package com.tlabs.speechalyzer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator; import psk.cmdline.ApplicationSettings; import psk.cmdline.BooleanToken; import psk.cmdline.StringToken; import psk.cmdline.TokenOptions; import com.felix.util.AudioUtil; import com.felix.util.FileUtil; import com.felix.util.KeyValues; import com.felix.util.NLPUtil; import com.felix.util.StringUtil; import com.felix.util.Util; import com.felix.util.logging.Log4JLogger; import com.felix.util.logging.LoggerInterface; import com.stibocatalog.hunspell.Hunspell; import com.stibocatalog.hunspell.Hunspell.Dictionary; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.classifier.Categories; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.classifier.ClassificationResult; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.classifier.EvaluatorThread; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.classifier.IClassifier; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.classifier.WEKAClassifier; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.featureextract.IExtractor; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.featureextract.OpenEarExtractor; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.featureextract.PraatExtractor; import com.tlabs.speechalyzer.util.EmlUtils; /** * The main class for the recording server. The server is implemented as a * thread that waits for tcp-connections from the client. The * communication-protocol between client & server is defined by the modus: the * first integer that is send by the client. * * @version 1.0 * @author Felix Burkhardt */ public class Speechalyzer extends Thread { /** * Mode selects the communication between server and client. <br> * 0: recording. <br> * 1: playing. <br> * 2: judge _file emotionally. <br> * 3: delete a _file. <br> * 4: send the list of recordings to client. 5: reset sympalog module 6: * reset list of ratings 7: send general message 8: receive emotion * judgement 9: _transcript a _file * * <br> */ private int mode; public final static int MODE_RECORD = 0; public final static int MODE_PLAY = 1; public final static int MODE_JUDGE = 2; public final static int MODE_DELETE = 3; public final static int MODE_SEND_LIST = 4; public final static int MODE_STOP = 5; public final static int MODE_EVALUATE = 6; public final static int MODE_MESSAGE = 7; public final static int MODE_SET_LABEL = 8; public final static int MODE_SET_TRANS = 9; public final static int MODE_RECOGNIZE = 10; // private RecordThread recordThread; // private PlayThread playThread; // private JudgeAllThread judgeAllThread; // private SendFileListThread sendFileListThread; // private TrainThread trainThread; private String _filePath; private String _fileList = ""; private String _fileEmotionML = ""; private ApplicationSettings _aps = null; private File _file; private AudioFileManager _afm; private File _recordingDir; public int _port = 0; private String _charEnc; int neutralThreshold = 100; public static KeyValues _config; public LoggerInterface _logger = null; private IClassifier _classifier; private IExtractor _featExtractor; private Hunspell hunspell; private boolean _emotionmlMode = false; /** * * @param sympaConfigName * Name der Konfiguration * @param recDir * Pfad zu den Dialogen. */ public Speechalyzer(String[] args) { _aps = new ApplicationSettings(); BooleanToken showUsage = new BooleanToken("h", "print usage", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(showUsage); StringToken configFile = new StringToken("cf", "configuration file", "", TokenOptions.optDefault, Constants.CONFIG_FILE_NAME); _aps.addToken(configFile); StringToken recordingDir = new StringToken("rd", "directory with recordings", "", TokenOptions.optDefault, ""); _aps.addToken(recordingDir); StringToken fileList = new StringToken( "fl", "<textlist with audiofiles>.\n\t\tFormat: filePath label_1 label_2 ... label_i", "", TokenOptions.optDefault, ""); _aps.addToken(fileList); StringToken fileEmotionML = new StringToken("fe", "<EmotionML document>.\n\t\tFormat: XML", "", TokenOptions.optDefault, ""); _aps.addToken(fileEmotionML); StringToken audioFormat = new StringToken("aft", "Set audio file type, e.g. wav or pcm", "", TokenOptions.optDefault, ""); _aps.addToken(audioFormat); StringToken sampleRate = new StringToken("srt", "Set audio sample rate, e.g. 8000 or 16000", "", TokenOptions.optDefault, ""); _aps.addToken(sampleRate); StringToken port = new StringToken("port", "Set port number, e.g. 6666", "", TokenOptions.optDefault, ""); _aps.addToken(port); BooleanToken pe = new BooleanToken( "pe", "Print evaluation format to stdout.\n\t\tFormat: filepath <string label> <prediction category>.\n", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pe); BooleanToken pm = new BooleanToken( "pm", "Print EmotionML. All recordings with labels get printed out.\n", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pm); BooleanToken pp = new BooleanToken( "pp", "Print prediction to stdout.\n\t\tFormat: filepath <prediction category>.\n", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pp); BooleanToken pf = new BooleanToken("pf", "Prints file info to stdout.\n\t\tFormat: filepath size", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pf); BooleanToken pl = new BooleanToken( "pl", "Prints labels to stdout.\n\t\tFormat: filepath label_1 label_2...label_i", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pl); BooleanToken pi = new BooleanToken( "pi", "Prints labels as integers to stdout.\n\t\tFormat: filepath label_1 label_2...label_i", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pi); BooleanToken pt = new BooleanToken( "pt", "Prints transcriptions to stdout.\n\t\tFormat: filepath _transcript", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pt); BooleanToken pnt = new BooleanToken( "pnt", "Prints files without transcriptions to stdout.\n\t\tFormat: filepath", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pnt); BooleanToken pc = new BooleanToken( "pc", "Prints categories to stdout.\n\t\tFormat: filepath filesize C_all C_l1 C_l2...C_li\n\t\t(C=category).", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(pc); BooleanToken prtl = new BooleanToken( "prtl", "Prints transcriptions and labels to stdout (if BOTH exist).\n\t\tFormat: <filepath> <transcript> <label>\n\t\texample: recs/rec.wav \"bla bla\" -3", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(prtl); BooleanToken al = new BooleanToken( "al", "Adds labels from textlist.\n\t\tFormat: filepath label_1...label_n", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(al); BooleanToken at = new BooleanToken( "at", "Adds transcriptions from textlist.\n\t\tFormat: filepath transcript_1...transcript_n", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(at); BooleanToken ar = new BooleanToken( "ar", "Adds recognition results from textlist.\n\t\tFormat: filepath recognized word_1...recognized word_n", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(ar); BooleanToken gw = new BooleanToken( "gw", "Generate (syntheseize) wav-files in textlist according to transcriptions", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(gw); BooleanToken rl = new BooleanToken("rl", "Replaces/adds given labels in textlist to all files", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(rl); BooleanToken wer = new BooleanToken( "wer", "compute word error rate for loaded audio files (must be transcribed and recognized)", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(wer); BooleanToken scliteOption = new BooleanToken("sclite", "sclite wer comuptation option", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(scliteOption); BooleanToken mixAll = new BooleanToken("mixAll", "Mix sound to all files", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(mixAll); BooleanToken removeAnnotationFiles = new BooleanToken( "removeAnnotationFiles", "Removes all annotation files \n\t\t(containing transcription and labels)", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(removeAnnotationFiles); BooleanToken classify = new BooleanToken("classify", "Classifiy all files.", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(classify); BooleanToken train = new BooleanToken("train", "Train a model from all files.", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(train); BooleanToken noExtract = new BooleanToken( "noExtract", "If set, features will not be extracted before model training.", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(noExtract); BooleanToken evaluate = new BooleanToken( "eval", "Evaluate given list internally (samples MUST have associated annotation files with labels and predictions)", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(evaluate); BooleanToken removeLabels = new BooleanToken("removeLabels", "Removes all labels for files given in textlist", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(removeLabels); BooleanToken removePredictions = new BooleanToken("removePreds", "Removes all predictions for files given in textlist", "", TokenOptions.optSwitch, false); _aps.addToken(removePredictions); try { _aps.parseArgs(args); if (showUsage.getValue()) { System.out.println("Speechalyzer version " + Constants.version); _aps.printUsage(); System.exit(0); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } _fileList = fileList.getValue(); _fileEmotionML = fileEmotionML.getValue(); _config = new KeyValues(configFile.getValue(), "="); _emotionmlMode = _config.getBool("emotionmlMode"); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.tlabs.speechalyzer.Speechalyzer"); _logger = new Log4JLogger(logger); if (FileUtil.existFile(_config.getPathValue("logConfig"))) { DOMConfigurator.configure(_config.getPathValue("logConfig")); } else { System.err.println("log config file not found: " + _config.getPathValue("logConfig")); } String rd = recordingDir.getValue(); if (rd.length() > 1) { _recordingDir = new File(rd); } else { _recordingDir = new File(_config.getString("recordingDir")); } if (!_recordingDir.exists()) _recordingDir.mkdir(); if (!new File("tmp").exists()) new File("tmp").mkdir();"Speechalyzer " + Constants.version); if (_config.getBool("useWEKA")) { _classifier = new WEKAClassifier(_config); } else { _logger.error("no classifier"); } if (_config.getBool("usePraat")) { _featExtractor = new PraatExtractor(_config); } else if (_config.getBool("useOpenEar")) { _featExtractor = new OpenEarExtractor(_config); } else { _logger.error("no feature extractor"); } _afm = new AudioFileManager(_fileList, _config, _recordingDir); if (audioFormat.getValue().length() > 0) { _afm.setAudioExtension(audioFormat.getValue()); } if (sampleRate.getValue().length() > 0) { _afm.setSampleRate(Integer.parseInt(sampleRate.getValue())); } if (port.getValue().length() > 0) { _port = Integer.parseInt(port.getValue()); } else { _port = Integer.parseInt(_config.getString("port")); } if (audioFormat.getValue().length() > 0 || sampleRate.getValue().length() > 0) { _afm.reload(); } if (StringUtil.isFilled(_fileEmotionML)) { _afm.parseEmotionMLFromFile(_fileEmotionML); _emotionmlMode = true; } if (pe.getValue()) {"printing out evaluation format"); Vector<RecFile> recFiles = _afm.getAudioFiles(); for (Iterator<RecFile> iterator = recFiles.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { RecFile recFile = (RecFile); System.out.println(recFile._path + " " + recFile.getStringLabel() + " " + recFile.getClassificationResult().getWinner() .getCat()); } } else if (pm.getValue()) {"printing out EmotionML"); _afm.printEmotionML(System.out); } else if (pp.getValue()) {"printing out filename and predicted category"); Vector<RecFile> recFiles = _afm.getAudioFiles(); for (Iterator<RecFile> iterator = recFiles.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { RecFile recFile = (RecFile); System.out.println(recFile._path + " " + recFile.getClassificationResult().getWinner() .getCat()); } } else if (evaluate.getValue()) {"evaluating files and printing to system.out..."); EvaluatorThread et = new EvaluatorThread(_afm, new Categories( _config.getString("categories"))); et.start(); while (et.isRunning()) Util.sleep(1000); System.out.println(et.getSummary()); } else if (pc.getValue()) {"printing out filename and categories from labels"); for (RecFile recFile : _afm.getAudioFiles()) { String output = recFile._path + " " + recFile.getStringLabels(); if (output != null) { System.out.println(output); } } } else if (prtl.getValue()) {"printing out thranscripts and labels"); for (RecFile recFile : _afm.getAudioFiles()) { String output = recFile.getTranscritpionAndLabel(); if (output != null) { System.out.println(output); } } } else if (pf.getValue()) {"printing out File Info"); for (RecFile recFile : _afm.getAudioFiles()) { System.out.println(recFile._path + " " + recFile._size); } } else if (pl.getValue()) {"printing out labels"); for (RecFile recFile : _afm.getAudioFiles()) { if (recFile._lab != null) { System.out.println(recFile._path + " " + recFile.labToString()); } } } else if (pi.getValue()) {"printing out labels as integers"); for (RecFile recFile : _afm.getAudioFiles()) { if (recFile._lab != null) { System.out.println(recFile._path + " " + recFile.labToIntString()); } } } else if (pt.getValue()) {"printing out transcripts"); for (RecFile recFile : _afm.getAudioFiles()) { String trans = recFile.getTranscript(); if (trans != null && trans.length() > 0) { System.out.println(recFile._path + " " + trans); } } } else if (pnt.getValue()) {"printing out files without transcripts ..."); for (RecFile recFile : _afm.getAudioFiles()) { String trans = recFile.getTranscript(); if (trans != null && trans.length() > 0) { } else { System.out.println(recFile._path); } } } else if (at.getValue()) {"adding/overwrite transcripts from file..."); _afm.addTranscripts(_fileList); } else if (ar.getValue()) {"adding/overwrite recognition results from file..."); _afm.addRecognition(_fileList); } else if (gw.getValue()) {"synthesizing from file..."); _afm.addTranscriptsAndSynthesize(_fileList); System.exit(0); } else if (al.getValue()) {"adding labels from file..."); _afm.addLabels(_fileList); } else if (rl.getValue()) {"replacing labels from file..."); _afm.replaceLabels(_fileList); } else if (removeLabels.getValue()) {"removing all labels ..."); _afm.removeLabels(); } else if (removePredictions.getValue()) {"removing all predictions ..."); _afm.removePredictions(); } else if (removeAnnotationFiles.getValue()) {"removing all annotation files ..."); for (RecFile recFile : _afm.getAudioFiles()) { recFile.removeAnnotationFile(); } } else if (classify.getValue()) {"judging all files"); JudgeAllThread judgeAllThread = new JudgeAllThread(_afm, _classifier, _featExtractor); judgeAllThread.start(); while (judgeAllThread.isRunning()) { Util.sleep(1000); System.out.print("."); } judgeAllThread = null; } else if (train.getValue()) {"Training a model from all files"); boolean extract = !noExtract.getValue(); TrainThread trainThread = new TrainThread(_featExtractor, _classifier, _afm, _config, extract); trainThread.start(); } else if (mixAll.getValue()) {"mixing sound to all files"); MixAllThread mixAllThread = new MixAllThread(_afm, _config); mixAllThread.start(); while (mixAllThread.isRunning()) { Util.sleep(1000); System.out.print("."); } mixAllThread = null; } else if (wer.getValue()) {"computing word error rate"); computeWER(); } else if (scliteOption.getValue()) {"producing sclite output"); _afm.printHypothesisFile(); _afm.printReferenceFile(); String cmd = _config.getString("scliteTool") + " -r " + _config.getString("referenceFile") + " -h " + _config.getString("hypothesisFile") + " -i rm -f 0 -o pra"; try { Util.execCmd(cmd, _logger); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { this.start(); } } public LoggerInterface getLogger() { return _logger; } /** * Starts the server. */ public void run() { Socket s; ServerSocket ss = null; BufferedReader stringReader; DataInputStream in; DataOutputStream out; FileOutputStream _fileout; DataInputStream filein; /** * Start a socket server listening on port 6666. */ try { ss = new ServerSocket(_port); System.out.println("Speechalyzer " + Constants.version + " started: " + ss); if (!_config.getBool("withSpellChecker")) { System.out.println("spellchecker disabled"); } _charEnc = _config.getString("charEnc"); System.out.println("audio type: " + _config.getString("audioFormat") + ", character encoding: " + _charEnc); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); _logger.error("Problem to start server on Port " + _port + ": " + e); System.exit(-1); } if (_config.getBool("withSpellChecker")) { initHunspell(); checkSpelling("k�hlschrank"); } /** * Main loop. Server never finishes. */ while (true) { /** * Create a socket on top of server socket that listens for client. * On Connection introduce input and output stream. */ try { s = ss.accept();"Connection with: " + s.getInetAddress()); in = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream()); out = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); /** * First thing: read in the mode. */ mode = in.readInt(); /** * Recording mode. The server expects a fileName and a stream of * bytes. The audio-format is defined by the client. * */ if (mode == MODE_RECORD) {"Modus: recording"); stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String fileName = stringReader.readLine();"recording to _file _name: " + fileName); _file = new File(_recordingDir, fileName); _fileout = new FileOutputStream(_file); RecordThread recordThread = new RecordThread(in, _fileout); recordThread.start(); } /** * recording has stopped. */ else if (mode == MODE_STOP) {"Modus: stopping"); stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String fileName = stringReader.readLine(); if (_config.getString("audioFormat").compareTo("wav") == 0) { _file = new File(_recordingDir, fileName); _afm.addAudioFile(_file); byte[] data = FileUtil.getFileContentAsByteArray(_file .getAbsolutePath()); FileUtil.delete(_file.getAbsolutePath()); AudioUtil.writeAudioToWavFile(data, AudioUtil.FORMAT_PCM_16KHZ, _file.getAbsolutePath());"converted " + data.length + " bytes and saved to file: " + fileName); } } /** * play mode. server expects a filename and starts a new play * thread. */ else if (mode == MODE_PLAY) {"Modus: playing"); stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); _filePath = stringReader.readLine(); int offset = Integer.parseInt(stringReader.readLine()); _file = _afm.findAudioFile(_filePath)._file;"playing from _file _name: " + _file.getName()); filein = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(_file)); PlayThread playThread = new PlayThread(out, filein, offset); playThread.start(); } /** * judge _file emotionally */ else if (mode == MODE_JUDGE) { stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); _filePath = stringReader.readLine();"Modus: judge file " + _filePath + " emotionally"); _featExtractor.extractFeatures(new File(_filePath) .getAbsolutePath()); ClassificationResult cr = _classifier.classify(); out.writeBytes(String.valueOf(cr.toString() + '\n')); out.writeBytes(String.valueOf(_featExtractor.getInfo() + ", " + _classifier.getInfo() + '\n'));"Modus: judge file " + _filePath + " emotionally: " + cr.toString()); RecFile recFile = _afm.findAudioFile(_filePath); recFile.storePred(cr); _afm.updateAudioFile(_filePath); } /** * remove mode. read the fileName and remove it from directory. */ else if (mode == MODE_DELETE) {"Modus: delete _file not supported any more"); stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); _filePath = stringReader.readLine(); } /** * update _file list mode. start a sendFileList thread. */ else if (mode == MODE_SEND_LIST) { // update list of recordings stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); boolean updateAFM = Boolean.parseBoolean(stringReader .readLine());"Modus: send filelist"); SendFileListThread sendFileListThread = new SendFileListThread( out, _afm, updateAFM); sendFileListThread.start(); } /** * evaluate model */ else if (mode == MODE_EVALUATE) {"Modus: evaluate model"); stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String msg = stringReader.readLine();"Modus: got Msg: " + msg); String evalResult = ""; if (msg.compareTo("files") == 0) { EvaluatorThread et = new EvaluatorThread(_afm, new Categories(_config.getString("categories"))); // don't do it as a thread, but synchronous; evalResult = et.getSummary(); } else { evalResult = _classifier.evaluate(); }; evalResult = URLEncoder.encode(evalResult, _charEnc); out.writeBytes(evalResult + '\n'); out.writeBytes("finished\n"); } /** * respond to a client's message */ else if (mode == MODE_MESSAGE) { // general send message stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String msg = stringReader.readLine();"Modus: got Msg: " + msg); /** * Rename recording. */ if (msg.startsWith("rename;")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";"); String fp = tokens[1]; String newName = tokens[2];"rename file: " + fp + " to " + newName); _afm.renameRecording(fp, newName); } /** * Delete files. */ if (msg.startsWith("delete;")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"deleting files: " + msg); for (int i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++) { deleteFile(tokens[i]); } } /** * Change audio type. */ else if (msg.startsWith("audioFormat;")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"changing audio format to: " + tokens[1]); _afm.setAudioExtension(tokens[1]); } /** * Word Spelling check. */ else if (msg.startsWith("check;")) { if (_config.getBool("withSpellChecker")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"checking word: " + tokens[1]); List<String> sl = checkSpelling(tokens[1]); if (sl == null || sl.size() == 0) { out.writeBytes("ok\n"); } else { out.writeBytes(StringUtil.stringList2String(sl, " ") + '\n'); } } else {"no spellChecker activated"); out.writeBytes("no spellChecker activated\n"); } out.writeBytes("finished\n"); } /** * Dictionary Word add. */ else if (msg.startsWith("addWord;")) { if (_config.getBool("withSpellChecker")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"adding word to dictionary: " + tokens[1]); addWordToDictionary(tokens[1]); } else {"no spellChecker activated"); } } /** * open */ else if (msg.startsWith("open;")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"open file: " + tokens[1]); _afm.reload(tokens[1].trim()); } else if (msg.startsWith("openDir;")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"open directory: " + tokens[1]); _afm.reloadDir(tokens[1].trim()); } else if (msg.startsWith("openModel;")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"open classifier model: " + tokens[1]); _classifier.loadModel(tokens[1].trim()); } else if (msg.startsWith("exportTranscriptsToFile;")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"export transcriptps to file: " + tokens[1]); if (_emotionmlMode) { _afm.printEmotionML(new PrintStream( new FileOutputStream(new File( tokens[1].trim())))); } else { printLlistToFile(tokens[1].trim()); } } else if (msg.startsWith("importTranscriptsFromFile;")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";");"import transcriptps from file: " + tokens[1]); _afm.importTranscriptions(tokens[1].trim()); } /** * synthesize all */ else if (msg.startsWith("synthesizeAll")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";"); String female = tokens[1]; String lang = tokens[2];"synthesizing all files with female " + female + " and language " + lang); _afm.synthesizeAll(Boolean.valueOf(female), lang); } /** * synthesize several */ else if (msg.startsWith("synthesize")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";"); String female = tokens[1]; String lang = tokens[2];"synthesizing files with female " + female + " and language " + lang); for (int i = 3; i < tokens.length; i++) { String fn = tokens[i].trim();"Modus: synthesizing file: " + fn); RecFile rec = _afm.findAudioFile(fn); if (rec != null) { rec.generateAudioFile(Boolean.valueOf(female), lang); } else { _logger.error("can'T synthesize: " + fn + " because recording not stored"); } } } /** * execute a command on the audio file */ else if (msg.startsWith("exec")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";"); String fn = tokens[1].trim();"Modus: executing command on file: " + fn); // RecFile rec = _afm.findAudioFile(fn); String cmd = _config.getString("execCmd") + " " + fn; Util.execCmd(cmd, _logger); } /** * compute WER */ else if (msg.startsWith("wer")) { String result = computeWER(); out.writeBytes(result + '\n'); out.writeBytes("finished\n"); } /** * normalize all */ else if (msg.compareTo("normalizeAll") == 0) {"Modus: normalizing all files"); _afm.normalizeAll(); } /** * normalize one */ else if (msg.startsWith("normalize")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";"); RecFile rec = _afm.findAudioFile(tokens[1].trim());"Modus: normalizing file"); rec.normalizeTranscription(); } /** * judge all */ else if (msg.compareTo("judgeAll") == 0) {"Modus: judging all files"); JudgeAllThread judgeAllThread = new JudgeAllThread( _afm, _classifier, _featExtractor); judgeAllThread.start(); } /** * recognize all */ else if (msg.compareTo("recognizeAll") == 0) {"Modus: recognizing all files"); Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { _afm.recognizeAll(); } }; new Thread(runnable).start(); } /** * remove last label */ else if (msg.startsWith("removeLastLabel")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";"); _afm.removeLastLabel(tokens[1].trim()); } /** * remove the predictions */ else if (msg.startsWith("removeAllPredictions")) { _afm.removePredictions(); } /** * remove last predicate (judgement) */ else if (msg.startsWith("removePred")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";"); _afm.removeLastPred(tokens[1].trim()); } /** * delete all untagged (without a label) */ else if (msg.startsWith("removeUntagged")) { _afm.removeUntagged(); } /** * retrain the model */ else if (msg.startsWith("train")) { boolean extract = true; if (msg.endsWith("false")) { extract = false; }"Modus: train classification model"); TrainThread trainThread = new TrainThread( _featExtractor, _classifier, _afm, _config, extract); trainThread.start(); } /** * set classifier type */ else if (msg.startsWith("classifierType")) { String tokens[] = msg.split(";"); String newClassifierType = tokens[1].trim();"Modus: change classifier type to: " + newClassifierType); _classifier.setClassifierType(newClassifierType); } else {"Message: " + msg); } } /** * set a new label. */ else if (mode == MODE_SET_LABEL) {"Modus: set _file emo"); stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); _filePath = stringReader.readLine(); String emo = stringReader.readLine(); RecFile recFile = _afm.findAudioFile(_filePath); recFile.addLabel(emo); _afm.updateAudioFile(_filePath); } /** * set a transcription */ else if (mode == MODE_SET_TRANS) { // set transcription stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); _filePath = stringReader.readLine(); String transcript = URLDecoder.decode( stringReader.readLine(), _charEnc);"Modus: set _transcript for _file " + _filePath + ": " + transcript); RecFile recFile = _afm.findAudioFile(_filePath); recFile.storeTranscript(transcript); _afm.updateAudioFile(_filePath); } /** * recognize the words */ else if (mode == MODE_RECOGNIZE) { // start recognition request"Modus: start recognition process"); stringReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); _filePath = stringReader.readLine(); RecFile rf = _afm.findAudioFile(_filePath); String result = EmlUtils.recognizeFile(_filePath); rf.storeRecongnition(result); out.writeBytes(result + '\n'); out.writeBytes("finished\n"); } /** * shouldn't happen. */ else {"unsupported mode; " + mode); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error("error while communicating with client: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void deleteFile(String path) { File deleteFile = _afm.findAudioFileAndRemove(path);"delete _file _name: " + deleteFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", _size: " + deleteFile.length()); try { deleteFile.delete(); } catch (Exception e) {; e.printStackTrace(); } } private void printTranscrptionsToFile(String fileName) {"printing out transcripts"); Vector<RecFile> recFiles = _afm.getAudioFiles(); Vector<String> newVec = new Vector<String>(); for (Iterator<RecFile> iterator = recFiles.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { RecFile recFile = (RecFile); String trans = recFile.getTranscript(); if (trans != null && trans.length() > 0) { newVec.add(recFile._path + " " + trans); } } try { FileUtil.writeFileContent(fileName, newVec, _charEnc); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } private void printLlistToFile(String fileName) {"printing out list ro file: " + fileName); Vector<RecFile> recFiles = _afm.getAudioFiles(); Vector<String> newVec = new Vector<String>(); for (Iterator<RecFile> iterator = recFiles.iterator(); iterator .hasNext();) { RecFile recFile = (RecFile); String trans = recFile.getTranscript(); newVec.add(recFile._path + " " + trans); } try { FileUtil.writeFileContent(fileName, newVec, _charEnc); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } private String computeWER() { String ret = ""; _afm.printHypothesisFile(); _afm.printReferenceFile(); String cmd = _config.getString("scliteTool") + " -r " + _config.getString("referenceFile") + " -h " + _config.getString("hypothesisFile") + " -i rm -f 0 -o rsum"; try { Util.execCmd(cmd, _logger); String resFileName = _config.getString("hypothesisFile") + ".raw"; FileUtil.waitForFile(resFileName, false); Vector<String> lines = FileUtil.getFileLines(new File(resFileName)); for (Iterator iterator = lines.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String string = (String); if (string.trim().startsWith("| Sum")) { System.out.println(string); String[] parts = StringUtil.stringToArray(string); int total = Integer.parseInt(parts[4]); int substitutions = Integer.parseInt(parts[7]); int deletions = Integer.parseInt(parts[8]); int insertions = Integer.parseInt(parts[9]); double wer = NLPUtil.computeWER(total, substitutions, deletions, insertions); System.out.println("word error rate= " + wer); ret = "WER: " + wer + " " + string; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } private void initHunspell() { try { hunspell = null; hunspell = Hunspell.getInstance(); _logger.debug("HunSpell initialized --- loading dics"); String dics = "de_DE;en_US"; if (dics != null) { String[] dic = dics.split(";"); for (String d : dic) { Dictionary dd = hunspell.getDictionary("res/dict/" + d + "/" + d); if (dd != null) { _logger.debug("Dictionary " + d + " loaded"); } else { _logger.debug("Could not load Dictionary " + d); } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Could not initialize HunSpell"); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } private List<String> checkSpelling(String word) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); String lang = "res/dict/de_DE/de_DE"; try { if (hunspell.getDictionary(lang).misspelled(word)) { ret = hunspell.getDictionary(lang).suggest(word); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { Util.errorOut(e, _logger); } for (String s : ret) { _logger.debug(s); } return ret; } private void addWordToDictionary(String word) { String dicName = "res/dict/de_DE/de_DE.dic"; try { Vector fileLines = FileUtil.getFileLines(dicName); fileLines.add(word); FileUtil.writeFileContent(dicName, fileLines); initHunspell(); } catch (Exception e) { Util.errorOut(e, _logger); } } /** * call the server from commandline * * @param optional * arguments */ public static void main(String args[]) { new Speechalyzer(args); } }