package com.tlabs.labeltool; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.Line; import javax.sound.sampled.Mixer; import javax.sound.sampled.Mixer.Info; import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine; /** * Thread for recording and sending to server. * * @version 1.0 * @author Felix Burkhardt */ public class RecordThread extends Thread { /** * Name of server's host. */ String servername; /** * Name of file to save the recording at server. */ String _fileName; /** * Line from Microphone. */ TargetDataLine _line; /** * Bytearray to send the recording in chunks. */ byte[] _data; /** * Stream to send data to server. */ out; /** * Flag to control the recording. */ boolean record_flag = true; /** * Socket for server-connection. */ Socket s; /** * The format of the recording. */ AudioFormat _audioFormat; Mixer _mixer; /** * Port where server listens. */ int portNum; ByteArrayOutputStream _baos; /** * @param _audioFormat * The audioformat. * @param servername * The name of the server's host. * @param portNum * The port where the server listens. */ public RecordThread(AudioFormat format, String servername, int portNum, String fn) { _audioFormat = format; this.servername = servername; this.portNum = portNum; this._fileName = fn; } private void printMixers() { try { Mixer.Info[] mixerInfos = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo(); int i = 0; for (Mixer.Info info : mixerInfos) { Mixer m = AudioSystem.getMixer(info); String mixerName = m.getMixerInfo().getName(); System.out.println("mixer--" + mixerName); if (i++ == 0) { _mixer = m; } Line.Info[] lineInfos = m.getSourceLineInfo(); for (Line.Info lineInfo : lineInfos) { System.out.println("source---" + lineInfo); Line line = m.getLine(lineInfo); System.out.println("\tsource-----" + line); } Line.Info[] lineInfos2 = m.getTargetLineInfo(); for (Line.Info lineInfo : lineInfos2) { System.out.println("target---" + lineInfo); Line line = m.getLine(lineInfo); System.out.println("\ttarget-----" + line); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * called by thread.start() */ public void run() { // open a connection openConnection(Constants.MODE_RECORD); // Send the fileName to the server. try { out.writeBytes(_fileName + '\n'); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("unable to send data " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } // Get a line from the Microphone with the specified audioFormat. DataLine.Info dataLineInfo = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, _audioFormat); if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(dataLineInfo)) { Info mixerInfo = _mixer.getMixerInfo(); String mixerName = mixerInfo.getName(); System.err.println("\ninitRec: format not supported for " + mixerName + "\n"); } try { _line = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(dataLineInfo); // _line = (TargetDataLine) _mixer.getLine(dataLineInfo);, 2000); } catch (Exception ex) { String mixerName = _mixer.getMixerInfo().getName(); System.err.println("Rec: line unavailable for " + mixerName + "\n"); ex.printStackTrace(); } // Init the byteArray with a size 1/5 of the line's buffer (recommended // by sound-api doc) _data = new byte[_line.getBufferSize() / 5]; record_flag = true; System.out.println("Starte Aufnahme"); // Start line for recording. _line.start(); _baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (record_flag) { // While not stopped read data from line and send to server., 0, _data.length); try { out.write(_data); out.flush(); _baos.write(_data); } catch (Exception e) { if (record_flag) { // problem, there still should be recording // else thread tried to write when line already closed. System.err.println("problem writing data: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Method to stop the recording. Should be called by the main class if the * user pushes the stop-button. */ public void stopMe() { record_flag = false; try { System.out.println("baos.size: " + _baos.toByteArray().length); _line.close(); _line = null; s.close(); openConnection(Constants.MODE_STOP); try { out.writeBytes(_fileName + '\n'); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("unable to send data " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("problem closing socket: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * opens a socket and stream to the server and sends the mode-number. */ private void openConnection(int modus) { try { s = new Socket(servername, portNum); System.out.println("Verbindung mit: " + s.getInetAddress()); out = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { System.err.println("Don't know about host: " + servername + ", " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to host: " + servername + ", " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } // send modus code to server try { out.writeInt(modus); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("problem sending modus code: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } }