package org.ohmage.db; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentProviderResult; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.OperationApplicationException; import android.content.UriMatcher; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import android.util.Log; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Campaigns; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.PromptResponses; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Responses; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.SurveyPrompts; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Surveys; import org.ohmage.db.DbHelper.Subqueries; import org.ohmage.db.DbHelper.Tables; import org.ohmage.db.Models.Campaign; import org.ohmage.db.Models.DbModel; import org.ohmage.db.Models.Response; import org.ohmage.db.utils.SelectionBuilder; import org.ohmage.triggers.glue.TriggerFramework; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A ContentProvider which makes the contents of the campaign, survey, and response * database available to other parts of the application. If you intend to modify the database, * you should do so through this class or else ContentObservers and CursorLoaders won't automatically * update to reflect your changes. * * A list of URIs which the content provider supports is below, along with the operations that * are supported for each (i.e. query, insert, update, delete): * * campaigns * -- query: returns all campaigns * -- insert: adds a campaign (populates surveys and survey prompts accordingly) * * campaigns/{urn} * -- query: returns the campaign with the URN specified by {urn} * -- delete: removes the campaign with URN {urn} (and deletes from surveys, survey prompts, responses, and prompt responses accordingly) * * surveys * -- query: returns all surveys * * campaigns/{urn}/surveys * -- query: returns all surveys for the campaign specified by {urn} * * campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{id} * -- query: returns the survey with the ID specified by {id}, belonging to campaign with urn {urn} * * campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{id}/prompts * -- query: returns all survey prompts associated with the survey having id {id}, belonging to campaign with urn {urn} * * surveys/prompts * -- query: returns all survey prompts, irrespective of survey (mostly for testing) * * responses * -- query: returns all responses * -- insert: adds a response (populates prompt responses, too) * * responses/# * -- query: returns the response specified by the primary key "#" * * responses/#/prompts * -- query: returns all prompt responses for the response having the primary key "#" * * prompts * -- query: returns all prompt responses (mostly for testing) * * prompts/# * -- query: returns the prompt response specified by the primary key "#" * * campaigns/{urn}/responses * -- query: returns all responses for the campaign specified by {urn} * * campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{sid}/responses * -- query: returns all responses for the survey specified by {sid} within the campaign specified by {urn} * * campaigns/{urn}/responses/prompts/{pid} * -- query: returns all prompts of the given {pid} within the campaign specified by {urn} * * campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{sid}/responses/prompts/{pid} * -- query: returns all prompts of the given {pid} for the survey specified by {sid} within the campaign specified by {urn} * * campaigns/{urn}/surveys/{sid}/responses/prompts/{pid}/{agg} * -- query: returns an aggregate function {agg} (one of "avg", "count", "max", "min, "total") for * -- the prompts of the given {pid} for the survey specified by {sid} within the campaign specified by {urn} * * @author faisal * */ public class DbProvider extends ContentProvider { private static final String TAG = "DbProvider"; private static UriMatcher sUriMatcher = buildUriMatcher(); private DbHelper dbHelper; // enum of the URIs we can match using sUriMatcher private interface MatcherTypes { int RESPONSES = 1; int RESPONSE_BY_PID = 2; int CAMPAIGN_RESPONSES = 3; int CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES = 4; int SURVEYS = 5; int CAMPAIGN_SURVEYS = 6; int SURVEY_BY_ID = 7; int RESPONSE_PROMPTS = 8; int CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID = 9; int PROMPTS = 10; int PROMPT_BY_PID = 11; int CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID_AGGREGATE = 12; int CAMPAIGNS = 13; int CAMPAIGN_BY_URN = 14; int SURVEY_SURVEYPROMPTS = 15; int SURVEYPROMPTS = 16; int CAMPAIGN_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID = 17; } @Override public boolean onCreate() { dbHelper = new DbHelper(getContext()); return true; } @Override public String getType(Uri uri) { switch (sUriMatcher.match(uri)) { // CAMPAIGNS case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS: return Campaigns.CONTENT_TYPE; case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_BY_URN: return Campaigns.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; // SURVEYS case MatcherTypes.SURVEYS: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEYS: return Surveys.CONTENT_TYPE; case MatcherTypes.SURVEY_BY_ID: return Surveys.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; // SURVEY PROMPTS case MatcherTypes.SURVEY_SURVEYPROMPTS: return SurveyPrompts.CONTENT_TYPE; // RESPONSES case MatcherTypes.RESPONSES: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_RESPONSES: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES: return Responses.CONTENT_TYPE; case MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_BY_PID: return Responses.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; // PROMPTS case MatcherTypes.PROMPTS: case MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_PROMPTS: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID_AGGREGATE: return PromptResponses.CONTENT_TYPE; case MatcherTypes.PROMPT_BY_PID: return PromptResponses.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getType(): Unknown URI: " + uri); } } @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { // get a handle to our db SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase(); // feed the uri to our selection builder, which will // nab the appropriate rows from the right table. SelectionBuilder builder = buildSelection(uri, false); builder.where(selection, selectionArgs); Cursor result = builder.query(db, projection, sortOrder); result.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); return result; } @Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); long insertID = -1; Uri resultingUri = null; String campaignUrn, surveyID; ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); switch (sUriMatcher.match(uri)) { case MatcherTypes.RESPONSES: insertID = dbHelper.addResponseRow(db, values); campaignUrn = values.getAsString(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN); surveyID = values.getAsString(Responses.SURVEY_ID); if(insertID != -1) { resultingUri = Responses.buildResponseUri(insertID); // notify on the related entity URIs cr.notifyChange(Responses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(PromptResponses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(Campaigns.buildCampaignUri(campaignUrn), null, false); } break; case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS: insertID = dbHelper.addCampaign(db, values); campaignUrn = values.getAsString(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN); resultingUri = Campaigns.buildCampaignUri(campaignUrn); // notify on the related entity URIs cr.notifyChange(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(Surveys.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(SurveyPrompts.CONTENT_URI, null, false); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("insert(): Unknown URI: " + uri); } // return the path to our new URI return resultingUri; } @Override public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { // get a handle to our db SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); int count = 0; // TODO: should we reject entities that shouldn't be updated? // feed the uri to our selection builder, which will // nab the appropriate rows from the right table. SelectionBuilder builder = buildSelection(uri, true); // Only update the campaign if it hasn't been updated more recently if(values.containsKey(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_UPDATED)) { if(selection != null) selection += " AND "; else selection = ""; selection += Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_UPDATED + "<=" + values.getAsLong(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_UPDATED); } // we should also add on the client's selection builder.where(selection, selectionArgs); // If we are looking at campaigns we need to see what has changed to do some state management if(sUriMatcher.match(uri) == MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_BY_URN || sUriMatcher.match(uri) == MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS) { Cursor oldCampaigns = builder.query(db, new String[] {Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN, Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS}, null); while (oldCampaigns != null && oldCampaigns.moveToNext()) { // remove triggers for campaigns that have changed from ready to something else if (oldCampaigns.getInt(1) == Campaign.STATUS_READY && values.containsKey(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS) && values.getAsInteger(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_STATUS) != Campaign.STATUS_READY) TriggerFramework.resetTriggerSettings(getContext(), oldCampaigns.getString(0)); // update xml-related entities (surveys, surveyprompts) if the xml for these items is changed if (values.containsKey(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION_XML)) dbHelper.populateSurveysFromCampaignXML(db, oldCampaigns.getString(0), values.getAsString(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION_XML)); } oldCampaigns.close(); } // we assume we've matched it correctly, so proceed with the update count = builder.update(db, values); if (count > 0) { ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); // depending on the type of the thing deleted, we have to notify potentially many URIs switch (sUriMatcher.match(uri)) { case MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_BY_PID: case MatcherTypes.RESPONSES: // notify on the related entity URIs cr.notifyChange(Responses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(PromptResponses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, null, false); break; case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_BY_URN: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS: // notify on the related entity URIs cr.notifyChange(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(Surveys.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(SurveyPrompts.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(Responses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(PromptResponses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); break; } // we should always notify on our own uri regardless cr.notifyChange(uri, null, false); } return count; } @Override public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { // get a handle to our db SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); int count = 0; // TODO: should we reject entities that shouldn't be deleted? // feed the uri to our selection builder, which will // nab the appropriate rows from the right table. SelectionBuilder builder = buildSelection(uri, true); // we should also add on the client's selection builder.where(selection, selectionArgs); // Depending on the type of the thing deleted, we may have to do some clean up ArrayList<Models.DbModel> models = new ArrayList<Models.DbModel>(); switch (sUriMatcher.match(uri)) { case MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_BY_PID: case MatcherTypes.RESPONSES: models.addAll(Response.fromCursor(builder.query(db, null, null))); break; case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_BY_URN: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS: List<Campaign> campaigns = Campaign.fromCursor(builder.query(db, null, null)); models.addAll(campaigns); // Also clean up all the responses for these campaigns SelectionBuilder responseQuery = buildSelection(Responses.CONTENT_URI, true); // this first where clause makes it so not adding any campaigns returns an empty cursor // Only if the campaign is not remote do we have to delete the responses for it responseQuery.where(Responses._ID + "=-1", SelectionBuilder.OR); for(Campaign campaign : campaigns) { if (campaign.mStatus != Campaign.STATUS_REMOTE) responseQuery.where(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", SelectionBuilder.OR, campaign.mUrn); } models.addAll(Response.fromCursor(responseQuery.query(db, null, null))); break; } // we assume we've matched it correctly, so proceed with the delete count = builder.delete(db); if (count > 0) { ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); // depending on the type of the thing deleted, we have to notify potentially many URIs switch (sUriMatcher.match(uri)) { case MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_BY_PID: case MatcherTypes.RESPONSES: // notify on the related entity URIs cr.notifyChange(Responses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(PromptResponses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); break; case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_BY_URN: case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS: // notify on the related entity URIs cr.notifyChange(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(Surveys.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(SurveyPrompts.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(Responses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(PromptResponses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); break; } // we should always notify on our own uri regardless cr.notifyChange(uri, null, false); // Clean up the data associated with each of the models we deleted for(DbModel model : models) { model.cleanUp(getContext()); } } return count; } // ==================================== // === bulk insert/update/delete methods that make use of the smaller ones // ==================================== /** * Inserts all entries in the values ContentValues array into the table specified by Uri. */ @Override public int bulkInsert(Uri uri, ContentValues[] values) { int count = 0; SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); ContentResolver cr = getContext().getContentResolver(); try { db.beginTransaction(); switch (sUriMatcher.match(uri)) { case MatcherTypes.RESPONSES: for (ContentValues value : values) { if (dbHelper.addResponseRow(db, value) > 0) count += 1; } // notify on the related entity URIs cr.notifyChange(Responses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(PromptResponses.CONTENT_URI, null, false); break; case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS: for (ContentValues value : values) { if (dbHelper.addCampaign(db, value) > 0) count += 1; } // notify on the related entity URIs cr.notifyChange(Campaigns.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(Surveys.CONTENT_URI, null, false); cr.notifyChange(SurveyPrompts.CONTENT_URI, null, false); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("insert(): Unknown URI: " + uri); } if (count == values.length) { db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } else { count = 0; } } finally { // the transaction must be ended whether or not it was flagged successful db.endTransaction(); } return count; } // ==================================== // === definitions for URI resolver and entity type maps // ==================================== private static UriMatcher buildUriMatcher() { final UriMatcher matcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns", MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*", MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_BY_URN); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*/responses", MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_RESPONSES); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*/surveys", MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEYS); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*/surveys/*", MatcherTypes.SURVEY_BY_ID); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*/surveys/*/prompts", MatcherTypes.SURVEY_SURVEYPROMPTS); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*/surveys/*/responses", MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*/surveys/*/responses/prompts/*", MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*/responses/prompts/*", MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID); // matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "campaigns/*/surveys/*/responses/prompts/*/*", MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID_AGGREGATE); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "surveys", MatcherTypes.SURVEYS); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "surveys/prompts", MatcherTypes.SURVEYPROMPTS); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "responses", MatcherTypes.RESPONSES); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "responses/#", MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_BY_PID); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "responses/#/prompts", MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_PROMPTS); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "prompts", MatcherTypes.PROMPTS); matcher.addURI(DbContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, "prompts/#", MatcherTypes.PROMPT_BY_PID); return matcher; } private SelectionBuilder buildSelection(Uri uri, boolean nonQuery) { final SelectionBuilder builder = new SelectionBuilder(); final int match = sUriMatcher.match(uri); switch (match) { case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGNS: { return builder.table(Tables.CAMPAIGNS); } case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_BY_URN: { final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); return builder.table(Tables.CAMPAIGNS) .where(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn); } case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_RESPONSES: { final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); if (nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.RESPONSES) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn); return builder.table(Tables.RESPONSES_JOIN_CAMPAIGNS_SURVEYS) .mapToTable(Responses._ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.SURVEY_ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn); } case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEYS: { final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); if(nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.SURVEYS) .where(Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn); return builder.table(Tables.SURVEY_JOIN_CAMPAIGNS) .mapToTable(Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.SURVEYS) .where(Qualified.SURVEYS_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn); } case MatcherTypes.SURVEY_BY_ID: { final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); final String surveyId = Surveys.getSurveyId(uri); if (nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.SURVEYS) .where(Qualified.SURVEYS_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn) .where(Surveys.SURVEY_ID + "=?", surveyId); return builder.table(Tables.SURVEYS) .join(Tables.CAMPAIGNS, "%t." + Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN + "=" + "%s." + Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN) .mapToTable(Surveys._ID, Tables.SURVEYS) .mapToTable(Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.SURVEYS) .where(Qualified.SURVEYS_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn) .where(Surveys.SURVEY_ID + "=?", surveyId); } case MatcherTypes.SURVEY_SURVEYPROMPTS: { if (nonQuery) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("buildSelection(): update/delete attempted on a URI which does not support it: " + uri.toString()); final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); final String surveyId = Surveys.getSurveyId(uri); return builder.table(Tables.SURVEY_PROMPTS_JOIN_SURVEYS) .mapToTable(SurveyPrompts._ID, Tables.SURVEY_PROMPTS) .mapToTable(SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_ID, Tables.SURVEY_PROMPTS) .where(Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn) .where(Qualified.SURVEY_PROMPTS_SURVEY_ID + "=?", surveyId); } case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES: { final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); final String surveyId = Surveys.getSurveyId(uri); if (nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.RESPONSES) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_SURVEY_ID + "=?", surveyId); return builder.table(Tables.RESPONSES_JOIN_CAMPAIGNS_SURVEYS) .mapToTable(Responses._ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.SURVEY_ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_SURVEY_ID + "=?", surveyId); } case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID: { if (nonQuery) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("buildSelection(): update/delete attempted on a URI which does not support it: " + uri.toString()); final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); final String surveyId = Surveys.getSurveyId(uri); final String promptId = PromptResponses.getSurveyPromptId(uri); return builder.table(Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES) .join(Tables.RESPONSES, Tables.RESPONSES + "." + Responses._ID + "=" + Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES + "." + PromptResponses.RESPONSE_ID) .where(PromptResponses.COMPOSITE_ID + "=?", campaignUrn + ":" + surveyId) .where(PromptResponses.PROMPT_ID + "=?", promptId); } case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID: { if (nonQuery) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("buildSelection(): update/delete attempted on a URI which does not support it: " + uri.toString()); final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); final String promptId = PromptResponses.getPromptId(uri); return builder.table(Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES) .join(Tables.RESPONSES, Tables.RESPONSES + "." + Responses._ID + "=" + Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES + "." + PromptResponses.RESPONSE_ID) .where(PromptResponses.COMPOSITE_ID + " LIKE ?", campaignUrn + ":%") .where(PromptResponses.PROMPT_ID + "=?", promptId); } /* // FAISAL: disabled until i can figure out how to do aggregates with a builder case MatcherTypes.CAMPAIGN_SURVEY_RESPONSES_PROMPTS_BY_ID_AGGREGATE: { if (nonQuery) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("buildSelection(): update/delete attempted on a URI which does not support it: " + uri.toString()); final String campaignUrn = Campaigns.getCampaignUrn(uri); final String surveyId = Surveys.getSurveyId(uri); final String promptId = PromptResponses.getSurveyPromptId(uri); String aggregate = uri.getPathSegments().get(7); String toClause; switch (DbContract.PromptResponses.AggregateTypes.valueOf(aggregate)) { case AVG: toClause = "avg(" + PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_VALUE + ")"; break; case COUNT: toClause = "count(" + PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_VALUE + ")"; break; case MAX: toClause = "max(" + PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_VALUE + ")"; break; case MIN: toClause = "min(" + PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_VALUE + ")"; break; case TOTAL: toClause = "total(" + PromptResponses.PROMPT_RESPONSE_VALUE + ")"; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified aggregate was not one of AggregateTypes"); } return builder.table(Tables.PROMPTS_JOIN_RESPONSES_SURVEYS_CAMPAIGNS + ", " + Subqueries.PROMPTS_GET_TYPES + " SQ") .where("SQ." + SurveyPrompts.COMPOSITE_ID + "=" + Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES + "." + PromptResponses.COMPOSITE_ID) .mapToTable(PromptResponses._ID, Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.SURVEY_ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .map("aggregate", toClause) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_CAMPAIGN_URN + "=?", campaignUrn) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_SURVEY_ID + "=?", surveyId) .where(PromptResponses.PROMPT_ID + "=?", promptId); } */ case MatcherTypes.SURVEYS: { if(nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.SURVEYS); return builder.table(Tables.SURVEY_JOIN_CAMPAIGNS) .mapToTable(Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.SURVEYS); } case MatcherTypes.SURVEYPROMPTS: { return builder.table(Tables.SURVEY_PROMPTS); } case MatcherTypes.RESPONSES: { if (nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.RESPONSES); return builder.table(Tables.RESPONSES_JOIN_CAMPAIGNS_SURVEYS) .mapToTable(Responses._ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.SURVEY_ID, Tables.RESPONSES); } case MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_BY_PID: { final String responseId = Responses.getResponseId(uri); if (nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.RESPONSES) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_ID + "=?", responseId); return builder.table(Tables.RESPONSES_JOIN_CAMPAIGNS_SURVEYS) .mapToTable(Responses._ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.SURVEY_ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .where(Qualified.RESPONSES_ID + "=?", responseId); } case MatcherTypes.RESPONSE_PROMPTS: { final String responseId = Responses.getResponseId(uri); if (nonQuery) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("buildSelection(): update/delete attempted on a URI which does not support it: " + uri.toString()); return builder.table(Tables.PROMPTS_JOIN_RESPONSES_SURVEYS_CAMPAIGNS + ", " + Subqueries.PROMPTS_GET_TYPES + " SQ") .where("SQ." + SurveyPrompts.COMPOSITE_ID + "=" + Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES + "." + PromptResponses.COMPOSITE_ID) .where("SQ." + SurveyPrompts.PROMPT_ID + "=" + Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES + "." + PromptResponses.PROMPT_ID) .mapToTable(PromptResponses._ID, Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES) .mapToTable(PromptResponses.RESPONSE_ID, Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.SURVEY_ID, Tables.RESPONSES) .where(Tables.RESPONSES + "." + Responses._ID + "=?", responseId); } case MatcherTypes.PROMPTS: { if (nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES); return builder.table(Tables.PROMPTS_JOIN_RESPONSES_SURVEYS_CAMPAIGNS + ", " + Subqueries.PROMPTS_GET_TYPES + " SQ") .where("SQ." + SurveyPrompts.COMPOSITE_ID + "=" + Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES + "." + PromptResponses.COMPOSITE_ID) .mapToTable(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.SURVEY_ID, Tables.RESPONSES); } case MatcherTypes.PROMPT_BY_PID: { final String promptId = SurveyPrompts.getSurveyPromptId(uri); if (nonQuery) return builder.table(Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES) .where(PromptResponses._ID + "=?", promptId); return builder.table(Tables.PROMPTS_JOIN_RESPONSES_SURVEYS_CAMPAIGNS + ", " + Subqueries.PROMPTS_GET_TYPES + " SQ") .where("SQ." + SurveyPrompts.COMPOSITE_ID + "=" + Tables.PROMPT_RESPONSES + "." + PromptResponses.COMPOSITE_ID) .where(PromptResponses._ID + "=?", promptId) .mapToTable(Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN, Tables.RESPONSES) .mapToTable(Responses.SURVEY_ID, Tables.RESPONSES); } default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("buildSelection(): Unknown URI: " + uri); } } @Override public ContentProviderResult[] applyBatch(ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> operations) { ContentProviderResult[] results = null; SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { results = super.applyBatch(operations); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (OperationApplicationException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error applying batch: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } return results; } /** * {@link DbContract} fields that are fully qualified with a specific * parent {@link Tables}. Used when needed to work around SQL ambiguity. */ public interface Qualified { String SURVEYS_CAMPAIGN_URN = Tables.SURVEYS + "." + Surveys.CAMPAIGN_URN; String RESPONSES_CAMPAIGN_URN = Tables.RESPONSES + "." + Responses.CAMPAIGN_URN; String RESPONSES_SURVEY_ID = Tables.RESPONSES + "." + Responses.SURVEY_ID; String SURVEY_PROMPTS_SURVEY_ID = Tables.SURVEY_PROMPTS + "." + SurveyPrompts.SURVEY_ID; String RESPONSES_ID = Tables.RESPONSES + "." + Responses._ID; } }