package org.jboss.seam.navigation; import static org.jboss.seam.annotations.Install.BUILT_IN; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage.Severity; import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler; import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.convert.ConverterException; import javax.faces.model.DataModel; import javax.faces.validator.ValidatorException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.jboss.seam.Component; import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Create; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.FlushModeType; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Install; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Startup; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.intercept.BypassInterceptors; import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts; import org.jboss.seam.core.Events; import org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions; import org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions.MethodExpression; import org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions.ValueExpression; import org.jboss.seam.core.Init; import org.jboss.seam.core.Interpolator; import org.jboss.seam.core.Manager; import org.jboss.seam.core.ResourceLoader; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.DotPageDotXmlDeploymentHandler; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.FileDescriptor; import org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages; import org.jboss.seam.faces.Validation; import; import org.jboss.seam.log.LogProvider; import org.jboss.seam.log.Logging; import org.jboss.seam.pageflow.Pageflow; import; import; import org.jboss.seam.util.Resources; import org.jboss.seam.util.Strings; import org.jboss.seam.util.XML; import org.jboss.seam.web.Parameters; /** * Holds metadata for pages defined in pages.xml, including * page actions and page descriptions. * * @author Gavin King */ @Scope(ScopeType.APPLICATION) @BypassInterceptors @Name("org.jboss.seam.navigation.pages") @Install(precedence=BUILT_IN, classDependencies="javax.faces.context.FacesContext") @Startup public class Pages { private static final LogProvider log = Logging.getLogProvider(Pages.class); private ValueExpression<String> noConversationViewId; private String loginViewId; private Integer httpPort; private Integer httpsPort; private Map<String, Page> pagesByViewId; private Map<String, List<Page>> pageStacksByViewId; private Map<String, ConversationIdParameter> conversations; private String[] resources = { "/WEB-INF/pages.xml" }; private SortedSet<String> wildcardViewIds = new TreeSet<String>( new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String x, String y) { if ( x.length()<y.length() ) return -1; if ( x.length()> y.length() ) return 1; return x.compareTo(y); } } ); @Create public void create() { if (DotPageDotXmlDeploymentHandler.instance() != null) { initialize(DotPageDotXmlDeploymentHandler.instance().getResources()); } else { initialize(); } } public void initialize() { initialize(null); } public void initialize(Set<FileDescriptor> fileNames) { pagesByViewId = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, Page>()); pageStacksByViewId = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, List<Page>>()); conversations = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, ConversationIdParameter>()); for (String resource: resources) { InputStream stream = ResourceLoader.instance().getResourceAsStream(resource); if (stream==null) { log.debug("no pages.xml file found: " + resource); } else { log.debug("reading pages.xml file: " + resource); try { parse(stream); } finally { Resources.closeStream(stream); } } } if (fileNames != null) { parsePages(fileNames); } } private void parsePages(Set<FileDescriptor> files) { for (FileDescriptor file : files) { String fileName = file.getName(); String viewId = "/" + fileName.substring(0,fileName.length()-".page.xml".length()) + ".xhtml"; // needs more here InputStream stream = null; try { stream = file.getUrl().openStream(); } catch (IOException exception) { // No-op } if (stream != null) { log.debug("reading pages.xml file: " + fileName); try { parse(stream,viewId); } finally { Resources.closeStream(stream); } } } } /** * Run any navigation rule defined in pages.xml * * @param actionExpression the action method binding expression * @param actionOutcomeValue the outcome of the action method * @return true if a navigation rule was found */ public boolean navigate(FacesContext context, String actionExpression, String actionOutcomeValue) { String viewId = getViewId(context); if (viewId!=null) { List<Page> stack = getPageStack(viewId); for (int i=stack.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { Page page = stack.get(i); Navigation navigation = page.getNavigations().get(actionExpression); if (navigation==null) { navigation = page.getDefaultNavigation(); } if ( navigation!=null && navigation.navigate(context, actionOutcomeValue) ) return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the Page object for the given view id. * * @param viewId a JSF view id */ public Page getPage(String viewId) { if (viewId==null) { //for tests return new Page(viewId); } else { Page result = getCachedPage(viewId); if (result==null) { return createPage(viewId); } else { return result; } } } /** * Create a new default Page object for a JSF view id */ private Page createPage(String viewId) { Page result = new Page(viewId); pagesByViewId.put(viewId, result); return result; } private Page getCachedPage(String viewId) { return pagesByViewId.get(viewId); } /** * Get the stack of Page objects, from least specific to * most specific, that match the given view id. * * @param viewId a JSF view id */ protected List<Page> getPageStack(String viewId) { List<Page> stack = pageStacksByViewId.get(viewId); if (stack==null) { stack = createPageStack(viewId); pageStacksByViewId.put(viewId, stack); } return stack; } /** * Create the stack of pages that match a JSF view id */ private List<Page> createPageStack(String viewId) { List<Page> stack = new ArrayList<Page>(1); if ( viewId!=null && !isDebugPage(viewId) ) { for (String wildcard: wildcardViewIds) { if ( viewId.startsWith( wildcard.substring(0, wildcard.length()-1) ) ) { stack.add( getPage(wildcard) ); } } } Page page = getPage(viewId); if (page!=null) stack.add(page); return stack; } /** * Call page actions, check permissions and validate the existence * of a conversation for pages which require a long-running * conversation, starting with the most general view id, ending at * the most specific. Also perform redirection to the required * scheme if necessary. */ public boolean preRender(FacesContext facesContext) { String viewId = getViewId(facesContext); //redirect to HTTPS if necessary String requestScheme = getRequestScheme(facesContext); if ( requestScheme!=null ) { String scheme = getScheme(viewId); if ( scheme!=null && !requestScheme.equals(scheme) ) { Manager.instance().redirect(viewId); return false; } } //apply the datamodelselection passed by s:link or s:button //before running any actions selectDataModelRow(facesContext); //redirect if necessary List<Page> pageStack = getPageStack(viewId); for ( Page page: pageStack ) { if ( isNoConversationRedirectRequired(page) ) { redirectToNoConversationView(); return false; } else if ( isLoginRedirectRequired(viewId, page) ) { redirectToLoginView(); return false; } } boolean result = callAction(facesContext); //If responseComplete then we're probably doing a redirect so don't call the page actions now. if (!facesContext.getResponseComplete()) { String newViewId = getViewId(facesContext); for ( Page page: getPageStack(newViewId) ) { if ( isNoConversationRedirectRequired(page) ) { redirectToNoConversationView(); return false; } else if ( isLoginRedirectRequired(newViewId, page) ) { redirectToLoginView(); return false; } } //run the page actions, check permissions, //handle conversation begin/end for ( Page page: getPageStack(newViewId) ) { result = page.preRender(facesContext) || result; } } return result; } /** * Look for a DataModel row selection in the request parameters, * and apply it to the DataModel. */ protected void selectDataModelRow(FacesContext facesContext) { String dataModelSelection = facesContext.getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap().get("dataModelSelection"); if (dataModelSelection!=null) { int colonLoc = dataModelSelection.indexOf(':'); int bracketLoc = dataModelSelection.indexOf('['); if (colonLoc>0 && bracketLoc>colonLoc) { String var = dataModelSelection.substring(0, colonLoc); String name = dataModelSelection.substring(colonLoc+1, bracketLoc); int index = Integer.parseInt( dataModelSelection.substring( bracketLoc+1, dataModelSelection.length()-1 ) ); Object value = Component.getInstance(name, true); if (value!=null) { DataModel dataModel = (DataModel) value; if ( index<dataModel.getRowCount() ) { dataModel.setRowIndex(index); Contexts.getEventContext().set( var, dataModel.getRowData() ); } else { log.debug("DataModel row was unavailable"); Contexts.getEventContext().remove(var); } } } } } /** * Check permissions and validate the existence of a conversation * for pages which require a long-running conversation, starting * with the most general view id, ending at the most specific. * Finally apply page parameters to the model. */ public void postRestore(FacesContext facesContext) { //first store the page parameters into the viewroot, so //that if a login redirect occurs, or if a failure //occurs while validating of applying to the model, we can //still make Redirect.captureCurrentView() work. storeRequestStringValuesInPageContext(facesContext); //check if we need to redirect String viewId = getViewId(facesContext); for ( Page page: getPageStack(viewId) ) { if ( isLoginRedirectRequired(viewId, page) ) { redirectToLoginView(); return; } else if ( isNoConversationRedirectRequired(page) ) { redirectToNoConversationView(); return; } else { //if we are about to proceed to the action //phase, check the permission. if ( !facesContext.getRenderResponse() ) { page.postRestore(facesContext); } } } //now validate the values we just stored in //the view root, after the redirect checking if ( convertAndValidateStringValuesInPageContext(facesContext) ) { Validation.instance().fail(); //and don't apply them to the model } else { //finally apply page parameters to the model //(after checking permissions) applyConvertedValidatedValuesToModel(facesContext); } } /** * Check if a login redirect is required for the current FacesContext * * @param facesContext The faces context containing the view ID * @return boolean Returns true if a login redirect is required */ public boolean isLoginRedirectRequired(FacesContext facesContext) { String viewId = getViewId(facesContext); for ( Page page: getPageStack(viewId) ) { if ( isLoginRedirectRequired(viewId, page) ) return true; } return false; } private boolean isNoConversationRedirectRequired(Page page) { return page.isConversationRequired() && !Manager.instance().isLongRunningOrNestedConversation(); } private boolean isLoginRedirectRequired(String viewId, Page page) { return page.isLoginRequired() && !viewId.equals( getLoginViewId() ) && !Identity.instance().isLoggedIn(); } public String getRequestScheme(FacesContext facesContext) { String requestUrl = getRequestUrl(facesContext); if (requestUrl==null) { return null; } else { int idx = requestUrl.indexOf(':'); return idx<0 ? null : requestUrl.substring(0, idx); } } public String encodeScheme(String viewId, FacesContext context, String url) { String scheme = getScheme(viewId); if (scheme != null) { String requestUrl = getRequestUrl(context); if (requestUrl!=null) { try { URL serverUrl = new URL(requestUrl); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(scheme); sb.append("://"); sb.append(serverUrl.getHost()); if ("http".equals(scheme) && httpPort != null) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(httpPort); } else if ("https".equals(scheme) && httpsPort != null) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(httpsPort); } else if (serverUrl.getPort() != -1) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(serverUrl.getPort()); } if (!url.startsWith("/")) sb.append("/"); sb.append(url); url = sb.toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } return url; } private static String getRequestUrl(FacesContext facesContext) { Object request = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest(); if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest) { return ( (HttpServletRequest) request).getRequestURL().toString(); } else { return null; } } public void redirectToLoginView() { notLoggedIn(); String loginViewId = getLoginViewId(); if (loginViewId==null) { throw new NotLoggedInException(); } else { Manager.instance().redirect(loginViewId); } } public void redirectToNoConversationView() { noConversation(); //stuff from jPDL takes precedence org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesPage facesPage = org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesPage.instance(); String pageflowName = facesPage.getPageflowName(); String pageflowNodeName = facesPage.getPageflowNodeName(); String noConversationViewId = null; if (pageflowName==null || pageflowNodeName==null) { String viewId = Pages.getCurrentViewId(); noConversationViewId = getNoConversationViewId(viewId); } else { noConversationViewId = Pageflow.instance().getNoConversationViewId(pageflowName, pageflowNodeName); } if (noConversationViewId!=null) { Manager.instance().redirect(noConversationViewId); } } public String getScheme(String viewId) { List<Page> stack = getPageStack(viewId); for ( int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { Page page = stack.get(i); if (page.getScheme() != null) return page.getScheme(); } return null; } public boolean hasDescription(String viewId) { return getDescription(viewId)!=null; } public String getDescription(String viewId) { List<Page> stack = getPageStack(viewId); for ( int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { Page page = stack.get(i); if (page.hasDescription()) return page.getDescription(); } return null; } public String renderDescription(String viewId) { return Interpolator.instance().interpolate( getDescription(viewId) ); } protected void noConversation() { Events.instance().raiseEvent("org.jboss.seam.noConversation"); FacesMessages.instance().addFromResourceBundleOrDefault( StatusMessage.Severity.WARN, "org.jboss.seam.NoConversation", "The conversation ended, timed out or was processing another request" ); } protected void notLoggedIn() { // TODO - Deprecated, remove for next major release Events.instance().raiseEvent("org.jboss.seam.notLoggedIn"); Events.instance().raiseEvent(Identity.EVENT_NOT_LOGGED_IN); } public static String toString(Object returnValue) { return returnValue == null ? null : returnValue.toString(); } /** * Call the JSF navigation handler */ public static void handleOutcome(FacesContext facesContext, String outcome, String fromAction) { facesContext.getApplication().getNavigationHandler() .handleNavigation(facesContext, fromAction, outcome); //after every time that the view may have changed, //we need to flush the page context, since the //attribute map is being discarder Contexts.getPageContext().flush(); } public static Pages instance() { if ( !Contexts.isApplicationContextActive() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("No active application context"); } return (Pages) Component.getInstance(Pages.class, ScopeType.APPLICATION); } /** * Call the action requested by s:link or s:button. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static boolean callAction(FacesContext facesContext) { //TODO: refactor with Pages.instance().callAction()!! boolean result = false; String outcome = facesContext.getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap().get("actionOutcome"); String fromAction = outcome; String decodedOutcome = null; if (outcome != null) { decodedOutcome = URLDecoder.decode(outcome); } if (decodedOutcome != null && (decodedOutcome.indexOf('#') >= 0 || decodedOutcome.indexOf('{') >= 0) ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("EL expressions are not allowed in actionOutcome parameter"); } if (outcome==null) { String actionId = facesContext.getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap().get("actionMethod"); if (actionId!=null) { String decodedActionId = URLDecoder.decode(actionId); if (decodedActionId != null && (decodedActionId.indexOf('#') >= 0 || decodedActionId.indexOf('{') >= 0) ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("EL expressions are not allowed in actionMethod parameter"); } if ( !SafeActions.instance().isActionSafe(actionId) ) return result; String expression = SafeActions.toAction(actionId); result = true; MethodExpression actionExpression = Expressions.instance().createMethodExpression(expression); outcome = toString( actionExpression.invoke() ); fromAction = expression; handleOutcome(facesContext, outcome, fromAction); } } else { handleOutcome(facesContext, outcome, fromAction); } return result; } /** * Build a list of page-scoped resource bundles, from most * specific view id, to most general. */ public List<ResourceBundle> getResourceBundles(String viewId) { List<ResourceBundle> result = new ArrayList<ResourceBundle>(1); List<Page> stack = getPageStack(viewId); for (int i=stack.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { Page page = stack.get(i); ResourceBundle bundle = page.getResourceBundle(); if ( bundle!=null ) result.add(bundle); } return result; } /** * Get the values of any page parameters by evaluating the value bindings * against the model and converting to String. * * @param viewId the JSF view id * @param overridden excluded parameters * @return a map of page parameter name to String value */ public Map<String, Object> getStringValuesFromModel(FacesContext facesContext, String viewId, Set<String> overridden) { Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for ( Page page: getPageStack(viewId) ) { for ( Param pageParameter: page.getParameters() ) { if ( !overridden.contains( pageParameter.getName() ) ) { String value = null; if ( pageParameter.getValueExpression()==null ) { if (Contexts.isPageContextActive()) { value = (String) Contexts.getPageContext().get(pageParameter.getName()); } } else { value = pageParameter.getStringValueFromModel(facesContext); } if (value!=null) { parameters.put( pageParameter.getName(), value ); } } } } return parameters; } private void storeRequestStringValuesInPageContext(FacesContext facesContext) { Parameters parameters = Parameters.instance(); if (parameters!=null) //for unit tests { Map<String, String[]> requestParameters = parameters.getRequestParameters(); for ( Page page: getPageStack( getViewId(facesContext) ) ) { for ( Param pageParameter: page.getParameters() ) { String value = pageParameter.getStringValueFromRequest(facesContext, requestParameters); if (value==null) { //this should not be necessary, were it not for a MyFaces bug if ( facesContext.getRenderResponse() ) //ie. for a non-faces request { Contexts.getPageContext().remove( pageParameter.getName() ); } } else { Contexts.getPageContext().set( pageParameter.getName(), value ); } } } } } /** * Convert and validate page parameters passed as view root attributes or request parameters */ private boolean convertAndValidateStringValuesInPageContext(FacesContext facesContext) { boolean validationFailed = false; for ( Page page: getPageStack( getViewId(facesContext) ) ) { for ( Param pageParameter: page.getParameters() ) { try { String value = (String) Contexts.getPageContext().get( pageParameter.getName() ); if (value!=null) { Object convertedValue = pageParameter.convertValueFromString(facesContext, value); pageParameter.validateConvertedValue(facesContext, convertedValue); Contexts.getEventContext().set( pageParameter.getName(), convertedValue ); } } catch (ValidatorException ve) { if (ve.getFacesMessage() != null) { facesContext.addMessage(null, ve.getFacesMessage()); } validationFailed = true; } catch (ConverterException ce) { if (ce.getFacesMessage() != null) { facesContext.addMessage( null, ce.getFacesMessage() ); } validationFailed = true; } } } return validationFailed; } /** * Apply page parameters passed as view root attributes or request parameters to the model */ private void applyConvertedValidatedValuesToModel(FacesContext facesContext) { String viewId = getViewId(facesContext); for ( Page page: getPageStack(viewId) ) { for ( Param pageParameter: page.getParameters() ) { ValueExpression valueExpression = pageParameter.getValueExpression(); if (valueExpression!=null) { Object object = Contexts.getEventContext().get( pageParameter.getName() ); if (object!=null) { valueExpression.setValue(object); } } } } } /** * Get the page parameter values that were passed in the original request from * the PAGE context */ public Map<String, Object> getStringValuesFromPageContext(FacesContext facesContext) { Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String viewId = getViewId(facesContext); for ( Page page: getPageStack(viewId) ) { for ( Param pageParameter: page.getParameters() ) { Object object = Contexts.getPageContext().get( pageParameter.getName() ); if (object!=null) { parameters.put( pageParameter.getName(), object ); } } } return parameters; } /** * Update the page parameter values stored in the PAGE context with the current * values of the mapped attributes of the model */ public void updateStringValuesInPageContextUsingModel(FacesContext facesContext) { for ( Page page: getPageStack( getViewId(facesContext) ) ) { for ( Param pageParameter: page.getParameters() ) { if ( pageParameter.getValueExpression()!=null ) { String value = pageParameter.getStringValueFromModel(facesContext); if (value==null) { Contexts.getPageContext().remove( pageParameter.getName() ); } else { Contexts.getPageContext().set( pageParameter.getName(), value ); } } } } } /** * Encode page parameters into a URL * * @param url the base URL * @param viewId the JSF view id of the page * @return the URL with parameters appended */ public String encodePageParameters(FacesContext facesContext, String url, String viewId) { return encodePageParameters(facesContext, url, viewId, Collections.EMPTY_SET); } /** * Encode page parameters into a URL * * @param url the base URL * @param viewId the JSF view id of the page * @param overridden excluded parameters * @return the URL with parameters appended */ public String encodePageParameters(FacesContext facesContext, String url, String viewId, Set<String> overridden) { Map<String, Object> parameters = getStringValuesFromModel(facesContext, viewId, overridden); return Manager.instance().encodeParameters(url, parameters); } /** * Search for a defined no-conversation-view-id, beginning with * the most specific view id, then wildcarded view ids, and * finally the global setting */ public String getNoConversationViewId(String viewId) { List<Page> stack = getPageStack(viewId); for (int i=stack.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { Page page = stack.get(i); if (page.getNoConversationViewId() != null) { String noConversationViewId = page.getNoConversationViewId().getValue(); if (noConversationViewId!=null) { return noConversationViewId; } } } return this.noConversationViewId != null ? this.noConversationViewId.getValue() : null; } /** * Search for a defined conversation timeout, beginning with * the most specific view id, then wildcarded view ids, and * finally the global setting from Manager */ public Integer getTimeout(String viewId) { List<Page> stack = getPageStack(viewId); for (int i=stack.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { Page page = stack.get(i); Integer timeout = page.getTimeout(); if (timeout!=null) { return timeout; } } return Manager.instance().getConversationTimeout(); } /** * Search for a defined concurrent request timeout, beginning with * the most specific view id, then wildcarded view ids, and * finally the global setting from Manager */ public Integer getConcurrentRequestTimeout(String viewId) { List<Page> stack = getPageStack(viewId); for (int i=stack.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { Page page = stack.get(i); Integer concurrentRequestTimeout = page.getConcurrentRequestTimeout(); if (concurrentRequestTimeout!=null) { return concurrentRequestTimeout; } } return Manager.instance().getConcurrentRequestTimeout(); } public static String getSuffix() { String defaultSuffix = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getInitParameter(ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME); return defaultSuffix == null ? ViewHandler.DEFAULT_SUFFIX : defaultSuffix; } /** * Parse a pages.xml file */ private void parse(InputStream stream) { Element root = getDocumentRoot(stream); if (noConversationViewId==null) //let the setting in components.xml override the pages.xml { String noConversationViewIdString = root.attributeValue("no-conversation-view-id"); if (noConversationViewIdString != null) { noConversationViewId = Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(noConversationViewIdString, String.class); } } if (loginViewId==null) //let the setting in components.xml override the pages.xml { loginViewId = root.attributeValue("login-view-id"); } if (httpPort == null) { try { String value = root.attributeValue("http-port"); if (!Strings.isEmpty(value)) { httpPort = Integer.parseInt(value); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid value specified for http-port attribute in pages.xml"); } } if (httpsPort == null) { try { String value = root.attributeValue("https-port"); if (!Strings.isEmpty(value)) { httpsPort = Integer.parseInt(value); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid valid specified for https-port attribute in pages.xml"); } } List<Element> elements = root.elements("conversation"); for (Element conversation : elements) { parseConversation(conversation, conversation.attributeValue("name")); } elements = root.elements("page"); for (Element page: elements) { parse( page, page.attributeValue("view-id") ); } } /** * Parse a file */ private void parse(InputStream stream, String viewId) { parse( getDocumentRoot(stream), viewId ); } /** * Get the root element of the document */ private static Element getDocumentRoot(InputStream stream) { try { return XML.getRootElement(stream); } catch (DocumentException de) { throw new RuntimeException(de); } } private void parseConversation(Element element, String name) { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must specify name for <conversation/> declaration"); } if (conversations.containsKey(name)) { throw new IllegalStateException("<conversation/> declaration already exists for [" + name + "]"); } NaturalConversationIdParameter param = new NaturalConversationIdParameter(name, element.attributeValue("parameter-name"), element.attributeValue("parameter-value")); conversations.put(name, param); } /** * Parse a page element and add a Page to the map */ private void parse(Element element, String viewId) { if (viewId==null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must specify view-id for <page/> declaration"); } if ( viewId.endsWith("*") ) { wildcardViewIds.add(viewId); } Page page = new Page(viewId); pagesByViewId.put(viewId, page); parsePage(page, element, viewId); parseConversationControl( element, page.getConversationControl() ); parseTaskControl(element, page.getTaskControl()); parseProcessControl(element, page.getProcessControl()); List<Element> children = element.elements("param"); for (Element param: children) { page.getParameters().add( parseParam(param, page.isValidateModel()) ); } List<Element> moreChildren = element.elements("navigation"); for (Element fromAction: moreChildren) { parseActionNavigation(page, fromAction); } Element restrict = element.element("restrict"); if (restrict != null) { page.setRestricted(true); String expr = restrict.getTextTrim(); if ( !Strings.isEmpty(expr) ) page.setRestriction(expr); } List<Element> headers = element.elements("header"); for (Element header: headers) { page.getHeaders().add(parseHeader(header)); } } public ConversationIdParameter getConversationIdParameter(String conversationName) { return conversations.get(conversationName); } /** * Parse the attributes of page */ private Page parsePage(Page page, Element element, String viewId) { page.setSwitchEnabled( !"disabled".equals( element.attributeValue("switch") ) ); Element optionalElement = element.element("description"); String description = optionalElement==null ? element.getTextTrim() : optionalElement.getTextTrim(); if (description!=null && description.length()>0) { page.setDescription(description); } String timeoutString = element.attributeValue("timeout"); if (timeoutString!=null) { page.setTimeout(Integer.parseInt(timeoutString)); } String concurrentRequestTimeoutString = element.attributeValue("concurrent-request-timeout"); if (concurrentRequestTimeoutString!=null) { page.setConcurrentRequestTimeout(Integer.parseInt(concurrentRequestTimeoutString)); } String noConversationViewIdString = element.attributeValue("no-conversation-view-id"); if (noConversationViewIdString != null) { page.setNoConversationViewId(Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(noConversationViewIdString, String.class)); } page.setConversationRequired(Boolean.parseBoolean(element.attributeValue("conversation-required"))); page.setLoginRequired(Boolean.parseBoolean(element.attributeValue("login-required"))); page.setScheme(element.attributeValue("scheme")); String expiresValue = element.attributeValue("expires"); if (expiresValue != null) { page.setExpires(Integer.parseInt(expiresValue)); } ConversationIdParameter param = conversations.get( element.attributeValue("conversation") ); if (param != null) page.setConversationIdParameter(param); List<Element> patterns = element.elements("rewrite"); for (Element pattern: patterns) { page.addRewritePattern(pattern.attributeValue("pattern")); } List<Element> events = element.elements("raise-event"); for (Element eventElement : events) { page.addEventType( eventElement.attributeValue("type") ); } Action action = parseAction(element, "action", false); if (action!=null) page.getActions().add(action); List<Element> childElements = element.elements("action"); for (Element childElement: childElements) { page.getActions().add( parseAction(childElement, "execute", true) ); } String bundle = element.attributeValue("bundle"); if (bundle!=null) { page.setResourceBundleName(bundle); } List<Element> moreChildElements = element.elements("in"); for (Element child: moreChildElements) { Input input = new Input(); input.setName( child.attributeValue("name") ); input.setValue( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression( child.attributeValue("value") ) ); String scopeName = child.attributeValue("scope"); if (scopeName!=null) { input.setScope( ScopeType.valueOf( scopeName.toUpperCase() ) ); } page.getInputs().add(input); } // by default the model is validated by Hibernate validator; this attribute is used to disable that feature // this setting can be overridden at the param level String validateModelStr = element.attributeValue("validate-model"); if (validateModelStr != null) { page.setValidateModel(Boolean.parseBoolean(validateModelStr)); } return page; } private static Action parseAction(Element element, String actionAtt, boolean conditionalsAllowed) { Action action = new Action(); String methodExpression = element.attributeValue(actionAtt); if (methodExpression==null) return null; if ( methodExpression.startsWith("#{") ) { action.setMethodExpression( Expressions.instance().createMethodExpression(methodExpression) ); } else { action.setOutcome(methodExpression); } if (conditionalsAllowed) { String expression = element.attributeValue("if"); if (expression!=null) { action.setValueExpression( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(expression) ); } action.setOnPostback(!"false".equals(element.attributeValue("on-postback"))); } return action; } /** * Parse end-conversation (and end-task) and begin-conversation (start-task and begin-task) * */ private static void parseConversationControl(Element element, ConversationControl control) { Element endConversation = element.element("end-conversation"); endConversation = endConversation == null ? element.element("end-task") : endConversation; if ( endConversation!=null ) { control.setEndConversation(true); control.setEndConversationBeforeRedirect( Boolean.parseBoolean( endConversation.attributeValue("before-redirect") ) ); control.setEndRootConversation( Boolean.parseBoolean( endConversation.attributeValue("root") ) ); String expression = endConversation.attributeValue("if"); if (expression!=null) { control.setEndConversationCondition( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(expression, Boolean.class) ); } } Element beginConversation = element.element("begin-conversation"); beginConversation = beginConversation == null ? element.element("begin-task") : beginConversation; beginConversation = beginConversation == null ? element.element("start-task") : beginConversation; if ( beginConversation!=null ) { control.setBeginConversation(true); control.setJoin( Boolean.parseBoolean( beginConversation.attributeValue("join") ) ); control.setNested( Boolean.parseBoolean( beginConversation.attributeValue("nested") ) ); control.setPageflow( beginConversation.attributeValue("pageflow") ); control.setConversationName( beginConversation.attributeValue("conversation") ); String flushMode = beginConversation.attributeValue("flush-mode"); if (flushMode!=null) { control.setFlushMode( FlushModeType.valueOf( flushMode.toUpperCase() ) ); } String expression = beginConversation.attributeValue("if"); if (expression!=null) { control.setBeginConversationCondition( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(expression, Boolean.class) ); } } if ( control.isBeginConversation() && control.isEndConversation() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot use both <begin-conversation/> and <end-conversation/>"); } } /** * Parse begin-task, start-task and end-task */ private static void parseTaskControl(Element element, TaskControl control) { Element endTask = element.element("end-task"); if ( endTask!=null ) { control.setEndTask(true); String transition = endTask.attributeValue("transition"); if (transition != null) { control.setTransition( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(transition, String.class) ); } } Element beginTask = element.element("begin-task"); if ( beginTask!=null ) { control.setBeginTask(true); String taskId = beginTask.attributeValue("task-id"); if (taskId==null) { taskId = "#{param.taskId}"; } control.setTaskId( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(taskId, Long.class) ); } Element startTask = element.element("start-task"); if ( startTask!=null ) { control.setStartTask(true); String taskId = startTask.attributeValue("task-id"); if (taskId==null) { taskId = "#{param.taskId}"; } control.setTaskId( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(taskId, Long.class) ); } if ( control.isBeginTask() && control.isEndTask() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot use both <begin-task/> and <end-task/>"); } else if ( control.isBeginTask() && control.isStartTask() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot use both <start-task/> and <begin-task/>"); } else if ( control.isStartTask() && control.isEndTask() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot use both <start-task/> and <end-task/>"); } } /** * Parse create-process and end-process */ private static void parseProcessControl(Element element, ProcessControl control) { Element createProcess = element.element("create-process"); if ( createProcess!=null ) { control.setCreateProcess(true); control.setDefinition( createProcess.attributeValue("definition") ); } Element resumeProcess = element.element("resume-process"); if ( resumeProcess!=null ) { control.setResumeProcess(true); String processId = resumeProcess.attributeValue("process-id"); if (processId==null) { processId = "#{param.processId}"; } control.setProcessId( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(processId, Long.class) ); } if ( control.isCreateProcess() && control.isResumeProcess() ) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot use both <create-process/> and <resume-process/>"); } } private static void parseEvent(Element element, Rule rule) { List<Element> events = element.elements("raise-event"); for (Element eventElement : events) { rule.addEventType( eventElement.attributeValue("type") ); } } /** * Parse navigation */ private static void parseActionNavigation(Page entry, Element element) { Navigation navigation = new Navigation(); String outcomeExpression = element.attributeValue("evaluate"); if (outcomeExpression!=null) { navigation.setOutcome( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(outcomeExpression) ); } List<Element> cases = element.elements("rule"); for (Element childElement: cases) { navigation.getRules().add( parseRule(childElement) ); } Rule rule = new Rule(); parseEvent(element, rule); parseNavigationHandler(element, rule); parseConversationControl( element, rule.getConversationControl() ); parseTaskControl(element, rule.getTaskControl()); parseProcessControl(element, rule.getProcessControl()); navigation.setRule(rule); String expression = element.attributeValue("from-action"); if (expression==null) { if (entry.getDefaultNavigation()==null) { entry.setDefaultNavigation(navigation); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("multiple catchall <navigation> elements"); } } else { Object old = entry.getNavigations().put(expression, navigation); if (old!=null) { throw new IllegalStateException("multiple <navigation> elements for action: " + expression); } } } /** * Parse param */ private static Param parseParam(Element element, boolean validateModel) { String valueExpression = element.attributeValue("value"); String name = element.attributeValue("name"); if (name==null) { if (valueExpression==null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must specify name or value for page <param/> declaration"); } name = valueExpression.substring(2, valueExpression.length()-1); } Param param = new Param(name, validateModel); if (valueExpression!=null) { param.setValueExpression(Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(valueExpression)); } param.setConverterId(element.attributeValue("converterId")); String converterExpression = element.attributeValue("converter"); if (converterExpression!=null) { param.setConverterValueExpression(Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(converterExpression)); } param.setValidatorId(element.attributeValue("validatorId")); String validatorExpression = element.attributeValue("validator"); if (validatorExpression!=null) { param.setValidatorValueExpression(Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(validatorExpression)); } param.setRequired( Boolean.parseBoolean( element.attributeValue("required") ) ); String validateModelStr = element.attributeValue("validateModel"); if (validateModelStr != null) { param.setValidateModel(Boolean.parseBoolean(validateModelStr)); } return param; } private static Header parseHeader(Element element) { Header header = new Header(); String name = element.attributeValue("name"); header.setName(name); String valueExpression = element.attributeValue("value"); if (valueExpression==null) { valueExpression = element.getTextTrim(); } header.setValue(Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(valueExpression)); return header; } /** * Parse rule */ private static Rule parseRule(Element element) { Rule rule = new Rule(); rule.setOutcomeValue( element.attributeValue("if-outcome") ); String expression = element.attributeValue("if"); if (expression!=null) { rule.setCondition( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(expression) ); } parseConversationControl( element, rule.getConversationControl() ); parseTaskControl(element, rule.getTaskControl()); parseProcessControl(element, rule.getProcessControl()); parseEvent(element, rule); parseNavigationHandler(element, rule); return rule; } private static void parseNavigationHandler(Element element, Rule rule) { Element render = element.element("render"); if (render!=null) { final String viewId = render.attributeValue("view-id"); Element messageElement = render.element("message"); String message = messageElement==null ? null : messageElement.getTextTrim(); String control = messageElement==null ? null : messageElement.attributeValue("for"); String severityName = messageElement==null ? null : messageElement.attributeValue("severity"); Severity severity = severityName==null ? FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO : getFacesMessageValuesMap().get( severityName.toUpperCase() ); rule.addNavigationHandler( new RenderNavigationHandler(stringValueExpressionFor(viewId), message, severity, control) ); } Element redirect = element.element("redirect"); if (redirect!=null) { List<Element> children = redirect.elements("param"); final List<Param> params = new ArrayList<Param>(); for (Element child: children) { params.add( parseParam(child, true) ); } final String viewId = redirect.attributeValue("view-id"); final String url = redirect.attributeValue("url"); final String includePageParamsAttr = redirect.attributeValue("include-page-params"); final boolean includePageParams = includePageParamsAttr == null ? true : Boolean.getBoolean(includePageParamsAttr); Element messageElement = redirect.element("message"); String control = messageElement==null ? null : messageElement.attributeValue("for"); String message = messageElement==null ? null : messageElement.getTextTrim(); String severityName = messageElement==null ? null : messageElement.attributeValue("severity"); Severity severity = severityName==null ? FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO : getFacesMessageValuesMap().get( severityName.toUpperCase() ); rule.addNavigationHandler(new RedirectNavigationHandler(stringValueExpressionFor(viewId), stringValueExpressionFor(url), params, message, severity, control, includePageParams) ); } List<Element> childElements = element.elements("out"); for (Element child: childElements) { Output output = new Output(); output.setName( child.attributeValue("name") ); output.setValue( Expressions.instance().createValueExpression( child.attributeValue("value") ) ); String scopeName = child.attributeValue("scope"); if (scopeName==null) { output.setScope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION); } else { output.setScope( ScopeType.valueOf( scopeName.toUpperCase() ) ); } rule.getOutputs().add(output); } } private static ValueExpression<String> stringValueExpressionFor(String expr) { return (ValueExpression<String>) ((expr == null) ? expr : Expressions.instance().createValueExpression(expr, String.class)); } public static Map<String, Severity> getFacesMessageValuesMap() { Map<String, Severity> result = new HashMap<String, Severity>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Severity> me: (Set<Map.Entry<String, Severity>>) FacesMessage.VALUES_MAP.entrySet()) { result.put( me.getKey().toUpperCase(), me.getValue() ); } return result; } /** * The global setting for no-conversation-viewid. * * @return a JSF view id */ public ValueExpression<String> getNoConversationViewId() { return noConversationViewId; } public void setNoConversationViewId(ValueExpression<String> noConversationViewId) { this.noConversationViewId = noConversationViewId; } /** * The global setting for login-viewid. * * @return a JSF view id */ public String getLoginViewId() { return loginViewId; } public void setLoginViewId(String loginViewId) { this.loginViewId = loginViewId; } public static String getCurrentViewId() { return getViewId( FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() ); } public static String getCurrentBaseName() { String viewId = getViewId(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()); int pos = viewId.lastIndexOf("/"); if (pos != -1) { viewId = viewId.substring(pos + 1); } pos = viewId.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos != -1) { viewId = viewId.substring(0, pos); } return viewId; } public static String getViewId(FacesContext facesContext) { if (facesContext!=null) { UIViewRoot viewRoot = facesContext.getViewRoot(); if (viewRoot!=null) return viewRoot.getViewId(); } return null; } public Integer getHttpPort() { return httpPort; } public void setHttpPort(Integer httpPort) { this.httpPort = httpPort; } public Integer getHttpsPort() { return httpsPort; } public void setHttpsPort(Integer httpsPort) { this.httpsPort = httpsPort; } public String[] getResources() { return resources; } public void setResources(String[] resources) { this.resources = resources; } private static boolean isDebugPage(String viewId) { return Init.instance().isDebugPageAvailable() && viewId.startsWith("/debug."); } public static boolean isDebugPage() { return Init.instance().isDebugPageAvailable() && getCurrentViewId() != null && getCurrentViewId().startsWith("/debug."); } public Collection<String> getKnownViewIds() { return pagesByViewId.keySet(); } }