package org.ohmage.db; import org.ohmage.service.SurveyGeotagService; import android.content.ContentUris; import; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import java.util.List; /** * Contract class for interacting with {@link DbProvider}. Defines the kinds of entities * managed by the provider, their schemas, and their relationships. * @author faisal * */ public class DbContract { public static final String CONTENT_AUTHORITY = "org.ohmage.db"; private static final Uri BASE_CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + CONTENT_AUTHORITY); interface CampaignColumns { /** Unique string identifying this campaign. */ String CAMPAIGN_URN = "campaign_urn"; /** Name of this campaign. */ String CAMPAIGN_NAME = "campaign_name"; /** Description of this campaign. */ String CAMPAIGN_DESCRIPTION = "campaign_description"; /** Time when this campaign was created */ String CAMPAIGN_CREATED = "campaign_created"; /** Time when this campaign was downloaded */ String CAMPAIGN_DOWNLOADED = "campaign_downloaded"; /** Configuration xml for this campaign */ String CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION_XML = "campaign_configuration_xml"; /** Status of this campaign */ String CAMPAIGN_STATUS = "campaign_status"; /** Icon for this campaign */ String CAMPAIGN_ICON = "campaign_icon"; /** Privacy status of this campaign */ String CAMPAIGN_PRIVACY = "campaign_privacy"; /** Update time in db so we don't change things which we updated more recently */ String CAMPAIGN_UPDATED = "campaign_updated"; } interface SurveyColumns { /** Unique string identifying this survey. */ String SURVEY_ID = "survey_id"; /** Title of this survey. */ String SURVEY_TITLE = "survey_title"; /** Description of this survey. */ String SURVEY_DESCRIPTION = "survey_description"; String SURVEY_SUBMIT_TEXT = "survey_submit_text"; String SURVEY_SHOW_SUMMARY = "survey_show_summary"; String SURVEY_EDIT_SUMMARY = "survey_edit_summary"; String SURVEY_SUMMARY_TEXT = "survey_summary_text"; String SURVEY_INTRO_TEXT = "survey_intro_text"; String SURVEY_ANYTIME = "survey_anytime"; String SURVEY_STATUS = "survey_status"; } interface SurveyPromptColumns { String SURVEY_PROMPT_TEXT = "survey_prompt_text"; String SURVEY_PROMPT_TYPE = "survey_prompt_type"; String SURVEY_PROMPT_PROPERTIES = "survey_prompt_properties"; } interface ResponseColumns { /** the username to whom the survey response belongs */ String RESPONSE_USERNAME = "response_username"; /** the date on which the survey response was recorded, assumedly in UTC */ String RESPONSE_DATE = "response_date"; /** milliseconds since the epoch when this survey response was completed */ String RESPONSE_TIME = "response_time"; /** the timezone in which the survey response was completed */ String RESPONSE_TIMEZONE = "response_timezone"; /** LOCATION_-prefixed final string from {@link SurveyGeotagService}; if LOCATION_UNAVAILABLE is chosen, location data is ignored */ String RESPONSE_LOCATION_STATUS ="response_location_status"; /** latitude at which the survey response was recorded, if available */ String RESPONSE_LOCATION_LATITUDE = "response_location_latitude"; /** longitude at which the survey response was recorded, if available */ String RESPONSE_LOCATION_LONGITUDE = "response_location_longitude"; /** the provider for the location data, if available */ String RESPONSE_LOCATION_PROVIDER = "response_location_provider"; /** the accuracy of the location data, if available */ String RESPONSE_LOCATION_ACCURACY = "response_location_accuracy"; /** time reported from location provider, if available */ String RESPONSE_LOCATION_TIME = "response_location_time"; /** the context in which the survey was launched (e.g. triggered, user-initiated, etc.) */ String RESPONSE_SURVEY_LAUNCH_CONTEXT = "response_survey_launch_context"; /** the response data as a JSON-encoded string */ String RESPONSE_JSON = "response_json"; /** read-only, an int indicating the status of a response; use constants supplied in this class (e.g. STATUS_UPLOADED) */ String RESPONSE_STATUS = "response_status"; /** read-only, a UUID that uniquely identifies this response */ String RESPONSE_UUID = "response_uuid"; } interface PromptResponseColumns { /** actual value for the response */ String PROMPT_RESPONSE_VALUE = "prompt_response_value"; /** extra data associated with the response that might be needed */ String PROMPT_RESPONSE_EXTRA_VALUE = "prompt_response_extra_value"; } private static final String PATH_CAMPAIGNS = "campaigns"; private static final String PATH_SURVEYS = "surveys"; private static final String PATH_PROMPTS = "prompts"; private static final String PATH_RESPONSES = "responses"; /** * Represents a campaign. */ public static final class Campaigns implements BaseColumns, CampaignColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_CAMPAIGNS).build(); public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = ""; public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = ""; /** Default "ORDER BY" clause. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT = CampaignColumns.CAMPAIGN_NAME; /** Build {@link Uri} for requested {@link #CAMPAIGN_URN} */ public static Uri buildCampaignUri(String campaignUrn) { return CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(campaignUrn).build(); } /** * Build {@link Uri} that references any {@link Surveys} associated * with the requested {@link #CAMPAIGN_URN}. */ public static Uri buildSurveysUri(String campaignUrn) { return CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(campaignUrn).appendPath(PATH_SURVEYS).build(); } /** * Build {@link Uri} that references any {@link Surveys} associated * with the requested {@link #CAMPAIGN_URN} and {@link Surveys#SURVEY_ID} */ public static Uri buildSurveysUri(String campaignUrn, String surveyId) { return buildSurveysUri(campaignUrn).buildUpon().appendPath(surveyId).build(); } /** * Build {@link Uri} that references any {@link SurveyPrompts} associated * with the requested {@link #CAMPAIGN_URN} and {@link Surveys#SURVEY_ID} */ public static Uri buildSurveyPromptsUri(String campaignUrn, String surveyId) { return buildSurveysUri(campaignUrn, surveyId).buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_SURVEYS).build(); } /** * Build {@link Uri} that references any {@link Responses} associated * with the requested {@link #CAMPAIGN_URN} */ public static Uri buildResponsesUri(String campaignUrn) { return CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(campaignUrn).appendPath(PATH_RESPONSES).build(); } /** * Build {@link Uri} that references any {@link Responses} associated * with the requested {@link #CAMPAIGN_URN} and {@link Surveys#SURVEY_ID} */ public static Uri buildResponsesUri(String campaignUrn, String surveyId) { return buildSurveysUri(campaignUrn, surveyId).buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_RESPONSES).build(); } /** Read {@link #CAMPAIGN_URN} from {@link Campaigns} {@link Uri}. */ public static String getCampaignUrn(Uri uri) { return uri.getPathSegments().get(1); } } /** * Represents a survey, as extracted from the campaign XML. */ public static final class Surveys implements BaseColumns, SurveyColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_SURVEYS).build(); public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = ""; public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = ""; public static final String CAMPAIGN_URN = "campaign_urn"; public static final String CAMPAIGN_NAME = "campaign_name"; /** Default "ORDER BY" clause. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT = SurveyColumns.SURVEY_TITLE; /** Build {@link Uri} for all {@link SurveyPrompts} */ public static Uri buildSurveyPromptsUri() { return CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_PROMPTS).build(); } /** Read {@link #SURVEY_ID} from {@link Surveys} {@link Uri}. */ public static String getSurveyId(Uri uri) { return uri.getPathSegments().get(3); } } /** * Represents a prompt within a survey, again as extracted from the campaign XML. */ public static final class SurveyPrompts implements BaseColumns, SurveyPromptColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_SURVEYS).build(); public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = ""; public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = ""; public static final String SURVEY_PID = "survey_pid"; public static final String SURVEY_ID = "survey_id"; public static final String PROMPT_ID = "prompt_id"; public static final String COMPOSITE_ID = "composite_id"; /** Read Prompt id from {@link SurveyPrompts} {@link Uri}. */ public static String getSurveyPromptId(Uri uri) { return uri.getPathSegments().get(1); } } /** * Represents a survey response. * * The 'source' field indicates how the survey response was added to the database. If it's "local", that * means that the survey was filled out by the user and is awaiting upload. If it's "remote", it means * that it was downloaded by the feedback sync service. Both "local" and "remote" surveys are used for * generating feedback visualizations. * * The 'uploaded' field indicates whether or not the survey has been uploaded by the {@link OldUploadService} * yet. This field is valid only for records where 'source' is "local". */ public static final class Responses implements BaseColumns, ResponseColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_RESPONSES).build(); public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = ""; public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = ""; public static final String CAMPAIGN_URN = "campaign_urn"; public static final String SURVEY_ID = "survey_id"; /** Build {@link Uri} for requested {@link Responses#_ID} */ public static Uri buildResponseUri(long responseId) { return ContentUris.withAppendedId(CONTENT_URI, responseId); } /** Build {@link Uri} that references any {@link Responses} associated * with the requested {@link Responses#_ID} */ public static Uri buildPromptResponsesUri(long responseId) { return buildResponseUri(responseId).buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_PROMPTS).build(); } /** Read ResponseId from {@link Responses} {@link Uri}. */ public static String getResponseId(Uri uri) { return uri.getPathSegments().get(1); } /** Checks to see if the given uri is a {@link Responses} uri */ public static boolean isResponseUri(Uri uri) { if(uri == null) return false; List<String> segments = uri.getPathSegments(); return segments != null && segments.size() > 0 && PATH_RESPONSES.equals(segments.get(0)); } } // =================================== // === feedback prompt responses schema // =================================== /** * Represents a single response to a prompt. * * These are extracted from the survey response json at the time of survey completion, * or in ResponseSyncService from the downloaded response data. */ public static final class PromptResponses implements BaseColumns, PromptResponseColumns { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(PATH_PROMPTS).build(); public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = ""; public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = ""; public enum AggregateTypes { AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, TOTAL } public static final String RESPONSE_ID = "response_id"; public static final String COMPOSITE_ID = "composite_id"; public static final String PROMPT_ID = "prompt_id"; /** Read Prompt id from {@link PromptResponses} {@link Uri}. which has a survey */ public static String getSurveyPromptId(Uri uri) { return uri.getPathSegments().get(6); } /** Read Prompt id from {@link PromptResponses} {@link Uri}. */ public static String getPromptId(Uri uri) { return uri.getPathSegments().get(4); } public static Uri getPromptsByCampaignAndSurvey(String campaignUrn, String surveyID, String promptID) { return BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon() .appendPath(PATH_CAMPAIGNS) .appendPath(campaignUrn) .appendPath(PATH_SURVEYS) .appendPath(surveyID) .appendPath(PATH_RESPONSES) .appendPath(PATH_PROMPTS) .appendPath(promptID) .build(); } /** * Returns the prompts for a specific promptID * * This uri is only useful in certain circumstances where the same prompt is used * for more than one survey like it is in NIH * @param campaignUrn * @param promptID * @return */ public static Uri getPromptsByCampaign(String campaignUrn, String promptID) { return BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon() .appendPath(PATH_CAMPAIGNS) .appendPath(campaignUrn) .appendPath(PATH_RESPONSES) .appendPath(PATH_PROMPTS) .appendPath(promptID) .build(); } } }