package com.tlabs.labeltool.gui; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import com.tlabs.labeltool.IRecorder; import com.tlabs.labeltool.Recording; import com.tlabs.labeltool.RecordingTable; import java.util.Vector; /** * a special table model to handle a list of recordings and show them in a table. Most of the code was copied from sun's * bingo example (see tutorial) * * @version 1.0 * @author Felix Burkhardt */ public class RecordingsTableModel extends AbstractTableModel implements RecordingTable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * to columns: name and size. */ protected int COLUMN_NUM = 7; protected String indexName; protected String recDialogName; protected String recNameName; protected String recWordsName; protected String recLabName; protected String recPredName; protected String recSizeName; boolean useSympalog, alaw; IRecorder recorder; /** * number of recordings in the table. */ int rowNum = 0; /** * Vector of recordings. */ protected Vector<Recording> data = null; /** * constructor: inits the Vector. */ public RecordingsTableModel(Recorder r, boolean useSympalog, boolean alaw) { this.recorder = r; this.useSympalog = useSympalog; data = new Vector<Recording>(); indexName = r.getParameter("indexName"); recDialogName = r.getParameter("recDialogName"); recNameName = r.getParameter("recNameName"); recWordsName = r.getParameter("recWordsName"); recLabName = r.getParameter("recLabName"); recPredName = r.getParameter("recPredName"); recSizeName = r.getParameter("recSizeName"); if (!useSympalog) { COLUMN_NUM = 6; } this.alaw = alaw; } public Class<?> getColumnClass(int column) { return getValueAt(0, column).getClass(); } /** * returns num of columns. */ public synchronized int getColumnCount() { return COLUMN_NUM; } /** * returns number of rows (=recordings). */ public synchronized int getRowCount() { return rowNum; } /** * returns names of columns. */ public synchronized String getColumnName(int col) { switch (col) { case 0: return indexName; case 1: return recDialogName; case 2: return recNameName; case 3: return recSizeName; case 4: return recWordsName; case 5: return recLabName; case 6: return recPredName; } return ""; } /** * returns value in table. */ public synchronized Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { try { Recording r = (Recording) data.elementAt(row); switch (col) { case 0: return row + 1; case 1: return new String(r.dialog); case 2: return new String(; case 3: if (!alaw) { return new String(r.getTimeInSecString() + " sec"); } else { return "NA for alaw"; } case 4: if (recorder.showTranscript()) { return new String(r.words); } else { return r.recognition; } case 5: return new String(r.getAngerLabString()); case 6: return new String(r.getAngerPredString()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } /** * inserts a new recording into the table. */ public void insertRecording(Recording r) { int index; index = rowNum; data.add(rowNum, r); fireTableRowsInserted(index, index); rowNum++; } /** * removes the recording in specified row from the table. */ public void deleteRecording(int row) { data.removeElementAt(row); fireTableRowsDeleted(row, row + 1); } /** * returns the name of a recording. */ public String getNameAtRow(int row) { Recording r = (Recording) data.elementAt(row); return; } /** * returns the recording. */ public Recording getRecordingAtRow(int row) { Recording r = (Recording) data.elementAt(row); return r; } /** * removes all elements from table. */ public void clear() { int oldRowNum = rowNum; rowNum = 0; data.removeAllElements(); fireTableRowsDeleted(0, oldRowNum); } }