package org.korsakow.diagnostics; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter; public class QTJavaHelp { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( QTJavaHelp.class.getName() ); private static boolean printDisclaimer() throws IOException { System.out.println( "" + "contact:" + "\n" + "\nQTJavaHelp is designed to diagnose installations of Java and Quicktime and" + "\nto possibly fix them." + "\n" + "\n* This software does not send any information anywhere, to anyone and doesn't do *" + "\n* anything to your system without your permission. *" + "\n* Here's what it does do, if you let it:" + "\n - Ask you before making any changes to your system" + "\n - Look for files" + "\n - Copy files from one place on your disk to another" + "\n - Log everything it does to a file called qjavathelp.log" + "\n - " + "\n* That said, don't sue me if it all goes horribly wrong somehow. *" + "\n" + "\n* If you can live with that type y and press enter, anything else will quit. *" + "\n" + "\n" ); return Util.okay(); } public static void main( String[] args ) throws Throwable { // if ( !Util.isWindowsOS() ) { // System.out.println( "This program is only designed to be run on windows." ); // return; // } try { System.setProperty( "log4j.configuration", "" ); if ( !printDisclaimer() ) { System.out.println( "Bye." ); return; } QTJavaHelp qtl = new QTJavaHelp(); qtl.execute(); } catch ( Throwable t ) { logger.throwing( "", "", t ); throw t; } } public static Set<File> getDefaultJavaRoots() { Set<File> files = new HashSet<File>(); if( Util.isMacOS() ) { for ( String filename : Arrays.asList( "/System/Library/Java/" ) ) { files.add( new File( filename ) ); } } else if ( Util.isWindowsOS() ) { for ( String filename : Arrays.asList( "c:/program files", "c:/program files (x86)" ) ) { files.add( new File ( filename ) ); } } return files; } public static String getJavaExecutableName() { if ( Util.isWindowsOS() ) return "java.exe"; return "java"; } public QTJavaHelp() throws IOException { final FileHandler handler = new FileHandler( "qtjavahelp.log", 500 * 1024, 1 ); handler.setFormatter( new SimpleFormatter() ); logger.addHandler( handler ); } public void execute() throws IOException { "QTJavaHelp starting up..." ); Set<File> roots = getDefaultJavaRoots(); "Searching recursively in: " + Util.join( roots, "," ) ); "Locating Java..." ); final AtomicReference<Set<File>> missingExtDirs = new AtomicReference<Set<File>>( new HashSet<File>() ); final AtomicReference<Set<File>> javaExtDirs = new AtomicReference<Set<File>>( new HashSet<File>() ); final AtomicReference<Set<File>> javaHomeDirs = new AtomicReference<Set<File>>( new HashSet<File>() ); final AtomicReference<Integer> counter = new AtomicReference<Integer>( 0 ); final AtomicReference<Integer> marker = new AtomicReference<Integer>( 0 ); for ( File root : roots ) Util.visitRecursively( root, new FileVisitor() { @Override public void visit( File file ) { char markers[] = { '.', 'o','O','o' }; char mark = '.'; if ( file.getName().equals( getJavaExecutableName() ) ) { File parent = file.getParentFile(); if ( parent == null ) return; parent = parent.getParentFile(); // bin/../ if ( parent == null ) return; javaHomeDirs.get().add( parent ); File ext = new File( parent, "lib/ext" ); if ( ext.isDirectory() ) javaExtDirs.get().add( ext ); Set<File> extFiles = new HashSet<File>(); if ( ext.listFiles() != null ) extFiles.addAll( Arrays.asList( ext.listFiles() ) ); Set<File> tmp = new HashSet<File>(); for ( File extFile : extFiles ) if ( extFile.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( "" ) ) { tmp.add( extFile ); } if ( tmp.isEmpty() ) missingExtDirs.get().add( ext ); if ( counter.get() % 1 == 0 ) { mark = markers[ marker.get() % markers.length ]; marker.set( marker.get() + 1 ); System.out.print( mark ); if ( marker.get() % ( 80 - 9 ) == 0 ) System.out.println( " d( o.o )b" ); } counter.set( counter.get() + 1 ); } } }); if ( javaHomeDirs.get().isEmpty() ) { "Could not locate Java, it must be in a non-standard location; giving up =(" ); return; } "Found java here: " + Util.join( javaHomeDirs.get(), "," ) ); if ( missingExtDirs.get().isEmpty() ) { "It looks like everything is okay; giving up!" ); return; } "But these ones were missing qtjava: " + Util.join( missingExtDirs.get(), "," ) ); "Locating qtjava ( Quicktime for Java )..." ); Set<File> qtjavas = Util.find( roots, "" ); if ( qtjavas.isEmpty() ) { "Quicktime for Java was not found; giving up =(" ); return; } "Found here: " + Util.join( qtjavas, "," ) ); "So it looks like your Java installation can be fixed by copying qtjava over into it. If you're okay with this type y and press enter; anything else will bail out." ); if ( !Util.okay() ) return; "Copying qtjava into Java installation directories..." ); File qtjava = qtjavas.iterator().next(); // I guess we don't care which? Set<IOException> exceptions = new HashSet<IOException>(); for ( File extDir : missingExtDirs.get() ) { try { final File toFile = new File( extDir, qtjava.getName() ); String.format( "Copying '%s' to '%s'", qtjava.getPath(), toFile.getPath() ) ); if ( toFile.exists() ) { String.format( "'%s' already exists, skipping", toFile.getPath() ) ); continue; } Util.copyFile( qtjava, toFile ); } catch (IOException e) { exceptions.add( e ); } } if ( !exceptions.isEmpty() ) { Set<String> msgs = new HashSet<String>(); for ( Exception e : exceptions ) msgs.add( e.getMessage() ); "Some problems happened during the copy: '" + Util.join( msgs, "', '" ) + "'" ); } else { "All done; huh, it looks like everything went okay." ); } } } interface FileVisitor { void visit( File file ); } class Util { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( Util.class.getName() ); public static boolean okay() throws IOException { return okay(false); } public static boolean okay(boolean picky) throws IOException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner( ); do { System.out.print( "Okay? y/n: " ); String s = scanner.nextLine(); if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase( "y" )) { System.out.println(); return true; } else if ( s.equalsIgnoreCase( "n" ) ) { System.out.println(); return false; } else { System.out.println(); } } while ( picky ); return false; } public static void visitRecursively( File parent, FileVisitor visitor ) throws IOException { visitRecursively(parent, visitor, new HashSet<String>()); } private static void visitRecursively( File parent, FileVisitor visitor, Set<String> visited ) throws IOException { String canon = parent.getCanonicalPath(); if (visited.contains(canon)) return; visited.add(canon); visitor.visit( parent ); File[] children = parent.listFiles(); if ( children != null ) for ( File child : children ) visitRecursively( child, visitor, visited ); } public static Set<File> find( final Collection<File> roots, final String name ) throws IOException { final AtomicReference<Integer> counter = new AtomicReference<Integer>( 0 ); final AtomicReference<Integer> marker = new AtomicReference<Integer>( 0 ); final AtomicReference<Set<File>> files = new AtomicReference<Set<File>>( new HashSet<File>() ); FileVisitor visitor = new FileVisitor() { @Override public void visit(File file) { char markers[] = { '.', 'o','O','o' }; char mark = '.'; if ( counter.get() % 5000 == 0 ) { mark = markers[ marker.get() % markers.length ]; marker.set( marker.get() + 1 ); System.out.print( mark ); if ( marker.get() % ( 80 - 9 ) == 0 ) System.out.println( " d( o.o )b" ); } counter.set( counter.get() + 1 ); if ( file.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( name ) ) files.get().add( file ); } }; for ( File root : roots ) visitRecursively( root, visitor ); System.out.println(); String.format( "Finished searching through %d fliles", counter.get() ) ); return files.get(); } public static String join(Collection<?> coll, String glue) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (Object o : coll) { builder.append(o.toString()).append(glue); } if (builder.length() > 0) builder.delete(builder.length() - glue.length(), builder.length()); return builder.toString(); } public static boolean isWindowsOS() { final String osName = System.getProperty("", "unknown").toLowerCase(); return osName.startsWith("windows"); } public static boolean isMacOS() { final String osName = System.getProperty("", "unknown").toLowerCase(); return osName.startsWith("mac") || osName.contains("darwin"); } public static void copyFile(File sourceFile, File destFile) throws IOException { if (destFile.getParentFile() != null) destFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileInputStream input = null; FileOutputStream output = null; try { input = new FileInputStream(sourceFile); output = new FileOutputStream(destFile); long offset = 0; long length = sourceFile.length(); long count = length; final FileChannel destChannel = output.getChannel(); final FileChannel srcChannel = input.getChannel(); do { long written = destChannel.transferFrom(srcChannel, offset, count); count -= written; offset += written; } while (count > 0); } finally { if (input != null) try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} if (output != null) try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } }