package org.korsakow.ide.ui.resources; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument; import org.korsakow.domain.MediaSource; import org.korsakow.ide.util.Util; import com.hexidec.ekit.EkitCore; public class TextResourceView extends MediaResourceView { private Object mediaSource; private EkitCore ekitCore; protected void initUI() { super.initUI(); List<String> toolbarSequence = Arrays.asList( // EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_OPEN, // EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_SAVE, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_UNDO, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_REDO, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_SEP, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_BOLD, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_ITALIC, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_UNDERLINE, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_FONTS, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_SEP, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_UNICODE, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_ANCHOR, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_SEP, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_COPY, EkitCore.KEY_TOOL_PASTE ); String sDocument = null; String sStyleSheet = null; String sRawDocument = null; StyledDocument sdocSource = null; URL urlStyleSheet = null; boolean includeToolBar = true; boolean showViewSource = false; boolean showMenuIcons = true; boolean editModeExclusive = true; String sLanguage = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); String sCountry = Locale.getDefault().getCountry(); boolean base64 = false; boolean debugMode = true; boolean hasSpellChecker = false; boolean multiBar = false; String toolbarSeq = Util.join(toolbarSequence, "|"); boolean useFormatting = true; ekitCore = new EkitCore(sDocument, sStyleSheet, sRawDocument, sdocSource, urlStyleSheet, includeToolBar, showViewSource, showMenuIcons, editModeExclusive, sLanguage, sCountry, base64, debugMode, hasSpellChecker, multiBar, toolbarSeq, useFormatting); JPanel ekitPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); ekitPanel.add(ekitCore.getToolBar(true), BorderLayout.NORTH); ekitPanel.add(ekitCore.getTextScrollPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER); mediaPanel.add(ekitPanel); } public void setText(String text) { // java and therefore ekit cant handle xhtml, so simplify <br /> to <br> text = text.replaceAll("<br\\s* (?:\\/)?>", "<br>"); text = text.replaceAll("\n", "<br />"); ekitCore.setDocumentText(text); } public String getText() { String body = ekitCore.getDocumentBody(); if (body.startsWith("\n")) // artifact of ekit? body = body.substring(1); // we want to output xhtml though so back we go! body = body.replaceAll("\n", "<br />"); body = body.replaceAll("<br\\s*>", "<br />"); return "<html><body>" + body + "</body></html>"; } public void setSource(Object mediaSource) { this.mediaSource = mediaSource; } public Object getSource() { return this.mediaSource; } public void dispose() { super.dispose(); } }