package org.mp4parser.muxer.tracks; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part1.objectdescriptors.BitReaderBuffer; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part1.objectdescriptors.DecoderConfigDescriptor; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part1.objectdescriptors.ESDescriptor; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part1.objectdescriptors.SLConfigDescriptor; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part12.SampleDescriptionBox; import org.mp4parser.boxes.iso14496.part14.ESDescriptorBox; import org.mp4parser.boxes.sampleentry.AudioSampleEntry; import org.mp4parser.muxer.*; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * MPEG V1 Layer 3 Audio. Does not support IDv3 or any other tags. Only raw stream of MP3 frames. * See <a href=""></a> * for stream format description. * * @author Roman Elizarov */ public class MP3TrackImpl extends AbstractTrack { private static final int MPEG_V1 = 0x3; // only support V1 private static final int MPEG_L3 = 1; // only support L3 private static final int[] SAMPLE_RATE = {44100, 48000, 32000, 0}; private static final int[] BIT_RATE = {0, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 320000, 0}; private static final int SAMPLES_PER_FRAME = 1152; // Samples per L3 frame private static final int ES_OBJECT_TYPE_INDICATION = 0x6b; private static final int ES_STREAM_TYPE = 5; private final DataSource dataSource; TrackMetaData trackMetaData = new TrackMetaData(); SampleDescriptionBox sampleDescriptionBox; MP3Header firstHeader; long maxBitRate; long avgBitRate; private List<Sample> samples; private long[] durations; public MP3TrackImpl(DataSource channel) throws IOException { this(channel, "eng"); } public MP3TrackImpl(DataSource dataSource, String lang) throws IOException { super(dataSource.toString()); this.dataSource = dataSource; samples = new LinkedList<Sample>(); firstHeader = readSamples(dataSource); double packetsPerSecond = (double) firstHeader.sampleRate / SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; double duration = samples.size() / packetsPerSecond; long dataSize = 0; LinkedList<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (Sample sample : samples) { int size = (int) sample.getSize(); dataSize += size; queue.add(size); while (queue.size() > packetsPerSecond) { queue.pop(); } if (queue.size() == (int) packetsPerSecond) { int currSize = 0; for (Integer aQueue : queue) { currSize += aQueue; } double currBitRate = 8.0 * currSize / queue.size() * packetsPerSecond; if (currBitRate > maxBitRate) { maxBitRate = (int) currBitRate; } } } avgBitRate = (int) (8 * dataSize / duration); sampleDescriptionBox = new SampleDescriptionBox(); AudioSampleEntry audioSampleEntry = new AudioSampleEntry("mp4a"); audioSampleEntry.setChannelCount(firstHeader.channelCount); audioSampleEntry.setSampleRate(firstHeader.sampleRate); audioSampleEntry.setDataReferenceIndex(1); audioSampleEntry.setSampleSize(16); ESDescriptorBox esds = new ESDescriptorBox(); ESDescriptor descriptor = new ESDescriptor(); descriptor.setEsId(0); SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescriptor = new SLConfigDescriptor(); slConfigDescriptor.setPredefined(2); descriptor.setSlConfigDescriptor(slConfigDescriptor); DecoderConfigDescriptor decoderConfigDescriptor = new DecoderConfigDescriptor(); decoderConfigDescriptor.setObjectTypeIndication(ES_OBJECT_TYPE_INDICATION); decoderConfigDescriptor.setStreamType(ES_STREAM_TYPE); decoderConfigDescriptor.setMaxBitRate(maxBitRate); decoderConfigDescriptor.setAvgBitRate(avgBitRate); descriptor.setDecoderConfigDescriptor(decoderConfigDescriptor); ByteBuffer data = descriptor.serialize(); esds.setData(data); audioSampleEntry.addBox(esds); sampleDescriptionBox.addBox(audioSampleEntry); trackMetaData.setCreationTime(new Date()); trackMetaData.setModificationTime(new Date()); trackMetaData.setLanguage(lang); trackMetaData.setVolume(1); trackMetaData.setTimescale(firstHeader.sampleRate); // Audio tracks always use sampleRate as timescale durations = new long[samples.size()]; Arrays.fill(durations, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME); } public void close() throws IOException { dataSource.close(); } public SampleDescriptionBox getSampleDescriptionBox() { return sampleDescriptionBox; } public long[] getSampleDurations() { return durations; } public TrackMetaData getTrackMetaData() { return trackMetaData; } public String getHandler() { return "soun"; } public List<Sample> getSamples() { return samples; } private MP3Header readSamples(DataSource channel) throws IOException { MP3Header first = null; while (true) { long pos = channel.position(); MP3Header hdr; if ((hdr = readMP3Header(channel)) == null) break; if (first == null) first = hdr; channel.position(pos); ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(hdr.getFrameLength());; data.rewind(); samples.add(new SampleImpl(data)); } return first; } private MP3Header readMP3Header(DataSource channel) throws IOException { MP3Header hdr = new MP3Header(); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); while (bb.position() < 4) { if ( == -1) { return null; } } if (bb.get(0) == 0x54 && bb.get(1) == 0x41 && bb.get(2) == 0x47) { // encounter id3 tag. That's the end of the file. return null; } BitReaderBuffer brb = new BitReaderBuffer((ByteBuffer) bb.rewind()); int sync = brb.readBits(11); // A if (sync != 0x7ff) throw new IOException("Expected Start Word 0x7ff"); hdr.mpegVersion = brb.readBits(2); // B if (hdr.mpegVersion != MPEG_V1) throw new IOException("Expected MPEG Version 1 (ISO/IEC 11172-3)"); hdr.layer = brb.readBits(2); // C if (hdr.layer != MPEG_L3) throw new IOException("Expected Layer III"); hdr.protectionAbsent = brb.readBits(1); // D hdr.bitRateIndex = brb.readBits(4); // E hdr.bitRate = BIT_RATE[hdr.bitRateIndex]; if (hdr.bitRate == 0) throw new IOException("Unexpected (free/bad) bit rate"); hdr.sampleFrequencyIndex = brb.readBits(2); hdr.sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE[hdr.sampleFrequencyIndex]; // F if (hdr.sampleRate == 0) throw new IOException("Unexpected (reserved) sample rate frequency"); hdr.padding = brb.readBits(1); // G padding brb.readBits(1); // H private hdr.channelMode = brb.readBits(2); // H hdr.channelCount = hdr.channelMode == 3 ? 1 : 2; return hdr; } @Override public String toString() { return "MP3TrackImpl"; } class MP3Header { int mpegVersion; int layer; int protectionAbsent; int bitRateIndex; int bitRate; int sampleFrequencyIndex; int sampleRate; int padding; int channelMode; int channelCount; int getFrameLength() { return 144 * bitRate / sampleRate + padding; } } }