package org.mapdb.serializer; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.mapdb.*; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Created by jan on 2/29/16. */ public class SerializerStringDelta2 implements GroupSerializer<String> { public interface StringArrayKeys { int commonPrefixLen(); int length(); int[] getOffset(); StringArrayKeys deleteKey(int pos); StringArrayKeys copyOfRange(int from, int to); StringArrayKeys putKey(int pos, String newKey); int compare(int pos1, String string); int compare(int pos1, int pos2); String getKeyString(int pos); boolean hasUnicodeChars(); void serialize(DataOutput out, int prefixLen) throws IOException; } //PERF right now byte[] contains 7 bit characters, but it should be expandable to 8bit. public static final class ByteArrayKeys implements StringArrayKeys { final int[] offset; final byte[] array; ByteArrayKeys(int[] offset, byte[] array) { this.offset = offset; this.array = array; if(CC.ASSERT && ! (array.length==0 || array.length == offset[offset.length-1])) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("inconsistent array size"); } ByteArrayKeys(DataInput2 in, int[] offsets, int prefixLen) throws IOException { this.offset = offsets; array = new byte[offsets[offsets.length-1]]; in.readFully(array, 0, prefixLen); for(int i=0; i<offsets.length-1;i++){ System.arraycopy(array,0,array,offsets[i],prefixLen); } //$DELAY$ //read suffixes int offset = prefixLen; for(int o:offsets){ in.readFully(array,offset,o-offset); offset = o+prefixLen; } } ByteArrayKeys(int[] offsets, Object[] keys) { this.offset = offsets; //fill large array array = new byte[offsets[offsets.length-1]]; int bbOffset = 0; //$DELAY$ for (Object key : keys) { String str = (String) key; for (int j = 0; j < str.length(); j++) { array[bbOffset++] = (byte) str.charAt(j); } } } @Override public int commonPrefixLen() { int lenMinus1 = offset.length-1; //$DELAY$ for(int ret = 0;; ret++){ if(offset[0]==ret) return ret; byte byt = array[ret]; for(int i=0;i<lenMinus1;i++){ int o = offset[i]+ret; if( o==offset[i+1] || //too long array[o]!=byt //other character ) return ret; } } } @Override public int length() { return offset.length; } @Override public int[] getOffset() { return offset; } @Override public ByteArrayKeys deleteKey(int pos) { int split = pos==0? 0: offset[pos-1]; int next = offset[pos]; byte[] bb = new byte[array.length - (next-split)]; int[] offsets = new int[offset.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(array,0,bb,0,split); //$DELAY$ System.arraycopy(array,next,bb,split,array.length-next); int minus=0; int plusI=0; for(int i=0;i<offsets.length;i++){ if(i==pos){ //skip current item and normalize offsets plusI=1; minus = next-split; } offsets[i] = offset[i+plusI] - minus; } return new ByteArrayKeys(offsets,bb); } @Override public ByteArrayKeys copyOfRange(int from, int to) { int start = from==0? 0: offset[from-1]; int end = to==0? 0: offset[to-1]; byte[] bb = Arrays.copyOfRange(array,start,end); //$DELAY$ int[] offsets = new int[to-from]; for(int i=0;i<offsets.length;i++){ offsets[i] = offset[i+from] - start; } return new ByteArrayKeys(offsets,bb); } @Override public StringArrayKeys putKey(int pos, String newKey) { if(containsUnicode(newKey)){ return CharArrayKeys.putKey(this,pos,newKey); } return putKey(pos,newKey.getBytes()); } static final boolean containsUnicode(String str){ int strLen = str.length(); //$DELAY$ for(int i=0;i<strLen;i++){ if(str.charAt(i)>127) return true; } return false; } public ByteArrayKeys putKey(int pos, byte[] newKey) { byte[] bb = new byte[array.length+ newKey.length]; int split1 = pos==0? 0: offset[pos-1]; System.arraycopy(array,0,bb,0,split1); //$DELAY$ System.arraycopy(newKey,0,bb,split1,newKey.length); System.arraycopy(array,split1,bb,split1+newKey.length,array.length-split1); int[] offsets = new int[offset.length+1]; int plus = 0; int plusI = 0; for(int i=0;i<offset.length;i++){ if(i==pos){ //skip one item and increase space plus = newKey.length; plusI = 1; } offsets[i+plusI] = offset[i] + plus; } offsets[pos] = split1+newKey.length; return new ByteArrayKeys(offsets,bb); } public byte[] getKey(int pos) { int from = pos==0 ? 0 : offset[pos-1]; int to = offset[pos]; return Arrays.copyOfRange(array, from, to); } public int compare(int pos1, byte[] string) { int strLen = string.length; int start1 = pos1==0 ? 0 : offset[pos1-1]; int start2 = 0; int len1 = offset[pos1] - start1; int len = Math.min(len1,strLen); //$DELAY$ while(len-- != 0){ int b1 = array[start1++] & 0xFF; int b2 = string[start2++] & 0xFF; if(b1!=b2){ return b1-b2; } } return len1 - strLen; } @Override public int compare(int pos1, String string) { int strLen = string.length(); int start1 = pos1==0 ? 0 : offset[pos1-1]; int start2 = 0; int len1 = offset[pos1] - start1; int len = Math.min(len1,strLen); //$DELAY$ while(len-- != 0){ int b1 = (array[start1++] & 0xff); int b2 = string.charAt(start2++); if(b1!=b2){ return b1-b2; } } return len1 - strLen; } @Override public int compare(int pos1, int pos2) { int start1 = pos1==0 ? 0 : offset[pos1-1]; int start2 = pos2==0 ? 0 : offset[pos2-1]; int len1 = offset[pos1] - start1; int len2 = offset[pos2] - start2; int len = Math.min(len1,len2); //$DELAY$ while(len-- != 0){ int b1 = array[start1++] & 0xFF; int b2 = array[start2++] & 0xFF; if(b1!=b2){ return b1-b2; } } return len1 - len2; } @Override public String getKeyString(int pos) { byte[] ret = getKey(pos); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ret.length); for(byte b:ret){ sb.append((char)b); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean hasUnicodeChars() { return false; } @Override public void serialize(DataOutput out, int prefixLen) throws IOException { //write rest of the suffix out.write(array,0,prefixLen); //$DELAY$ //write suffixes int aa = prefixLen; for(int o:offset){ out.write(array, aa, o-aa); aa = o+prefixLen; } } } public static final class CharArrayKeys implements StringArrayKeys { final int[] offset; final char[] array; CharArrayKeys(int[] offset, char[] array) { this.offset = offset; this.array = array; if(CC.ASSERT && ! (array.length==0 || array.length == offset[offset.length-1])) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("inconsistent array size"); } public CharArrayKeys(DataInput2 in, int[] offsets, int prefixLen) throws IOException { this.offset = offsets; array = new char[offsets[offsets.length-1]]; inReadFully(in, 0, prefixLen); for(int i=0; i<offsets.length-1;i++){ System.arraycopy(array,0,array,offsets[i],prefixLen); } //read suffixes int offset = prefixLen; for(int o:offsets){ inReadFully(in, offset, o); offset = o+prefixLen; } } CharArrayKeys(int[] offsets, Object[] keys) { this.offset = offsets; //fill large array array = new char[offsets[offsets.length-1]]; int bbOffset = 0; for (Object key : keys) { String str = (String) key; str.getChars(0, str.length(), array, bbOffset); bbOffset += str.length(); } } private void inReadFully(DataInput in, int from, int to) throws IOException { for(int i=from;i<to;i++){ array[i] = (char) DataIO.unpackInt(in); } } @Override public int commonPrefixLen() { int lenMinus1 = offset.length-1; for(int ret = 0;; ret++){ if(offset[0]==ret) return ret; char byt = array[ret]; for(int i=0;i<lenMinus1;i++){ int o = offset[i]+ret; if( o==offset[i+1] || //too long array[o]!=byt //other character ) return ret; } } } @Override public int length() { return offset.length; } @Override public int[] getOffset() { return offset; } @Override public CharArrayKeys deleteKey(int pos) { int split = pos==0? 0: offset[pos-1]; int next = offset[pos]; //$DELAY$ char[] bb = new char[array.length - (next-split)]; int[] offsets = new int[offset.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(array,0,bb,0,split); //$DELAY$ System.arraycopy(array,next,bb,split,array.length-next); int minus=0; int plusI=0; for(int i=0;i<offsets.length;i++){ if(i==pos){ //skip current item and normalize offsets plusI=1; minus = next-split; } offsets[i] = offset[i+plusI] - minus; } return new CharArrayKeys(offsets,bb); } @Override public CharArrayKeys copyOfRange(int from, int to) { int start = from==0? 0: offset[from-1]; int end = to==0? 0: offset[to-1]; char[] bb = Arrays.copyOfRange(array,start,end); //$DELAY$ int[] offsets = new int[to-from]; for(int i=0;i<offsets.length;i++){ offsets[i] = offset[i+from] - start; } return new CharArrayKeys(offsets,bb); } @Override public CharArrayKeys putKey(int pos, String newKey) { int strLen = newKey.length(); char[] bb = new char[array.length+ strLen]; int split1 = pos==0? 0: offset[pos-1]; //$DELAY$ System.arraycopy(array,0,bb,0,split1); newKey.getChars(0,strLen,bb,split1); System.arraycopy(array,split1,bb,split1+strLen,array.length-split1); int[] offsets = new int[offset.length+1]; int plus = 0; int plusI = 0; for(int i=0;i<offset.length;i++){ if(i==pos){ //skip one item and increase space plus = strLen; plusI = 1; } offsets[i+plusI] = offset[i] + plus; } offsets[pos] = split1+strLen; return new CharArrayKeys(offsets,bb); } public static StringArrayKeys putKey(ByteArrayKeys kk, int pos, String newKey) { int strLen = newKey.length(); char[] bb = new char[kk.array.length+ strLen]; int split1 = pos==0? 0: kk.offset[pos-1]; for(int i=0;i<split1;i++){ bb[i] = (char) kk.array[i]; } newKey.getChars(0,strLen,bb,split1); for(int i=split1;i<kk.array.length;i++){ bb[i+strLen] = (char) kk.array[i]; } int[] offsets = new int[kk.offset.length+1]; int plus = 0; int plusI = 0; //$DELAY$ for(int i=0;i<kk.offset.length;i++){ if(i==pos){ //skip one item and increase space plus = strLen; plusI = 1; } offsets[i+plusI] = kk.offset[i] + plus; } offsets[pos] = split1+strLen; return new CharArrayKeys(offsets,bb); } @Override public int compare(int pos1, String string) { int strLen = string.length(); int start1 = pos1==0 ? 0 : offset[pos1-1]; int start2 = 0; int len1 = offset[pos1] - start1; int len = Math.min(len1,strLen); //$DELAY$ while(len-- != 0){ char b1 = array[start1++]; char b2 = string.charAt(start2++); if(b1!=b2){ return b1-b2; } } return len1 - strLen; } @Override public int compare(int pos1, int pos2) { int start1 = pos1==0 ? 0 : offset[pos1-1]; int start2 = pos2==0 ? 0 : offset[pos2-1]; int len1 = offset[pos1] - start1; int len2 = offset[pos2] - start2; int len = Math.min(len1,len2); //$DELAY$ while(len-- != 0){ char b1 = array[start1++]; char b2 = array[start2++]; if(b1!=b2){ return b1-b2; } } return len1 - len2; } @Override public String getKeyString(int pos) { int from = pos==0 ? 0 : offset[pos-1]; int len = offset[pos]-from; return new String(array,from,len); } @Override public boolean hasUnicodeChars() { for(char c:array){ if(c>127) return true; } return false; } @Override public void serialize(DataOutput out, int prefixLen) throws IOException { //write rest of the suffix outWrite(out, 0, prefixLen); //$DELAY$ //write suffixes int aa = prefixLen; for(int o:offset){ outWrite(out, aa, o); aa = o+prefixLen; } } private void outWrite(DataOutput out, int from, int to) throws IOException { for(int i=from;i<to;i++){ DataIO.packInt(out,array[i]); } } } @Override public StringArrayKeys valueArrayDeserialize(DataInput2 in2, int size) throws IOException { //read data sizes int[] offsets = new int[size]; int old=0; for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ old+= in2.unpackInt(); offsets[i]=old; } //$DELAY$ //read and distribute common prefix int prefixLen = in2.unpackInt(); boolean useUnicode = (0!=(prefixLen & 1)); prefixLen >>>=1; //$DELAY$ return useUnicode? new CharArrayKeys(in2,offsets,prefixLen): new ByteArrayKeys(in2,offsets,prefixLen); } @Override public void valueArraySerialize(DataOutput2 out, Object vals) throws IOException { StringArrayKeys keys = (StringArrayKeys) vals; int offset = 0; //write sizes for(int o: keys.getOffset()){ out.packInt(o-offset); offset = o; } //$DELAY$ int unicode = keys.hasUnicodeChars()?1:0; //find and write common prefix int prefixLen = keys.commonPrefixLen(); out.packInt((prefixLen<<1) | unicode); keys.serialize(out, prefixLen); } @Override public StringArrayKeys valueArrayCopyOfRange(Object vals, int from, int to) { return ((StringArrayKeys)vals).copyOfRange(from,to); } @Override public StringArrayKeys valueArrayDeleteValue(Object vals, int pos) { //return vals.deleteKey(pos); Object[] vv = valueArrayToArray(vals); vv = DataIO.arrayDelete(vv, pos, 1); return valueArrayFromArray(vv); } @Override public StringArrayKeys valueArrayEmpty() { return new ByteArrayKeys(new int[0], new byte[0]); } @Override public StringArrayKeys valueArrayFromArray(Object[] keys) { if(keys.length==0) return valueArrayEmpty(); //$DELAY$ boolean unicode = false; //fill offsets int[] offsets = new int[keys.length]; int old=0; for(int i=0;i<keys.length;i++){ String b = (String) keys[i]; if(!unicode && ByteArrayKeys.containsUnicode(b)) { unicode = true; } old+=b.length(); offsets[i]=old; } return unicode? new CharArrayKeys(offsets, keys): new ByteArrayKeys(offsets, keys); } @Override public String valueArrayGet(Object vals, int pos) { return ((StringArrayKeys)vals).getKeyString(pos); } @Override public Object valueArrayPut(Object vals, int pos, String newValue) { return ((StringArrayKeys)vals).putKey(pos, newValue); } @Override public int valueArraySearch(Object keys, String key) { //TODO PERF optimize search Object[] v = valueArrayToArray(keys); return Arrays.binarySearch(v, key, (Comparator)this); } @Override public int valueArraySearch(Object keys, String key, Comparator comparator) { //TODO PERF optimize search Object[] v = valueArrayToArray(keys); return Arrays.binarySearch(v, key, comparator); } @Override public int valueArraySize(Object vals) { return ((StringArrayKeys)vals).length(); } @Override public StringArrayKeys valueArrayUpdateVal(Object vals, int pos, String newValue) { //TODO PERF optimize value update Object[] v = valueArrayToArray(vals); v[pos] = newValue; return valueArrayFromArray(v); } @Override public boolean isTrusted() { return true; } @Override public void serialize(@NotNull DataOutput2 out, @NotNull String value) throws IOException { Serializer.STRING.serialize(out, value); } @Override public String deserialize(@NotNull DataInput2 input, int available) throws IOException { return Serializer.STRING.deserialize(input, available); } @Override public int hashCode(@NotNull String s, int seed) { return Serializer.STRING.hashCode(s, seed); } }