package org.mp4parser.muxer.tracks; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part12.CompositionTimeToSample; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part12.SampleDependencyTypeBox; import org.mp4parser.muxer.*; import; import; import; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Bundles common functionality and parsing patterns of NAL based formats such as H264(AVC) and H265 (HEVC). */ public abstract class AbstractH26XTrack extends AbstractTrack { public static int BUFFER = 65535 << 10; protected long[] decodingTimes; protected List<CompositionTimeToSample.Entry> ctts = new ArrayList<CompositionTimeToSample.Entry>(); protected List<SampleDependencyTypeBox.Entry> sdtp = new ArrayList<SampleDependencyTypeBox.Entry>(); protected List<Integer> stss = new ArrayList<Integer>(); protected TrackMetaData trackMetaData = new TrackMetaData(); boolean tripleZeroIsEndOfSequence = true; private DataSource dataSource; public AbstractH26XTrack(DataSource dataSource, boolean tripleZeroIsEndOfSequence) { super(dataSource.toString()); this.dataSource = dataSource; this.tripleZeroIsEndOfSequence = tripleZeroIsEndOfSequence; } public AbstractH26XTrack(DataSource dataSource) { this(dataSource, true); } protected static InputStream cleanBuffer(InputStream is) { return new CleanInputStream(is); } protected static byte[] toArray(ByteBuffer buf) { buf = buf.duplicate(); byte[] b = new byte[buf.remaining()]; buf.get(b, 0, b.length); return b; } public TrackMetaData getTrackMetaData() { return trackMetaData; } protected ByteBuffer findNextNal(LookAhead la) throws IOException { try { while (!la.nextThreeEquals001()) { la.discardByte(); } la.discardNext3AndMarkStart(); while (!la.nextThreeEquals000or001orEof(tripleZeroIsEndOfSequence)) { la.discardByte(); } return la.getNal(); } catch (EOFException e) { return null; } } /** * Builds an MP4 sample from a list of NALs. Each NAL will be preceded by its * 4 byte (unit32) length. * * @param nals a list of NALs that form the sample * @return sample as it appears in the MP4 file */ protected Sample createSampleObject(List<? extends ByteBuffer> nals) { byte[] sizeInfo = new byte[nals.size() * 4]; ByteBuffer sizeBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(sizeInfo); for (ByteBuffer b : nals) { sizeBuf.putInt(b.remaining()); } ByteBuffer[] data = new ByteBuffer[nals.size() * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < nals.size(); i++) { data[2 * i] = ByteBuffer.wrap(sizeInfo, i * 4, 4); data[2 * i + 1] = nals.get(i); } return new SampleImpl(data); } public long[] getSampleDurations() { return decodingTimes; } public List<CompositionTimeToSample.Entry> getCompositionTimeEntries() { return ctts; } public long[] getSyncSamples() { long[] returns = new long[stss.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < stss.size(); i++) { returns[i] = stss.get(i); } return returns; } public List<SampleDependencyTypeBox.Entry> getSampleDependencies() { return sdtp; } public void close() throws IOException { dataSource.close(); } public static class LookAhead { long bufferStartPos = 0; int inBufferPos = 0; DataSource dataSource; ByteBuffer buffer; long start; public LookAhead(DataSource dataSource) throws IOException { this.dataSource = dataSource; fillBuffer(); } public void fillBuffer() throws IOException { buffer =, Math.min(dataSource.size() - bufferStartPos, BUFFER)); } public boolean nextThreeEquals001() throws IOException { if (buffer.limit() - inBufferPos >= 3) { return (buffer.get(inBufferPos) == 0 && buffer.get(inBufferPos + 1) == 0 && buffer.get(inBufferPos + 2) == 1); } if (bufferStartPos + inBufferPos + 3 >= dataSource.size()) { throw new EOFException(); } return false; } public boolean nextThreeEquals000or001orEof(boolean tripleZeroIsEndOfSequence) throws IOException { if (buffer.limit() - inBufferPos >= 3) { return ((buffer.get(inBufferPos) == 0 && buffer.get(inBufferPos + 1) == 0 && ((buffer.get(inBufferPos + 2) == 0 && tripleZeroIsEndOfSequence) || buffer.get(inBufferPos + 2) == 1))); } else { if (bufferStartPos + inBufferPos + 3 > dataSource.size()) { return bufferStartPos + inBufferPos == dataSource.size(); } else { bufferStartPos = start; inBufferPos = 0; fillBuffer(); return nextThreeEquals000or001orEof(tripleZeroIsEndOfSequence); } } } public void discardByte() { inBufferPos++; } public void discardNext3AndMarkStart() { inBufferPos += 3; start = bufferStartPos + inBufferPos; } public ByteBuffer getNal() { if (start >= bufferStartPos) { buffer.position((int) (start - bufferStartPos)); Buffer sample = buffer.slice(); sample.limit((int) (inBufferPos - (start - bufferStartPos))); return (ByteBuffer) sample; } else { throw new RuntimeException("damn! NAL exceeds buffer"); // this can only happen if NAL is bigger than the buffer // and that most likely cannot happen with correct inputs } } } }