package org.mp4parser.streaming.input.h264; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part12.SampleDescriptionBox; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part15.AvcConfigurationBox; import org.mp4parser.boxes.sampleentry.VisualSampleEntry; import org.mp4parser.streaming.StreamingSample; import org.mp4parser.streaming.extensions.CompositionTimeSampleExtension; import org.mp4parser.streaming.extensions.CompositionTimeTrackExtension; import org.mp4parser.streaming.extensions.DimensionTrackExtension; import org.mp4parser.streaming.extensions.SampleFlagsSampleExtension; import org.mp4parser.streaming.input.StreamingSampleImpl; import org.mp4parser.streaming.input.h264.spspps.PictureParameterSet; import org.mp4parser.streaming.input.h264.spspps.SeqParameterSet; import org.mp4parser.streaming.input.h264.spspps.SliceHeader; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public abstract class H264NalConsumingTrack extends AbstractH264Track { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(H264NalConsumingTrack.class.getName()); int max_dec_frame_buffering = 16; List<StreamingSample> decFrameBuffer = new ArrayList<StreamingSample>(); List<StreamingSample> decFrameBuffer2 = new ArrayList<StreamingSample>(); LinkedHashMap<Integer, ByteBuffer> spsIdToSpsBytes = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, ByteBuffer>(); LinkedHashMap<Integer, SeqParameterSet> spsIdToSps = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, SeqParameterSet>(); LinkedHashMap<Integer, ByteBuffer> ppsIdToPpsBytes = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, ByteBuffer>(); LinkedHashMap<Integer, PictureParameterSet> ppsIdToPps = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, PictureParameterSet>(); BlockingQueue<SeqParameterSet> spsForConfig = new LinkedBlockingDeque<SeqParameterSet>(); int timescale = 0; int frametick = 0; boolean configured; SampleDescriptionBox stsd; SeqParameterSet currentSeqParameterSet = null; PictureParameterSet currentPictureParameterSet = null; List<ByteBuffer> buffered = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(); FirstVclNalDetector fvnd = null; H264NalUnitHeader sliceNalUnitHeader; public H264NalConsumingTrack() { } public static H264NalUnitHeader getNalUnitHeader(ByteBuffer nal) { H264NalUnitHeader nalUnitHeader = new H264NalUnitHeader(); int type = nal.get(0); nalUnitHeader.nal_ref_idc = (type >> 5) & 3; nalUnitHeader.nal_unit_type = type & 0x1f; return nalUnitHeader; } protected void consumeNal(ByteBuffer nal) throws IOException { //LOG.finest("Consume NAL of " + nal.length + " bytes." + Hex.encodeHex(new byte[]{nal[0], nal[1], nal[2], nal[3], nal[4]})); H264NalUnitHeader nalUnitHeader = getNalUnitHeader(nal); switch (nalUnitHeader.nal_unit_type) { case H264NalUnitTypes.CODED_SLICE_NON_IDR: case H264NalUnitTypes.CODED_SLICE_DATA_PART_A: case H264NalUnitTypes.CODED_SLICE_DATA_PART_B: case H264NalUnitTypes.CODED_SLICE_DATA_PART_C: case H264NalUnitTypes.CODED_SLICE_IDR: FirstVclNalDetector current = new FirstVclNalDetector(nal, nalUnitHeader.nal_ref_idc, nalUnitHeader.nal_unit_type); sliceNalUnitHeader = nalUnitHeader; if (fvnd != null && fvnd.isFirstInNew(current)) { LOG.debug("Wrapping up cause of first vcl nal is found"); pushSample(createSample(buffered, fvnd.sliceHeader, sliceNalUnitHeader), false, false); buffered.clear(); } fvnd = current; //System.err.println("" + nalUnitHeader.nal_unit_type); buffered.add(nal); //LOG.debug("NAL Unit Type: " + nalUnitHeader.nal_unit_type + " " + fvnd.frame_num); break; case H264NalUnitTypes.SEI: if (fvnd != null) { LOG.debug("Wrapping up cause of SEI after vcl marks new sample"); pushSample(createSample(buffered, fvnd.sliceHeader, sliceNalUnitHeader), false, false); buffered.clear(); fvnd = null; } //System.err.println("" + nalUnitHeader.nal_unit_type); buffered.add(nal); break; case H264NalUnitTypes.AU_UNIT_DELIMITER: if (fvnd != null) { LOG.debug("Wrapping up cause of AU after vcl marks new sample"); pushSample(createSample(buffered, fvnd.sliceHeader, sliceNalUnitHeader), false, false); buffered.clear(); fvnd = null; } //System.err.println("" + nalUnitHeader.nal_unit_type); buffered.add(nal); break; case H264NalUnitTypes.SEQ_PARAMETER_SET: if (fvnd != null) { LOG.debug("Wrapping up cause of SPS after vcl marks new sample"); pushSample(createSample(buffered, fvnd.sliceHeader, sliceNalUnitHeader), false, false); buffered.clear(); fvnd = null; } handleSPS(nal); break; case 8: if (fvnd != null) { LOG.debug("Wrapping up cause of PPS after vcl marks new sample"); pushSample(createSample(buffered, fvnd.sliceHeader, sliceNalUnitHeader), false, false); buffered.clear(); fvnd = null; } handlePPS(nal); break; case H264NalUnitTypes.END_OF_SEQUENCE: case H264NalUnitTypes.END_OF_STREAM: return; case H264NalUnitTypes.SEQ_PARAMETER_SET_EXT: throw new IOException("Sequence parameter set extension is not yet handled. Needs TLC."); default: // buffered.add(nal); LOG.warn("Unknown NAL unit type: " + nalUnitHeader.nal_unit_type); } } protected void pushSample(StreamingSample ss, boolean all, boolean force) throws IOException { if (ss != null) { decFrameBuffer.add(ss); } if (all) { while (decFrameBuffer.size() > 0) { pushSample(null, false, true); } } else { if ((decFrameBuffer.size() - 1 > max_dec_frame_buffering) || force) { StreamingSample first = decFrameBuffer.remove(0); PictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension poct0se = first.getSampleExtension(PictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension.class); if (poct0se == null) { sampleSink.acceptSample(first, this); } else { int delay = 0; for (StreamingSample streamingSample : decFrameBuffer) { if (poct0se.getPoc() > streamingSample.getSampleExtension(PictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension.class).getPoc()) { delay++; } } for (StreamingSample streamingSample : decFrameBuffer2) { if (poct0se.getPoc() < streamingSample.getSampleExtension(PictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension.class).getPoc()) { delay--; } } decFrameBuffer2.add(first); if (decFrameBuffer2.size() > max_dec_frame_buffering) { decFrameBuffer2.remove(0).removeSampleExtension(PictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension.class); } first.addSampleExtension(CompositionTimeSampleExtension.create(delay * frametick)); //System.err.println("Adding sample"); sampleSink.acceptSample(first, this); } } } } protected SampleFlagsSampleExtension createSampleFlagsSampleExtension(H264NalUnitHeader nu, SliceHeader sliceHeader) { SampleFlagsSampleExtension sampleFlagsSampleExtension = new SampleFlagsSampleExtension(); if (nu.nal_ref_idc == 0) { sampleFlagsSampleExtension.setSampleIsDependedOn(2); } else { sampleFlagsSampleExtension.setSampleIsDependedOn(1); } if ((sliceHeader.slice_type == SliceHeader.SliceType.I) || (sliceHeader.slice_type == SliceHeader.SliceType.SI)) { sampleFlagsSampleExtension.setSampleDependsOn(2); } else { sampleFlagsSampleExtension.setSampleDependsOn(1); } sampleFlagsSampleExtension.setSampleIsNonSyncSample(H264NalUnitTypes.CODED_SLICE_IDR != nu.nal_unit_type); return sampleFlagsSampleExtension; } protected PictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension createPictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension(SliceHeader sliceHeader) { if (sliceHeader.sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 0) { return new PictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension( sliceHeader, decFrameBuffer.size() > 0 ? decFrameBuffer.get(decFrameBuffer.size() - 1).getSampleExtension(PictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension.class) : null); /* decFrameBuffer.add(ssi); if (decFrameBuffer.size() - 1 > max_dec_frame_buffering) { // just added one drainDecPictureBuffer(false); }*/ } else if (sliceHeader.sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 1) { throw new RuntimeException("pic_order_cnt_type == 1 needs to be implemented"); } else if (sliceHeader.sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 2) { return null; // no ctts } throw new RuntimeException("I don't know sliceHeader.sps.pic_order_cnt_type of " + sliceHeader.sps.pic_order_cnt_type); } protected StreamingSample createSample(List<ByteBuffer> nals, SliceHeader sliceHeader, H264NalUnitHeader nu) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Create Sample"); configure(); if (timescale == 0 || frametick == 0) { throw new IOException("Frame Rate needs to be configured either by hand or by SPS before samples can be created"); } StreamingSample ss = new StreamingSampleImpl( nals, frametick); ss.addSampleExtension(createSampleFlagsSampleExtension(nu, sliceHeader)); ss.addSampleExtension(createPictureOrderCountType0SampleExtension(sliceHeader)); return ss; } public void setFrametick(int frametick) { this.frametick = frametick; } public synchronized void configure() { if (!configured) { SeqParameterSet sps; try { sps = spsForConfig.poll(5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (sps == null) { LOG.warn("Can't determine frame rate as no SPS became available in time"); return; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage()); LOG.warn("Can't determine frame rate as no SPS became available in time"); return; } if (sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 0 || sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 1) { this.addTrackExtension(new CompositionTimeTrackExtension()); } int width = (sps.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1) * 16; int mult = 2; if (sps.frame_mbs_only_flag) { mult = 1; } int height = 16 * (sps.pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 + 1) * mult; if (sps.frame_cropping_flag) { int chromaArrayType = 0; if (!sps.residual_color_transform_flag) { chromaArrayType = sps.chroma_format_idc.getId(); } int cropUnitX = 1; int cropUnitY = mult; if (chromaArrayType != 0) { cropUnitX = sps.chroma_format_idc.getSubWidth(); cropUnitY = sps.chroma_format_idc.getSubHeight() * mult; } width -= cropUnitX * (sps.frame_crop_left_offset + sps.frame_crop_right_offset); height -= cropUnitY * (sps.frame_crop_top_offset + sps.frame_crop_bottom_offset); } VisualSampleEntry visualSampleEntry = new VisualSampleEntry("avc1"); visualSampleEntry.setDataReferenceIndex(1); visualSampleEntry.setDepth(24); visualSampleEntry.setFrameCount(1); visualSampleEntry.setHorizresolution(72); visualSampleEntry.setVertresolution(72); DimensionTrackExtension dte = this.getTrackExtension(DimensionTrackExtension.class); if (dte == null) { this.addTrackExtension(new DimensionTrackExtension(width, height)); } visualSampleEntry.setWidth(width); visualSampleEntry.setHeight(height); visualSampleEntry.setCompressorname("AVC Coding"); AvcConfigurationBox avcConfigurationBox = new AvcConfigurationBox(); avcConfigurationBox.setSequenceParameterSets(new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(spsIdToSpsBytes.values())); avcConfigurationBox.setPictureParameterSets(new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(ppsIdToPpsBytes.values())); avcConfigurationBox.setAvcLevelIndication(sps.level_idc); avcConfigurationBox.setAvcProfileIndication(sps.profile_idc); avcConfigurationBox.setBitDepthLumaMinus8(sps.bit_depth_luma_minus8); avcConfigurationBox.setBitDepthChromaMinus8(sps.bit_depth_chroma_minus8); avcConfigurationBox.setChromaFormat(sps.chroma_format_idc.getId()); avcConfigurationBox.setConfigurationVersion(1); avcConfigurationBox.setLengthSizeMinusOne(3); avcConfigurationBox.setProfileCompatibility( (sps.constraint_set_0_flag ? 128 : 0) + (sps.constraint_set_1_flag ? 64 : 0) + (sps.constraint_set_2_flag ? 32 : 0) + (sps.constraint_set_3_flag ? 16 : 0) + (sps.constraint_set_4_flag ? 8 : 0) + (int) (sps.reserved_zero_2bits & 0x3) ); visualSampleEntry.addBox(avcConfigurationBox); stsd = new SampleDescriptionBox(); stsd.addBox(visualSampleEntry); int _timescale; int _frametick; if (sps.vuiParams != null) { _timescale = sps.vuiParams.time_scale >> 1; // Not sure why, but I found this in several places, and it works... _frametick = sps.vuiParams.num_units_in_tick; if (_timescale == 0 || _frametick == 0) { LOG.warn("vuiParams contain invalid values: time_scale: " + _timescale + " and frame_tick: " + _frametick + ". Setting frame rate to 25fps"); _timescale = 0; _frametick = 0; } if (_frametick > 0) { if (_timescale / _frametick > 100) { LOG.warn("Framerate is " + (_timescale / _frametick) + ". That is suspicious."); } } else { LOG.warn("Frametick is " + _frametick + ". That is suspicious."); } if (sps.vuiParams.bitstreamRestriction != null) { max_dec_frame_buffering = sps.vuiParams.bitstreamRestriction.max_dec_frame_buffering; } } else { LOG.warn("Can't determine frame rate as SPS does not contain vuiParama"); _timescale = 0; _frametick = 0; } if (timescale == 0) { timescale = _timescale; } if (frametick == 0) { frametick = _frametick; } if (sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 0) { this.addTrackExtension(new CompositionTimeTrackExtension()); } else if (sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Have not yet imlemented pic_order_cnt_type 1"); } configured = true; } } public long getTimescale() { configure(); return timescale; } public void setTimescale(int timescale) { this.timescale = timescale; } public SampleDescriptionBox getSampleDescriptionBox() { configure(); return stsd; } public String getHandler() { return "vide"; } public String getLanguage() { return "eng"; } protected void handlePPS(ByteBuffer nal) { nal.position(1); PictureParameterSet _pictureParameterSet = null; try { _pictureParameterSet =; currentPictureParameterSet = _pictureParameterSet; ByteBuffer oldPpsSameId = ppsIdToPpsBytes.get(_pictureParameterSet.pic_parameter_set_id); if (oldPpsSameId != null && !oldPpsSameId.equals(nal)) { throw new RuntimeException("OMG - I got two SPS with same ID but different settings! (AVC3 is the solution)"); } else { ppsIdToPpsBytes.put(_pictureParameterSet.pic_parameter_set_id, nal); ppsIdToPps.put(_pictureParameterSet.pic_parameter_set_id, _pictureParameterSet); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("That's surprising to get IOException when working on ByteArrayInputStream", e); } } protected void handleSPS(ByteBuffer data) { data.position(1); try { SeqParameterSet _seqParameterSet =; currentSeqParameterSet = _seqParameterSet; ByteBuffer oldSpsSameId = spsIdToSpsBytes.get(_seqParameterSet.seq_parameter_set_id); if (oldSpsSameId != null && !oldSpsSameId.equals(data)) { throw new RuntimeException("OMG - I got two SPS with same ID but different settings!"); } else { spsIdToSpsBytes.put(_seqParameterSet.seq_parameter_set_id, data); spsIdToSps.put(_seqParameterSet.seq_parameter_set_id, _seqParameterSet); spsForConfig.add(_seqParameterSet); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("That's surprising to get IOException when working on ByteArrayInputStream", e); } } public void close() throws IOException { } class FirstVclNalDetector { public final SliceHeader sliceHeader; int frame_num; int pic_parameter_set_id; boolean field_pic_flag; boolean bottom_field_flag; int nal_ref_idc; int pic_order_cnt_type; int delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom; int pic_order_cnt_lsb; int delta_pic_order_cnt_0; int delta_pic_order_cnt_1; boolean idrPicFlag; int idr_pic_id; public FirstVclNalDetector(ByteBuffer nal, int nal_ref_idc, int nal_unit_type) { SliceHeader sh = new SliceHeader(nal, spsIdToSps, ppsIdToPps, nal_unit_type == 5); this.sliceHeader = sh; this.frame_num = sh.frame_num; this.pic_parameter_set_id = sh.pic_parameter_set_id; this.field_pic_flag = sh.field_pic_flag; this.bottom_field_flag = sh.bottom_field_flag; this.nal_ref_idc = nal_ref_idc; this.pic_order_cnt_type = spsIdToSps.get(ppsIdToPps.get(sh.pic_parameter_set_id).seq_parameter_set_id).pic_order_cnt_type; this.delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom = sh.delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom; this.pic_order_cnt_lsb = sh.pic_order_cnt_lsb; this.delta_pic_order_cnt_0 = sh.delta_pic_order_cnt_0; this.delta_pic_order_cnt_1 = sh.delta_pic_order_cnt_1; this.idr_pic_id = sh.idr_pic_id; } boolean isFirstInNew(FirstVclNalDetector nu) { if (nu.frame_num != frame_num) { return true; } if (nu.pic_parameter_set_id != pic_parameter_set_id) { return true; } if (nu.field_pic_flag != field_pic_flag) { return true; } if (nu.field_pic_flag) { if (nu.bottom_field_flag != bottom_field_flag) { return true; } } if (nu.nal_ref_idc != nal_ref_idc) { return true; } if (nu.pic_order_cnt_type == 0 && pic_order_cnt_type == 0) { if (nu.pic_order_cnt_lsb != pic_order_cnt_lsb) { return true; } if (nu.delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom != delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom) { return true; } } if (nu.pic_order_cnt_type == 1 && pic_order_cnt_type == 1) { if (nu.delta_pic_order_cnt_0 != delta_pic_order_cnt_0) { return true; } if (nu.delta_pic_order_cnt_1 != delta_pic_order_cnt_1) { return true; } } if (nu.idrPicFlag != idrPicFlag) { return true; } if (nu.idrPicFlag && idrPicFlag) { if (nu.idr_pic_id != idr_pic_id) { return true; } } return false; } } }