package org.jboss.seam.ui; import javax.faces.FacesException; /** * An exception is thrown when the authenticity of a JSF command (i.e., form post) * that relies on a UIToken cannot be verified. * * @author Dan Allen */ public class UnauthorizedCommandException extends FacesException { private String viewId; /** * <p>Construct a new exception with no detail message or root cause.</p> */ public UnauthorizedCommandException() { super(); } /** * <p>Construct a new exception with a detail message and the view ID</p> */ public UnauthorizedCommandException(String viewId, String message) { super(message); this.viewId = viewId; } /** * <p>Returns the view ID to which the authorized command was directed.</p> */ public String getViewId() { return viewId; } /** * <p>Returns the detail message explaining the reason for the denial. * Includes the view ID if specified.</p> */ @Override public String getMessage() { if (viewId != null) { return "viewId: " + viewId + " - " + super.getMessage(); } return super.getMessage(); } }