package org.mapdb; import org.junit.Test; import org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol; import org.mapdb.volume.Volume; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.mapdb.DataIO.*; public class DataIOTest { @Test public void parity1() { assertEquals(Long.parseLong("1", 2), parity1Set(0)); assertEquals(Long.parseLong("10", 2), parity1Set(2)); assertEquals(Long.parseLong("111", 2), parity1Set(Long.parseLong("110", 2))); assertEquals(Long.parseLong("1110", 2), parity1Set(Long.parseLong("1110", 2))); assertEquals(Long.parseLong("1011", 2), parity1Set(Long.parseLong("1010", 2))); assertEquals(Long.parseLong("11111", 2), parity1Set(Long.parseLong("11110", 2))); assertEquals(0, parity1Get(Long.parseLong("1", 2))); try { parity1Get(Long.parseLong("0", 2)); fail(); }catch(DBException.PointerChecksumBroken e){ //TODO check mapdb specific error; } try { parity1Get(Long.parseLong("110", 2)); fail(); }catch(DBException.PointerChecksumBroken e){ //TODO check mapdb specific error; } } @Test public void parityBasic(){ for(long i=0;i<Integer.MAX_VALUE;i+= 1 + i/1000000L){ if(i%2==0) assertEquals(i, parity1Get(parity1Set(i))); if(i%8==0) assertEquals(i, parity3Get(parity3Set(i))); if(i%16==0) assertEquals(i, parity4Get(parity4Set(i))); if((i&0xFFFF)==0) assertEquals(i, parity16Get(parity16Set(i))); } } @Test public void zeroParity(){ assertTrue(parity1Set(0)!=0); assertTrue(parity3Set(0)!=0); assertTrue(parity4Set(0)!=0); assertTrue(parity16Set(0)!=0); } @Test public void testSixLong(){ byte[] b = new byte[8]; for(long i=0;i>>>48==0;i=i+1+i/10000){ DataIO.putSixLong(b,2,i); assertEquals(i, DataIO.getSixLong(b,2)); } } @Test public void testNextPowTwo(){ assertEquals(1, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1)); assertEquals(2, DataIO.nextPowTwo(2)); assertEquals(4, DataIO.nextPowTwo(3)); assertEquals(4, DataIO.nextPowTwo(4)); assertEquals(64, DataIO.nextPowTwo(33)); assertEquals(64, DataIO.nextPowTwo(61)); assertEquals(1024, DataIO.nextPowTwo(777)); assertEquals(1024, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1024)); assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1073741824-100)); assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo((int) (1073741824*0.7))); assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1073741824)); } @Test public void testNextPowTwoLong(){ assertEquals(1, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1L)); assertEquals(2, DataIO.nextPowTwo(2L)); assertEquals(4, DataIO.nextPowTwo(3L)); assertEquals(4, DataIO.nextPowTwo(4L)); assertEquals(64, DataIO.nextPowTwo(33L)); assertEquals(64, DataIO.nextPowTwo(61L)); assertEquals(1024, DataIO.nextPowTwo(777L)); assertEquals(1024, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1024L)); assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1073741824L-100)); assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo((long) (1073741824*0.7))); assertEquals(1073741824, DataIO.nextPowTwo(1073741824L)); } @Test public void testNextPowTwo2(){ for(int i=1;i<1073750016;i+= 1 + i/100000){ int pow = nextPowTwo(i); assertTrue(pow>=i); assertTrue(pow/2<i); assertTrue(Integer.bitCount(pow)==1); } } @Test public void testNextPowTwo2Long(){ for(long i=1;i<10000L*Integer.MAX_VALUE;i+= 1 + i/100000){ long pow = nextPowTwo(i); assertTrue(pow>=i); assertTrue(pow/2<i); assertTrue(Long.bitCount(pow)==1); } } @Test public void packLongCompat() throws IOException { DataOutput2 b = new DataOutput2(); b.packLong(2111L); b.packLong(100); b.packLong(1111L); DataInput2.ByteArray b2 = new DataInput2.ByteArray(b.buf); assertEquals(2111L, b2.unpackLong()); assertEquals(100L, b2.unpackLong()); assertEquals(1111L, b2.unpackLong()); DataInput2.ByteBuffer b3 = new DataInput2.ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(b.buf),0); assertEquals(2111L, b3.unpackLong()); assertEquals(100L, b3.unpackLong()); assertEquals(1111L, b3.unpackLong()); } @Test public void packIntCompat() throws IOException { DataOutput2 b = new DataOutput2(); b.packInt(2111); b.packInt(100); b.packInt(1111); DataInput2.ByteArray b2 = new DataInput2.ByteArray(b.buf); assertEquals(2111, b2.unpackInt()); assertEquals(100, b2.unpackInt()); assertEquals(1111, b2.unpackInt()); DataInput2.ByteBuffer b3 = new DataInput2.ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(b.buf),0); assertEquals(2111, b3.unpackInt()); assertEquals(100, b3.unpackInt()); assertEquals(1111, b3.unpackInt()); } @Test public void testHexaConversion(){ byte[] b = new byte[]{11,112,11,0,39,90}; assertTrue(Serializer.BYTE_ARRAY.equals(b, DataIO.fromHexa(DataIO.toHexa(b)))); } @Test public void packLong() throws IOException { DataInput2.ByteArray in = new DataInput2.ByteArray(new byte[20]); DataOutput2 out = new DataOutput2(); out.buf = in.buf; for (long i = 0; i >0; i = i + 1 + i / 10000) { in.pos = 10; out.pos = 10; DataIO.packLong((DataOutput)out,i); long i2 = DataIO.unpackLong(in); assertEquals(i,i2); assertEquals(in.pos,out.pos); } } @Test public void packInt() throws IOException { DataInput2.ByteArray in = new DataInput2.ByteArray(new byte[20]); DataOutput2 out = new DataOutput2(); out.buf = in.buf; for (int i = 0; i >0; i = i + 1 + i / 10000) { in.pos = 10; out.pos = 10; DataIO.packInt((DataOutput)out,i); long i2 = DataIO.unpackInt(in); assertEquals(i,i2); assertEquals(in.pos,out.pos); } } @Test public void int2Long(){ assertEquals(0x7fffffffL, DataIO.intToLong(0x7fffffff)); assertEquals(0x80000000L, DataIO.intToLong(0x80000000)); assertTrue(-1L != DataIO.intToLong(-1)); } @Test public void packedLong_volume() throws IOException { DataOutput2 out = new DataOutput2(); DataInput2.ByteArray in = new DataInput2.ByteArray(out.buf); Volume v = new SingleByteArrayVol(out.buf); for (long i = 0; i < 1e6; i++) { Arrays.fill(out.buf, (byte) 0); out.pos=10; out.packLong(i); assertEquals(i, v.getPackedLong(10)& DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK); assertEquals(DataIO.packLongSize(i), v.getPackedLong(10)>>>60); Arrays.fill(out.buf, (byte) 0); out.pos=10; out.packInt((int)i); assertEquals(i, v.getPackedLong(10)& DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK); assertEquals(DataIO.packLongSize(i), v.getPackedLong(10)>>>60); Arrays.fill(out.buf, (byte) 0); v.putPackedLong(10, i); in.pos=10; assertEquals(i, in.unpackLong()); in.pos=10; assertEquals(i, in.unpackInt()); } } @Test public void shift(){ for(int i =0; i<30;i++){ assertEquals(i, DataIO.shift(1<<i)); assertEquals(i, DataIO.shift(nextPowTwo(1<<i))); if(i>2) assertEquals(i, DataIO.shift(nextPowTwo((1<<i)-1))); } } @Test public void putLong2(){ long i = 123901230910290433L; byte[] b1 = new byte[10]; byte[] b2 = new byte[10]; DataIO.putLong(b1, 2, i); DataIO.putLong(b2, 2, i,8); assertArrayEquals(b1,b2); } @Test public void testFillLowBits(){ for (int bitCount = 0; bitCount < 64; bitCount++) { assertEquals( "fillLowBits should return a long value with 'bitCount' least significant bits set to one", (1L << bitCount) - 1, DataIO.fillLowBits(bitCount)); } } Random random = new Random(); @Test public void testPutLong() throws IOException { for (long valueToPut = 0; valueToPut < Long.MAX_VALUE && valueToPut >= 0; valueToPut = random.nextInt(2) + valueToPut * 2) { byte[] buffer = new byte[20]; DataIO.putLong(buffer, 2, valueToPut); long returned = DataIO.getLong(buffer, 2); assertEquals("The value that was put and the value returned from getLong do not match", valueToPut, returned); DataIO.putLong(buffer, 2, -valueToPut); returned = DataIO.getLong(buffer, 2); assertEquals("The value that was put and the value returned from getLong do not match", -valueToPut, returned); } } @Test(expected = EOFException.class) public void testReadFully_throws_exception_if_not_enough_data() throws IOException { InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]); DataIO.readFully(inputStream, new byte[1]); fail("An EOFException should have occurred by now since there are not enough bytes to read from the InputStream"); } @Test public void testReadFully_with_too_much_data() throws IOException { byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputBuffer); byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[3]; DataIO.readFully(in, outputBuffer); byte[] expected = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }; assertArrayEquals("The passed buffer should be filled with the first three bytes read from the InputStream", expected, outputBuffer); } @Test public void testReadFully_with_data_length_same_as_buffer_length() throws IOException { byte[] inputBuffer = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputBuffer); byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[4]; DataIO.readFully(in, outputBuffer); assertArrayEquals("The passed buffer should be filled with the whole content of the InputStream" + " since the buffer length is exactly same as the data length", inputBuffer, outputBuffer); } @Test public void testPackLong_WithStreams() throws IOException{ for (long valueToPack = 0; valueToPack < Long.MAX_VALUE && valueToPack >= 0; valueToPack = random.nextInt(2) + valueToPack * 2) { ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataIO.packLong(outputStream, valueToPack); DataIO.packLong(outputStream, -valueToPack); ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray()); long unpackedLong = DataIO.unpackLong(inputStream); assertEquals("Packed and unpacked values do not match", valueToPack, unpackedLong); unpackedLong = DataIO.unpackLong(inputStream); assertEquals("Packed and unpacked values do not match", -valueToPack, unpackedLong); } } @Test(expected = EOFException.class) public void testUnpackLong_withInputStream_throws_exception_when_stream_is_empty() throws IOException { DataIO.unpackLong(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); fail("An EOFException should have occurred by now since there are no bytes to read from the InputStream"); } @Test public void testPackLongSize() { assertEquals("packLongSize should have returned 1 since number 1 can be represented using 1 byte when packed", 1, DataIO.packLongSize(1)); assertEquals("packLongSize should have returned 2 since 1 << 7 can be represented using 2 bytes when packed", 2, DataIO.packLongSize(1 << 7)); assertEquals("packLongSize should have returned 10 since 1 << 63 can be represented using 10 bytes when packed", 10, DataIO.packLongSize(1 << 63)); } }