package org.ohmage.charts; import org.achartengine.chart.BarChart; import org.achartengine.model.XYMultipleSeriesDataset; import org.achartengine.model.XYSeries; import org.ohmage.Utilities; import org.ohmage.charts.HistogramBase.HistogramRenderer; import org.ohmage.loader.PromptFeedbackLoader.FeedbackItem; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; /** * This is a histogram which can show days on the x-axis and a value on the y-axis. * @author cketcham * */ public class Histogram extends BarChart { private static final int MAX_DAYS = 30; transient private HistogramBase mBase; private int mDays = MAX_DAYS; /** * Construct a new Histogram object with the given values. * * @param context * @param renderer A renderer can be specified * @param data must be an array and have an entry for each day. The last entry * in the array is the value for 'today'. The second to last entry should be * 'yesterday' etc. * @param maxDays */ public Histogram(Context context, HistogramRenderer renderer, List<FeedbackItem> data, int maxDays) { super(buildDataSet(data, maxDays), (renderer != null ? renderer : new HistogramRenderer(context)), BarChart.Type.DEFAULT); mBase = new HistogramBase(this); mBase.fitData(); mBase.setDateFormat("MMM d"); } public Histogram(Context context, HistogramRenderer renderer, List<FeedbackItem> data) { this(context, renderer, data, MAX_DAYS); } public Histogram(Context context, List<FeedbackItem> data) { this(context, null, data); } /** * This has the same functionality as the super class, except it calls getDateLabel * instead of just getLabel which will format the label as a date * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void drawXLabels(List<Double> xLabels, Double[] xTextLabelLocations, Canvas canvas, Paint paint, int left, int top, int bottom, double xPixelsPerUnit, double minX,double maxX) { mBase.drawXLabels(xLabels, xTextLabelLocations, canvas, paint, left, top, bottom, xPixelsPerUnit, minX, maxX); } /** * Builds a dataset with dates as the x value and the value as the y value. * It will parse the points and show the maximum for each day * * @param data * @return dataset */ private static XYMultipleSeriesDataset buildDataSet(List<FeedbackItem> data, int days) { XYMultipleSeriesDataset dataSet = new XYMultipleSeriesDataset(); XYSeries series = new XYSeries(""); Double[] values = new Double[days]; Arrays.fill(values, 0.0); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); Utilities.clearTime(calendar); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); long today = calendar.getTimeInMillis(); for(FeedbackItem item : data) { if(item.time > today - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS * days) { calendar.setTimeInMillis(item.time); Utilities.clearTime(calendar); int idx = (int) ((today - calendar.getTimeInMillis()) / DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS) - 1; values[idx] = Math.max(values[idx], item.value); } } for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++) { series.add(-i, values[i]); } dataSet.addSeries(series); return dataSet; } /** * Sets the number of days that will be shown for this histogram * @param days */ public void setTimeRange(int days) { mDays = days; } }