/* * Copyright 2011 castLabs, Berlin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part1.objectdescriptors; import org.mp4parser.tools.IsoTypeReader; import org.mp4parser.tools.IsoTypeWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /* class ES_Descriptor extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag=ES_DescrTag { bit(16) ES_ID; bit(1) streamDependenceFlag; bit(1) URL_Flag; bit(1) OCRstreamFlag; bit(5) streamPriority; if (streamDependenceFlag) bit(16) dependsOn_ES_ID; if (URL_Flag) { bit(8) URLlength; bit(8) URLstring[URLlength]; } if (OCRstreamFlag) bit(16) OCR_ES_Id; DecoderConfigDescriptor decConfigDescr; if (ODProfileLevelIndication==0x01) //no SL extension. { SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescr; } else // SL extension is possible. { SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescr; } IPI_DescrPointer ipiPtr[0 .. 1]; IP_IdentificationDataSet ipIDS[0 .. 255]; IPMP_DescriptorPointer ipmpDescrPtr[0 .. 255]; LanguageDescriptor langDescr[0 .. 255]; QoS_Descriptor qosDescr[0 .. 1]; RegistrationDescriptor regDescr[0 .. 1]; ExtensionDescriptor extDescr[0 .. 255]; } */ @Descriptor(tags = {0x03}) public class ESDescriptor extends BaseDescriptor { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ESDescriptor.class); int esId; int streamDependenceFlag; int URLFlag; int oCRstreamFlag; int streamPriority; int URLLength = 0; String URLString; int remoteODFlag; int dependsOnEsId; int oCREsId; DecoderConfigDescriptor decoderConfigDescriptor; SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescriptor; List<BaseDescriptor> otherDescriptors = new ArrayList<BaseDescriptor>(); public ESDescriptor() { tag = 0x3; } @Override public void parseDetail(ByteBuffer bb) throws IOException { esId = IsoTypeReader.readUInt16(bb); int data = IsoTypeReader.readUInt8(bb); streamDependenceFlag = data >>> 7; URLFlag = (data >>> 6) & 0x1; oCRstreamFlag = (data >>> 5) & 0x1; streamPriority = data & 0x1f; if (streamDependenceFlag == 1) { dependsOnEsId = IsoTypeReader.readUInt16(bb); } if (URLFlag == 1) { URLLength = IsoTypeReader.readUInt8(bb); URLString = IsoTypeReader.readString(bb, URLLength); } if (oCRstreamFlag == 1) { oCREsId = IsoTypeReader.readUInt16(bb); } while (bb.remaining() > 1) { BaseDescriptor descriptor = ObjectDescriptorFactory.createFrom(-1, bb); if (descriptor instanceof DecoderConfigDescriptor) { decoderConfigDescriptor = (DecoderConfigDescriptor) descriptor; } else if (descriptor instanceof SLConfigDescriptor) { slConfigDescriptor = (SLConfigDescriptor) descriptor; } else { otherDescriptors.add(descriptor); } } } int getContentSize() { int out = 3; if (streamDependenceFlag > 0) { out += 2; } if (URLFlag > 0) { out += 1 + URLLength; } if (oCRstreamFlag > 0) { out += 2; } out += decoderConfigDescriptor.getSize(); out += slConfigDescriptor.getSize(); if (otherDescriptors.size() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException(" Doesn't handle other descriptors yet"); } return out; } public ByteBuffer serialize() { byte[] aaa = new byte[getSize()]; ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.wrap(aaa); // Usually is around 30 bytes, so 200 should be enough... IsoTypeWriter.writeUInt8(out, 3); writeSize(out, getContentSize()); IsoTypeWriter.writeUInt16(out, esId); int flags = (streamDependenceFlag << 7) | (URLFlag << 6) | (oCRstreamFlag << 5) | (streamPriority & 0x1f); IsoTypeWriter.writeUInt8(out, flags); if (streamDependenceFlag > 0) { IsoTypeWriter.writeUInt16(out, dependsOnEsId); } if (URLFlag > 0) { IsoTypeWriter.writeUInt8(out, URLLength); IsoTypeWriter.writeUtf8String(out, URLString); } if (oCRstreamFlag > 0) { IsoTypeWriter.writeUInt16(out, oCREsId); } ByteBuffer dec = decoderConfigDescriptor.serialize(); ByteBuffer sl = slConfigDescriptor.serialize(); out.put(dec.array()); out.put(sl.array()); // Doesn't handle other descriptors yet return out; } public DecoderConfigDescriptor getDecoderConfigDescriptor() { return decoderConfigDescriptor; } public void setDecoderConfigDescriptor(DecoderConfigDescriptor decoderConfigDescriptor) { this.decoderConfigDescriptor = decoderConfigDescriptor; } public SLConfigDescriptor getSlConfigDescriptor() { return slConfigDescriptor; } public void setSlConfigDescriptor(SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescriptor) { this.slConfigDescriptor = slConfigDescriptor; } public List<BaseDescriptor> getOtherDescriptors() { return otherDescriptors; } public int getoCREsId() { return oCREsId; } public void setoCREsId(int oCREsId) { this.oCREsId = oCREsId; } public int getEsId() { return esId; } public void setEsId(int esId) { this.esId = esId; } public int getStreamDependenceFlag() { return streamDependenceFlag; } public void setStreamDependenceFlag(int streamDependenceFlag) { this.streamDependenceFlag = streamDependenceFlag; } public int getURLFlag() { return URLFlag; } public void setURLFlag(int URLFlag) { this.URLFlag = URLFlag; } public int getoCRstreamFlag() { return oCRstreamFlag; } public void setoCRstreamFlag(int oCRstreamFlag) { this.oCRstreamFlag = oCRstreamFlag; } public int getStreamPriority() { return streamPriority; } public void setStreamPriority(int streamPriority) { this.streamPriority = streamPriority; } public int getURLLength() { return URLLength; } public void setURLLength(int URLLength) { this.URLLength = URLLength; } public String getURLString() { return URLString; } public void setURLString(String URLString) { this.URLString = URLString; } public int getRemoteODFlag() { return remoteODFlag; } public void setRemoteODFlag(int remoteODFlag) { this.remoteODFlag = remoteODFlag; } public int getDependsOnEsId() { return dependsOnEsId; } public void setDependsOnEsId(int dependsOnEsId) { this.dependsOnEsId = dependsOnEsId; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ESDescriptor"); sb.append("{esId=").append(esId); sb.append(", streamDependenceFlag=").append(streamDependenceFlag); sb.append(", URLFlag=").append(URLFlag); sb.append(", oCRstreamFlag=").append(oCRstreamFlag); sb.append(", streamPriority=").append(streamPriority); sb.append(", URLLength=").append(URLLength); sb.append(", URLString='").append(URLString).append('\''); sb.append(", remoteODFlag=").append(remoteODFlag); sb.append(", dependsOnEsId=").append(dependsOnEsId); sb.append(", oCREsId=").append(oCREsId); sb.append(", decoderConfigDescriptor=").append(decoderConfigDescriptor); sb.append(", slConfigDescriptor=").append(slConfigDescriptor); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ESDescriptor that = (ESDescriptor) o; if (URLFlag != that.URLFlag) return false; if (URLLength != that.URLLength) return false; if (dependsOnEsId != that.dependsOnEsId) return false; if (esId != that.esId) return false; if (oCREsId != that.oCREsId) return false; if (oCRstreamFlag != that.oCRstreamFlag) return false; if (remoteODFlag != that.remoteODFlag) return false; if (streamDependenceFlag != that.streamDependenceFlag) return false; if (streamPriority != that.streamPriority) return false; if (URLString != null ? !URLString.equals(that.URLString) : that.URLString != null) return false; if (decoderConfigDescriptor != null ? !decoderConfigDescriptor.equals(that.decoderConfigDescriptor) : that.decoderConfigDescriptor != null) return false; if (otherDescriptors != null ? !otherDescriptors.equals(that.otherDescriptors) : that.otherDescriptors != null) return false; if (slConfigDescriptor != null ? !slConfigDescriptor.equals(that.slConfigDescriptor) : that.slConfigDescriptor != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = esId; result = 31 * result + streamDependenceFlag; result = 31 * result + URLFlag; result = 31 * result + oCRstreamFlag; result = 31 * result + streamPriority; result = 31 * result + URLLength; result = 31 * result + (URLString != null ? URLString.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + remoteODFlag; result = 31 * result + dependsOnEsId; result = 31 * result + oCREsId; result = 31 * result + (decoderConfigDescriptor != null ? decoderConfigDescriptor.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (slConfigDescriptor != null ? slConfigDescriptor.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (otherDescriptors != null ? otherDescriptors.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }