package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class FFMpegEncoder extends FileExternalVideoEncoder { public static final String OPTION_PRESET = "vpre"; // options protected AudioCodec audioCodec; protected Integer audioSamplingRate; protected Integer audioBitRate; protected VideoCodec videoCodec; protected ContainerFormat containerFormat; protected Integer videoBitRate; protected Integer videoBitRateTolerance; protected Boolean deinterlace; protected Integer width; protected Integer height; protected Integer paddingTop; protected Integer paddingBottom; protected Integer paddingLeft; protected Integer paddingRight; protected Integer paddingColor; protected String presetsFile; protected boolean twoPass = false; protected Long frameCount; protected Long offsetMillis; protected int currentPass; protected File passlogfile; public abstract static class FFMpegEncoderDescription implements VideoEncoder.VideoEncoderDescription { private static final Collection<VideoCodec> inputFormats = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Arrays.asList( VideoCodec.FLV, VideoCodec.H264, VideoCodec.JPG )); private static final Collection<VideoCodec> outputFormats = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Arrays.asList( VideoCodec.FLV, VideoCodec.H264, VideoCodec.JPG )); public Collection<VideoCodec> getSupportedInputFormats() { return inputFormats; } public Collection<VideoCodec> getSupportedOutputFormats() { return outputFormats; } } public void setEncoderSpecificOption(Object name, Object value) throws UnsupportedOperationException { if (OPTION_PRESET.equals(name)) presetsFile = value.toString(); else throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("can't set '%s'", name!=null?name.toString():null)); } public Object getEncoderSpecificOption(Object name) throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("can't get '%s'", name!=null?name.toString():null)); } public void setSize(Integer width, Integer height) { if ((width == null || height == null) && (width != height)) throw new NullPointerException("both width and height may be null to leave the original size, but only one was null!"); this.width = width; this.height = height; } public Integer getWidth() { return width; } public Integer getHeight() { return height; } public void setPadding(Integer color, Integer top, Integer right, Integer bottom, Integer left) { paddingColor = color; paddingBottom = bottom; paddingTop = top; paddingLeft = left; paddingRight = right; } public Integer getAudioSamplingRate() { return audioSamplingRate; } public void setAudioSamplingRate(Integer rate) { audioSamplingRate = rate; } public void setAudioBitRate(Integer rate) throws UnsupportedOperationException { audioBitRate = rate; } public void setVideoBitRate(Integer rate) throws UnsupportedOperationException { videoBitRate = rate; } public void setVideoBitRateTolerance(Integer tolerance) throws UnsupportedOperationException { videoBitRateTolerance = tolerance; } public void setDeinterlace(Boolean deinterlace) throws UnsupportedOperationException { this.deinterlace = deinterlace; } public void setAudioCodec(AudioCodec codec) { audioCodec = codec; } public void setVideoCodec(VideoCodec codec) { videoCodec = codec; } public void setContainerFormat(ContainerFormat format) { containerFormat = format; } public void setPresetsFile(String presets) { presetsFile = presets; } public void setFrameCount(Long frameCount) { this.frameCount = frameCount; } public void setOffset(Long offsetMillis) { this.offsetMillis = offsetMillis; } protected List<String> createCommandLine(VideoCodec sourceFormat, File srcFile, File dstFile) { List<String> cmds = new ArrayList<String>(); cmds.add("-i"); cmds.add(srcFile.getAbsolutePath()); cmds.add("-y"); boolean isFinalPass = !twoPass || currentPass > 1; if (isFinalPass) { if (audioCodec != null) { if (audioCodec == AudioCodec.NONE) { cmds.add("-an"); } else { final String aCodec = getACodec(audioCodec); cmds.add("-acodec"); cmds.add(aCodec); } } if (audioSamplingRate != null) { cmds.add("-ar"); cmds.add(""+audioSamplingRate); } if (audioBitRate != null) { cmds.add("-ab"); cmds.add(""+(audioBitRate/1024)+"k"); } } else { cmds.add("-an"); } if (frameCount != null) { cmds.add("-vframes"); cmds.add(""+frameCount); } if (offsetMillis != null) { cmds.add("-ss"); cmds.add(""+(int)(offsetMillis/1000.0)); } if (presetsFile != null) { cmds.add("-fpre"); cmds.add(presetsFile); } if (videoBitRate != null) { cmds.add("-b"); cmds.add(""+(videoBitRate/1024)+"k"); } if (videoBitRateTolerance != null) { cmds.add("-bt"); cmds.add(""+(videoBitRateTolerance/1024)+"k"); } if (deinterlace != null) { cmds.add("-deinterlace"); } if (width != null && height != null) { // ffmpeg requries the size to be a multiple of 2 int w = width; int h = height; if (w%2!=0) --w; if (h%2!=0) --h; cmds.add("-s"); cmds.add(w+"x"+h); } if (paddingLeft != null && paddingLeft != 0) { cmds.add("-padleft"); cmds.add("" + multof(paddingLeft, 2)); } if (paddingRight != null && paddingRight != 0) { cmds.add("-padright"); cmds.add("" + multof(paddingRight, 2)); } if (paddingTop != null && paddingTop != 0) { cmds.add("-padtop"); cmds.add("" + multof(paddingTop, 2)); } if (paddingBottom != null && paddingBottom != 0) { cmds.add("-padbottom"); cmds.add("" + multof(paddingBottom, 2)); } if (paddingColor != null) { cmds.add("-padcolor"); cmds.add("" + paddingColor); } if (videoCodec != null) { final String vCodec = getVCodec(videoCodec); cmds.add("-vcodec"); cmds.add(vCodec); } if (containerFormat != null) { cmds.add("-f"); cmds.add(getVFormat(containerFormat)); } // current builds dont support threads: verify x264, mjpeg, ffmpeg // cmds.add("-threads"); // cmds.add("2"); cmds.add("-g"); cmds.add("12"); // keyframes // cmds.add("-r"); // cmds.add("29.97"); if (twoPass) { cmds.add("-pass"); cmds.add(""+currentPass); cmds.add("-passlogfile"); cmds.add(passlogfile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (isFinalPass) cmds.add(dstFile.getAbsolutePath()); else cmds.add(getNullDevice()); return cmds; } public String getFileExtension(ContainerFormat format) { switch (format) { case FLV: return "flv"; case MP4: return "mp4"; case JPG: return "jpg"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * See ffmpeg -formats * @param codec * @return null to indicate the parameter should not be specified. this is not the same as VideoCodec being null */ protected String getVCodec(VideoCodec codec) { switch (codec) { case FLV: return "flv"; case H264: return "libx264"; case JPG: return "mjpeg"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } protected String getVFormat(ContainerFormat format) { switch (format) { case FLV: return "flv"; case MP4: return "mp4"; case JPG: return "image2"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * * @param codec */ protected String getACodec(AudioCodec codec) { switch (codec) { case MP3: return "libmp3lame"; case AAC: return "libfaac"; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } protected abstract String getNullDevice(); @Override public void encode(VideoCodec srcFormat, File srcFile, File destFile) throws EncoderException, InterruptedException { try { if (twoPass) { try { passlogfile = File.createTempFile("FFMpegEncoder", "passlogfile"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EncoderException(e, destFile); } } encodeOnePass(1, srcFormat, srcFile, destFile); if (twoPass) encodeOnePass(2, srcFormat, srcFile, destFile); } finally { if (twoPass) { passlogfile.delete(); passlogfile = null; } } } public void encodeOnePass(int pass, VideoCodec srcFormat, File srcFile, File destFile) throws EncoderException, InterruptedException { currentPass = pass; Process process = null; try { process = createProcess(srcFormat, srcFile, destFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new VideoEncoderException(e, srcFile); } encode(process, srcFile, destFile); } @Override protected void encode(Process process, File sourceFile, File destFile) throws EncoderException, InterruptedException { try { super.encode(process, sourceFile, destFile); } catch (EncoderException e) { // lame output buffer too small is not a real error. the file is fine. if (e.getMessage().contains("lame: output buffer too small")) return; // catch TMCD data track errors and report them better Unknown format is not supported as input pixel format if (e.getMessage().contains("Unknown format") && e.getMessage().contains("Data: tmcd")) throw new UnsupportedFormatException("Quicktime TimeCode tracks (TMCD) are not supported.", e.getDetails(), e.getFile()); throw e; } } private static int multof(double num, int factor) { return (int)(num + num%factor); } }