package com.tlabs.labeltool; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * class to describe a recording. * * @version 1.0 * @author Felix Burkhardt */ public class Recording implements Comparable<Recording>, Angerable { public String name; public String path; public String recognition=""; public int size; public String dialog = "unknown"; public String words; public ClassificationResult _prediction; public double lab[] = null; private Categories _categories; public IRecorder _recorder; public Recording(String path, String size, String words, double lab[], String prediction, String cateogories, IRecorder recorder) { this.path = path; _categories = new Categories(cateogories); // String sf[] = path.split(System.getProperty("file.separator")); // = sf[sf.length-1]; // this.dialog = sf[sf.length-2]; File tmpF = new File(path); = tmpF.getName(); File parFile = tmpF.getParentFile(); if (parFile != null) { this.dialog = parFile.getName(); } this.size = Integer.parseInt(size); this.words = words; if (lab.length > 1 || lab[0] != -1) { this.lab = lab; } this._prediction = new ClassificationResult(prediction); _recorder = recorder; } public void setPrediction(String prediction) { this._prediction = new ClassificationResult(prediction); } public int compareTo(Recording o) { if (dialog.compareTo(o.dialog) == 0) { return -name.compareTo(; } return -dialog.compareTo(o.dialog); } public String toString() { return dialog + " " + name + " " + size + " " + words + " " + getAngerLabString() + " " + getAngerPredString(); } public String labToString() { String ret = ""; if (lab == null || lab.length == 0) { return "-1"; } for (int i = 0; i < lab.length; i++) { ret += (int) lab[i] + " "; } return ret.trim(); } public String getAngerPredString() { if (_prediction==null) return "-"; String retString = _prediction.getWinner() != null ? _prediction .getWinner().toString() : "-"; return retString; } public void removeLastLabel() { double newD[]; if (lab != null && lab.length > 1) { newD = new double[lab.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < lab.length - 1; i++) { newD[i] = lab[i]; } this.lab = newD; return; } this.lab = null; } public void removePrediction() { this._prediction = null; } public String getAngerLabString() { if (getAngerLab() != null) { return getAngerLab() + " (" + String.valueOf(Util.roundDoubleToOne(computeLab(lab))) + ")" + " " + labToString(); } return "-"; } public String getTimeInSecString() { return Integer.toString(size / _recorder.getSampleRate()); } public int getTimeInSec() { return size / _recorder.getSampleRate(); } public void setAngerLab(double lab[]) { this.lab = lab; } public void addAngerLab(double d) { double newD[]; System.err.println("adding label: " + d); if (lab != null && lab.length > 0) { newD = new double[lab.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < lab.length; i++) { newD[i] = lab[i]; } newD[lab.length] = d; } else { newD = new double[1]; newD[0] = d; } this.lab = newD; } /** * return the mean value. if majority is 0 return 0. * * @param lab * @return */ private double computeLab(double lab[]) { if (lab == null || lab.length == 0) { return -1; } double sum = 0; int sumOfZero = 0; ; for (int i = 0; i < lab.length; i++) { sum += lab[i]; if (lab[i] == 0) { sumOfZero++; } } // if most labelers judge "NA" return "NA" if (sumOfZero > lab.length / 2) { return 0; } return sum / lab.length; } public void setWords(String words) { this.words = words; } public String getAngerLab() { return _categories.getCategoryForJudgement(computeLab(lab)); } public boolean isAngry() { if (computeLab(lab) >= 3) { return true; } return false; } public boolean seemsAngry(double threshold) { if (_prediction != null && _prediction.getWinner() != null && _prediction.getWinner().getCat().startsWith("A")) { return true; } return false; } public int getSize() { return size; } }