package de.lessvoid.nifty.elements.render; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.bushe.swing.event.EventSubscriber; import de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty; import de.lessvoid.nifty.NiftyLocaleChangedEvent; import de.lessvoid.nifty.elements.Element; import; import; import de.lessvoid.nifty.layout.align.HorizontalAlign; import de.lessvoid.nifty.layout.align.VerticalAlign; import de.lessvoid.nifty.render.NiftyRenderEngine; import de.lessvoid.nifty.spi.render.RenderFont; import; import; /** * The TextRenderer implementation. * * @author void */ public class TextRenderer implements ElementRenderer, EventSubscriber<NiftyLocaleChangedEvent> { /** * The default color used by the renderer. */ @Nonnull public static final Color DEFAULT_COLOR = Color.WHITE; /** * the font to use. */ @Nullable private RenderFont font; /** * this is the original text. */ @Nonnull private String originalText; /** * the text to output. */ @Nullable private String[] textLines; /** * max width of all text strings. */ private int maxWidth; /** * can't remember what this is :>. */ private int xOffsetHack = 0; /** * selection start. */ private int selectionStart = -1; /** * selection end. */ private int selectionEnd = -1; /** * text selection color. */ @Nonnull private Color textSelectionColor = Color.BLACK; /** * vertical alignment. */ @Nonnull private VerticalAlign textVAlign =; /** * horizontal alignment. */ @Nonnull private HorizontalAlign textHAlign =; /** * color. */ @Nonnull private Color color = DEFAULT_COLOR; /** * This TextRenderer will automatically wrap lines when the element it is * attached to has a width constraint. */ private boolean lineWrapping = false; /** * If the textLineHeight property is set it will override the font.getHeight() when * calculating the height of the text. */ @Nonnull private SizeValue textLineHeight = SizeValue.def(); /** * If the textMinLineHeight property is set the text will always be at least textMinLineHeight * pixel height. */ @Nonnull private SizeValue textMinHeight = SizeValue.def(); @Nonnull private final Nifty nifty; // in case we use word wrapping and are changing the elements width/height constraints we'll // remember the original values in here private boolean isCalculatedLineWrapping = false; @Nonnull private SizeValue originalConstraintWidth = SizeValue.def(); @Nonnull private SizeValue originalConstraintHeight = SizeValue.def(); /* * When the element this TextRenderer belongs to as been layouted at least once we remember the attached element * here so that we can later automatically relayout ourself correctly when someone changed this text. */ @Nullable private Element hasBeenLayoutedElement; private String originalTextBeforeSpecialValues; /** * default constructor. */ public TextRenderer(@Nonnull final Nifty nifty) { this.nifty = nifty; this.nifty.getEventService().subscribe(NiftyLocaleChangedEvent.class, this); originalText = ""; } /** * create new renderer with the given font and text. * * @param newFont the font to use * @param newText the text to use */ public TextRenderer(@Nonnull final Nifty nifty, @Nonnull final RenderFont newFont, @Nullable final String newText) { this.nifty = nifty; this.nifty.getEventService().subscribe(NiftyLocaleChangedEvent.class, this); init(newFont, newText); } /** * set Text. * * @param newText text */ public void setText(@Nullable final String newText) { initText(newText, true); } /** * initialize. * * @param newFont new font * @param newText new text */ private void init(@Nonnull final RenderFont newFont, @Nullable final String newText) { this.font = newFont; initText(newText, false); } /** * @param text the text that is supposed to be used */ private void initText(@Nullable final String text, final boolean changeExistingText) { this.originalTextBeforeSpecialValues = text; String newText = nifty.specialValuesReplace(text); if (lineWrapping && isCalculatedLineWrapping) { isCalculatedLineWrapping = false; } this.originalText = newText; this.textLines = newText.split("\n", -1); if (changeExistingText && hasBeenLayoutedElement != null) { hasBeenLayoutedElement.getParent().layoutElements(); } maxWidth = 0; if (font != null) { for (int i = 0; i < textLines.length; i++) { String line = textLines[i]; int lineWidth = font.getWidth(line); if (lineWidth > maxWidth) { maxWidth = lineWidth; } } } } /** * render the stuff. * * @param w the widget we're connected to * @param r the renderDevice we should use */ @Override public void render(@Nonnull final Element w, @Nonnull final NiftyRenderEngine r) { if (textLines == null) { return; } renderLines(w, r, textLines); } private void renderLines(@Nonnull final Element w, @Nonnull final NiftyRenderEngine r, @Nonnull String... lines) { RenderFont font = ensureFont(r); if (font == null) { return; } boolean stateSaved = prepareRenderEngine(r, font); int y = getStartYWithVerticalAlign(lines.length * font.getHeight(), w.getHeight(), textVAlign); for (String line : lines) { int yy = w.getY() + y; if (Math.abs(xOffsetHack) > 0) { int fittingOffset = FontHelper.getVisibleCharactersFromStart(font, line, Math.abs(xOffsetHack), 1.0f); String cut = line.substring(0, fittingOffset); String substring = line.substring(fittingOffset, line.length()); int xx = w.getX() + xOffsetHack + font.getWidth(cut); renderLine(xx, yy, substring, r, selectionStart - fittingOffset, selectionEnd - fittingOffset); } else { int xx = w.getX() + getStartXWithHorizontalAlign(font.getWidth(line), w.getWidth(), textHAlign); renderLine(xx, yy, line, r, selectionStart, selectionEnd); } y += font.getHeight(); } restoreRenderEngine(r, stateSaved); } private boolean prepareRenderEngine(@Nonnull final NiftyRenderEngine r, RenderFont font) { if (!r.isColorChanged()) { if (r.isColorAlphaChanged()) { r.setColorIgnoreAlpha(color); } else { r.setColor(color); } } boolean stateSaved = false; if (r.getFont() == null) { r.saveStates(); r.setFont(font); stateSaved = true; } return stateSaved; } private void restoreRenderEngine(@Nonnull final NiftyRenderEngine r, final boolean stateSaved) { if (stateSaved) { r.restoreStates(); } } @Nullable private RenderFont ensureFont(@Nonnull final NiftyRenderEngine r) { if (this.font == null) { return r.getFont(); } return font; } /** * Get start Y for text rendering given the textHeight and the elementHeight. * * @param textHeight text height * @param elementHeight element height * @param verticalAlign verticalAlign * @return start y for text rendering */ protected static int getStartYWithVerticalAlign( final int textHeight, final int elementHeight, final VerticalAlign verticalAlign) { if ( == verticalAlign) { return 0; } else if ( == verticalAlign) { return (elementHeight - textHeight) / 2; } else if (VerticalAlign.bottom == verticalAlign) { return elementHeight - textHeight; } else { // default is top in here return 0; } } /** * Get start x for text rendering given the textWidth and the elementWidth. * * @param textWidth text width * @param elementWidth element width * @param horizontalAlign horizontalAlign * @return start x for text rendering */ protected static int getStartXWithHorizontalAlign( final int textWidth, final int elementWidth, final HorizontalAlign horizontalAlign) { if (HorizontalAlign.left == horizontalAlign) { return 0; } else if ( == horizontalAlign) { return (elementWidth - textWidth) / 2; } else if (HorizontalAlign.right == horizontalAlign) { return elementWidth - textWidth; } else { // default is 0 return 0; } } /** * render line. * * @param xx x * @param yy y * @param line line * @param r RenderEngine * @param selStart sel start * @param selEnd sel end */ private void renderLine( final int xx, final int yy, @Nonnull final String line, @Nonnull final NiftyRenderEngine r, final int selStart, final int selEnd) { r.renderText(line, xx, yy, selStart, selEnd, textSelectionColor); } /** * Helper method to get width of text. * * @return the width in pixel of the current set text. */ public int getTextWidth() { return maxWidth; } /** * Helper method to get height of text. * * @return the height in pixel of the current set text. */ public int getTextHeight() { RenderFont font = ensureFont(nifty.getRenderEngine()); if (font == null || textLines == null) { return 0; } int calculatedHeight = font.getHeight() * textLines.length; if (textLineHeight.hasValue()) { calculatedHeight = textLineHeight.getValueAsInt(1.0f) * textLines.length; } if (textMinHeight.hasValue()) { if (calculatedHeight < textMinHeight.getValueAsInt(1.0f)) { return textMinHeight.getValueAsInt(1.0f); } } return calculatedHeight; } /** * set thing. * * @param newXoffsetHack xoffset */ public void setxOffsetHack(final int newXoffsetHack) { this.xOffsetHack = newXoffsetHack; } /** * Get RenderFont. * * @return render font */ @Nullable public RenderFont getFont() { return font; } /** * set a new selection. * * @param selectionStartParam start * @param selectionEndParam end */ public void setSelection(final int selectionStartParam, final int selectionEndParam) { this.selectionStart = selectionStartParam; this.selectionEnd = selectionEndParam; } /** * Set the font that is supposed to be used. * * @param fontParam the font or {@code null} in case the font of the render engine is supposed to be used */ public void setFont(@Nullable final RenderFont fontParam) { this.font = fontParam; } /** * set new text selection color. * * @param textSelectionColorParam text selection color */ public void setTextSelectionColor(@Nonnull final Color textSelectionColorParam) { this.textSelectionColor = textSelectionColorParam; } /** * set text vertical alignment. * * @param newTextVAlign text vertical alignment */ public void setTextVAlign(@Nonnull final VerticalAlign newTextVAlign) { this.textVAlign = newTextVAlign; } /** * set text horizontal alignment. * * @param newTextHAlign text horizontal alignment */ public void setTextHAlign(@Nonnull final HorizontalAlign newTextHAlign) { this.textHAlign = newTextHAlign; } /** * set color. * * @param newColor color */ public void setColor(@Nonnull final Color newColor) { this.color = newColor; } /** * get original text. * * @return original text */ @Nonnull public String getOriginalText() { return originalText; } @Nonnull public String getWrappedText() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (textLines != null && textLines.length > 0) { result.append(textLines[0]); for (int i = 1; i < textLines.length; i++) { result.append('\n').append(textLines[i]); } } return result.toString(); } public void setTextLineHeight(@Nonnull final SizeValue textLineHeight) { this.textLineHeight = textLineHeight; } public void setTextMinHeight(@Nonnull final SizeValue textMinHeight) { this.textMinHeight = textMinHeight; } @Nonnull private String[] wrapText(final int width, @Nonnull final NiftyRenderEngine r, @Nonnull final String... textLines) { RenderFont font = ensureFont(r); if (font == null) { return textLines; } List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String line : textLines) { int lineLengthInPixel = font.getWidth(line); if (lineLengthInPixel > width) { lines.addAll(new TextBreak(line, width, font).split()); } else { lines.add(line); } } return lines.toArray(new String[lines.size()]); } public void setWidthConstraint( @Nonnull final Element element, @Nonnull final SizeValue elementConstraintWidth, final int parentWidth, @Nonnull final NiftyRenderEngine renderEngine) { if (parentWidth == 0 || !lineWrapping || isCalculatedLineWrapping) { return; } int valueAsInt = element.getWidth(); if (valueAsInt == 0) { valueAsInt = elementConstraintWidth.getValueAsInt(parentWidth); } if (valueAsInt <= 0) { return; } // remember some values so that we can correctly do auto word wrapping when someone changes the text this.hasBeenLayoutedElement = element; this.textLines = wrapText(valueAsInt, renderEngine, originalText.split("\n", -1)); maxWidth = valueAsInt; // we'll now modify the element constraints so that the layout mechanism can later take this word wrapping // business correctly into account when the elements will be layouted. to make sure we're able to reset this // effect later, we'll remember that we've artificially calculated those values in here. so that we're able to // actually reset this later. isCalculatedLineWrapping = true; originalConstraintWidth = element.getConstraintWidth(); originalConstraintHeight = element.getConstraintHeight(); element.setConstraintWidth( elementConstraintWidth.hasWildcard() ? SizeValue.wildcard(getTextWidth()) : SizeValue.px(getTextWidth())); element.setConstraintHeight(SizeValue.px(getTextHeight())); } public void setLineWrapping(final boolean lineWrapping) { this.lineWrapping = lineWrapping; } public boolean isLineWrapping() { return lineWrapping; } @Nonnull public VerticalAlign getTextVAlign() { return textVAlign; } @Nonnull public HorizontalAlign getTextHAlign() { return textHAlign; } @Nonnull public Color getColor() { return color; } public void resetLayout(@Nonnull final Element element) { if (isCalculatedLineWrapping) { isCalculatedLineWrapping = false; element.setConstraintWidth(originalConstraintWidth); element.setConstraintHeight(originalConstraintHeight); } } @Nonnull public Color getTextSelectionColor() { return textSelectionColor; } @Override public void onEvent(final NiftyLocaleChangedEvent event) { setText(originalTextBeforeSpecialValues); } }