package org.mp4parser.muxer; /** * Format agnostic EditListBox.Entry. */ public class Edit { private long timeScale; private double segmentDuration; private long mediaTime; private double mediaRate; /** * @param mediaTime time within the current track that is considered start time of this edit. * @param timeScale time scale of the media time entry * @param segmentDurationInMs segment duration in seconds * @param mediaRate when mediaRate is 1.0 the playback will be normal. When 2.0 it will be twice as fast. */ public Edit(long mediaTime, long timeScale, double mediaRate, double segmentDurationInMs) { this.timeScale = timeScale; this.segmentDuration = segmentDurationInMs; this.mediaTime = mediaTime; this.mediaRate = mediaRate; } public long getTimeScale() { return timeScale; } public double getSegmentDuration() { return segmentDuration; } public long getMediaTime() { return mediaTime; } public double getMediaRate() { return mediaRate; } }