package com.tlabs.speechalyzer.demonstrators.gui; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.Area; import; import; import; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException; import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator; import com.felix.util.AudioUtil; import com.felix.util.FileUtil; import com.felix.util.KeyValues; import com.felix.util.PlayWave; import com.felix.util.SwingUtil; import com.felix.util.Util; import com.felix.util.SwingUtil.ImagePanel; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.AudioFileManager; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.Constants; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.RecFile; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.classifier.ClassificationResult; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.classifier.IClassifier; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.classifier.WEKAClassifier; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.featureextract.IExtractor; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.featureextract.OpenEarExtractor; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.featureextract.PraatExtractor; public class SBCDemo_Old extends JFrame implements DemonstratorInterface { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final int IMG_START = 0, IMG_ACTIVE = 1, IMG_RED = 2, IMG_GREEN = 3, IMG_C = 4, IMG_YF = 5, IMG_YM = 6, IMG_AF = 7, IMG_AM = 8, IMG_SF = 9, IMG_SM = 10, AREA_MIC = 0, AREA_GREEN = 1, AREA_RED = 2, AREA_SWITCH = 3, AUDIOMODE_PUSH_TO_ACTIVATE = 0, AUDIOMODE_PUSH_TO_TALK = 1, AUDIOMODE_PERMANENT_RECORDING = 2; private KeyValues _config, _agenderConfig; private Logger _logger; private boolean _recording; private ByteArrayOutputStream _out; private final AudioFormat _format = AudioUtil.FORMAT_PCM_16KHZ; private PlayWave _player; private IClassifier _agenderClassifier, _angerClassifier; private IExtractor _agenderExtractor, _angerExtractor; private String _lastPred = ""; private AudioFileManager _afm; private int _silenceThreshold = 0, _speechTimeout = 0, _initialTimeout = 0, _sampleRate = 0; private boolean _pushToTalk = true; private boolean _feedback = false; private DemonstratorConfigurator _demonstratorConfigurator; private Area[] _areas; private Point _switchModeTopLeft = null, _logoTopLeft = null, _okTopLeft = null; private ImagePanel _mainPanel; private boolean _angerRecognition = true; private boolean _agenderRecognition = false; private String _resolution; private boolean _permanentRecording = false; private boolean _stopPermanentRecording = false; private String _lastResult = " "; private boolean _firststart = true; private int _globalCounter = 0; private boolean _audioLogging; public SBCDemo_Old() { super("Speech Based Classification Demo"); loadConfig(); FileUtil.createDir("tmp"); _logger = Logger .getLogger("com.tlabs.speechalyzer.callcenter.MainFrame"); DOMConfigurator.configure(_config.getPathValue("logConfig")); _player = new PlayWave(); _pushToTalk = _config.getBool("pushToTalk"); _sampleRate = _config.getInt("sampleRate"); _silenceThreshold = _config.getInt("silenceThreshold"); _speechTimeout = _config.getInt("speechTimeout"); _initialTimeout = (int) (_config.getDouble("initialTimeout") * _sampleRate); _permanentRecording = _config.getBool("permanentRecording"); _audioLogging = _config.getBool("audioLogging"); _feedback = _config.getBool("feedback"); _angerClassifier = new WEKAClassifier(_config); _angerExtractor = new OpenEarExtractor(_config); _agenderClassifier = new WEKAClassifier(_agenderConfig); _agenderExtractor = new OpenEarExtractor(_agenderConfig); _afm = new AudioFileManager("", _config); _resolution = _config.getString("resolution"); _demonstratorConfigurator = new DemonstratorConfigurator(_config, this, _angerClassifier, _angerExtractor, _afm); initGui(); } private void initGui() { try { getContentPane().removeAll(); Point redTopLeft = null; Point greenTopLeft = null; Point micTopLeft = null; Dimension bulbDim = null; Dimension micDim = null; Dimension switchLabelDim = new Dimension(100, 100); redTopLeft = SwingUtil.getPoint(_config, "gui." + _resolution + ".redTopLeft"); greenTopLeft = SwingUtil.getPoint(_config, "gui." + _resolution + ".greenTopLeft"); micTopLeft = SwingUtil.getPoint(_config, "gui." + _resolution + ".micTopLeft"); bulbDim = SwingUtil.getDimension(_config, "gui." + _resolution + ".bulbDim"); micDim = SwingUtil.getDimension(_config, "gui." + _resolution + ".micDim"); _switchModeTopLeft = SwingUtil.getPoint(_config, "gui." + _resolution + ".switchModeTopLeft"); _logoTopLeft = SwingUtil.getPoint(_config, "gui." + _resolution + ".logoTopLeft"); _okTopLeft = SwingUtil.getPoint(_config, "gui." + _resolution + ".okTopLeft"); Area red = new Area(new Rectangle(redTopLeft, bulbDim)); Area green = new Area(new Rectangle(greenTopLeft, bulbDim)); Area mic = new Area(new Rectangle(micTopLeft, micDim)); Area switchMode = new Area(new Rectangle(_switchModeTopLeft, switchLabelDim)); _areas = new Area[4]; _areas[AREA_MIC] = mic; _areas[AREA_RED] = red; _areas[AREA_GREEN] = green; _areas[AREA_SWITCH] = switchMode; _mainPanel = makeMainPanel(); getContentPane().add(_mainPanel); showMainframe(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setShowNonAnger(boolean showNonAnger) { _logger.error("show non anger not implemented."); } public void setAudioLogging(boolean audioLogging) { _audioLogging = audioLogging; } public void setAudioMode(int mode) { switch (mode) { case AUDIOMODE_PUSH_TO_TALK: _pushToTalk = true; _permanentRecording = false; _stopPermanentRecording = true; _logger.debug("switchin audio mode to: push to talk"); break; case AUDIOMODE_PUSH_TO_ACTIVATE: _pushToTalk = false; _permanentRecording = false; _stopPermanentRecording = true; _logger.debug("switchin audio mode to: push to activate"); break; case AUDIOMODE_PERMANENT_RECORDING: _pushToTalk = false; _permanentRecording = true; _stopPermanentRecording = false; _logger.debug("switchin audio mode to: permanent recording"); captureAudio(); break; } } public AudioFormat getAudioFormat() { return _format; } public JFrame getFrame() { return this; } public void exit() { System.exit(0); } public void setInitialTimeout(double timeout) { _logger.debug("new initial timeout: " + timeout); _initialTimeout = (int) (timeout * _sampleRate); } public void setNoiseLevel(int level) { _logger.debug("new noiselevel: " + level); _silenceThreshold = level; } public String getLastResult() { return _lastResult; } public void switchMode() { if (_angerRecognition) { setAgenderMode(); } else if (_agenderRecognition) { setAngerMode(); } }; public void setResolution(String resolution) { _logger.debug("setting resolution to: " + resolution); _resolution = resolution; initGui(); } private ImagePanel makeMainPanel() { Image[] images = new Image[11]; images[IMG_START] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("startImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_ACTIVE] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("activeImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_RED] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("redImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_GREEN] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("greenImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_C] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("cImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_YF] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("yfImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_YM] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("ymImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_AF] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("afImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_AM] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("amImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_SF] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("sfImage")) .getImage(); images[IMG_SM] = new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("imageDir") + _resolution + "/" + _config.getPathValue("smImage")) .getImage(); ImagePanel pane = new SwingUtil.ImagePanel(images); pane.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { Point clickPoint = mouseEvent.getPoint(); Area aMic = _areas[AREA_MIC]; if (aMic.contains(clickPoint) && SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(mouseEvent) && _pushToTalk) { _recording = false; } } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent mouseEvent) { int modifiers = mouseEvent.getModifiers(); Point clickPoint = mouseEvent.getPoint(); for (int i = 0; i < _areas.length; i++) { Area aArea = _areas[i]; if (aArea.contains(clickPoint)) { if (i == AREA_MIC) { if ((modifiers & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) { // left click if (_recording) { _recording = false; _stopPermanentRecording = true; _globalCounter = 0; } else { _stopPermanentRecording = false; captureAudio(); } } else if ((modifiers & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) { // right click playAudio(); } } else if (i == AREA_RED) { if (_feedback && _angerRecognition && (modifiers & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) { // left click storeLastRecording("A"); showOk(); } else if ((modifiers & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) { // right click _demonstratorConfigurator.showMainframe(); } } else if (i == AREA_GREEN) { if (_feedback && _angerRecognition && (modifiers & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) { // left click storeLastRecording("N"); showOk(); } else if ((modifiers & InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK) { // right click _demonstratorConfigurator.showMainframe(); } } else if (i == AREA_SWITCH) { switchMode(); } } } } }); pane.setAdditionalImage(new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("gui." + _resolution + ".logo")).getImage(), _logoTopLeft); return pane; } private void showOk() { Runnable runner = new Runnable() { public void run() { _mainPanel.setAdditionalImage(new ImageIcon(_config .getPathValue("okImage")).getImage(), _okTopLeft); _mainPanel.repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(_config.getInt("waitTime")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } showLogo(); } }; Thread runThread = new Thread(runner); runThread.start(); } private void showMode() { Runnable runner = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (_angerRecognition) { _mainPanel.setAdditionalImage(new ImageIcon(_config .getPathValue("angerImage")).getImage(), _switchModeTopLeft); } else { _mainPanel.setAdditionalImage(new ImageIcon(_config .getPathValue("agenderImage")).getImage(), _switchModeTopLeft); } _mainPanel.repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(_config.getInt("waitTime")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } showLogo(); } }; Thread runThread = new Thread(runner); runThread.start(); } private void showLogo() { _mainPanel.setAdditionalImage(new ImageIcon(_config.getPathValue("gui." + _resolution + ".logo")).getImage(), _logoTopLeft); _mainPanel.repaint(); } private void setAgenderMode() { _logger.debug("switch to agender mode"); _agenderRecognition = true; _angerRecognition = false; showMode(); } private void setAngerMode() { _logger.debug("switch to anger mode"); _agenderRecognition = false; _angerRecognition = true; showMode(); } private void stopRecording() {"recording stopped"); try { _mainPanel.switchImage(IMG_START); if (_out.size() > 100) { String filename = _config.getPathValue("testAudioFile"); AudioUtil.writeAudioToWavFile(_out.toByteArray(), _format, filename); if (_audioLogging) { storeLastRecording(""); } if (_angerRecognition) { _angerExtractor.extractFeatures(new File(filename) .getAbsolutePath()); ClassificationResult cr = _angerClassifier.classify(); _lastResult = cr.toString(); _demonstratorConfigurator.setStatusLabel(_lastResult);"classified file " + filename + ": " + _lastResult); if (cr.getWinner().getCat().compareTo("A") == 0) { _lastPred = "A"; showResult(IMG_RED); } else if (cr.getWinner().getCat().compareTo("N") == 0) { _lastPred = "N"; showResult(IMG_GREEN); } else { // something else recognized, e.g. garbage } } else if (_agenderRecognition) { _agenderExtractor.extractFeatures(new File(filename) .getAbsolutePath()); ClassificationResult cr = _agenderClassifier.classify(); _lastResult = cr.toString(); _demonstratorConfigurator.setStatusLabel(_lastResult);"classified file " + filename + ": " + _lastResult); int winner = Integer.parseInt(cr.getWinner().getCat()); switch (winner) { case 1: showResult(IMG_C); break; case 2: showResult(IMG_YF); break; case 3: showResult(IMG_YM); break; case 4: showResult(IMG_AF); break; case 5: showResult(IMG_AM); break; case 6: showResult(IMG_SF); break; case 7: showResult(IMG_SM); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { error(e); } if (_permanentRecording && !_stopPermanentRecording) { captureAudio(); } } private void showResult(int imgIndex) { _mainPanel.switchImage(imgIndex); try { Thread.sleep(_config.getInt("waitTime")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } _mainPanel.switchImage(IMG_START); } private void storeLastRecording(String annotation) { FileUtil.createDir(_config.getPathValue("recordingDir")); String filename = _config.getPathValue("recordingDir") + Util.getDateName() + ".wav"; try { AudioUtil.writeAudioToWavFile(_out.toByteArray(), AudioUtil.FORMAT_PCM_16KHZ, filename); RecFile rec = _afm.addAudioFile(new File(filename)); String label = ""; if (annotation.compareTo("A") == 0) { label = "5"; rec.addLabel(label);"noted anger and stored to : " + filename); } else if (annotation.compareTo("N") == 0) { label = "1"; rec.addLabel(label);"noted neutral and stored to : " + filename); } else {"Stored without annotation to : " + filename); } } catch (Exception e) { error(e); } } private void trainModel() { if (_angerRecognition) { _angerExtractor.extractAllFeatures(_afm, true); _angerClassifier.trainModel(); } } private void error(Exception e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } private void captureAudio() { try { _mainPanel.switchImage(IMG_ACTIVE);"recording..."); DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, _format); final TargetDataLine line = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem .getLine(info);; line.start(); Runnable runner = new Runnable() { public void run() { int bufferSize, initBufferSize = 0; boolean initial = true; _out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (_pushToTalk) { bufferSize = (int) _format.getSampleRate() * _format.getFrameSize(); } else { bufferSize = _speechTimeout; initBufferSize = _initialTimeout; } byte buffer[] = new byte[bufferSize]; byte initBuffer[] = new byte[initBufferSize]; _recording = true; try { while (_recording) { int count = 0; if (initial && !_pushToTalk) { count = line .read(initBuffer, 0, initBufferSize); } else { count =, 0, bufferSize); } boolean silence = true; if (!_pushToTalk) { short[] values; if (initial) { values = AudioUtil.byteToShort(initBuffer, true); } else { values = AudioUtil .byteToShort(buffer, true); } for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] > _silenceThreshold) { silence = false; break; } } if (silence) { _recording = false; } } if (count > 0 && (_pushToTalk || !silence)) { if (initial && !_pushToTalk) { initial = false; _out.write(initBuffer, 0, count); } else { _out.write(buffer, 0, count); } } // if (_permanentRecording) { // System.err.println("permanent counter: "+_globalCounter++); // } } line.flush(); line.drain(); line.close(); _out.flush(); _out.close(); stopRecording(); } catch (IOException e) { error(e); } } }; Thread captureThread = new Thread(runner); captureThread.start(); } catch (LineUnavailableException e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } private void playAudio() {"playing audio..."); try { _player.playAudioFromByteArray(_out.toByteArray(), _format); } catch (Exception e) { error(e); } } private void showMainframe() { try { // UIManager // .setLookAndFeel("com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel"); if (_config.getBool("noWindowDecoration") && _firststart) { _firststart = false; setUndecorated(true); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); pack(); setVisible(true); } private void loadConfig() { try { _config = new KeyValues("res/", "="); _agenderConfig = new KeyValues("res/", "="); } catch (Exception e) { error(e); } } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { new SBCDemo_Old(); } }