package; import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.*; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.intercept.BypassInterceptors; import; import; import; import; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @Name("userRoleAccessFactory") public class UserRoleAccessFactory implements Serializable { @In EntityManager entityManager; // Anonymous (not logged-in) user @Factory(value = "currentUser", scope = ScopeType.SESSION, autoCreate = true) public User getCurrentUser() { return getGuestUser(); } // Anonymous (not logged-in) user's access level @Factory(value = "currentAccessLevel", scope = ScopeType.SESSION, autoCreate = true) @BypassInterceptors // Don't inject the entityManager, this factory is called when the entityManager is created! public Integer getCurrentAccessLevel() { return Role.GUESTROLE_ACCESSLEVEL; } @Factory(value = "guestUser", scope = ScopeType.SESSION) public User getGuestUser() { try { /* This causes the following warning in Hibernate 3.3: WARN [org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl] firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory! Of course that is just wrong and it looks like this warning was added in a hurry between 3.2 and 3.3. Or this is not the query that is causing the warning - who knows! It probably would have been too easy printing the offending query string with the message... */ User guestUser = (User) entityManager .createQuery("select u from User u left join fetch u.roles where u.username = '"+User.GUEST_USERNAME+"'") .setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", true) .getSingleResult(); if (guestUser.getRoles().size() > 1 || guestUser.getRoles().size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Your '"+User.GUEST_USERNAME+"' user has none or more than one role assigned, illegal database state"); } if (guestUser.getRoles().iterator().next().getAccessLevel() != Role.GUESTROLE_ACCESSLEVEL) { throw new RuntimeException("Your '"+User.GUEST_USERNAME+"' user isn't assigned to the guest role (access level "+Role.GUESTROLE_ACCESSLEVEL+")"); } return guestUser; } catch (NoResultException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("You need to INSERT a user with username '"+User.GUEST_USERNAME+"' into the database"); } } @Factory(value = "adminUser", scope = ScopeType.SESSION) public User getAdminUser() { try { User adminUser = (User) entityManager .createQuery("select u from User u left join fetch u.roles where u.username = '"+User.ADMIN_USERNAME+"'") .setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", true) .getSingleResult(); if (adminUser.getRoles().size() > 1 || adminUser.getRoles().size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Your '"+User.ADMIN_USERNAME+"' user has none or more than one role assigned, illegal database state"); } if (adminUser.getRoles().iterator().next().getAccessLevel() != Role.ADMINROLE_ACCESSLEVEL) { throw new RuntimeException("Your '"+User.ADMIN_USERNAME+"' user isn't assigned to the admin role (access level "+Role.ADMINROLE_ACCESSLEVEL+")"); } return adminUser; } catch (NoResultException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("You need to INSERT a user with username '"+User.ADMIN_USERNAME+"' into the database"); } } @Factory(value = "guestRole", scope = ScopeType.SESSION) public Role getGuestRole() { try { return (Role) entityManager .createQuery("select r from Role r where r.accessLevel = '"+Role.GUESTROLE_ACCESSLEVEL+"'") .setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", true) .getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("You need to INSERT a role with accesslevel '"+Role.GUESTROLE_ACCESSLEVEL+"' (the guest role) into the database"); } } @Factory(value = "adminRole", scope = ScopeType.SESSION) public Role getAdminRole() { try { return (Role) entityManager .createQuery("select r from Role r where r.accessLevel = '"+Role.ADMINROLE_ACCESSLEVEL+"'") .setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", true) .getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("You need to INSERT a role with accesslevel '"+Role.ADMINROLE_ACCESSLEVEL+"' (the admin role) into the database"); } } @Factory(value = "newUserDefaultRole", scope = ScopeType.SESSION) public Role getDefaultRole() { UserManagementPreferences userPrefs = Preferences.instance().get(UserManagementPreferences.class); try { return (Role) entityManager .createQuery("select r from Role r where = '"+userPrefs.getNewUserInRole()+"'") .setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", true) .getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Configured default role for new users '"+userPrefs.getNewUserInRole()+"' not found"); } } /** * A <tt>List</tt> of all roles in the system. */ @Name("rolesList") @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION) @AutoCreate public static class RoleList implements Serializable { @In protected EntityManager entityManager; protected List<Role> roles; @Unwrap @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public List<Role> getRoles() { if (roles == null) { roles = (List<Role>) entityManager .createQuery("select r from Role r order by r.accessLevel desc, r.displayName asc") .setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", true) .getResultList(); if (roles.size() < 2) throw new RuntimeException("You need to INSERT at least two roles into the database, " + "with access level '"+Role.GUESTROLE_ACCESSLEVEL+"' and '"+Role.ADMINROLE_ACCESSLEVEL+"'"); } return roles; } } /** * Aggregates role names with access level integers, e.g. * <pre> * Access Level, Role Name * 1 Foo * 2 Bar * 2 Baz * 1000 Admin * </pre> * is aggregated for display into * <pre> * Access Level, Role Name * 1 Foo * 2 Bar, Baz * 1000 Owner, Admin * </pre> */ @Name("accessLevelsList") @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION) @AutoCreate public static class AccessLevelsList implements Serializable { @In List<Role> rolesList; List<Role.AccessLevel> accessLevelsList; @Unwrap public List<Role.AccessLevel> getAccessLevelList() { if (accessLevelsList == null) { accessLevelsList = new ArrayList<Role.AccessLevel>(rolesList.size()); for (Role role : rolesList) { // Create an access level object, append fake role name "Owner" if the // access level is the superuser level Role.AccessLevel newAccessLevel = new Role.AccessLevel( role.getAccessLevel(), role.getAccessLevel() == Role.ADMINROLE_ACCESSLEVEL ? "Owner, " + role.getDisplayName() : role.getDisplayName() ); // Put into list, if this level already exists only append the role names if (accessLevelsList.contains(newAccessLevel)) { Role.AccessLevel existingAccessLevel = accessLevelsList.get(accessLevelsList.indexOf(newAccessLevel)); existingAccessLevel.appendRoleName(newAccessLevel.getRoleNames()); } else { accessLevelsList.add(newAccessLevel); } } } return accessLevelsList; } } /** * AccessLevel's that can be assigned by the current user, e.g. when editing a document. */ @Name("assignableAccessLevelsList") @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION) @AutoCreate public static class AssignableAccessLevelsList implements Serializable { @In List<Role.AccessLevel> accessLevelsList; @In Integer currentAccessLevel; List<Role.AccessLevel> assignableAccessLevelsList; @Unwrap public List<Role.AccessLevel> getAssignableAccessLevelList() { if (assignableAccessLevelsList == null) { assignableAccessLevelsList = new ArrayList<Role.AccessLevel>(accessLevelsList.size()); for (Role.AccessLevel accessLevel : accessLevelsList) { // Only make access levels assignable if the current user has at least this access level if (accessLevel.getAccessLevel() <= currentAccessLevel) assignableAccessLevelsList.add(accessLevel); } } return assignableAccessLevelsList; } } }