package org.ohmage.responsesync; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.OperationApplicationException; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.widget.Toast; import com.commonsware.cwac.wakeful.WakefulIntentService; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.ohmage.ConfigHelper; import org.ohmage.OhmageApi; import org.ohmage.OhmageApi.Result; import org.ohmage.OhmageApi.StreamingResponseListener; import org.ohmage.AccountHelper; import org.ohmage.OhmageApplication; import org.ohmage.OhmageCache; import org.ohmage.UserPreferencesHelper; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Campaigns; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Responses; import org.ohmage.db.DbProvider.Qualified; import org.ohmage.db.Models.Campaign; import org.ohmage.db.Models.Response; import org.ohmage.logprobe.Analytics; import org.ohmage.logprobe.Log; import org.ohmage.logprobe.LogProbe.Status; import org.ohmage.prompt.AbstractPrompt; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class ResponseSyncService extends WakefulIntentService { private static final String TAG = "ResponseSyncService"; // extras with which the service can be run /** If true, the service displays a toast when it completes */ public static final String EXTRA_INTERACTIVE = "interactive"; /** If present, runs the service only for the specified campaign */ public static final String EXTRA_CAMPAIGN_URN = "campaign_urn"; /** If present, the last synced time will be ignored */ public static final String EXTRA_FORCE_ALL = "extra_force_all"; private AccountHelper mPrefs; public ResponseSyncService() { super(TAG); } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); Analytics.service(this, Status.ON); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); Analytics.service(this, Status.OFF); } @Override protected void doWakefulWork(Intent intent) { // for the time being, we just pull all the surveys and update our feedback cache with them // FIXME: in the future, we should only download what we need...two strategies for that: // 1) maintain a timestamp of the most recent refresh and request only things after it // 2) somehow figure out which surveys the server has and we don't via the hashcode and sync accordingly Log.v(TAG, "Response sync service starting"); // ================================================================== // === 1. acquire handles to api and database, build campaign list // ================================================================== // grab an instance of the api connector so we can do calls to the server for responses OhmageApi api = new OhmageApi(this); mPrefs = new AccountHelper(this); String username = mPrefs.getUsername(); String hashedPassword = mPrefs.getAuthToken(); if(!AccountHelper.accountExists()) { Log.e(TAG, "User isn't logged in, terminating task"); return; } final ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> operations = new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>(); // and also create a list to hold some campaigns List<Campaign> campaigns; // helper instance for parsing utc timestamps SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); sdf.setLenient(false); // if we received a campaign_urn in the intent, only download the data for that one campaign. // the campaign object we create only inclues the mUrn field since we don't use anything else. if (intent.hasExtra(EXTRA_CAMPAIGN_URN)) { campaigns = new ArrayList<Campaign>(); Campaign candidate = new Campaign(); candidate.mUrn = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_CAMPAIGN_URN); campaigns.add(candidate); } else { // otherwise, do all the campaigns // don't consider the ones that are remote Cursor campaignCursor = cr.query(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, null, Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS + "!=" + Campaign.STATUS_REMOTE, null, null); campaigns = Campaign.fromCursor(campaignCursor); } // ================================================================== // === 2. determine time range on which to query // ================================================================== // attempt to construct a date range on which to query // we need three dates: // 1) far past, to get everything up to the cutoff date // 2) near future, to get everything since the cutoff date final SimpleDateFormat inputSDF = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss"); Calendar farPast = new GregorianCalendar(); farPast.add(Calendar.YEAR, -10); Calendar nearFuture = new GregorianCalendar(); nearFuture.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); // and convert times to timestamps we can feed to the api String farPastDate = inputSDF.format(farPast.getTime()); String nearFutureDate = inputSDF.format(nearFuture.getTime()); // ================================================================== // === 3. process responses on server for each campaign // ================================================================== // we'll have to iterate through all the campaigns in which this user // is participating in order to gather all of their data for (final Campaign c : campaigns) { Log.v(TAG, "Requesting responses for campaign " + c.mUrn + "..."); if(!AccountHelper.accountExists()) { Log.e(TAG, "User isn't logged in, terminating task"); return; } String cutoffDate = null; if (!intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_FORCE_ALL, false)) { // I add 1 second since the request is inclusive of this time cutoffDate = inputSDF.format(c.getLastDownloadedResponseTime(this) + 1000); } // ================================================================== // === 3a. download UUIDs of responses up to the cutoff date // === * anything not in this list should be deleted off the phone // === * anything in this list that's not on the phone should be downloaded // ================================================================== if(!AccountHelper.accountExists()) { Log.e(TAG, "User isn't logged in, terminating task"); return; } OhmageApi.Response deleteResult = api.surveyResponseRead(ConfigHelper.serverUrl(), username, hashedPassword, OhmageApi.CLIENT_NAME, c.mUrn, username, null, "urn:ohmage:survey:id", "json-rows", true, farPastDate, cutoffDate, new StreamingResponseListener() { List<String> responseIDs; @Override public void beforeRead() { responseIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); Log.v(TAG, "Beginning UUID read..."); } @Override public void readObject(JsonNode survey) { // build up a list of IDs // later, we'll attempt to delete everything that's not in this list responseIDs.add(survey.get("survey_key").asText()); // TODO: we could also push back the cutoff date if we find // an ID that's present in this list that we don't have. // it's wasteful, but since we can't request items per ID // we have to just extend the time window on which we query. // TODO: ask server team for a way to specify responses by ID } @Override public void afterRead() { HashSet<String> idsSet = new HashSet<String>(); idsSet.addAll(responseIDs); Cursor responses = cr.query(Responses.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Responses.RESPONSE_UUID }, Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "=" + Response.STATUS_DOWNLOADED + " OR " + Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "=" + Response.STATUS_UPLOADED + " AND " + Qualified.RESPONSES_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", new String[] { c.mUrn }, null); String uuid; while(responses.moveToNext()) { uuid = responses.getString(0); if(!idsSet.contains(uuid)) { operations.add(ContentProviderOperation.newDelete(Responses.CONTENT_URI) .withSelection("(" + Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "=" + Response.STATUS_DOWNLOADED + " OR " + Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "=" + Response.STATUS_UPLOADED + ")" + " AND " + Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?" + " AND " + Responses.RESPONSE_UUID + "=?", new String[] {c.mUrn, uuid }).build()); } } responses.close(); } }); deleteResult.handleError(this); // ================================================================== // === 3b. download responses from after the cutoff date // ================================================================== // also maintain a list of photo UUIDs that may or may not be on the device // this is campaign-response-specific, which is why it's happening in this loop over the campaigns class ResponseImage { public ResponseImage(String c, String id) { campaign = c; uuid = id; } String campaign; String uuid; } final LinkedList<ResponseImage> responsePhotos = new LinkedList<ResponseImage>(); if(!AccountHelper.accountExists()) { Log.e(TAG, "User isn't logged in, terminating task"); return; } // do the call and process the streaming response data OhmageApi.Response readResult = api.surveyResponseRead(ConfigHelper.serverUrl(), username, hashedPassword, OhmageApi.CLIENT_NAME, c.mUrn, username, null, null, "json-rows", true, cutoffDate, nearFutureDate, new StreamingResponseListener() { int curRecord; @Override public void beforeRead() { Log.v(TAG, "Beginning record read..."); curRecord = 0; } @Override public void readObject(JsonNode survey) { // deal with the elements we read via stream parsing here Log.v(TAG, "Processing record " + ((curRecord++)+1) + " in " + c.mUrn + "..."); // for each survey, insert a record into our feedback db // if we're unable to insert, just continue (likely a duplicate) // also, note the schema follows the definition in the documentation try { // create an instance of a response to hold the data we're going to insert Response candidate = new Response(); // we need to gather all of the appropriate data // from the survey response. some of this data needs to // be transformed to match the format that SurveyActivity // uploads/broadcasts, since our survey responses can come // from either source and need to be stored the same way. candidate.uuid = survey.get("survey_key").asText(); candidate.surveyId = survey.get("survey_id").asText(); candidate.campaignUrn = c.mUrn; candidate.username = survey.get("user").asText(); = survey.get("timestamp").asText(); candidate.timezone = survey.get("timezone").asText(); candidate.time = survey.get("time").asLong(); // much of the location data is optional, hence the "opt*()" calls candidate.locationStatus = survey.get("location_status").asText(); candidate.locationLatitude = survey.path("latitude").asDouble(); candidate.locationLongitude = survey.path("longitude").asDouble(); candidate.locationProvider = survey.path("location_provider").asText(); candidate.locationAccuracy = (float)survey.path("location_accuracy").asDouble(); candidate.locationTime = survey.path("location_timestamp").asLong(); candidate.surveyLaunchContext = survey.get("launch_context_long").asText(); // we need to parse out the responses and put them in // the same format as what we collect from the local activity JsonNode inputResponses = survey.get("responses"); // iterate through inputResponses and create a new JSON object of prompt_ids and values JSONArray responseJson = new JSONArray(); Iterator<String> keys = inputResponses.getFieldNames(); while (keys.hasNext()) { // for each prompt response, create an object with a prompt_id/value pair String key =; JsonNode curItem = inputResponses.get(key); // FIXME: deal with repeatable sets here someday, although i'm not sure how // how do we visualize them on a line graph along with regular points? scatter chart? if (curItem.has("prompt_response")) { JSONObject newItem = new JSONObject(); try { String value = (curItem.get("prompt_response").isValueNode()) ? curItem.get("prompt_response").asText() : curItem.get("prompt_response").toString(); String type = curItem.get("prompt_type").asText(); newItem.put("prompt_id", key); // also enter the custom_choices data if the type supports custom choices // and if the custom choice data is actually there (e.g. in the glossary for the prompt) if (curItem.has("prompt_choice_glossary")) { if (type.equals("single_choice_custom") || type.equals("multi_choice_custom")) { // unfortunately, the glossary is in a totally different format than // what the survey returns; we can't just store it directly. // we have to reformat the glossary entries to be of the following form: // [{"choice_value": "Exercise", "choice_id": 1}, etc.] JSONArray customChoiceArray = new JSONArray(); JsonNode glossary = curItem.get("prompt_choice_glossary"); // create an iterator over the glossary so we can extract the keys + "label" value Iterator<String> glossaryKeys = glossary.getFieldNames(); while (glossaryKeys.hasNext()) { // grab the glossary key and its corresponding element String glossaryKey =; JsonNode curGlossaryItem = glossary.get(glossaryKey); // create a new object that remaps the values from the glossary // to the custom choices format JSONObject newChoiceItem = new JSONObject(); newChoiceItem.put("choice_value", curGlossaryItem.get("label").asText()); newChoiceItem.put("choice_id", glossaryKey); // and add it to our custom choices array customChoiceArray.put(newChoiceItem); } // put our newly reformatted custom choices array into the object, too newItem.put("custom_choices", customChoiceArray); } } // if it's a photo, put its value (the photo's UUID) into the photoUUIDs list if (curItem.get("prompt_type").asText().equalsIgnoreCase("photo") && !value.equalsIgnoreCase(AbstractPrompt.NOT_DISPLAYED_VALUE) && !value.equalsIgnoreCase(AbstractPrompt.SKIPPED_VALUE)) { responsePhotos.add(new ResponseImage(candidate.campaignUrn, value)); } // add the value, which is generally just a number newItem.put("value", value); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "JSONException when trying to generate response json", e); throw new JSONException("error generating response json"); } responseJson.put(newItem); } } // render it to a string for storage into our db candidate.response = responseJson.toString(); candidate.status = Response.STATUS_DOWNLOADED; operations.add(ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(Responses.CONTENT_URI).withValues(candidate.toCV()).build()); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Problem parsing response json: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void afterRead() { Log.v(TAG, "Finished record read"); } @Override public void readResult(Result result, String[] errorCodes) { String error = null; switch (result) { case FAILURE: error = "survey response query failed"; case HTTP_ERROR: error = "http error during request"; case INTERNAL_ERROR: error = "internal error during request"; } if (error != null) { Log.e(TAG, error); return; } // We can now download the thumbnails for each response from newest to oldest. // We only need to download OhmageApplication.MAX_DISK_CACHE_SIZE amount of data. ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.get(ResponseSyncService.this); long downloadedAmount = 0; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); String url; for(int i=0; i < responsePhotos.size(); i++) { ResponseImage responseImage = responsePhotos.get(i); if(!AccountHelper.accountExists()) { Log.e(TAG, "User isn't logged in, terminating task"); return; } try { if(downloadedAmount < OhmageApplication.MAX_DISK_CACHE_SIZE) { url = OhmageApi.defaultImageReadUrl(responseImage.uuid, responseImage.campaign, "small"); imageLoader.prefetchBlocking(url); File file = OhmageCache.getCachedFile(ResponseSyncService.this, URI.create(url)); if(file == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to save thumbnail, aborting sync process"); return; } downloadedAmount += file.length(); file.setLastModified(time - 1000 * i); } // As we download thumbnails, we can delete the old images Response.getTemporaryResponsesMedia(responseImage.uuid).delete(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // Now that we have downloaded potentially a lot of images, we should remove any old ones OhmageApplication.checkCacheUsage(); } }); readResult.handleError(this); } if(!AccountHelper.accountExists()) { Log.e(TAG, "User isn't logged in, terminating task"); return; } // Apply the operations try { cr.applyBatch(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, operations); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error applying database operations", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (OperationApplicationException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error applying database operations", e); e.printStackTrace(); } // ================================================================== // === 4. complete! // ================================================================== Log.v(TAG, "Response sync service complete"); if (intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_INTERACTIVE, false)) { Toast.makeText(this, "Response sync service complete", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } } }