package org.springmodules.template.engine.velocity; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.easymock.MockControl; import; import; import; import org.springframework.util.StopWatch; import org.springmodules.template.Template; import org.springmodules.util.StringResource; /** * @author Uri Boness */ public class VelocityTemplateEngineTests extends TestCase { private VelocityTemplateEngine engine; private ResourceLoader loader; private MockControl loaderControl; protected void setUp() throws Exception { loaderControl = MockControl.createControl(ResourceLoader.class); loader = (ResourceLoader) loaderControl.getMock(); engine = new VelocityTemplateEngine(loader); engine.afterPropertiesSet(); } public void testCreateTemplate() throws Exception { String encoding = "UTF-8"; Resource resource = new StringResource("Hello $name"); Template template = engine.createTemplate(resource, encoding); Map model = new HashMap(); model.put("name", "Daan"); assertEquals("Hello Daan", template.generate(model)); } public void testCreateTemplate_WithInclude() throws Exception { String encoding = "UTF-8"; // first, velocity calls the loader to load the resource loaderControl.expectAndReturn(loader.getResource("name"), new StringResource("Hello")); // second, velocity calls the loader when trying to get the last modified date of the resource. loaderControl.expectAndReturn(loader.getResource("name"), null); Resource resource = new StringResource("#include( \"name\" )"); loaderControl.replay(); Template template = engine.createTemplate(resource, encoding); assertEquals("Hello", template.generate(new HashMap())); loaderControl.verify(); } public void testPerformance() throws Exception { Map model = new HashMap(); model.put("from", new Person("name1", "email1")); Person[] people = new Person[] { new Person("name2", "email2"), new Person("name3", "email3") }; model.put("tos", people); people = new Person[] { new Person("name4", "email4") }; model.put("ccs", people); people = new Person[] { new Person("name5", "email5") }; model.put("bccs", people); model.put("subject", "subject1"); String encoding = "UTF-8"; Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("temp.vm", getClass()); Template template = engine.createTemplate(resource, encoding); long sum = 0; for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); sw.start(); template.generate(model); sw.stop(); sum += sw.getTotalTimeMillis(); } System.out.println("took average of " + ((double)sum)/100 + " millis"); } }