package com.felix.util; /* * Created on 17.03.2005 * * @author Felix Burkhardt */ import; /** * * Mix an audio source file with some other audio while keeping the length of * the source file, i.e. repeating or cutting the mix file. * * @author Burkhardt.Felix * * */ public class SoundMixer_16bit { static boolean littleEndian = false; static final short MAXVAL = Short.MAX_VALUE; /** * Mix an audio source file with some other audio while keeping the length * of the source file, i.e. repeating or cutting the mix file. * Mixing short-wise (2 bytes). * * @param sourceFile * @param mixFile * @param outFile * @param factor */ public void mix(String sourceFile, String mixFile, String outFile, double factor) { try { short outData[] = mix(sourceFile, mixFile, factor); File outfile = new File(outFile); FileUtil.writeFileContent(outfile, outData, littleEndian); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * * Mix an audio source file with some other audio while keeping the length * of the source file, i.e. repeating or cutting the mix file. * * @param sourceFile * @param mixFile * @param factor * @return An array with the result values. */ public short[] mix(String sourceFile, String mixFile, double factor) { File infile1 = new File(sourceFile); File infile2 = new File(mixFile); try { short[] indata1 = AudioUtil.byteToShort(FileUtil.getFileContentAsByteArray(infile1.getPath()),littleEndian); short[] indata2 = AudioUtil.byteToShort(FileUtil.getFileContentAsByteArray(infile2.getPath()),littleEndian); return mix(indata1, indata2, factor); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * * Mix an audio source file with some other audio while keeping the length * of the source file, i.e. repeating or cutting the mix file. * * @param source * A short array containing the source audio. * @param mix * A short array containing the mixing audio. * @param factor * The weighting factor (0-1) of the mixing audio. * @return An array with the result values. */ public short[] mix(short[] source, short[] mix, double factor) { int if1length = source.length; int if2length = mix.length; short[] outData = new short[source.length]; if (if1length > if2length) { int if2c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { short s1 = source[i]; if (i >= if2length) { if2c = 0; } short s2 = mix[if2c++]; int s = s1 + (short) (factor * s2); if (s > MAXVAL) { s = MAXVAL; } outData[i] = (short) s; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { short s1 = source[i]; short s2 = mix[i]; int s = s1 + (short) (factor * s2); if (s > MAXVAL) { s = MAXVAL; } outData[i] = (short) s; } } return outData; } public static void main(String[] args) { String usage = "SoundMixer: mix two raw audio files weighted by a factor into an outfile." + "\nusage: SoundMixer infile1 infile2 factor outfile"; if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println(usage); } else { try { double fac = Double.valueOf(args[2]).doubleValue(); new SoundMixer_16bit().mix(args[0], args[1], args[3], fac); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println(usage); } } } }