//$Id: CoreTest.java 6849 2007-11-28 23:37:36Z dallen $ package org.jboss.seam.test.unit; import java.util.HashMap; import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Lifecycle; import org.jboss.seam.init.Initialization; import org.jboss.seam.mock.MockServletContext; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; public class CoreTest { /** * The purpose of this test (any why it wraps the suite) is to trigger * a component scan to ensure that it can execute without errors. That * allows the other tests to execute knowing that the environment is sane. */ @BeforeSuite public void triggerComponentScan() { Lifecycle.beginApplication(new HashMap<String, Object>()); new Initialization(new MockServletContext()).create().init(); Lifecycle.endApplication(); } }