package org.mapdb.volume; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.mapdb.DBException; import; import; import; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileLock; /** * Created by jan on 2/29/16. */ public final class MappedFileVolSingle extends ByteBufferVolSingle { protected final static VolumeFactory FACTORY = new VolumeFactory() { @Override public Volume makeVolume(String file, boolean readOnly, long fileLockWait, int sliceShift, long initSize, boolean fixedSize) { if (initSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("startSize larger 2GB"); return new org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle( new File(file), readOnly, fileLockWait, initSize, false); } @NotNull @Override public boolean exists(@Nullable String file) { return new File(file).exists(); } @Override public boolean handlesReadonly() { return true; } }; protected final static VolumeFactory FACTORY_WITH_CLEANER_HACK = new VolumeFactory() { @Override public Volume makeVolume(String file, boolean readOnly, long fileLockWait, int sliceShift, long initSize, boolean fixedSize) { if (initSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("startSize larger 2GB"); return new org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle( new File(file), readOnly, fileLockWait, initSize, true); } @NotNull @Override public boolean exists(@Nullable String file) { return new File(file).exists(); } @Override public boolean handlesReadonly() { return true; } }; protected final File file; protected final FileChannel.MapMode mapMode; protected final RandomAccessFile raf; protected final FileLock fileLock; public MappedFileVolSingle(File file, boolean readOnly, long fileLockWait, long maxSize, boolean cleanerHackEnabled) { super(readOnly, maxSize, cleanerHackEnabled); this.file = file; this.mapMode = readOnly ? FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY : FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE; try { FileChannelVol.checkFolder(file, readOnly); raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, readOnly ? "r" : "rw"); fileLock = Volume.lockFile(file, raf.getChannel(), readOnly, fileLockWait); final long fileSize = raf.length(); if (readOnly) { maxSize = Math.min(maxSize, fileSize); } else if (fileSize < maxSize) { //zero out data between fileSize and maxSize, so mmap file operation does not expand file; long offset = fileSize; do { raf.write(CLEAR, 0, (int) Math.min(CLEAR.length, maxSize - offset)); offset += CLEAR.length; } while (offset < maxSize); } buffer = raf.getChannel().map(mapMode, 0, maxSize); if (readOnly) buffer = buffer.asReadOnlyBuffer(); //TODO assert endianess } catch (IOException e) { throw new DBException.VolumeIOError(e); } } @Override synchronized public void close() { if (!closed.compareAndSet(false,true)) return; //TODO not sure if no sync causes problems while unlocking files //however if it is here, it causes slow commits, sync is called on write-ahead-log just before it is deleted and closed // if(!readOnly) // sync(); try { if (fileLock != null && fileLock.isValid()) { fileLock.release(); } raf.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DBException.VolumeIOError(e); } if (cleanerHackEnabled && buffer != null && (buffer instanceof MappedByteBuffer)) { ByteBufferVol.unmap((MappedByteBuffer) buffer); } buffer = null; } @Override synchronized public void sync() { if (readOnly) return; if (buffer instanceof MappedByteBuffer) ((MappedByteBuffer) buffer).force(); } @Override public long length() { return file.length(); } @Override public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } @Override public File getFile() { return file; } @Override public boolean getFileLocked() { return fileLock != null && fileLock.isValid(); } @Override public void truncate(long size) { //TODO truncate } @Override public boolean fileLoad() { ((MappedByteBuffer) buffer).load(); return true; } }