package org.ohmage.db; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import org.ohmage.CampaignPreferencesHelper; import org.ohmage.OhmageApplication; import org.ohmage.OhmageCache; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Campaigns; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.PromptResponses; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Responses; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.SurveyPrompts; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Surveys; import org.ohmage.db.DbProvider.Qualified; import org.ohmage.db.utils.SelectionBuilder; import org.ohmage.prompt.multichoicecustom.MultiChoiceCustomDbAdapter; import org.ohmage.prompt.singlechoicecustom.SingleChoiceCustomDbAdapter; import org.ohmage.service.SurveyGeotagService; import org.ohmage.triggers.glue.TriggerFramework; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Models { public static class DbModel { public long _id; /** * Db models should delete any external files associated with it here. * This is called by {@link DbProvider#delete(, String, String[])} */ public void cleanUp(Context context) { } } public final static class Campaign extends DbModel { public static final int STATUS_READY = 0; public static final int STATUS_REMOTE = 1; public static final int STATUS_STOPPED = 2; public static final int STATUS_OUT_OF_DATE = 3; public static final int STATUS_INVALID_USER_ROLE = 4; public static final int STATUS_NO_EXIST = 5; public static final int STATUS_VAGUE = 6; public static final int STATUS_DOWNLOADING = 7; public static final String PRIVACY_UNKNOWN = "unknown"; public static final String PRIVACY_SHARED = "shared"; public static final String PRIVACY_PRIVATE = "private"; public String mUrn; public String mName; public String mDescription; public String mCreationTimestamp; public String mDownloadTimestamp; public String mXml; public int mStatus; public String mIcon; public String mPrivacy; public long updated; /** * Returns a list of Campaign objects from the given cursor. * * @param cursor a cursor containing the fields specified in the Campaign schema, which is closed when this method returns. * @return a List of Campaign objects */ public static List<Campaign> fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { List<Campaign> campaigns = new ArrayList<Campaign>(); cursor.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) { Campaign c = new Campaign(); c._id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns._ID)); c.mUrn = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN)); c.mName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_NAME)); c.mDescription = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_DESCRIPTION)); c.mCreationTimestamp = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CREATED)); c.mDownloadTimestamp = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_DOWNLOADED)); c.mXml = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION_XML)); c.mStatus = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS)); c.mIcon = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_ICON)); c.mPrivacy = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_PRIVACY)); c.updated = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_UPDATED)); campaigns.add(c); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); return campaigns; } public ContentValues toCV() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN, mUrn); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_NAME, mName); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_DESCRIPTION, mDescription); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CREATED, mCreationTimestamp); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_DOWNLOADED, mDownloadTimestamp); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION_XML, mXml); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS, mStatus); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_ICON, mIcon); values.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_PRIVACY, mPrivacy); return values; } /** * Launch the Trigger list for this campaign * @param context * @param campaignUrn */ public static Intent launchTriggerIntent(Context context, String campaignUrn) { List<String> surveyTitles = new ArrayList<String>(); // grab a list of surveys for this campaign Cursor surveys = context.getContentResolver().query(Campaigns.buildSurveysUri(campaignUrn), null, null, null, null); while (surveys.moveToNext()) { surveyTitles.add(surveys.getString(surveys.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_TITLE))); } surveys.close(); return TriggerFramework.launchTriggersIntent(context, campaignUrn, surveyTitles.toArray(new String[surveyTitles.size()])); } /** * Returns the uri of the first ready campaign in the db which should be the campaign used in single campaign mode * @param context * @return the urn of the first ready campaign from the db, or null */ public static String getSingleCampaign(Context context) { Cursor campaign = context.getContentResolver().query(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN }, Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS + "=" + Campaign.STATUS_READY, null, Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CREATED + " DESC"); String campaignUrn = null; if(campaign.moveToFirst()) campaignUrn = campaign.getString(0); campaign.close(); return campaignUrn; } /** * Returns the first campaign in the db which should be the campaign used in single campaign mode. * @param context * @return the first campaign from the db, or null */ public static Campaign getFirstAvaliableCampaign(Context context) { Cursor campaign = context.getContentResolver().query(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN, Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS }, Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS + "=" + Campaign.STATUS_REMOTE + " OR " + Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS + "=" + Campaign.STATUS_READY + " OR " + Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS + "=" + Campaign.STATUS_OUT_OF_DATE, null, Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CREATED + " DESC"); Campaign c = null; if(campaign.moveToFirst()) { c = new Campaign(); c.mUrn = campaign.getString(0); c.mStatus = campaign.getInt(1); } campaign.close(); return c; } /** * Sets the campaign to {@link Campaign#STATUS_REMOTE}. Also removes surveys and responses. * @param context * @param campaignUrn */ public static void setRemote(Context context, String... campaignUrns) { SelectionBuilder builder = new SelectionBuilder(); for(String c : campaignUrns) builder.where(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", SelectionBuilder.OR, c); setRemote(context, builder); } /** * Makes sure that we only have one campaign if we can * @param context */ public static void ensureSingleCampaign(Context context) { String campaignUrn = getSingleCampaign(context); if(campaignUrn != null) { SelectionBuilder builder = new SelectionBuilder(); builder.where(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN + "!=?", campaignUrn); setRemote(context, builder); } } private static void setRemote(Context context, SelectionBuilder builder) { // Query for all campaigns Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, null, builder.getSelection(), builder.getSelectionArgs(), null); List<Campaign> campaigns = fromCursor(cursor); if(campaigns.size() > 0) { // Update campaigns to be remote ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS, Campaign.STATUS_REMOTE); cv.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION_XML, ""); cv.put(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_UPDATED, System.currentTimeMillis()); context.getContentResolver().update(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, cv, builder.getSelection(), builder.getSelectionArgs()); // Delete responses context.getContentResolver().delete(Responses.CONTENT_URI, builder.getSelection(), builder.getSelectionArgs()); // Clean up after campaigns for(Campaign c : campaigns) c.cleanUp(context); } } @Override public void cleanUp(Context context) { if (mStatus != Campaign.STATUS_REMOTE) TriggerFramework.resetTriggerSettings(context, mUrn); try { if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(mIcon)) OhmageCache.getCachedFile(context, new URI(mIcon)).delete(); }catch (URISyntaxException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // Clear custom choices MultiChoiceCustomDbAdapter customMultiChoices = new MultiChoiceCustomDbAdapter(context); if( { customMultiChoices.clearCampaign(mUrn); customMultiChoices.close(); } SingleChoiceCustomDbAdapter customSingleChoices = new SingleChoiceCustomDbAdapter(context); if( { customSingleChoices.clearCampaign(mUrn); customSingleChoices.close(); } CampaignPreferencesHelper.clearAll(context, mUrn); } /** * Retuns the campaign xml from the db * @param context * @param campaignUrn * @return * @throws IOException */ public static InputStream loadCampaignXml(Context context, String campaignUrn) throws IOException { ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = cr.query(Campaigns.buildCampaignUri(campaignUrn), new String[] { Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION_XML }, null, null, null); // ensure that only one record is returned if (cursor.moveToFirst() && cursor.getCount() == 1) { String xml = cursor.getString(0); cursor.close(); return new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8")); } else { cursor.close(); return null; } } /** * Counts the number of local responses for the given urn * @param context * @param campaignUrn * @return */ public static int localResponseCount(Context context, String campaignUrn) { return localResponseCount(context, Campaigns.buildResponsesUri(campaignUrn)); } /** * Counts the number of local responses on the phone * @param context * @return */ public static int localResponseCount(Context context) { return localResponseCount(context, Responses.CONTENT_URI); } /** * Helper method to consistently calculate the number of local responses * @param context * @param uri * @return */ private static int localResponseCount(Context context, Uri uri) { Cursor localResponses = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[] { Responses._ID }, Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "!=" + Response.STATUS_DOWNLOADED + " AND " + Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "!=" + Response.STATUS_UPLOADED, null, null); int count = localResponses.getCount(); localResponses.close(); return count; } /** * Returns the time of the last downloaded response for this campaign. We should be able to sync all responses newer than it * @param responseSyncService * @return the last downloaded response time or 0 if there are none; */ public long getLastDownloadedResponseTime(Context context) { Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query( Responses.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Responses.RESPONSE_TIME }, Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS + "=" + Response.STATUS_DOWNLOADED + " AND " + Qualified.RESPONSES_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", new String[] { mUrn }, Responses.RESPONSE_TIME + " DESC"); long time = 0; if(c.moveToFirst()) { time = c.getLong(0); } c.close(); return time; } } public final static class Survey extends DbModel { public static final int STATUS_NORMAL = 0; public static final int STATUS_TRIGGERED = 1; public String mSurveyID; public String mCampaignUrn; public String mTitle; public String mDescription; public String mSubmitText; public boolean mShowSummary; public boolean mEditSummary; public String mSummaryText; public String mIntroText; public boolean mAnytime; public int mStatus; /** * Returns a list of Survey objects from the given cursor. * * @param cursor a cursor containing the fields specified in the Survey schema, which is closed when this method returns. * @return a List of Survey objects */ public static List<Survey> fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { List<Survey> surveys = new ArrayList<Survey>(); cursor.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) { Survey s = new Survey(); s._id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys._ID)); s.mSurveyID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_ID)); s.mCampaignUrn = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN)); s.mTitle = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_TITLE)); s.mDescription = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_DESCRIPTION)); s.mSubmitText = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_SUBMIT_TEXT)); s.mShowSummary = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_SHOW_SUMMARY)) == 0 ? false : true; s.mEditSummary = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_EDIT_SUMMARY)) == 0 ? false : true; s.mSummaryText = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_SUMMARY_TEXT)); s.mIntroText = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_INTRO_TEXT)); s.mAnytime = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_ANYTIME)) == 0 ? false : true; s.mStatus = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_STATUS)); surveys.add(s); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); return surveys; } public ContentValues toCV() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_ID, mSurveyID); values.put(Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN, mCampaignUrn); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_TITLE, mTitle); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_DESCRIPTION, mDescription); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_SUBMIT_TEXT, mSubmitText); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_SHOW_SUMMARY, mShowSummary); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_EDIT_SUMMARY, mEditSummary); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_SUMMARY_TEXT, mSummaryText); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_INTRO_TEXT, mIntroText); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_ANYTIME, mAnytime); values.put(Surveys.SURVEY_STATUS, mStatus); return values; } /** * Launch the Trigger list for the campaign to which this survey belongs with a list of surveys selected by default. * @param context * @param campaignUrn the campaign URN from which to read the list of surveys that will be selectable from the list * @param selectedSurveys an array of surveys which will be preselected when creating a new trigger */ public static Intent launchTriggerIntent(Context context, String campaignUrn, String[] selectedSurveys) { List<String> surveyTitles = new ArrayList<String>(); // grab a list of surveys for this campaign Cursor surveys = context.getContentResolver().query(Campaigns.buildSurveysUri(campaignUrn), null, null, null, null); while (surveys.moveToNext()) { surveyTitles.add(surveys.getString(surveys.getColumnIndex(Surveys.SURVEY_TITLE))); } surveys.close(); return TriggerFramework.launchTriggersIntent(context, campaignUrn, surveyTitles.toArray(new String[surveyTitles.size()]), selectedSurveys); } } public final static class SurveyPrompt extends DbModel { public long mSurveyPID; public String mSurveyID; public String mCompositeID; public String mPromptID; public String mPromptText; public String mPromptType; public String mProperties; /** * Returns a list of Survey objects from the given cursor. * * @param cursor a cursor containing the fields specified in the Survey schema, which is closed when this method returns. * @return a List of Survey objects */ public static List<SurveyPrompt> fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { List<SurveyPrompt> surveyprompts = new ArrayList<SurveyPrompt>(); cursor.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) { SurveyPrompt temp = new SurveyPrompt(); temp._id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(SurveyPrompts._ID)); temp.mSurveyPID = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_PID)); temp.mSurveyID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_ID)); temp.mCompositeID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SurveyPrompts.COMPOSITE_ID)); temp.mPromptID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SurveyPrompts.PROMPT_ID)); temp.mPromptText = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_PROMPT_TEXT)); temp.mPromptType = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_PROMPT_TYPE)); temp.mProperties = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_PROMPT_PROPERTIES)); surveyprompts.add(temp); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); return surveyprompts; } public ContentValues toCV() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_PID, mSurveyPID); values.put(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_ID, mSurveyID); values.put(SurveyPrompts.COMPOSITE_ID, mCompositeID); values.put(SurveyPrompts.PROMPT_ID, mPromptID); values.put(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_PROMPT_TEXT, mPromptText); values.put(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_PROMPT_TYPE, mPromptType); values.put(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_PROMPT_PROPERTIES, mProperties); return values; } } public final static class Response extends DbModel { public static final int STATUS_UPLOADED = 0; public static final int STATUS_UPLOADING = 1; public static final int STATUS_QUEUED = 2; public static final int STATUS_STANDBY = 3; public static final int STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_USER_ROLE = 4; public static final int STATUS_ERROR_CAMPAIGN_NO_EXIST = 5; public static final int STATUS_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION = 6; public static final int STATUS_WAITING_FOR_LOCATION = 7; public static final int STATUS_DOWNLOADED = 8; public static final int STATUS_ERROR_OTHER = 9; public static final int STATUS_ERROR_CAMPAIGN_STOPPED = 10; public static final int STATUS_ERROR_CAMPAIGN_OUT_OF_DATE = 11; public static final int STATUS_ERROR_HTTP = 12; /** the campaign URN for which to record the survey response */ public String uuid; public String campaignUrn; public String username; public String date; public long time; public String timezone; public String locationStatus; public double locationLatitude; public double locationLongitude; public String locationProvider; public float locationAccuracy; public long locationTime; /** the id of the survey to which the response corresponds, in URN format */ public String surveyId; public String surveyLaunchContext; public String response; public int status; public String hashcode; /** * Returns a list of Response objects from the given cursor. * * @param cursor a cursor containing the fields specified in the Response schema, which is closed when this method returns. * @return a List of Response objects */ public static List<Response> fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { ArrayList<Response> responses = new ArrayList<Response>(); cursor.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) { Response r = new Response(); r._id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses._ID)); r.uuid = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_UUID)); r.campaignUrn = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN)); r.username = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_USERNAME)); = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_DATE)); r.time = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_TIME)); r.timezone = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_TIMEZONE)); r.locationStatus = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_STATUS)); if (! r.locationStatus.equals(SurveyGeotagService.LOCATION_UNAVAILABLE)) { r.locationLatitude = cursor.getDouble(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_LATITUDE)); r.locationLongitude = cursor.getDouble(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_LONGITUDE)); r.locationProvider = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_PROVIDER)); r.locationAccuracy = cursor.getFloat(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_ACCURACY)); r.locationTime = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_TIME)); } r.surveyId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.SURVEY_ID)); r.surveyLaunchContext = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_SURVEY_LAUNCH_CONTEXT)); r.response = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_JSON)); r.status = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS)); responses.add(r); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); return responses; } public ContentValues toCV() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_UUID, uuid); values.put(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, campaignUrn); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_USERNAME, username); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_DATE, date); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_TIME, time); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_TIMEZONE, timezone); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_STATUS, locationStatus); if (locationStatus != SurveyGeotagService.LOCATION_UNAVAILABLE) { values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_LATITUDE, locationLatitude); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_LONGITUDE, locationLongitude); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_PROVIDER, locationProvider); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_ACCURACY, locationAccuracy); } values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_LOCATION_TIME, locationTime); values.put(Responses.SURVEY_ID, surveyId); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_SURVEY_LAUNCH_CONTEXT, surveyLaunchContext); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_JSON, response); values.put(Responses.RESPONSE_STATUS, status); return values; } /** * Returns the file for given image uuid * @param uuid * @return */ public static File getTemporaryResponsesMedia(String uuid) { return new File(getResponseMediaUploadDir(), uuid); } /** * Returns the directory to store images to upload in * @return */ public static File getResponseMediaUploadDir() { File dir = new File(OhmageApplication.getContext().getExternalCacheDir(), "uploads"); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; } } public final static class PromptResponse extends DbModel { public long mResponseID; public String mCompositeID; public String mPromptID; public String mValue; public String mExtraValue; /** * Returns a list of PromptResponse objects from the given cursor. * * @param cursor a cursor containing the fields specified in the PromptResponse schema, which is closed when this method returns. * @return a List of PromptResponse objects */ public static List<PromptResponse> fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { ArrayList<PromptResponse> prompts = new ArrayList<PromptResponse>(); cursor.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) { PromptResponse temp = new PromptResponse(); temp._id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(PromptResponses._ID)); temp.mResponseID = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(PromptResponses.RESPONSE_ID)); temp.mCompositeID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(PromptResponses.COMPOSITE_ID)); temp.mPromptID = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(PromptResponses.PROMPT_ID)); temp.mValue = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_VALUE)); temp.mExtraValue = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_EXTRA_VALUE)); prompts.add(temp); cursor.moveToNext(); } cursor.close(); return prompts; } public ContentValues toCV() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(PromptResponses.RESPONSE_ID, mResponseID); values.put(PromptResponses.COMPOSITE_ID, mCompositeID); values.put(PromptResponses.PROMPT_ID, mPromptID); values.put(PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_VALUE, mValue); values.put(PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_EXTRA_VALUE, mExtraValue); return values; } } }