package org.develnext.jphp.zend.ext.standard; import php.runtime.Memory; import php.runtime.common.StringUtils; import php.runtime.env.Environment; import php.runtime.env.TraceInfo; import; import; import; import php.runtime.invoke.ObjectInvokeHelper; import php.runtime.memory.*; import*; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.LinkOption; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.attribute.*; import java.util.*; import static org.develnext.jphp.zend.ext.standard.FileConstants.*; import static php.runtime.annotation.Runtime.Immutable; public class FileFunctions extends FunctionsContainer { @Immutable public static String basename(String path, String suffix) { String result = new File(path).getName(); if (suffix != null && !suffix.isEmpty() && result.endsWith(suffix)) result = result.substring(0, result.length() - suffix.length()); return result; } @Immutable public static String basename(String path) { return basename(path, null); } public static boolean chgrp(String fileName, Memory group) { return false; } public static boolean copy(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String source, String dest) throws Throwable { Stream stream = Stream.create(env, source, "r"); if (stream == null) { env.warning("copy(): Invalid source path"); return false; } Memory value = stream.readFully(env); RandomAccessFile outputStream; try { outputStream = new RandomAccessFile(dest, "rw"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return false; } try { outputStream.setLength(0); outputStream.write(value.getBinaryBytes(env.getDefaultCharset())); return true; } catch (IOException e) { env.warning("copy(): " + e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } } @Immutable public static String dirname(String path) { String r = new File(path).getParent(); if (r == null) return ""; return r; } public static Memory disk_free_space(String path) { return LongMemory.valueOf(new File(path).getFreeSpace()); } public static Memory disk_total_space(String path) { return LongMemory.valueOf(new File(path).getTotalSpace()); } public static Memory diskfreespace(String path) { return disk_free_space(path); } public static boolean file_exists(String path) { return new File(path).getAbsoluteFile().exists(); } public static Memory file(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, int flags) throws Throwable { return file(env, trace, path, flags, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory file(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) throws Throwable { return file(env, trace, path, 0, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory file(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, int flags, Memory context) throws Throwable { Stream stream = null; try { stream = Stream.create(env, path, "r"); if (stream == null) { env.warning(trace, "file(): failed to open stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } stream.setContext(env, context); Memory value = env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "readFully"); byte[] bytes = value.getBinaryBytes(env.getDefaultCharset()); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); int prev = 0; boolean ignoreNewLines = (flags & FileConstants.FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES) == FileConstants.FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES; int i; for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { byte ch = bytes[i]; if (ch == '\n') { if (prev == i && (flags & FileConstants.FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES) == FileConstants.FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES) { prev += 1; continue; } byte[] chunk = ignoreNewLines ? Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, prev, i - 1) : Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, prev, i); prev = i + 1; result.add(new BinaryMemory(chunk)); } } if (prev != i) { byte[] chunk = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, prev, i); result.add(new BinaryMemory(chunk)); } return result.toConstant(); } catch (WrapIOException e) { if (stream == null && (flags & FileConstants.FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH) == FileConstants.FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH) { path = env.findInIncludePaths(path); if (path != null) return file(env, trace, path, flags ^ FileConstants.FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH, context); } env.warning(trace, "file(): " + e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } finally { if (stream != null) stream.close(env); } } public static Memory file_get_contents(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, boolean useIncludePaths, Memory context, Memory offset, Memory maxLength) throws Throwable { Stream stream = null; try { stream = Stream.create(env, path, "r"); if (stream == null) { env.warning(trace, "file_get_contents(): failed to open stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } stream.setContext(env, context); if (offset.toLong() > 0), offset); if (maxLength.isNull()) return stream.readFully(env, LongMemory.valueOf(4096)); else return, maxLength); } catch (WrapIOException | IOException e) { if (stream == null && useIncludePaths) { path = env.findInIncludePaths(path); if (path != null) return file_get_contents(env, trace, path, false, context, offset, maxLength); } env.warning(trace, "file_get_contents(): " + e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } finally { if (stream != null) stream.close(env); } } public static Memory file_get_contents(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, boolean useIncludePaths, Memory context, Memory offset) throws Throwable { return file_get_contents(env, trace, path, useIncludePaths, context, offset, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory file_get_contents(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, boolean useIncludePaths, Memory context) throws Throwable { return file_get_contents(env, trace, path, useIncludePaths, context, Memory.CONST_INT_M1, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory file_get_contents(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, boolean useIncludePaths) throws Throwable { return file_get_contents(env, trace, path, useIncludePaths, Memory.NULL, Memory.CONST_INT_M1, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory file_get_contents(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) throws Throwable { return file_get_contents(env, trace, path, true, Memory.NULL, Memory.CONST_INT_M1, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory file_put_contents(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, Memory data, int flags, Memory context) throws Throwable { Stream stream = null; try { String mode = "w"; if ((flags & FileConstants.FILE_APPEND) == FileConstants.FILE_APPEND) mode = "a"; stream = Stream.create(env, path, mode); if (stream == null) { env.warning(trace, "file_put_contents(): failed to open stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } stream.setContext(env, context); if (data.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { data = env.invokeMethod(trace, data, "readFully"); } return stream.write(env, data, Memory.NULL); } catch (WrapIOException e) { env.warning(trace, "file_put_contents(): " + e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } finally { if (stream != null) stream.close(env); } } public static Memory file_put_contents(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, Memory data, int flags) throws Throwable { return file_put_contents(env, trace, path, data, flags, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory file_put_contents(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, Memory data) throws Throwable { return file_put_contents(env, trace, path, data, 0, Memory.NULL); } public static boolean is_dir(String path) { return new File(path).isDirectory(); } public static boolean is_file(String path) { return new File(path).isFile(); } public static boolean is_link(String path) { try { File file = new File(path); File canon; if (file.getParent() == null) { canon = file; } else { File canonDir = file.getParentFile().getCanonicalFile(); canon = new File(canonDir, file.getName()); } return !canon.getCanonicalFile().equals(canon.getAbsoluteFile()); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } public static boolean is_executable(String path) { return new File(path).canExecute(); } public static boolean is_readable(String path) { return new File(path).canRead(); } public static boolean is_writable(String path) { return new File(path).canWrite(); } public static boolean is_writeable(String path) { return new File(path).canWrite(); } public static boolean mkdir(String path, int mode, boolean recursive) { if (recursive) return new File(path).mkdirs(); else return new File(path).mkdir(); } public static boolean mkdir(String path, int mode) { return mkdir(path, mode, false); } public static boolean mkdir(String path) { return mkdir(path, 777, false); } public static Memory filemtime(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { Path file = Paths.get(path); try { return LongMemory.valueOf(Files.getLastModifiedTime(file).toMillis() / 1000); } catch (IOException e) { env.warning(trace, e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory fileatime(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { Path file = Paths.get(path); try { BasicFileAttributes attributes = Files.readAttributes(file, BasicFileAttributes.class); return LongMemory.valueOf(attributes.lastAccessTime().toMillis() / 1000); } catch (IOException e) { env.warning(trace, e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory filectime(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { Path file = Paths.get(path); try { BasicFileAttributes attributes = Files.readAttributes(file, BasicFileAttributes.class); return LongMemory.valueOf(attributes.creationTime().toMillis() / 1000); } catch (IOException e) { env.warning(trace, e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory filesize(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { try { return LongMemory.valueOf(new File(path).length()); } catch (Exception e) { env.warning(trace, "filesize(): file not found - %s", path); return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory filetype(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { File file = new File(path); if (file.isFile()) return new StringMemory("file"); else if (file.isDirectory()) return new StringMemory("dir"); else { try { BasicFileAttributes attributes = Files.readAttributes(Paths.get(path), BasicFileAttributes.class); if (attributes.isSymbolicLink()) { return new StringMemory("link"); } return new StringMemory("unknown"); } catch (IOException e) { env.warning(trace, e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } } public static Memory filegroup(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { Path file = Paths.get(path); try { int attribute = (int) Files.getAttribute(file, "unix:gid"); return LongMemory.valueOf(attribute); } catch (IOException|SecurityException e) { env.warning(trace, e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory fileowner(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { Path file = Paths.get(path); try { int attribute = (int) Files.getAttribute(file, "unix:uid"); return LongMemory.valueOf(attribute); } catch (IOException|SecurityException e) { env.warning(trace, e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory fileperms(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { Path file = Paths.get(path); try { int attribute = (int) Files.getAttribute(file, "unix:mode"); return LongMemory.valueOf(attribute); } catch (IOException|SecurityException e) { env.warning(trace, e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory pathinfo(String path, int options) { File file = new File(path); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); String basename = file.getName(); int pos = basename.lastIndexOf('.'); String ext = null; if (pos > -1) ext = basename.substring(pos + 1); if ((options & PATHINFO_DIRNAME) == PATHINFO_DIRNAME) result.refOfIndex("dirname").assign(file.getParent()); if ((options & PATHINFO_DIRNAME) == PATHINFO_DIRNAME) result.refOfIndex("basename").assign(file.getName()); if (ext != null && (options & PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == PATHINFO_EXTENSION) result.refOfIndex("extension").assign(ext); if ((options & PATHINFO_FILENAME) == PATHINFO_FILENAME) result.refOfIndex("filename").assign(pos > -1 ? basename.substring(0, pos) : basename); return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory pathinfo(String path) { return pathinfo(path, PATHINFO_BASENAME | PATHINFO_DIRNAME | PATHINFO_EXTENSION | PATHINFO_FILENAME); } public static boolean rename(String oldname, String newname) { try { return new File(oldname).renameTo(new File(newname)); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public static boolean rmdir(String path) { File file = new File(path); if (file.isDirectory()) { try { return file.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } else return false; } public static boolean unlink(String path) { File file = new File(path); if (file.isDirectory()) return false; try { return file.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public static boolean touch(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, long time, long atime) { File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) try { if (!file.createNewFile()) return false; } catch (IOException e) { env.warning(trace, e.getMessage()); return false; } return file.setLastModified(time * 1000); } public static boolean touch(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, long time) { return touch(env, trace, path, time, 0); } public static boolean touch(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) { return touch(env, trace, path, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000, 0); } public static Memory tempnam(String dir, String prefix) { try { return new StringMemory(File.createTempFile(prefix, "", new File(dir)).getPath()); } catch (IOException e) { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory realpath(String path) { try { return new StringMemory(new File(path).getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory readfile(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, boolean useIncludePaths, Memory stream) throws Throwable { File file = new File(path); if (useIncludePaths && !file.exists()) { path = env.findInIncludePaths(path); if (path == null) return Memory.FALSE; file = new File(path); } try { RandomAccessFile accessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); try { if (!stream.isNull()) { if (!stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { env.warning(trace, "readfile(): Argument 3 must be stream, %s given", stream.getRealType().toString()); return Memory.FALSE; } byte[] buff = new byte[4096]; int len = 0; int read = 0; while ((len = != -1) { read += len; ObjectInvokeHelper.invokeMethod( stream, "write", env, trace, new BinaryMemory(buff), LongMemory.valueOf(len) ); } return LongMemory.valueOf(read); } else { byte[] buff = new byte[4096]; int len = 0; int read = 0; while ((len = != -1) { read += len; env.echo(buff, len); } return LongMemory.valueOf(read); } } finally { accessFile.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { env.warning(trace, "readfile(): File not found - %s", path); return Memory.FALSE; } catch (IOException e) { env.warning(trace, "readfile(): %s", e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory readfile(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, boolean useIncludePaths) throws Throwable { return readfile(env, trace, path, useIncludePaths, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory readfile(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path) throws Throwable { return readfile(env, trace, path, false, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory fopen(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String path, String mode) { try { return ObjectMemory.valueOf(Stream.create(env, path, mode)); } catch (Throwable throwable) { env.warning(trace, "fopen(): failed to open stream, " + throwable.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory ftell(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream) { if (stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { try { return env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "getPosition"); } catch (Throwable throwable) { env.warning(trace, "ftell(): " + throwable.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } env.warning(trace, "ftell(): unable to get position from a non-stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory feof(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream) { if (stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { try { return env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "eof"); } catch (Throwable throwable) { env.warning(trace, "feof(): " + throwable.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } env.warning(trace, "feof(): unable get eof from a non-stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory fread(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream, int length) { if (stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { try { return env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "read", LongMemory.valueOf(length)); } catch (Throwable throwable) { env.warning(trace, "fread(): " + throwable.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } env.warning(trace, "fread(): unable to read from a non-stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory fgetc(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream) { if (stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { try { Memory memory = env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "read", Memory.CONST_INT_1); return memory.isNull() ? Memory.FALSE : memory; } catch (Throwable throwable) { env.warning(trace, "fgetc(): " + throwable.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } env.warning(trace, "fgetc(): unable to read from a non-stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory fseek(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream, long offset) { return fseek(env, trace, stream, offset, 0); } public static Memory fseek(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream, long offset, int whence) { if (stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { try { switch (whence) { case 1: offset += env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "getPosition").toLong(); break; case 2: env.error(trace, "fseek(): flag SEEK_END is not supported."); break; default: case 0: break; } env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "seek", LongMemory.valueOf(offset)); return Memory.CONST_INT_0; } catch (Throwable throwable) { env.warning(trace, "fseek(): " + throwable.getMessage()); return Memory.CONST_INT_M1; } } env.warning(trace, "fseek(): unable to seek in a non-stream"); return Memory.CONST_INT_M1; } public static Memory fputs(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream, Memory value) { return fwrite(env, trace, stream, value); } public static Memory fputs(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream, Memory value, Memory length) { return fwrite(env, trace, stream, value, length); } public static Memory fgets(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream) { return fgets(env, trace, stream, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory fgets(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream, Memory length) { if (stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { InputStream in = Stream.getInputStream(env, stream); if (in != null) { int read; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { while ((read = != -1) { if (length.isNotNull() && sb.length() >= length.toInteger()) { break; } if (read == '\n' || read == '\r') { break; } sb.append((char) read); } return StringMemory.valueOf(sb.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { env.warning(trace, "fgets(): " + e.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } } env.warning(trace, "fgets(): unable to get from a non-stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory fwrite(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream, Memory value) { return fwrite(env, trace, stream, value, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory fwrite(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream, Memory value, Memory length) { if (stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { try { return env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "write", value, length); } catch (Throwable throwable) { env.warning(trace, "fwrite(): " + throwable.getMessage()); return Memory.FALSE; } } env.warning(trace, "fwrite(): unable to write to a non-stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory fclose(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory stream) { if (stream.instanceOf(Stream.CLASS_NAME)) { try { env.invokeMethod(trace, stream, "close"); return Memory.TRUE; } catch (Throwable throwable) { return Memory.FALSE; } } else { env.warning("fclose(): unable to close a non-stream"); return Memory.FALSE; } } public static String getcwd() { Path currentRelativePath = Paths.get(""); return currentRelativePath.toAbsolutePath().toString(); } public static String getenv(Environment env, String name) { Map<String, String> zendEnv = env.getUserValue("env", Map.class); if (zendEnv != null) { String s = zendEnv.get(name); if (s != null) { return s; } } return System.getenv(name); } synchronized public static void putenv(Environment env, String _value) { if (_value.isEmpty()) { return; } String[] strings = StringUtils.split(_value, "=", 2); String name = strings[0]; String value = strings.length > 1 ? strings[1] : null; Map<String, String> zendEnv = env.getUserValue("env", Map.class); if (zendEnv == null) { env.setUserValue("env", zendEnv = new HashMap<String, String>()); } if (value == null) { zendEnv.remove(name); } else { zendEnv.put(name, value); } } public static Memory scandir(String path, int order) { ArrayMemory r = new ArrayMemory(); String[] list = new File(path).list(); switch (order) { case FileConstants.SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING: Arrays.sort(list, Collections.reverseOrder()); for (String s : list) { r.add(s); } r.add(".."); r.add("."); break; case FileConstants.SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING: r.add("."); r.add(".."); Arrays.sort(list); for (String s : list) { r.add(s); } break; default: r.add("."); r.add(".."); for (String s : list) { r.add(s); } break; } return r.toConstant(); } public static Memory scandir(String path) { return scandir(path, FileConstants.SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING); } }