package org.mapdb.serializer; import org.mapdb.*; import; import; import java.util.Comparator; /** wraps another serializer and (de)compresses its output/input*/ public final class SerializerCompressionWrapper<E> implements GroupSerializer<E>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4440826457939614346L; protected final GroupSerializer<E> serializer; protected final ThreadLocal<CompressLZF> LZF = new ThreadLocal<CompressLZF>() { @Override protected CompressLZF initialValue() { return new CompressLZF(); } }; public SerializerCompressionWrapper(GroupSerializer<E> serializer) { this.serializer = serializer; } // /** used for deserialization */ // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // protected SerializerCompressionWrapper(SerializerBase serializerBase, DataInput2 is, SerializerBase.FastArrayList<Object> objectStack, boolean compressValues) throws IOException { // objectStack.add(this); // this.serializer = (Serializer<E>) serializerBase.deserialize(is,objectStack); // this.compressValues = compressValues; // } @Override public void serialize(DataOutput2 out, E value) throws IOException { DataOutput2 out2 = new DataOutput2(); serializer.serialize(out2,value); byte[] tmp = new byte[out2.pos+41]; int newLen; try{ newLen = LZF.get().compress(out2.buf,out2.pos,tmp,0); }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e){ newLen=0; //larger after compression } if(newLen>=out2.pos||newLen==0){ //compression adds size, so do not compress out.packInt(0); out.write(out2.buf,0,out2.pos); return; } out.packInt( out2.pos+1); //unpacked size, zero indicates no compression out.write(tmp,0,newLen); } @Override public E deserialize(DataInput2 in, int available) throws IOException { final int unpackedSize = in.unpackInt()-1; if(unpackedSize==-1){ //was not compressed return serializer.deserialize(in, available>0?available-1:available); } byte[] unpacked = new byte[unpackedSize]; LZF.get().expand(in,unpacked,0,unpackedSize); DataInput2.ByteArray in2 = new DataInput2.ByteArray(unpacked); E ret = serializer.deserialize(in2,unpackedSize); if(CC.ASSERT && ! (in2.pos==unpackedSize)) throw new DBException.DataCorruption( "data were not fully read"); return ret; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; SerializerCompressionWrapper that = (SerializerCompressionWrapper) o; return serializer.equals(that.serializer); } @Override public int hashCode() { return serializer.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean isTrusted() { return true; } @Override public int valueArraySearch(Object keys, E key) { return serializer.valueArraySearch(keys, key); } @Override public int valueArraySearch(Object keys, E key, Comparator comparator) { return serializer.valueArraySearch(keys, key, comparator); } @Override public void valueArraySerialize(DataOutput2 out, Object vals) throws IOException { DataOutput2 out2 = new DataOutput2(); serializer.valueArraySerialize(out2, vals); if(out2.pos==0) return; byte[] tmp = new byte[out2.pos+41]; int newLen; try{ newLen = LZF.get().compress(out2.buf,out2.pos,tmp,0); }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e){ newLen=0; //larger after compression } if(newLen>=out2.pos||newLen==0){ //compression adds size, so do not compress out.packInt(0); out.write(out2.buf,0,out2.pos); return; } out.packInt( out2.pos+1); //unpacked size, zero indicates no compression out.write(tmp,0,newLen); } @Override public Object valueArrayDeserialize(DataInput2 in, int size) throws IOException { if(size==0) return serializer.valueArrayEmpty(); final int unpackedSize = in.unpackInt()-1; if(unpackedSize==-1){ //was not compressed return serializer.valueArrayDeserialize(in,size); } byte[] unpacked = new byte[unpackedSize]; LZF.get().expand(in,unpacked,0,unpackedSize); DataInput2.ByteArray in2 = new DataInput2.ByteArray(unpacked); Object ret = serializer.valueArrayDeserialize(in2, size); if(CC.ASSERT && ! (in2.pos==unpackedSize)) throw new DBException.DataCorruption( "data were not fully read"); return ret; } @Override public E valueArrayGet(Object vals, int pos) { return serializer.valueArrayGet(vals, pos); } @Override public int valueArraySize(Object vals) { return serializer.valueArraySize(vals); } @Override public Object valueArrayEmpty() { return serializer.valueArrayEmpty(); } @Override public Object valueArrayPut(Object vals, int pos, E newValue) { return serializer.valueArrayPut(vals, pos, newValue); } @Override public Object valueArrayUpdateVal(Object vals, int pos, E newValue) { return serializer.valueArrayUpdateVal(vals, pos, newValue); } @Override public Object valueArrayFromArray(Object[] objects) { return serializer.valueArrayFromArray(objects); } @Override public Object valueArrayCopyOfRange(Object vals, int from, int to) { return serializer.valueArrayCopyOfRange(vals, from, to); } @Override public Object valueArrayDeleteValue(Object vals, int pos) { return serializer.valueArrayDeleteValue(vals, pos); } @Override public boolean equals(E a1, E a2) { return serializer.equals(a1, a2); } @Override public int hashCode(E e, int seed) { return serializer.hashCode(e, seed); } @Override public int compare(E o1, E o2) { return, o2); } }