package de.lessvoid.nifty.renderer.lwjgl.input; /** * * @author Joseph */ import de.lessvoid.nifty.NiftyInputConsumer; import de.lessvoid.nifty.input.keyboard.KeyboardInputEvent; import de.lessvoid.nifty.spi.input.InputSystem; import; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.input.Cursor; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class LwjglInputSystem implements InputSystem { private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LwjglInputSystem.class.getName()); @Nonnull private final LwjglKeyboardInputEventCreator keyboardEventCreator = new LwjglKeyboardInputEventCreator(); private final IntBuffer viewportBuffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(4 * 4); @Nonnull private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MouseInputEvent> mouseEventsOut = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MouseInputEvent>(); private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<KeyboardInputEvent> keyboardEventsOut = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<KeyboardInputEvent>(); public boolean niftyHasKeyboardFocus = true; public boolean niftyTakesKeyboardFocusOnClick = false; @Override public void setResourceLoader(@Nonnull final NiftyResourceLoader resourceLoader) { } public void startup() throws Exception { Mouse.create(); Keyboard.create(); Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(true); logMouseCapabilities(); } public void shutdown() { Mouse.destroy(); Keyboard.destroy(); } // InputSystem Implementation @Override public void forwardEvents(@Nonnull final NiftyInputConsumer inputEventConsumer) { mouseEventsOut.clear(); keyboardEventsOut.clear(); processMouseEvents(inputEventConsumer); processKeyboardEvents(inputEventConsumer); } @Override public void setMousePosition(final int x, final int y) { int viewportHeight = getViewportHeight(); Mouse.setCursorPosition(x, viewportHeight - y); } // Additional methods to access events in case they've got not handled by Nifty /** * This can be called the check if any mouse events have not been handled by Nifty. * * @return true when mouse events are available and false if not */ public boolean hasNextMouseEvent() { return mouseEventsOut.peek() != null; } /** * Retrieve a unhandled mouse event from the internal queue. * * @return MouseInputEvent of the mouse event that was not handled by Nifty */ public MouseInputEvent nextMouseEvent() { return mouseEventsOut.poll(); } /** * This can be called the check if any keyboard events have not been handled by Nifty. * * @return true when keyboard events are available and false if not */ public boolean hasNextKeyboardEvent() { return keyboardEventsOut.peek() != null; } /** * Retrieve a unhandled keyboard event from the internal queue. * * @return KeyboardInputEvent of the event that was not handled by Nifty */ public KeyboardInputEvent nextKeyboardEvent() { return keyboardEventsOut.poll(); } // Internals private void processMouseEvents(@Nonnull final NiftyInputConsumer inputEventConsumer) { int viewportHeight = getViewportHeight(); while ( { int mouseX = Mouse.getEventX(); int mouseY = viewportHeight - Mouse.getEventY(); int mouseWheel = Mouse.getEventDWheel() / 120; // not sure about that 120 here. works on my system and makes // this return 1 if the wheel is moved the minimal amount. int button = Mouse.getEventButton(); boolean buttonDown = Mouse.getEventButtonState(); // now send the event to nifty boolean mouseEventProcessedByNifty = inputEventConsumer.processMouseEvent(mouseX, mouseY, mouseWheel, button, buttonDown); if (!mouseEventProcessedByNifty) { log.fine("Nifty did not processed this mouse event. You can handle it."); // nifty did not process this event, it did not hit any element mouseEventsOut.offer(new MouseInputEvent(mouseX, mouseY, mouseWheel, button, buttonDown)); if (niftyTakesKeyboardFocusOnClick) { log.fine("Nifty gave up the keyboard focus"); niftyHasKeyboardFocus = false; // give up focus if clicked outside nifty } } else { log.fine("Nifty has processed this mouse event"); // nifty did handle that event. it hit an element and was processed by some GUI element if (niftyTakesKeyboardFocusOnClick) { // take focus if nifty element is clicked log.fine("Nifty takes the keyboard focus back"); niftyHasKeyboardFocus = true; } } } } private void processKeyboardEvents(@Nonnull final NiftyInputConsumer inputEventConsumer) { while ( { KeyboardInputEvent event = keyboardEventCreator.createEvent(Keyboard.getEventKey(), Keyboard.getEventCharacter(), Keyboard.getEventKeyState()); // due to or short-circuiting on true, the event will get forward to keyboardEventsOut if keyboardEventsOut=true if (!niftyHasKeyboardFocus || !inputEventConsumer.processKeyboardEvent(event)) { keyboardEventsOut.offer(event); } } } private int getViewportHeight() { GL11.glGetInteger(GL11.GL_VIEWPORT, viewportBuffer); return viewportBuffer.get(3); } private void logMouseCapabilities() { int caps = Cursor.getCapabilities(); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); if ((caps & Cursor.CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY) != 0) { add(out, "CURSOR_ONE_BIT_TRANSPARENCY"); } if ((caps & Cursor.CURSOR_8_BIT_ALPHA) != 0) { add(out, "CURSOR_8_BIT_ALPHA"); } if ((caps & Cursor.CURSOR_ANIMATION) != 0) { add(out, "CURSOR_ANIMATION"); } log.fine("native cursor support (" + caps + ") -> [" + out.toString() + "]"); log.fine("native cursor min size: " + Cursor.getMinCursorSize()); log.fine("native cursor max size: " + Cursor.getMaxCursorSize()); } private static void add(@Nonnull StringBuffer out, String text) { if (out.length() > 0) { out.append(", "); } out.append(text); } public static class MouseInputEvent { public float mouseX; public float mouseY; public float pmouseX; public float pmouseY; public int button; public int scroll; public boolean buttonDown; MouseInputEvent(float mx, float my, int scroll, int button, boolean buttonDown) { this.mouseX = mx; this.mouseY = my; this.button = button; this.scroll = scroll; this.buttonDown = buttonDown; } @Nonnull @Override public String toString() { return this.button + "=" + this.buttonDown + " at " + this.mouseX + "," + this.mouseY + " scroll:" + this.scroll; } } }