package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.junit.Assert; import org.dsrg.soenea.domain.MapperException; import org.dsrg.soenea.domain.interf.IDomainObject; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.korsakow.domain.KDomainObject; import org.korsakow.domain.proxy.KDomainObjectProxy; /** * TODO: test that the clone (or its properties, for example list properties) is not == to in certain cases * @author d * */ public class TestDomainObjectEquality extends AbstractDomainObjectTestCase { private static final long ID = 100; private static final long VERSION = 100; private static Map<Long, IDomainObject<Long>> identitiyMap = new HashMap<Long, IDomainObject<Long>>(); @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); } @Override @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } @Test public void testDOEqualsMethodPositive() throws Exception { IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); IDomainObject<Long> do2 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); Assert.assertTrue(do1.equals(do2)); } @Test public void testDOEqualsMethodNegative() throws Exception { IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); IDomainObject<Long> do2 = new KDomainObject(ID+1, VERSION); Assert.assertFalse(do1.equals(do2)); } @Test public void testDOHashEquality() throws Exception { IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); IDomainObject<Long> do2 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); Assert.assertEquals(do1.hashCode(), do2.hashCode()); } @Test public void testProxyHashEquality() throws Exception { IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); identitiyMap.put(do1.getId(), do1); IDomainObject<Long> p1 = new TestProxy(ID); IDomainObject<Long> p2 = new TestProxy(ID); Assert.assertEquals(p1.hashCode(), p2.hashCode()); } @Test public void testDOHashSet() throws Exception { IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); IDomainObject<Long> do2 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); HashSet<IDomainObject<Long>> set = new HashSet<IDomainObject<Long>>(); set.add(do1); set.add(do2); Assert.assertEquals(set.size(), 1); } @Test public void testProxyHashSet() throws Exception { IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); identitiyMap.put(do1.getId(), do1); IDomainObject<Long> p1 = new TestProxy(ID); IDomainObject<Long> p2 = new TestProxy(ID); HashSet<IDomainObject<Long>> set = new HashSet<IDomainObject<Long>>(); set.add(p1); set.add(p2); Assert.assertEquals(set.size(), 1); } @Test public void testSetContains() throws Exception { Set<IDomainObject<Long>> set = new HashSet<IDomainObject<Long>>(); IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); set.add(do1); Assert.assertTrue(set.contains(do1)); } @Test public void testMapContainsKey() throws Exception { Map<IDomainObject<Long>, Boolean> map = new HashMap<IDomainObject<Long>, Boolean>(); IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); map.put(do1, Boolean.TRUE); Assert.assertTrue(map.containsKey(do1)); } @Test public void testMapContainsValue() throws Exception { Map<Boolean, IDomainObject<Long>> map = new HashMap<Boolean, IDomainObject<Long>>(); IDomainObject<Long> do1 = new KDomainObject(ID, VERSION); map.put(Boolean.TRUE, do1); Assert.assertTrue(map.containsValue(do1)); } private class TestProxy extends KDomainObjectProxy<KDomainObject> { public TestProxy(long id) { super(id); } @Override protected KDomainObject getFromMapper(Long id) throws MapperException { return (KDomainObject)identitiyMap.get(id); } @Override public Class<KDomainObject> getInnerClass() { return null; } } }