package php.runtime.reflection; import php.runtime.Memory; import php.runtime.annotation.Reflection; import php.runtime.common.HintType; import php.runtime.common.Messages; import php.runtime.common.Modifier; import php.runtime.env.Context; import php.runtime.env.Environment; import php.runtime.env.TraceInfo; import php.runtime.exceptions.CriticalException; import; import; import php.runtime.lang.Closure; import php.runtime.lang.IObject; import php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory; import php.runtime.reflection.helper.ClosureEntity; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; @Reflection.Signature public class MethodEntity extends AbstractFunctionEntity { protected ClassEntity clazz; protected ClassEntity trait; protected Extension extension; protected MethodEntity prototype; protected Method nativeMethod; protected boolean isAbstract; protected boolean isFinal; protected boolean isStatic; protected Modifier modifier; protected boolean dynamicSignature = false; protected String signature; protected Closure cachedClosure; protected boolean contextDepends = false; public MethodEntity(Context context) { super(context); } public MethodEntity(FunctionEntity entity){ super(entity.getContext()); setParameters(entity.getParameters()); setReturnReference(entity.isReturnReference()); setDeprecated(entity.isDeprecated()); setAbstract(false); setAbstractable(false); setModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC); } public MethodEntity(MethodEntity entity){ super(entity.getContext()); setParameters(entity.parameters); setReturnReference(entity.isReturnReference()); setDeprecated(entity.isDeprecated()); setAbstract(false); setAbstractable(false); setModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC); } public MethodEntity(Extension extension, Method method){ this((Context)null); this.extension = extension; this.usesStackTrace = true; Reflection.Signature signature = method.getAnnotation(Reflection.Signature.class); if (signature == null) { signature = getClass().getAnnotation(Reflection.Signature.class); } do { if (signature != null) break; try { Class<?> cls = method.getDeclaringClass().getSuperclass(); if (cls == null) break; signature = cls.getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes()).getAnnotation(Reflection.Signature.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CriticalException(e); } } while (true); if (signature == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method is not annotated with @Reflection.Signature"); Class<?>[] types = method.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != 2 || types[0] != Environment.class || types[1] != Memory[].class){ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid method signature - " + method.toGenericString() ); } int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); isFinal = method.isAnnotationPresent(Reflection.Final.class); isStatic = java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(modifiers); isAbstract = java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers); modifier = Modifier.PUBLIC; if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isProtected(modifiers)) modifier = Modifier.PROTECTED; else if (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) modifier = Modifier.PRIVATE; nativeMethod = method; } /* ClassNode classNode = clazz.getClassNode(); for(Object m : classNode.methods) { MethodNode method = (MethodNode) m; if ( ){ return cachedMethodNode = method; } } throw new CriticalException("Cannot find MethodNode for method - " + name + "(" + getSignatureString(true) + ")"); */ public Closure getClosure(Environment env, final IObject object) { if (cachedClosure != null) return cachedClosure; final MethodEntity bind = this; final ClosureEntity closureEntity1 = new ClosureEntity(this.getContext()); closureEntity1.setParent(env.scope.fetchUserClass(Closure.class)); closureEntity1.parameters = this.parameters; closureEntity1.setReturnReference(this.isReturnReference()); MethodEntity m = new MethodEntity(this); m.setClazz(closureEntity1); m.setName("__invoke"); closureEntity1.addMethod(m, null); closureEntity1.doneDeclare(); Closure tmp = new Closure(env, closureEntity1, new ObjectMemory(env.getLateObject()), clazz.getName(), new Memory[0]){ @Override public Memory __invoke(Environment e, Memory... args) { try { if (object == null) return bind.invokeStatic(e, args); else return bind.invokeDynamic(object, e, args); } catch (RuntimeException e1){ throw e1; } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } } @Override public Memory getOrCreateStatic(String name) { return Memory.NULL; } @Override public ClassEntity getReflection() { return closureEntity1; } }; try { m.setNativeMethod(tmp.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("__invoke", Environment.class, Memory[].class)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return cachedClosure = tmp; } public boolean isDynamicSignature() { return dynamicSignature; } public void setDynamicSignature(boolean dynamicSignature) { this.dynamicSignature = dynamicSignature; } public Extension getExtension() { return extension; } public Method getNativeMethod() { return nativeMethod; } public void setNativeMethod(Method nativeMethod) { this.nativeMethod = nativeMethod; if (nativeMethod != null) { nativeMethod.setAccessible(true); } } public Memory invokeDynamic(IObject _this, Environment environment, Memory... arguments) throws Throwable { try { if (isAbstract){ environment.error(ErrorType.E_ERROR, "Cannot call abstract method %s", getSignatureString(false)); return Memory.NULL; } if (_this == null && !isStatic){ _this = clazz.newMock(environment); if (_this == null) environment.error(ErrorType.E_ERROR, Messages.ERR_STATIC_METHOD_CALLED_DYNAMICALLY.fetch( getClazz().getName() + "::" + getName()) ); } if (isEmpty) { return Memory.NULL; } return (Memory) nativeMethod.invoke(_this, environment, arguments); } catch (InvocationTargetException e){ return environment.__throwException(e); } catch (Throwable e) { throw e; } finally { unsetArguments(arguments); } } public Memory invokeStatic(Environment environment, TraceInfo trace, Memory... arguments) throws Throwable { return invokeDynamic(null, environment, arguments); } final public Memory invokeStatic(Environment environment, Memory... arguments) throws Throwable { return invokeStatic(environment, TraceInfo.UNKNOWN, arguments); } @Override public void setName(String name) { super.setName(name); } public MethodEntity getPrototype() { return prototype; } public void setPrototype(MethodEntity prototype) { this.prototype = prototype; this.contextDepends = prototype != null && (prototype.contextDepends || prototype.isPrivate()); } public ClassEntity getClazz() { return clazz; } public String getClazzName(){ return clazz.getName(); } public void setClazz(ClassEntity clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } public boolean isAbstract() { return isAbstract; } public void setAbstract(boolean anAbstract) { isAbstract = anAbstract; } public Modifier getModifier() { return modifier; } public boolean isContextDepends() { return contextDepends; } public boolean isPublic(){ return modifier == Modifier.PUBLIC; } public boolean isProtected(){ return modifier == Modifier.PROTECTED; } public boolean isPrivate(){ return modifier == Modifier.PRIVATE; } public void setModifier(Modifier modifier) { this.modifier = modifier; } public boolean isFinal() { return isFinal; } public void setFinal(boolean aFinal) { isFinal = aFinal; } public boolean isStatic() { return isStatic; } public void setStatic(boolean aStatic) { isStatic = aStatic; } @Override public boolean isNamespace(){ return false; } public boolean isDeprecated(){ return false; // TODO } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof MethodEntity)) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; MethodEntity that = (MethodEntity) o; return hashCode() == that.hashCode(); } /*@Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode(clazz.getLowerName(), lowerName); }*/ public static int hashCode(String classLowerName, String methodLowerName){ return classLowerName.hashCode() + methodLowerName.hashCode(); } public String getSignatureString(boolean withArgs){ String ownerName = getClazz().getName(); if (getTrait() != null) ownerName = getTrait().getName(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ownerName + "::" + getName() + "("); int i = 0; if (parameters != null && withArgs) for(ParameterEntity param : parameters){ sb.append(param.getSignatureString()); if (i != parameters.length - 1) sb.append(", "); i++; } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public String getSignature() { if (signature != null) return signature; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; if (parameters != null) for(ParameterEntity param : parameters){ if (param.getDefaultValue() == null) sb.append( param.getType() == null ? HintType.ANY : param.getType() ).append("|").append(param.isReference ? "&" : ""); } return signature = sb.toString(); } public boolean equalsBySignature(MethodEntity method, boolean strong){ if (strong) return getSignature().equals(method.getSignature()); else { int cnt1 = parameters != null ? parameters.length : 0; int cnt2 = method.parameters != null ? method.parameters.length : 0; return cnt1 == cnt2; } } public boolean equalsBySignature(MethodEntity method){ return equalsBySignature(method, true); } public boolean equalsByHintTypingSignature(MethodEntity method){ if (parameters == null || method.parameters == null) return true; int i = 0; for(ParameterEntity param : parameters){ if (i >= method.parameters.length) break; ParameterEntity other = method.parameters[i]; if (param.getTypeClass() != null){ if (other.getTypeClass() == null || !other.getTypeClassLower().equals(param.getTypeClassLower())) return false; } else if (param.getType() != HintType.ANY){ if (other.getType() != param.getType()) return false; } i++; } return true; } public boolean isOwned(ClassEntity entity){ return clazz.getId() == entity.getId(); } public int canAccess(Environment env) { return canAccess(env, null); } /** * 0 - success * 1 - invalid protected * 2 - invalid private * @param env * @return */ public int canAccess(Environment env, ClassEntity context) { switch (modifier){ case PUBLIC: return 0; case PRIVATE: ClassEntity cl = context == null ? env.getLastClassOnStack() : context; if (cl == null) return 2; if (cl.getId() == this.clazz.getId()) return 0; MethodEntity tmp = prototype; while (tmp != null){ if (cl.getId() == tmp.clazz.getId()) return 0; tmp = tmp.prototype; } return 2; case PROTECTED: ClassEntity originClass; ClassEntity clazz = originClass = context == null ? env.getLateStaticClass() : context; if (clazz == null) return 1; long id = this.clazz.getId(); do { if (clazz.getId() == id) return 0; clazz = clazz.parent; } while (clazz != null); if (this.clazz.isInstanceOf(originClass)) { return 0; } return 1; } return 2; } public ClassEntity getTrait() { return trait; } public void setTrait(ClassEntity trait) { this.trait = trait; } public int getRequiredParamCount() { int cnt = 0; if (parameters != null) for(ParameterEntity e : parameters) { if (e.getDefaultValue() != null) break; } return cnt; } public MethodEntity duplicateForInject() { MethodEntity methodEntity = new MethodEntity(this.context); methodEntity.setExtension(getExtension()); methodEntity.setAbstract(isAbstract); methodEntity.setFinal(isFinal); methodEntity.setDynamicSignature(isDynamicSignature()); methodEntity.setModifier(modifier); methodEntity.setName(name); methodEntity.setStatic(isStatic); methodEntity.setAbstractable(isAbstractable()); methodEntity.setDocComment(getDocComment()); methodEntity.setParameters(parameters); methodEntity.setReturnReference(isReturnReference()); methodEntity.setEmpty(isEmpty); methodEntity.setImmutable(isImmutable); methodEntity.setResult(result); methodEntity.setUsesStackTrace(isUsesStackTrace()); methodEntity.setDeprecated(isDeprecated()); methodEntity.setInternalName(getInternalName()); if (trace == null || trace == TraceInfo.UNKNOWN) methodEntity.setTrace(getClazz().getTrace()); else methodEntity.setTrace(trace); return methodEntity; } }