package org.mapdb.serializer; import org.mapdb.DataInput2; import org.mapdb.DataOutput2; import; /** * Serializes group of {@code byte[]} with delta compression. */ public class SerializerByteArrayDelta extends SerializerByteArray { //TODO PERF char[][] versus Object[] @Override public void valueArraySerialize(DataOutput2 out, Object vals) throws IOException { byte[][] chars = (byte[][]) vals; //write lengths for(byte[] b:chars){ out.packInt(b.length); } //$DELAY$ //find common prefix int prefixLen = commonPrefixLen(chars); out.packInt(prefixLen); out.write(chars[0], 0, prefixLen); //$DELAY$ for(byte[] b:chars){ out.write(b,prefixLen,b.length-prefixLen); } } @Override public byte[][] valueArrayDeserialize(DataInput2 in, int size) throws IOException { byte[][] ret = new byte[size][]; //read lengths and init arrays for(int i=0;i<ret.length;i++){ ret[i] = new byte[in.unpackInt()]; } //$DELAY$ //read and distribute common prefix int prefixLen = in.unpackInt(); in.readFully(ret[0],0,prefixLen); for(int i=1;i<ret.length;i++){ System.arraycopy(ret[0],0,ret[i],0,prefixLen); } //$DELAY$ //read suffixes for (byte[] aRet : ret) { in.readFully(aRet, prefixLen, aRet.length - prefixLen); } return ret; } protected static int commonPrefixLen(byte[][] bytes) { //TODO PERF refactor to calculate minimal length first, to save comparations. for(int ret=0;;ret++){ if(bytes[0].length==ret) { return ret; } byte byt = bytes[0][ret]; for(int i=1;i<bytes.length;i++){ if(bytes[i].length==ret || byt!=bytes[i][ret]) return ret; } } } }