableBeanFactory() throws Exception { BeanFactory parent = BeanFactoryLoader.getBeanFactory("test.bootstrap"); DefaultListableBeanFactory context = new DefaultListableBeanFactory(); context.setParentBeanFactory(parent); context.registerSingleton("this", this); SpringDependencyInjectorTaskTest test = (SpringDependencyInjectorTaskTest) context.getBean("this"); context.autowireBeanProperties(test, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME, false); assertNotNull("Null test bean", test); assertNotNull("Null properties",; } /** * Test that the task executes and wires a task correctly * @throws Exception */ public void testDefaultExecute() throws Exception { TestTask test = new TestTask(); test.setProject(project); project.addReference("task", test); task.setTaskRef("task"); task.setFactoryKey("test.bootstrap"); task.execute(); assertNotNull("Null properties",; } /** * Test that the task executes and wires a task correctly by type * @throws Exception */ public void testAutowireByType() throws Exception { TestTask test = new TestTask(); test.setProject(project); project.addReference("task", test); task.setTaskRef("task"); task.setAutowire("byType"); task.setFactoryKey("test.bootstrap"); task.execute(); assertNotNull("Null properties",; } /** * Test that the task throws BuildException when task ref is missing * @throws Exception */ public void testMissingRef() throws Exception { task.setTaskRef("task"); task.setFactoryKey("test.bootstrap"); try { task.execute(); fail("Expected BuildException when task ref invalid"); } catch (BuildException e) { // expected } } /** * Test that the task throws BuildException when task ref is wrong type * @throws Exception */ public void testRefWrongClass() throws Exception { task.setTaskRef("task"); task.setFactoryKey("test.bootstrap"); project.addReference("task", "foo"); try { task.execute(); fail("Expected BuildException when task ref invalid"); } catch (BuildException e) { // expected assertTrue("Wrong message", e.getMessage().startsWith("Reference (")); } } private Map properties; /** * Injected during test. * @param properties */ public void setProperties(Map properties) { = properties; } }