package org.mp4parser.examples.metadata; import org.mp4parser.Box; import org.mp4parser.Container; import org.mp4parser.IsoFile; import; import; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part12.*; import; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.List; /** * Change metadata and make sure chunkoffsets are corrected. */ public class MetaDataInsert { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { MetaDataInsert cmd = new MetaDataInsert(); cmd.writeRandomMetadata("c:\\content\\Mobile_H264 - Kopie.mp4", "lore ipsum tralalala"); } public FileChannel splitFileAndInsert(File f, long pos, long length) throws IOException { FileChannel read = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r").getChannel(); File tmp = File.createTempFile("ChangeMetaData", "splitFileAndInsert"); FileChannel tmpWrite = new RandomAccessFile(tmp, "rw").getChannel(); read.position(pos); tmpWrite.transferFrom(read, 0, read.size() - pos); read.close(); FileChannel write = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw").getChannel(); write.position(pos + length); tmpWrite.position(0); long transferred = 0; while ((transferred += tmpWrite.transferTo(0, tmpWrite.size() - transferred, write)) != tmpWrite.size()) { System.out.println(transferred); } System.out.println(transferred); tmpWrite.close(); tmp.delete(); return write; } private boolean needsOffsetCorrection(IsoFile isoFile) { if (Path.getPath(isoFile, "moov[0]/mvex[0]") != null) { // Fragmented files don't need a correction return false; } else { // no correction needed if mdat is before moov as insert into moov want change the offsets of mdat for (Box box : isoFile.getBoxes()) { if ("moov".equals(box.getType())) { return true; } if ("mdat".equals(box.getType())) { return false; } } throw new RuntimeException("I need moov or mdat. Otherwise all this doesn't make sense"); } } public void writeRandomMetadata(String videoFilePath, String title) throws IOException { File videoFile = new File(videoFilePath); if (!videoFile.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + videoFilePath + " not exists"); } if (!videoFile.canWrite()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No write permissions to file " + videoFilePath); } IsoFile isoFile = new IsoFile(videoFilePath); MovieBox moov = isoFile.getBoxes(MovieBox.class).get(0); FreeBox freeBox = findFreeBox(moov); boolean correctOffset = needsOffsetCorrection(isoFile); long sizeBefore = moov.getSize(); long offset = 0; for (Box box : isoFile.getBoxes()) { if ("moov".equals(box.getType())) { break; } offset += box.getSize(); } // Create structure or just navigate to Apple List Box. UserDataBox userDataBox; if ((userDataBox = Path.getPath(moov, "udta")) == null) { userDataBox = new UserDataBox(); moov.addBox(userDataBox); } MetaBox metaBox; if ((metaBox = Path.getPath(userDataBox, "meta")) == null) { metaBox = new MetaBox(); HandlerBox hdlr = new HandlerBox(); hdlr.setHandlerType("mdir"); metaBox.addBox(hdlr); userDataBox.addBox(metaBox); } AppleItemListBox ilst; if ((ilst = Path.getPath(metaBox, "ilst")) == null) { ilst = new AppleItemListBox(); metaBox.addBox(ilst); } if (freeBox == null) { freeBox = new FreeBox(128 * 1024); metaBox.addBox(freeBox); } // Got Apple List Box AppleNameBox nam; if ((nam = Path.getPath(ilst, "©nam")) == null) { nam = new AppleNameBox(); } nam.setDataCountry(0); nam.setDataLanguage(0); nam.setValue(title); ilst.addBox(nam); long sizeAfter = moov.getSize(); long diff = sizeAfter - sizeBefore; // This is the difference of before/after // can we compensate by resizing a Free Box we have found? if (freeBox.getData().limit() > diff) { // either shrink or grow! freeBox.setData(ByteBuffer.allocate((int) (freeBox.getData().limit() - diff))); sizeAfter = moov.getSize(); diff = sizeAfter - sizeBefore; } if (correctOffset && diff != 0) { correctChunkOffsets(moov, diff); } BetterByteArrayOutputStream baos = new BetterByteArrayOutputStream(); moov.getBox(Channels.newChannel(baos)); isoFile.close(); FileChannel fc; if (diff != 0) { // this is not good: We have to insert bytes in the middle of the file // and this costs time as it requires re-writing most of the file's data fc = splitFileAndInsert(videoFile, offset, sizeAfter - sizeBefore); } else { // simple overwrite of something with the file fc = new RandomAccessFile(videoFile, "rw").getChannel(); } fc.position(offset); fc.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(baos.getBuffer(), 0, baos.size())); fc.close(); } FreeBox findFreeBox(Container c) { for (Box box : c.getBoxes()) { System.err.println(box.getType()); if (box instanceof FreeBox) { return (FreeBox) box; } if (box instanceof Container) { FreeBox freeBox = findFreeBox((Container) box); if (freeBox != null) { return freeBox; } } } return null; } private void correctChunkOffsets(MovieBox movieBox, long correction) { List<ChunkOffsetBox> chunkOffsetBoxes = Path.getPaths((Box) movieBox, "trak/mdia[0]/minf[0]/stbl[0]/stco[0]"); if (chunkOffsetBoxes.isEmpty()) { chunkOffsetBoxes = Path.getPaths((Box) movieBox, "trak/mdia[0]/minf[0]/stbl[0]/st64[0]"); } for (ChunkOffsetBox chunkOffsetBox : chunkOffsetBoxes) { long[] cOffsets = chunkOffsetBox.getChunkOffsets(); for (int i = 0; i < cOffsets.length; i++) { cOffsets[i] += correction; } } } private static class BetterByteArrayOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream { byte[] getBuffer() { return buf; } } }