package de.lessvoid.nifty.examples.lwjgl.progressbar; import de.lessvoid.nifty.Nifty; import de.lessvoid.nifty.examples.lwjgl.NiftyExampleLoaderLWJGL; import de.lessvoid.nifty.examples.progressbar.ProgressbarControl; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import static org.lwjgl.Sys.getTime; /** * @author Aaron Mahan <> * @author Martin Karing <> */ final class ProgressBarUpdater implements NiftyExampleLoaderLWJGL.RenderLoopCallback { /** The time elapsed since the last reset. This is used to calculate the state of the progress bar. */ private int deltaSum = 0; /** The time at the last frame. */ private long lastFrame = 0; /** Temporary variable to hold the number of milliseconds that have passed since the last frame. */ private int delta; /** Implement custom render loop callback in order to update the progressbar. */ @Override public void process(@Nonnull final Nifty nifty) { delta = getDelta(); if (delta == 0) { return; } deltaSum += delta; if (deltaSum >= 5000) { nifty.getScreen("start").findControl("my-progress", ProgressbarControl.class).setProgress(1.f); if (deltaSum >= 7000) { deltaSum = 0; } } else { nifty.getScreen("start").findControl("my-progress", ProgressbarControl.class).setProgress(deltaSum / 5000.f); } } /** * Calculates how many milliseconds have passed since the last frame. * * @return milliseconds passed since last frame */ private int getDelta() { long time = getTime(); int delta = (int) (time - lastFrame); lastFrame = time; return delta; } }