package org.jboss.seam.navigation; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.el.ELContext; import javax.el.ELException; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.convert.Converter; import javax.faces.validator.Validator; import javax.faces.validator.ValidatorException; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts; import org.jboss.seam.core.Validators; import org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions.ValueExpression; import org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesMessages; import org.jboss.seam.log.LogProvider; import org.jboss.seam.log.Logging; /** * Metadata for a <param/> in pages.xml * * @author Gavin King * */ public final class Param { private static final LogProvider log = Logging.getLogProvider(Param.class); public static final String INVALID_MESSAGE_ID = "org.jboss.seam.param.Invalid"; public static final String REQUIRED_MESSAGE_ID = "org.jboss.seam.param.Required"; private final String name; private ValueExpression valueExpression; private boolean required; private boolean validateModel; private ValueExpression converterValueExpression; private String converterId; private ValueExpression validatorValueExpression; private String validatorId; public Param(String name) { this(name, true); } public Param(String name, boolean validateModel) { = name; this.validateModel = validateModel; } public Converter getConverter() { if (converterId!=null) { return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().createConverter(converterId); } else if (converterValueExpression!=null) { return (Converter) converterValueExpression.getValue(); } else if (valueExpression==null) { return null; } else { Class<?> type = valueExpression.getType(); if (type == null) { return null; } if (type.equals(Date.class)) { return org.jboss.seam.faces.DateConverter.getInstance(); } else { return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().createConverter(type); } } } public Validator getValidator() { if (validatorId!=null) { return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().createValidator(validatorId); } else if (validatorValueExpression!=null) { return (Validator) validatorValueExpression.getValue(); } else { return null; } } public String getName() { return name; } public void setValueExpression(ValueExpression valueExpression) { this.valueExpression = valueExpression; } public ValueExpression getValueExpression() { return valueExpression; } public void setConverterValueExpression(ValueExpression converterValueExpression) { this.converterValueExpression = converterValueExpression; } public ValueExpression getConverterValueExpression() { return converterValueExpression; } public void setConverterId(String converterId) { this.converterId = converterId; } public String getConverterId() { return converterId; } @Override public String toString() { return "PageParameter(" + name + ")"; } /** * Get the current value of a page or redirection parameter * from the model, and convert to a String */ public String getStringValueFromModel(FacesContext facesContext) { Object value = getValueExpression().getValue(); if (value==null) { return null; } else { Converter converter = null; try { converter = getConverter(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { //YUCK! due to bad JSF/MyFaces error handling log.warn("could not create converter for: " + name, re); return null; } return converter==null ? value.toString() : converter.getAsString( facesContext, facesContext.getViewRoot(), value ); } } /** * Get the current value of a page parameter from the request parameters */ public String getStringValueFromRequest(FacesContext facesContext, Map<String, String[]> requestParameters) throws ValidatorException { String[] parameterValues = requestParameters.get( getName() ); if (parameterValues==null || parameterValues.length==0) { // Page parameters are propagated in the page context through faces requests if ( isRequired() && !Contexts.getPageContext().isSet( getName() ) ) { addRequiredMessage(facesContext); } return null; } if (parameterValues.length>1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("page parameter may not be multi-valued: " + getName()); } String value = parameterValues[0]; // if the length is zero and the parameter is required, treat the value as // missing (and report it as null); this differs from how JSF handles inputs if (value.length() == 0) { if (isRequired()) { addRequiredMessage(facesContext); return null; } } return value; } /** * Convert the string value of a page parameter to the required type */ public Object convertValueFromString(FacesContext facesContext, String value) { Converter converter = null; try { converter = getConverter(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { //YUCK! due to bad JSF/MyFaces error handling log.warn("could not create converter for: " + name, re); return null; } return converter==null ? value : converter.getAsObject( facesContext, facesContext.getViewRoot(), value ); } /** * Validate the pre-converted value of the parameter using the JSF * validator specified in pages.xml, and using Hibernate Validator * annotations specified on the model. */ public void validateConvertedValue(FacesContext facesContext, Object value) { Validator validator = getValidator(); if (validator!=null) { validator.validate( facesContext, facesContext.getViewRoot(), value ); } if (valueExpression!=null && validateModel) { //TODO: note that this code is duplicated from ModelValidator!! ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext(); Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> invalidValues; try { invalidValues = Validators.instance().validate( valueExpression.toUnifiedValueExpression(), elContext, value ); } catch (ELException ele) { Throwable cause = ele.getCause(); if (cause==null) cause = ele; throw new ValidatorException( createMessage(cause), cause ); } if ( invalidValues.size()>0 ) { throw new ValidatorException( createMessage(invalidValues) ); } } } private FacesMessage createMessage(Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> invalidValues) { String msg=invalidValues.iterator().next().getMessage(); return FacesMessages.createFacesMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, INVALID_MESSAGE_ID, "'" + name + "' parameter is invalid: " + msg, new Object[] { msg, name } ); } private FacesMessage createMessage(Throwable cause) { return FacesMessages.createFacesMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, INVALID_MESSAGE_ID, "'" + name + "' parameter is invalid: " + cause.getMessage(), new Object[] { cause.getMessage(), name } ); } private void addRequiredMessage(FacesContext facesContext) { throw new ValidatorException( FacesMessages.createFacesMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, REQUIRED_MESSAGE_ID, "'" + name + "' parameter is required", name) ); } public String getValidatorId() { return validatorId; } public void setValidatorId(String validatorId) { this.validatorId = validatorId; } public ValueExpression getValidatorValueExpression() { return validatorValueExpression; } public void setValidatorValueExpression(ValueExpression validatorValueExpression) { this.validatorValueExpression = validatorValueExpression; } public boolean isRequired() { return required; } public void setRequired(boolean required) { this.required = required; } public boolean isValidateModel() { return validateModel; } public void setValidateModel(boolean validateModel) { this.validateModel = validateModel; } }