package; import java.util.Random; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IImage; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IInterface; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IProject; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IResource; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IRule; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.ISettings; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.ISnu; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.ISound; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IText; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IVideo; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IWidget; import org.korsakow.domain.mapper.input.MapperHelper; import org.korsakow.ide.util.DomUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import test.util.BaseTestCase; import test.util.MoreAsserts; public class TestMapperHelperProxy extends BaseTestCase { private final static String ID_NAME = "id"; private Document doc; Random random; @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); doc = DomUtil.createDocument(); random = new Random(); } @Override @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); doc = null; random = null; } private Element createElement(String tagName, long id) { id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = doc.createElement(tagName); DomUtil.setLong(doc, elm, ID_NAME, id); return elm; } @Test public void testProxyUnknownVideo() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(VideoTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(IVideo.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Test public void testProxyUnknownSound() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(SoundTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(ISound.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Test public void testProxyUnknownImage() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(ImageTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(IImage.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Test public void testProxyUnknownText() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(TextTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(IText.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Test public void testProxyUnknownProject() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(ProjectTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(IProject.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Test public void testProxyUnknownSnu() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(SnuTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(ISnu.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Test public void testProxyUnknownWidget() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(WidgetTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(IWidget.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Test public void testProxyUnknownRule() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(RuleTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(IRule.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Test public void testProxyUnknownInterface() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(InterfaceTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(IInterface.class, proxy); // this is the other half } @Ignore @Test public void testProxyUnknownSettings() throws Exception { long id = random.nextLong(); Element elm = createElement(SettingsTDG.NODE_NAME, id); IResource proxy = MapperHelper.proxyUnknown(elm); // this is half the text MoreAsserts.assertInstanceOf(ISettings.class, proxy); // this is the other half } }