package org.ohmage.fragments; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Campaigns; import org.ohmage.db.DbContract.Responses; import org.ohmage.db.DbProvider.Qualified; import org.ohmage.ui.OhmageFilterable.FilterableFragmentLoader; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; /** * The {@link ResponseLoader} makes it easy for a {@link FilterableFragment} to get the CursorLoader it * needs to query for a set of responses * @author cketcham * */ public class ResponseLoader { private final FilterableFragmentLoader mFragment; private final String[] mProjection; private final String mSelection; public ResponseLoader(FilterableFragmentLoader fragment, String[] projection) { this(fragment, projection, null); } public ResponseLoader(FilterableFragmentLoader fragment, String[] projection, String selection) { mFragment = fragment; mProjection = projection; mSelection = selection; } public CursorLoader onCreateLoader(int arg0, Bundle arg1) { Uri uri = Responses.CONTENT_URI; StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder(); String[] selectionArgs = null; // Set the filter selection if(mFragment.getCampaignUrn() != null && mFragment.getSurveyId() != null) { uri = Campaigns.buildResponsesUri(mFragment.getCampaignUrn(), mFragment.getSurveyId()); } else if(mFragment.getCampaignUrn() != null) { uri = Campaigns.buildResponsesUri(mFragment.getCampaignUrn()); } else if(mFragment.getSurveyId() != null) { selection.append(Qualified.RESPONSES_SURVEY_ID +"=? AND "); selectionArgs = new String[] { mFragment.getSurveyId() }; } // Set the date filter selection selection.append(Responses.RESPONSE_TIME + " >= " + mFragment.getStartBounds() + " AND "); selection.append(Responses.RESPONSE_TIME + " <= " + mFragment.getEndBounds()); if(mSelection != null) selection.append(" AND " + mSelection); return new CursorLoader(mFragment.getActivity(), uri, mProjection, selection.toString(), selectionArgs, Responses.RESPONSE_TIME + " DESC"); } }