package org.korsakow.domain.mapper.output; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.dsrg.soenea.domain.MapperException; import org.dsrg.soenea.domain.mapper.GenericOutputMapper; import org.korsakow.domain.Predicate; import org.korsakow.domain.interf.IPredicate; import org.korsakow.domain.mapper.exception.LostUpdateException; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class PredicateOutputMapper implements GenericOutputMapper<Long, Predicate>{ public void delete(Predicate a) throws MapperException { try{ PredicateTDG.delete(a.getId(), a.getVersion()); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new MapperException(e); } } public void insert(Predicate a) throws MapperException { } public static void insert(long object_id, IPredicate a) throws MapperException { try { if(a.getId()==0){ PredicateTDG.insert(object_id, a.getVersion(), a.getPredicateType()); } else { PredicateTDG.insert(object_id, a.getId(), a.getVersion(), a.getPredicateType()); } outputProperties(a); for (IPredicate predicate : a.getPredicates()) { // icky implementation detail: rule is a weak mapping. we're about to delete and recreate them // so if any of the IPredicate are Proxies we must first cause them to instantiate (read from datasource) // before wiping said data! predicate.getVersion(); } PredicateTDG.deleteByResource(a.getId()); for (IPredicate predicate : a.getPredicates()) { PredicateOutputMapper.insert(a.getId(), predicate); } } catch (XPathException e) { throw new MapperException(e); } } public void update(Predicate a) throws MapperException { try{ if(PredicateTDG.update(a.getId(), a.getVersion(), a.getPredicateType()) == 0) { throw new LostUpdateException("Your version is out of date. No records were altered."); } outputProperties(a); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new MapperException(e); } } private static void outputProperties(IPredicate a) throws MapperException { for (String id : a.getDynamicPropertyIds()) { Object value = a.getDynamicProperty(id); IPredicateTypeInfo typeInfo = null; try { typeInfo = PredicateTypeInfoFactory.getFactory().getTypeInfo(a.getPredicateType()); IArgumentInfo argInfo = typeInfo.getArgument(id); value = argInfo.serialize(value); } catch (PredicateTypeInfoFactoryException e) { throw new MapperException(e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new MapperException(e); } try { PropertyTDG.insert(a.getId(), id, value); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new MapperException(e); } } } }