package org.mapdb; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.mapdb.volume.Volume; import org.mapdb.volume.VolumeFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * WAL shared between {@link StoreWAL} */ public class WriteAheadLog { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(WriteAheadLog.class.getName()); /** 4 byte file header */ protected static final int WAL_HEADER = (int)((CC.FILE_HEADER<<24) | (CC.FILE_TYPE_STOREWAL_WAL<<16)); protected static final long WAL_SEAL = 8234892392398238983L; protected static final int I_EOF = 0; protected static final int I_LONG = 1; protected static final int I_BYTE_ARRAY = 2; protected static final int I_SKIP_MANY = 3; protected static final int I_SKIP_SINGLE = 4; protected static final int I_RECORD = 5; protected static final int I_TOMBSTONE = 6; protected static final int I_PREALLOCATE = 7; protected static final int I_COMMIT = 8; protected static final int I_ROLLBACK = 9; protected static final long MAX_FILE_SIZE = 16L * 1024L * 1024L; protected static final long MAX_FILE_RESERVE = 16; protected final long featureBitMap; protected final int pointerOffsetBites=32; protected final long pointerOffsetMask = DataIO.fillLowBits(pointerOffsetBites); protected final int pointerSizeBites=16; protected final long pointerSizeMask = DataIO.fillLowBits(pointerSizeBites); protected final int pointerFileBites=16; protected final long pointerFileMask = DataIO.fillLowBits(pointerFileBites); protected final boolean fileDeleteAfterOpen; protected int lastChecksum=0; protected long lastChecksumOffset=16; public WriteAheadLog( String fileName, VolumeFactory volumeFactory, long featureBitMap, boolean fileDeleteAfterOpen) { this.fileName = fileName; this.volumeFactory = volumeFactory; this.featureBitMap = featureBitMap; this.fileDeleteAfterOpen = fileDeleteAfterOpen; } public WriteAheadLog(String fileName) { this( fileName, fileName==null? CC.DEFAULT_MEMORY_VOLUME_FACTORY:CC.DEFAULT_FILE_VOLUME_FACTORY, 0L, false ); } public void initFailedCloseFiles() { if(walRec!=null){ for(Volume v:walRec){ if(v!=null && !v.isClosed()) v.close(); } walRec.clear(); } if(volumes!=null){ for(Volume v:volumes){ if(v!=null && !v.isClosed()) v.close(); } volumes.clear(); } } public void close() { for(Volume v:walRec){ v.close(); } walRec.clear(); for(Volume v:volumes){ v.close(); } volumes.clear(); curVol = null; } public void seal() { ensureFileReady(false); long finalOffset = allocate(0,1); curVol.ensureAvailable(finalOffset+1); //TODO overlap here //put EOF instruction curVol.putUnsignedByte(finalOffset, (I_EOF<<4) | (Long.bitCount(finalOffset)&15)); //TODO EOF should contain checksum curVol.sync(); //put wal seal curVol.putLong(8, WAL_SEAL); curVol.sync(); } public void startNextFile() { fileNum++; String filewal = getWalFileName(""+fileNum); Volume nextVol = volumeFactory.makeVolume(filewal, false, -1L); if(fileDeleteAfterOpen) new File(filewal).delete(); nextVol.ensureAvailable(16); nextVol.putInt(0, WAL_HEADER); nextVol.putLong(8, featureBitMap); fileOffsetSet(16); volumes.add(nextVol); lastChecksum=0; lastChecksumOffset=0; curVol = nextVol; } public void rollback() { ensureFileReady(false); final int plusSize = +1+4; long walOffset2 = allocate(plusSize,0); Volume curVol2 = curVol; curVol2.ensureAvailable(walOffset2+plusSize); if(lastChecksumOffset==0) lastChecksumOffset=16; int checksum = lastChecksum+checksum(curVol2, lastChecksumOffset, walOffset2); lastChecksumOffset=walOffset2+plusSize; lastChecksum = checksum; int parity = 1+Long.bitCount(walOffset2)+Integer.bitCount(checksum); parity &=15; curVol2.putUnsignedByte(walOffset2, (I_ROLLBACK << 4)|parity); walOffset2++; curVol2.putInt(walOffset2,checksum); curVol2.sync(); } public void commit() { ensureFileReady(false); final int plusSize = +1+4; long walOffset2 = allocate(plusSize, 0); Volume curVol2 = curVol; curVol2.ensureAvailable(walOffset2+plusSize); if(lastChecksumOffset==0) lastChecksumOffset=16; int checksum = lastChecksum+checksum(curVol2, lastChecksumOffset, walOffset2); lastChecksumOffset=walOffset2+plusSize; lastChecksum = checksum; int parity = 1+Long.bitCount(walOffset2)+Integer.bitCount(checksum); parity &=15; curVol2.putUnsignedByte(walOffset2, (I_COMMIT << 4)|parity); walOffset2++; curVol2.putInt(walOffset2,checksum); curVol2.sync(); } protected int checksum(Volume vol, long startOffset, long endOffset){ int ret = DataIO.longHash(vol.hash(startOffset, endOffset-startOffset, 111L)); return ret==0?1:ret; } public boolean fileLoad() { boolean ret=false; for(Volume vol:volumes){ ret = vol.fileLoad(); } return ret; } public void sync() { curVol.sync(); } @NotNull public Iterable<String> getAllFiles() { ArrayList<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for(Volume vol:volumes){ if(vol.getFile()!=null) ret.add(vol.getFile().getPath()); } return ret; } public interface WALReplay{ void beforeReplayStart(); void afterReplayFinished(); void writeLong(long offset, long value); void writeRecord(long recid, long walId, @NotNull Volume vol, long volOffset, int length); void writeByteArray(long offset, long walId, @NotNull Volume vol, long volOffset, int length); void commit(); void rollback(); void writeTombstone(long recid); void writePreallocate(long recid); } /** does nothing */ public static final WALReplay NOREPLAY = new WALReplay() { @Override public void beforeReplayStart() { } @Override public void afterReplayFinished() { } @Override public void writeLong(long offset, long value) { } @Override public void writeRecord(long recid, long walId, Volume vol, long volOffset, int length) { } @Override public void writeByteArray(long offset, long walId, Volume vol, long volOffset, int length) { } @Override public void commit() { } @Override public void rollback() { } @Override public void writeTombstone(long recid) { } @Override public void writePreallocate(long recid) { } }; final String fileName; final VolumeFactory volumeFactory; protected volatile long fileOffset = 16; protected ReentrantLock fileOffsetLock = new ReentrantLock(CC.FAIR_LOCK); protected final List<Volume> volumes = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Volume>()); /** record WALs, store recid-record pairs. Created during compaction when memory allocator is not available */ protected final List<Volume> walRec = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Volume>()); protected Volume curVol; protected long fileNum = -1; /** * Allocate space in WAL * * @param reqSize space which can not cross page boundaries * @param optSize space which can cross page boundaries * @return allocated fileOffset */ protected long allocate(final int reqSize, final int optSize){ if(CC.ASSERT && reqSize>=CC.PAGE_SIZE) throw new AssertionError(); fileOffsetLock.lock(); try{ while (fileOffset >>> CC.PAGE_SHIFT != (fileOffset + reqSize) >>> CC.PAGE_SHIFT) { int singleByteSkip = (I_SKIP_SINGLE << 4) | (Long.bitCount(fileOffset) & 15); curVol.putUnsignedByte(fileOffset, singleByteSkip); fileOffset++; } //long ret = walPointer(0, fileNum, fileOffset); long ret = fileOffset; fileOffset+=reqSize+optSize; return ret; }finally{ fileOffsetLock.unlock(); } } protected void fileOffsetSet(long fileOffset){ fileOffsetLock.lock(); try{ this.fileOffset = fileOffset; }finally { fileOffsetLock.unlock(); } } /* //does it overlap page boundaries? if((walOffset2>>>CC.VOLUME_PAGE_SHIFT)==(walOffset2+plusSize)>>>CC.VOLUME_PAGE_SHIFT){ return false; //no, does not, all fine } new Exception("SKIP").printStackTrace(); //put skip instruction until plusSize while(plusSize>0){ int singleByteSkip = (I_SKIP_SINGLE<<4)|(Long.bitCount(walOffset2)&15); curVol.putUnsignedByte(walOffset2, singleByteSkip); walOffset2++; plusSize--; } */ void open(WALReplay replay){ //replay WAL files String wal0Name = getWalFileName("0"); // String walCompSeal = getWalFileName("c"); // boolean walCompSealExists = // walCompSeal!=null && // new File(walCompSeal).exists(); if(/*walCompSealExists ||*/ (wal0Name!=null && new File(wal0Name).exists())){ //fill wal files for(int i=0;;i++){ String wname = getWalFileName(""+i); File wnameF = new File(wname); if(!wnameF.exists()) break; volumes.add(volumeFactory.makeVolume(wname, false, -1L)); if(fileDeleteAfterOpen) wnameF.delete(); } long walId = replayWALSkipRollbacks(replay); fileNum = walPointerToFileNum(walId); curVol = volumes.get((int) fileNum); fileOffsetSet(walPointerToOffset(walId)); // for(Volume v:walRec){ // v.close(); // } walRec.clear(); // volumes.clear(); // fileNum = volumes.size()-1; // curVol = volumes.get(fileNum); // startNextFile(); } } /** replays wall, but skips section between rollbacks. That means only committed transactions will be passed to * replay callback */ long replayWALSkipRollbacks(WALReplay replay) { replay.beforeReplayStart(); long start = skipRollbacks(16); long ret = start; commitLoop: while(start!=0){ long fileNum2 = walPointerToFileNum(start); Volume wal = volumes.get((int) fileNum2); long pos = walPointerToOffset(start); ret = start; instLoop: for(;;) { int checksum = wal.getUnsignedByte(pos++); int instruction = checksum>>>4; checksum = (checksum&15); switch(instruction) { case I_EOF: { //EOF if ((Long.bitCount(pos - 1) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted "+fileNum2+" - "+pos); if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){ LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL EOF: file="+fileNum2+", pos="+(pos-1)); } //start at new file start = walPointer(0, fileNum2 + 1, 16); continue commitLoop; //break; } case I_LONG: pos = instLong(wal, pos, checksum, replay); break; case I_BYTE_ARRAY: pos = instByteArray(wal, pos, checksum, fileNum2, replay); break; case I_SKIP_MANY: { //skip N bytes int skipN = wal.getInt(pos - 1) & 0xFFFFFF; //read 3 bytes if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL SKIPN: file="+fileNum2+", pos="+(pos-1)+", skipN="+skipN); if ((Integer.bitCount(skipN) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); pos += 3 + skipN; break; } case I_SKIP_SINGLE: { if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL SKIP: file="+fileNum2+", pos="+(pos-1)); //skip single byte if ((Long.bitCount(pos - 1) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); break; } case I_RECORD: pos = instRecord(wal, pos, checksum, fileNum2, replay); break; case I_TOMBSTONE: pos = instTombstone(wal, pos, checksum, replay); break; case I_PREALLOCATE: pos = instPreallocate(wal, pos, checksum, replay); break; case I_COMMIT: { int checksum2 = wal.getInt(pos); pos += 4; if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL COMMIT: file="+fileNum2+", pos="+(pos-5)); if (((1 + Long.bitCount(pos - 5) + Integer.bitCount(checksum2)) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); if(replay!=null) replay.commit(); long currentPos = walPointer(0, fileNum2, pos); ret = currentPos; //skip next rollbacks if there are any start = skipRollbacks(currentPos); continue commitLoop; //break } case I_ROLLBACK: throw new DBException.DataCorruption("Rollback should be skipped"); default: throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted, unknown instruction"); } } } Volume vol = volumes.get((int) walPointerToFileNum(ret)); long offset = walPointerToOffset(ret); if(offset!=0 && offset!=vol.length()) { vol.clearOverlap(offset, vol.length()); vol.sync(); } replay.afterReplayFinished(); return ret; } /** * Iterates log until it finds commit or rollback instruction. If commit instruction is found, * it returns starting offset. If rollback instruction is find, it continues, and returns offset * after last rollback. If no commit is found before end of log, it returns zero. * * @param start offset * @return offset after last rollback */ long skipRollbacks(long start){ long fileNum2 = walPointerToFileNum(start); long pos = walPointerToOffset(start); commitLoop:for(;;){ if(volumes.size()<=fileNum2) return 0; //there will be no commit in this file Volume wal = volumes.get((int) fileNum2); if(wal.length()<16 /*|| wal.getLong(8)!=WAL_SEAL*/) { break commitLoop; //TODO better handling for corrupted logs } try{ for(;;) { int checksum = wal.getUnsignedByte(pos++); int instruction = checksum >>> 4; checksum = (checksum & 15); switch (instruction) { case I_EOF: { //EOF if ((Long.bitCount(pos - 1) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted "+fileNum2+" - "+pos); fileNum2++; pos = 16; //TODO check next file seal? continue commitLoop; //break; } case I_LONG: pos = instLong(wal, pos, checksum, null); break; case I_BYTE_ARRAY: pos = instByteArray(wal, pos, checksum, fileNum2, null); break; case I_SKIP_MANY: { //skip N bytes int skipN = wal.getInt(pos - 1) & 0xFFFFFF; //read 3 bytes if ((Integer.bitCount(skipN) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); pos += 3 + skipN; break; } case I_SKIP_SINGLE: { //skip single byte if ((Long.bitCount(pos - 1) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); break; } case I_RECORD: pos = instRecord(wal, pos, checksum, fileNum2, null); break; case I_TOMBSTONE: pos = instTombstone(wal, pos, checksum, null); break; case I_PREALLOCATE: pos = instPreallocate(wal, pos, checksum, null); break; case I_COMMIT: { int checksum2 = wal.getInt(pos); pos += 4; if (((1 + Long.bitCount(pos - 5) + Integer.bitCount(checksum2)) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); //TODO checksums if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL SKIP: ret="+start); return start; //break; } case I_ROLLBACK: { int checksum2 = wal.getInt(pos); pos += 4; if (((1 + Long.bitCount(pos - 5) + Integer.bitCount(checksum2)) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); //rollback instruction pushes last valid to current offset start = walPointer(0, fileNum2, pos); continue commitLoop; //break; } default: throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted, unknown instruction: "+pos); } } }catch(DBException e){ LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Skip incomplete WAL"); return 0; } } if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL SKIP: ret=0"); return 0; } public void replayWAL(WALReplay replay){ replay.beforeReplayStart(); long fileNum2=-1; file:for(Volume wal:volumes){ fileNum2++; if(wal.length()<16 /*|| wal.getLong(8)!=WAL_SEAL*/) { break file; //TODO better handling for corrupted logs } long pos = 16; instLoop: for(;;) { int checksum = wal.getUnsignedByte(pos++); int instruction = checksum>>>4; checksum = (checksum&15); switch(instruction){ case I_EOF: { //EOF if ((Long.bitCount(pos - 1) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); continue file; } case I_LONG: pos = instLong(wal, pos, checksum, replay); break; case I_BYTE_ARRAY: pos = instByteArray(wal, pos, checksum, fileNum2, replay); break; case I_SKIP_MANY: { //skip N bytes int skipN = wal.getInt(pos - 1) & 0xFFFFFF; //read 3 bytes if ((Integer.bitCount(skipN) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); pos += 3 + skipN; break; } case I_SKIP_SINGLE: { //skip single byte if ((Long.bitCount(pos - 1) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); break; } case I_RECORD: pos = instRecord(wal, pos, checksum, fileNum2, replay); break; case I_TOMBSTONE: pos = instTombstone(wal, pos, checksum, replay); break; case I_PREALLOCATE: pos = instPreallocate(wal, pos, checksum, replay); break; case I_COMMIT: { int checksum2 = wal.getInt(pos); pos += 4; if (((1 + Long.bitCount(pos - 5) + Integer.bitCount(checksum2)) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); replay.commit(); break; } case I_ROLLBACK: { int checksum2 = wal.getInt(pos); pos += 4; if (((1 + Long.bitCount(pos - 5) + Integer.bitCount(checksum2)) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); replay.rollback(); break; } default: throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted, unknown instruction"); } } } replay.afterReplayFinished(); } private long instTombstone(Volume wal, long pos, int checksum, WALReplay replay) { long recid = wal.getPackedLong(pos); pos += recid >>> 60; recid &= DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK; if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL TOMBSTONE: pos="+(pos-1- DataIO.packLongSize(recid))+", recid="+recid); if(((1+Long.bitCount(recid))&15)!=checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); if(replay!=null) replay.writeTombstone(recid); return pos; } private long instPreallocate(Volume wal, long pos, int checksum, WALReplay replay) { long recid = wal.getPackedLong(pos); pos += recid >>> 60; recid &= DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK; if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL PREALLOC: pos="+(pos-1- DataIO.packLongSize(recid))+", recid="+recid); if (((1 + Long.bitCount(recid)) & 15) != checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted: "+pos); if(replay!=null) replay.writePreallocate(recid); return pos; } private long instRecord(Volume wal, long pos, int checksum, long fileNum2, WALReplay replay) { long pos2 = pos-1; long walId = walPointer(0, fileNum2, pos2); // read record long recid = wal.getPackedLong(pos); pos += recid >>> 60; recid &= DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK; long size = wal.getPackedLong(pos); pos += size >>> 60; size &= DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK; if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL RECORD: pos="+(pos2)+", recid="+recid+", size="+size); if(((1+Long.bitCount(recid)+Long.bitCount(size)+Long.bitCount(pos2))&15)!=checksum){ throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); } if (size == 0) { if(replay!=null) replay.writeRecord(recid, 0, null, 0 ,0); } else { size--; //zero is used for null // byte[] data = new byte[(int) size]; // wal.getData(pos, data, 0, data.length); if(replay!=null) replay.writeRecord(recid, walId, wal, pos, (int) size); pos += size; } return pos; } private long instByteArray(Volume wal, long pos, int checksum, long fileNum2, WALReplay replay) { //write byte[] long walId = walPointer(0, fileNum2, pos-1); int dataSize = wal.getUnsignedShort(pos); pos += 2; long offset = wal.getSixLong(pos); pos += 6; // byte[] data = new byte[dataSize]; // wal.getData(pos, data, 0, data.length); if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL BYTE[]: pos="+(pos-1-8)+", size="+dataSize+", offset="+offset); if(((1+Integer.bitCount(dataSize)+Long.bitCount(offset))&15)!=checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); long val = ((long)fileNum)<<(pointerOffsetBites); val |=pos; if(replay!=null) replay.writeByteArray(offset, walId, wal, pos, dataSize); pos += dataSize; return pos; } private long instLong(Volume wal, long pos, int checksum, WALReplay replay) { //write long long val = wal.getLong(pos); pos += 8; long offset = wal.getSixLong(pos); pos += 6; if(CC.LOG_WAL_CONTENT && LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) LOG.log(Level.FINER, "WAL LONG: pos="+(pos-1-8-6)+", val="+val+", offset="+offset); if(((1+Long.bitCount(val)+Long.bitCount(offset))&15)!=checksum) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("WAL corrupted"); if(replay!=null) replay.writeLong(offset,val); return pos; } public void destroyWalFiles() { //destroy old wal files for(Volume wal:volumes){ if(!wal.isClosed()) { wal.truncate(0); wal.close(); } wal.deleteFile(); } fileNum = -1; curVol = null; volumes.clear(); } protected String getWalFileName(String ext) { return fileName==null? null : fileName+".wal"+"."+ext; } public long getNumberOfFiles(){ return volumes.size(); } /** * Retrieve {@code DataInput} from WAL. This data were written by {@link WriteAheadLog#walPutByteArray(long, byte[], int, int)} * * @param walPointer pointer returned by {@link WriteAheadLog#walPutByteArray(long, byte[], int, int)} * @return DataInput */ public DataInput2 walGetByteArray(long walPointer) { int arraySize = walPointerToSize(walPointer); if(CC.ASSERT && arraySize==0) throw new AssertionError(); int fileNum = (int) (walPointerToFileNum(walPointer)); long dataOffset = (walPointerToOffset(walPointer)); Volume vol = volumes.get(fileNum); return vol.getDataInput(dataOffset, arraySize); } /** * Retrieve {@code byte[]} from WAL. This data were written by {@link WriteAheadLog#walPutByteArray(long, byte[], int, int)} * * @param walPointer pointer returned by {@link WriteAheadLog#walPutByteArray(long, byte[], int, int)} * @return DataInput */ public byte[] walGetByteArray2(long walPointer) { int arraySize = walPointerToSize(walPointer); long fileNum = walPointerToFileNum(walPointer); long dataOffset = walPointerToOffset(walPointer); Volume vol = volumes.get((int) fileNum); byte[] ret = new byte[arraySize]; vol.getData(dataOffset, ret, 0, arraySize); return ret; } protected long walPointerToOffset(long walPointer) { return walPointer & pointerOffsetMask; } protected long walPointerToFileNum(long walPointer) { return (walPointer >>> (pointerOffsetBites)) & pointerFileMask; } protected int walPointerToSize(long walPointer) { return (int) ((walPointer >>> (pointerOffsetBites+pointerFileBites))&pointerSizeMask); } //TODO return DataInput, check callers after that, they expect byte[] to be used outside locks synchronized public byte[] walGetRecord(long walPointer, long expectedRecid) { long fileNum = walPointerToFileNum(walPointer); long dataOffset = (walPointerToOffset(walPointer)); Volume vol = volumes.get((int) fileNum); //skip instruction //TODO verify it is 7 //TODO verify checksum dataOffset++; long recid = vol.getPackedLong(dataOffset); dataOffset += recid >>> 60; recid &= DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK; if(CC.ASSERT && expectedRecid!=0 && recid!=expectedRecid){ throw new AssertionError(); } long size = vol.getPackedLong(dataOffset); dataOffset += size >>> 60; size &= DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK; if (size == 0) { return null; }else if(size==1){ return new byte[0]; }else { size--; //zero is used for null byte[] data = new byte[(int) size]; DataInput in = vol.getDataInputOverlap(dataOffset, data.length); try { in.readFully(data); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DBException.VolumeIOError(e); } return data; } } /** * Puts instruction into WAL. It should write part of {@code byte[]} at given offset. * This value returns pointer to WAL, which can be used to retrieve data back with {@link WriteAheadLog#walGetByteArray(long)}. * Pointer is composed of file number, and offset in WAL file. * * @param offset where data will be written in main store, after WAL replay (6 bytes) * @param buf byte array of data * @param bufPos starting position within byte array * @param size number of bytes to take from byte array * @return */ public long walPutByteArray(long offset, byte[] buf, int bufPos, int size){ ensureFileReady(true); final int plusSize = +1+2+6+size; long walOffset2 = allocate(plusSize,0); curVol.ensureAvailable(walOffset2+plusSize); int checksum = 1+Integer.bitCount(size)+Long.bitCount(offset); checksum &= 15; curVol.putUnsignedByte(walOffset2, (I_BYTE_ARRAY << 4)|checksum); walOffset2+=1; if(CC.ASSERT && (size&0xFFFF)!=size) throw new AssertionError(); curVol.putLong(walOffset2, ((long) size) << 48 | offset); walOffset2+=8; curVol.putData(walOffset2, buf,bufPos,size); if(CC.ASSERT && (size&pointerSizeMask)!=size) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && (fileNum&pointerFileMask)!=fileNum) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && (walPointerToOffset(walOffset2))!=walOffset2) throw new AssertionError(); return walPointer(size,fileNum,walOffset2); } protected long walPointer(long size, long fileNum, long offset){ long val = (size)<<(pointerOffsetBites+pointerFileBites); val |= (fileNum)<<(pointerOffsetBites); val |= offset; if(CC.ASSERT && offset!=walPointerToOffset(val)) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && fileNum!=walPointerToOffset(fileNum)) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && size!=walPointerToOffset(size)) throw new AssertionError(); return val; } //TODO walPutRecord and walGetRecord are both synchronized, that is just broken synchronized public long walPutRecord(long recid, byte[] buf, int bufPos, int size){ if(CC.ASSERT && buf==null && size!=0) throw new AssertionError(); ensureFileReady(true); long sizeToWrite = buf==null?0:(size+1); final int plusSize = +1+ DataIO.packLongSize(recid)+ DataIO.packLongSize(sizeToWrite)+size; long walOffset2 = allocate(plusSize-size, size); long startPos = walOffset2; if(CC.ASSERT && startPos>=MAX_FILE_SIZE) throw new AssertionError(); curVol.ensureAvailable(walOffset2+plusSize); int checksum = 1+Long.bitCount(recid)+Long.bitCount(sizeToWrite)+Long.bitCount(walOffset2); checksum &= 15; curVol.putUnsignedByte(walOffset2, (I_RECORD << 4)|checksum); walOffset2++; walOffset2+=curVol.putPackedLong(walOffset2, recid); walOffset2+=curVol.putPackedLong(walOffset2, sizeToWrite); if(buf!=null) { curVol.putDataOverlap(walOffset2, buf, bufPos, size); } long ret = walPointer(0, fileNum,startPos); return ret; } /** * Put 8 byte long into WAL. * * @param offset where data will be written in main store, after WAL replay (6 bytes) * @param value */ public void walPutLong(long offset, long value){ ensureFileReady(false); final int plusSize = +1+8+6; long walOffset2 = allocate(plusSize,0); Volume curVol2 = curVol; if(CC.ASSERT && offset>>>48!=0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("wrong offset"); curVol2.ensureAvailable(walOffset2+plusSize); int parity = 1+Long.bitCount(value)+Long.bitCount(offset); parity &=15; curVol2.putUnsignedByte(walOffset2, (I_LONG << 4)|parity); walOffset2+=1; curVol2.putLong(walOffset2, value); walOffset2+=8; curVol2.putSixLong(walOffset2, offset); } protected void ensureFileReady(boolean addressable) { if(curVol==null){ startNextFile(); return; } if(addressable){ //TODO fileOffset should be under lock, perhaps this entire section should be under lock if(fileOffset+MAX_FILE_RESERVE>MAX_FILE_SIZE){ //EOF and move on seal(); startNextFile(); } } } public void walPutTombstone(long recid) { ensureFileReady(false); int plusSize = 1+ DataIO.packLongSize(recid); long walOffset2 = allocate(plusSize, 0); Volume curVol2 = curVol; curVol2.ensureAvailable(walOffset2+plusSize); int checksum = 1+Long.bitCount(recid); checksum &= 15; curVol2.putUnsignedByte(walOffset2, (I_TOMBSTONE << 4)|checksum); walOffset2+=1; curVol2.putPackedLong(walOffset2, recid); } public void walPutPreallocate(long recid) { ensureFileReady(false); int plusSize = 1+ DataIO.packLongSize(recid); long walOffset2 = allocate(plusSize,0); Volume curVol2 = curVol; curVol2.ensureAvailable(walOffset2+plusSize); int checksum = 1+Long.bitCount(recid); checksum &= 15; curVol2.putUnsignedByte(walOffset2, (I_PREALLOCATE << 4)|checksum); walOffset2+=1; curVol2.putPackedLong(walOffset2, recid); } }