package php.runtime.memory; import php.runtime.Memory; import php.runtime.common.Messages; import; import php.runtime.env.Environment; import php.runtime.env.TraceInfo; import php.runtime.exceptions.RecursiveException; import php.runtime.lang.ForeachIterator; import php.runtime.lang.IObject; import php.runtime.lang.StdClass; import php.runtime.memory.helper.ArrayKeyMemory; import php.runtime.memory.helper.ArrayValueMemory; import php.runtime.memory.helper.ShortcutMemory; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.*; public class ArrayMemory extends Memory implements Iterable<ReferenceMemory> { protected long lastLongIndex; protected int size; protected int copies; protected ArrayMemory original; protected List<ReferenceMemory> list; protected LinkedMap<Object, ReferenceMemory> map; protected ForeachIterator foreachIterator; public ArrayMemory(boolean asMap) { super(Type.ARRAY); if (asMap) convertToMap(); else { list = new ArrayList<ReferenceMemory>(); } lastLongIndex = -1; } public ArrayMemory(){ this(false); } @Deprecated public ArrayMemory(Collection collection){ this(); for(Object el : collection) { if (el == null) { add(NULL); continue; } MemoryOperation operation = MemoryOperation.get(el.getClass(), null); if (operation != null) { add(operation.unconvertNoThow(null, null, el)); } } } @Deprecated public ArrayMemory(Object... array){ this(); for(Object el : array) { if (el == null) { list.add(new ReferenceMemory()); continue; } MemoryOperation operation = MemoryOperation.get(el.getClass(), null); if (operation != null) { list.add(new ReferenceMemory(operation.unconvertNoThow(null, null, el))); } } size = array.length; lastLongIndex = size - 1; } @Deprecated public ArrayMemory(boolean toImmutable, Memory... array){ this(); if (array != null){ for(Memory el : array){ list.add(new ReferenceMemory(toImmutable ? el.toImmutable() : el)); } size = array.length; lastLongIndex = size - 1; } } @Deprecated public ArrayMemory(String[] array){ this(); for(String el : array) { list.add(new ReferenceMemory(StringMemory.valueOf(el))); } size = array.length; lastLongIndex = size - 1; } @Deprecated public ArrayMemory(Map map){ this(); for(Object key : map.keySet()){ Object el = map.get(key); put(ArrayMemory.toKey(MemoryUtils.valueOf(key)), MemoryUtils.valueOf(el)); } } public static Memory valueOf(){ return new ArrayMemory(); } public static ArrayMemory valueOfRef(ArrayMemory value){ if (value == null) return new ArrayMemory(); else return value; } public Set<Object> keySet() { if (list != null) { Set<Object> set = new HashSet<Object>(size()); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { set.add(i); } return set; } return map.keySet(); } public ArrayMemory duplicate(){ ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); result.lastLongIndex = lastLongIndex; result.size = size; if (list != null){ for(ReferenceMemory item : list){ result.list.add(item.duplicate()); } } else { result.list = null; = new LinkedMap<Object, ReferenceMemory>(map); for(Map.Entry<Object, ReferenceMemory> entry : map.entrySet()){, entry.getValue().duplicate()); } } return result; } public ArrayMemory checkCopied(){ if (original != null || copies > 0) { ArrayMemory dup = duplicate(); =; this.list = dup.list; this.lastLongIndex = dup.lastLongIndex; if (this.original == null){ this.copies--; } else { this.original.copies--; this.original = null; this.copies = 0; } return dup; } return null; } public static Object toKey(Memory key){ switch (key.type){ case STRING: { String key1 = key.toString(); Memory number = StringMemory.toLong(key1); if (number == null) return key1; else return number; } case INT: return key; case NULL: return Memory.CONST_EMPTY_STRING; case REFERENCE: return toKey(key.toValue()); default: return LongMemory.valueOf(key.toLong()); } } public boolean containsLongKey(long key) { return containsKey(LongMemory.valueOf(key)); } public boolean containsKey(Object key) { if (size() == 0) { return false; } if (list != null) { long t = MemoryUtils.valueOf(key).toLong(); return t >= 0 && t < list.size(); } return map.containsKey(key); } private void convertToMap(){ map = new LinkedMap<Object, ReferenceMemory>(); if (list != null){ int i = 0; for(ReferenceMemory memory : list){ if (memory != null){ map.put(LongMemory.valueOf(i), memory); } i++; } } list = null; } public void renameKey(Memory oldKey, Memory newKey){ checkCopied(); if (list != null) convertToMap(); Object key1 = toKey(oldKey); Object key2 = toKey(newKey); map.put(key2, map.remove(key1)); } public ReferenceMemory get(Memory key){ return getByScalar(toKey(key)); } public ReferenceMemory getOrCreate(Memory key){ return getByScalarOrCreate(toKey(key)); } public ReferenceMemory getOrCreateAsShortcut(Memory key){ return getByScalarOrCreateAsShortcut(toKey(key)); } public ReferenceMemory getByScalarOrCreate(Object sKey, Memory initValue){ ReferenceMemory value = getByScalar(sKey); if (value == null) return put(sKey, initValue); return value; } public ReferenceMemory getByScalarOrCreateAsShortcut(Object sKey){ //checkCopied(); ReferenceMemory value = getByScalar(sKey); if (value == null) { value = new ReferenceMemory(UNDEFINED); return put(sKey, new ShortcutMemory(value)); } if (value instanceof ShortcutMemory) return (ShortcutMemory)value.value; else { put(sKey, new ShortcutMemory(value)); return value; } } public ReferenceMemory getByScalarOrCreate(Object sKey){ return getByScalarOrCreate(sKey, UNDEFINED); } public ReferenceMemory getByScalar(Object key){ if (list != null){ if (key instanceof Memory){ int index = (int)((Memory) key).toLong(); if (index >= 0 && index < list.size()){ return list.get(index); } else return null; } else return null; } else { return map.get(key); } } public void add(IObject object) { add(new ObjectMemory(object)); } public void add(long value) { add(LongMemory.valueOf(value)); } public void add(String value) { add(StringMemory.valueOf(value)); } public void add(double value) { add(new DoubleMemory(value)); } public void add(boolean value) { add(value ? TRUE : FALSE); } public void addNull() { add(NULL); } public ReferenceMemory add(Memory value){ if (value instanceof KeyValueMemory){ KeyValueMemory keyValue = (KeyValueMemory)value; return put(toKey(keyValue.key), keyValue.value.toImmutable()); } ReferenceMemory ref; if (list != null){ lastLongIndex++; ref = new ReferenceMemory(value); list.add(ref); size++; } else { ref = put(LongMemory.valueOf(++lastLongIndex), value); } return ref; } /** * @param array * @param recursive */ public void merge(ArrayMemory array, boolean recursive, Set<Integer> done){ checkCopied(); if (recursive && done == null) done = new HashSet<Integer>(); if (list != null && array.list != null){ for(ReferenceMemory reference : array.list) list.add(new ReferenceMemory(reference.toImmutable())); size = list.size(); lastLongIndex = size - 1; } else { if (list != null) convertToMap(); if (array.list != null){ for(ReferenceMemory reference : array.list){ add(reference.toImmutable()); } } else { for(Map.Entry<Object, ReferenceMemory> entry :{ Object key = entry.getKey(); if (key instanceof LongMemory){ add(entry.getValue().toImmutable()); } else { Memory value = entry.getValue(); if (recursive && value.isArray()) { if (done.contains(value.getPointer())) throw new RecursiveException(); Memory current = getByScalar(key).toImmutable(); if (current.isArray()) { value = value.toImmutable(); int pointer = value.getPointer(); done.add(pointer); // for check recursive ArrayMemory result = (ArrayMemory)value; // already array immutable above result.merge((ArrayMemory)current, recursive, done); put(key, result); done.remove(pointer); } else put(key, value.toImmutable()); } else { put(key, value.toImmutable()); } } } } } } public void putAll(ArrayMemory array){ if (array.list != null){ int i = 0; for(ReferenceMemory memory : array.list){ if (memory != null) put(LongMemory.valueOf(i), memory.toImmutable()); i++; } } else { if (list != null) convertToMap(); if (array.lastLongIndex > lastLongIndex) lastLongIndex = array.lastLongIndex; for(Map.Entry<Object, ReferenceMemory> entry :{ put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toImmutable()); } } } public void putAllRef(ArrayMemory array){ if (array.list != null){ int i = 0; for(ReferenceMemory memory : array.list){ if (memory != null) put(LongMemory.valueOf(i), memory); i++; } } else { if (list != null) convertToMap(); if (array.lastLongIndex > lastLongIndex) lastLongIndex = array.lastLongIndex; map.putAll(; } } public ReferenceMemory putAsKeyString(String key, Memory value){ ReferenceMemory mem = new ReferenceMemory(value); if (list != null) convertToMap(); Memory last = map.put(key, mem); if (last == null){ size++; } return mem; } public ReferenceMemory put(Object key, Memory value) { ReferenceMemory mem = new ReferenceMemory(value); if (key instanceof LongMemory){ int index = (int)((LongMemory)key).value; if (index > lastLongIndex) lastLongIndex = index; if (list != null){ int size = list.size(); if (index >= 0){ if (index < size){ list.set(index, mem); //this.size++; return mem; } else if (index == size){ list.add(mem); this.size++; return mem; } else { convertToMap(); } } else convertToMap(); } } else { if (!(key instanceof String)) key = key.toString(); if (list != null) convertToMap(); } Memory last = map.put(key, mem); if (last == null){ size++; } return mem; } public Memory removeByScalar(Object key){ if (list != null){ int index = -1; if (key instanceof Long) index = ((Long) key).intValue(); else if (key instanceof Integer) index = ((Integer) key); else if (key instanceof String){ Memory tmp = StringMemory.toLong((String)key); if (tmp != null) index = (int) tmp.toLong(); } if (index < 0 || index >= list.size()) return null; if (index == size - 1) { size--; lastLongIndex = size - 1; return list.remove(index); } else { key = (long)index; convertToMap(); } } { if (key instanceof Long) key = LongMemory.valueOf((Long)key); else if (key instanceof Integer) key = LongMemory.valueOf((Integer)key); else if (key instanceof String){ Memory tmp = StringMemory.toLong((String)key); if (tmp != null) key = tmp; } Memory memory = map.remove(key); if (memory != null) size--; return memory; } } public Memory remove(Memory key){ Object _key = toKey(key); if (list != null){ int index = _key instanceof LongMemory ? (int) key.toLong() : -1; if (index < 0 || index >= list.size()) return null; if (index == size - 1){ size--; lastLongIndex = index - 1; return list.remove(index); } //key = LongMemory.valueOf(index); convertToMap(); } { Memory memory = map.remove(_key); if (memory != null) size--; return memory; } } public int size(){ return size; } public void unshift(Memory value, int count){ checkCopied(); if (size == 0) { for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) add(value); } else { if (list != null) { List<ReferenceMemory> tmp = new ArrayList<ReferenceMemory>(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) tmp.add(new ReferenceMemory(value)); list.addAll(0, tmp); size = list.size(); } else { ArrayMemory tmp = new ArrayMemory(); tmp.convertToMap(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) tmp.add(value); ForeachIterator iterator = getNewIterator(null, false, false); while ({ Object key = iterator.getKey(); if (key instanceof String) tmp.put(key, iterator.getValue()); else add(iterator.getValue()); } lastLongIndex = tmp.lastLongIndex; map =; size = tmp.size; } } } public void unshift(Memory... values){ checkCopied(); if (values == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (size == 0) { for (Memory value : values) add(value); } else { if (list != null) { if (values.length > 1) { List<ReferenceMemory> tmp = new ArrayList<ReferenceMemory>(); for (Memory value : values) tmp.add(new ReferenceMemory(value)); list.addAll(0, tmp); size = list.size(); } else if (values.length == 1) { list.add(0, new ReferenceMemory(values[0])); size = list.size(); } } else { ArrayMemory tmp = new ArrayMemory(); tmp.convertToMap(); for(Memory el : values) tmp.add(el); ForeachIterator iterator = getNewIterator(null, false, false); while ({ Object key = iterator.getKey(); if (key instanceof String) tmp.put(key, iterator.getValue()); else add(iterator.getValue()); } lastLongIndex = tmp.lastLongIndex; map =; size = tmp.size; } } } public Memory shift(){ checkCopied(); if (size < 1) return null; size -= 1; Memory value; if (list != null){ value = list.get(0); list.remove(0); } else { value = map.remove(map.firstKey()); } return value.toValue(); } public Memory pop(){ checkCopied(); if (size < 1) return null; Memory value; if (list != null){ value = list.get(size - 1); list.remove(size - 1); } else { value = map.remove(map.lastKey()); } size -= 1; return value.toValue(); } public Memory peek(){ if (size < 1) return null; Memory value; if (list != null) value = list.get(size - 1); else { value = map.get(map.lastKey()); } return value.toValue(); } public Memory peekKey() { if (size < 1) return null; Memory value; if (list != null) return LongMemory.valueOf(size - 1); else { Object key = map.lastKey(); if (key instanceof Memory) { return (Memory) key; } else if (key instanceof String) { return StringMemory.valueOf(key.toString()); } } return null; } public Memory getRandomElementKey(Random rnd){ int index = rnd.nextInt(size); if (list != null){ return LongMemory.valueOf(index); } else { Iterator<Object> keys = map.keySet().iterator(); for(int i = 0; i < index; i++){; } Object key =; if (key instanceof LongMemory) return (LongMemory)key; else return new StringMemory((String)key); } } public void shuffle(Random rnd){ checkCopied(); if (list != null){ Collections.shuffle(list, rnd); } else { Set<Object> keys = map.keySet(); List<ReferenceMemory> values = new ArrayList<ReferenceMemory>(map.values()); Collections.shuffle(values, rnd); int i = 0; for(Object key : keys){ map.put(key, values.get(i)); i++; } } } public void clear(){ if (list != null){ list = new ArrayList<ReferenceMemory>(); } if (map != null){ map = new LinkedMap<Object, ReferenceMemory>(); } size = 0; } public int compare(ArrayMemory otherRef, boolean strict) { return compare(otherRef, strict, null); } public int compare(ArrayMemory otherRef, boolean strict, Set<Integer> used) { int size1 = size(), size2 = otherRef.size(); if (size1 < size2) return -1; else if (size1 > size2) return 1; ForeachIterator iterator = this.foreachIterator(false, false); ForeachIterator iterator2 = null; if (strict) iterator2 = otherRef.foreachIterator(false, false); if (used == null) used = new HashSet<Integer>(); while ({ Memory value1 = iterator.getValue(); Memory key = iterator.getMemoryKey(); Memory value2; if (iterator2 == null) value2 = otherRef.get(key); else { if (! return -2; Object key2 = iterator2.getKey(); if (!iterator.getKey().equals(key2)) return -2; value2 = iterator2.getValue(); } if (value2 == null) return -2; if (value1.isArray() && value2.isArray()){ ArrayMemory arr1 = value1.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); if (used.add(value2.getPointer())){ int r =, strict, used); if (r == 0) { used.remove(value2.getPointer()); continue; } return r; } used.remove(value2.getPointer()); } else if (value1.isObject() && value2.isObject()){ ObjectMemory o1 = value1.toValue(ObjectMemory.class); ObjectMemory o2 = value2.toValue(ObjectMemory.class); return, strict, used); } else { if ((strict && value1.identical(value2)) || (!strict && value1.equal(value2))) continue; if (value1.smaller(value2)) return -1; else return 1; } } return 0; } @Override public Memory toImmutable() { if (copies >= 0){ ArrayMemory mem = new ArrayMemory(); mem.list = list; mem.original = this; mem.size = size; mem.list = list; = map; mem.lastLongIndex = lastLongIndex; copies++; reset(); return mem; } else { copies++; return this; } } public ArrayMemory toConstant(){ if (copies == 0) copies--; else throw new RuntimeException("Cannot convert array to a constant value with copies != 0"); return this; } public Memory[] values(boolean asImmutable){ Memory[] result = new Memory[size]; int i = 0; for(ReferenceMemory el : this){ result[i++] = asImmutable ? el.toImmutable() : el.toValue(); } return result; } public Memory[] values(){ return values(false); } @Override public long toLong() { return size == 0 ? 0 : 1; } @Override public double toDouble() { return size == 0 ? 0 : 1; } @Override public boolean toBoolean() { return size != 0; } @Override public Memory toNumeric() { return size == 0 ? CONST_INT_0 : CONST_INT_1; } @Override public String toString() { return "Array"; } @Override public Memory inc() { return toNumeric().inc(); } @Override public Memory dec() { return toNumeric().dec(); } @Override public Memory negative() { return toNumeric().negative(); } @Override public Memory plus(Memory memory) { switch (memory.type){ case ARRAY: ArrayMemory left = (ArrayMemory)toImmutable(); ArrayMemory other = (ArrayMemory)memory; ForeachIterator iterator = other.foreachIterator(false, false); while ({ Object key = iterator.getKey(); Memory origin = getByScalar(key); if (origin == null){ left.checkCopied(); left.put(key, iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } } return left; case REFERENCE: return plus(memory.toValue()); default: return toNumeric().plus(memory); } } @Override public Memory minus(Memory memory) { return toNumeric().minus(memory); } @Override public Memory mul(Memory memory) { return toNumeric().mul(memory); } @Override public Memory pow(Memory memory) { return toNumeric().pow(memory); } @Override public Memory div(Memory memory) { return toNumeric().div(memory); } @Override public boolean equal(Memory memory) { switch (memory.type){ case ARRAY: return compare((ArrayMemory)memory, false) == 0; case REFERENCE: return equal(memory.toValue()); default: return false; } } @Override public boolean notEqual(Memory memory) { return !equal(memory); } @Override public boolean smaller(Memory memory) { switch (memory.type){ case ARRAY: return compare((ArrayMemory)memory, false) == -1; case REFERENCE: return equal(memory.toValue()); default: return false; } } @Override public boolean smallerEq(Memory memory) { switch (memory.type){ case ARRAY: int r = compare((ArrayMemory)memory, false); return r == 0 || r == -1; case REFERENCE: return equal(memory.toValue()); default: return false; } } @Override public boolean greater(Memory memory) { switch (memory.type){ case ARRAY: return compare((ArrayMemory)memory, false) == 1; case REFERENCE: return equal(memory.toValue()); default: return false; } } @Override public boolean greaterEq(Memory memory) { switch (memory.type){ case ARRAY: int r = compare((ArrayMemory)memory, false); return r == 0 || r == 1; case REFERENCE: return equal(memory.toValue()); default: return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return toString().hashCode(); } @Override public void unset() { if (original != null){ original.copies--; original = null; } else copies--; if (list != null){ for(ReferenceMemory memory : list) if (memory.type == type) memory.unset(); } if (map != null){ for(ReferenceMemory memory : map.values()) if (memory.type == type) memory.unset(); } clear(); } @Override public Memory valueOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, Memory index) { switch (index.getRealType()){ case OBJECT: case ARRAY: return UNDEFINED; // TODO ADD WARNING } Memory e = get(index); return e == null ? UNDEFINED : e; } @Override public Memory valueOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, long index) { Memory e = getByScalar(LongMemory.valueOf(index)); return e == null ? UNDEFINED : e; } @Override public Memory valueOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, double index) { Memory e = getByScalar(LongMemory.valueOf((long) index)); return e == null ? UNDEFINED : e; } @Override public Memory valueOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, boolean index) { Memory e = getByScalar(index ? CONST_INT_0 : CONST_INT_1); return e == null ? UNDEFINED : e; } @Override public Memory valueOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, String index) { Memory number = StringMemory.toLong(index); Memory e = number == null ? getByScalar(index) : getByScalar(number); return e == null ? UNDEFINED : e; } @Override public void unsetOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, Memory index) { checkCopied(); remove(index); } @Override public Memory issetOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, Memory index) { Memory value = get(index); return value == null ? NULL : value; } @Override public Memory refOfPush(TraceInfo trace){ checkCopied(); return add(UNDEFINED); } @Override public Memory refOfIndexAsShortcut(TraceInfo trace, Memory index) { switch (index.getRealType()){ case OBJECT: case ARRAY: return new ReferenceMemory(); // TODO ADD WARNING } checkCopied(); return getOrCreateAsShortcut(index); } @Override public Memory refOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, Memory index) { switch (index.getRealType()){ case OBJECT: case ARRAY: return new ReferenceMemory(); // TODO ADD WARNING } checkCopied(); return getOrCreate(index); } @Override public Memory refOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, long index) { checkCopied(); return getOrCreate(LongMemory.valueOf(index)); } @Override public Memory refOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, double index) { return refOfIndex(null, LongMemory.valueOf((long) index)); } @Override public Memory refOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, boolean index) { checkCopied(); return getOrCreate(index ? CONST_INT_1 : CONST_INT_0); } @Override public Memory refOfIndex(TraceInfo trace, String index) { checkCopied(); Memory number = StringMemory.toLong(index); return number == null ? getByScalarOrCreate(index) : getByScalarOrCreate(number); } @Override public boolean identical(Memory memory) { switch (memory.type){ case ARRAY: return compare((ArrayMemory)memory, true) == 0; case REFERENCE: return equal(memory.toValue()); default: return false; } } @Override public boolean identical(long value) { return false; } @Override public boolean identical(double value) { return false; } @Override public boolean identical(boolean value) { return false; } @Override public boolean identical(String value) { return false; } @Override public Iterator<ReferenceMemory> iterator() { if (list != null) { return list.iterator(); } else return map.values().iterator(); } public ForeachIterator foreachIterator(boolean getReferences, boolean withPrevious) { return foreachIterator(getReferences, false, withPrevious, true); } public ForeachIterator foreachIterator(boolean getReferences, boolean getKeyReferences, boolean withPrevious) { return foreachIterator(getReferences, getKeyReferences, withPrevious, true); } public ForeachIterator foreachIterator(boolean getReferences, boolean getKeyReferences, boolean withPrevious, final boolean freeze) { return new ForeachIterator(getReferences, getKeyReferences, withPrevious){ protected int cursor = 0; protected int listMax; protected Iterator<Object> keys; @Override public void reset() { if (getKeyReferences && list != null) ArrayMemory.this.convertToMap(); if (list == null) { if (withPrevious || getKeyReferences) keys = new ArrayList<Object>(map.keySet()).listIterator(); else { if (freeze) { keys = new ArrayList<Object>(map.keySet()).iterator(); } else { keys = map.keySet().iterator(); } } } else { listMax = list.size(); } } @Override protected boolean init() { if (getKeyReferences && list != null) ArrayMemory.this.convertToMap(); if (list == null) { if (withPrevious || getKeyReferences) { keys = new ArrayList<Object>(map.keySet()).listIterator(); } else { keys = new ArrayList<Object>(map.keySet()).iterator(); } } else { listMax = list.size(); } return true; } private void setCurrentValue(ReferenceMemory value){ if (getReferences) { if (plainReferences) currentValue = value; else currentValue = new ArrayValueMemory(getMemoryKey(), ArrayMemory.this, value); } else currentValue = value.value; if (getKeyReferences) { currentKeyMemory = new ArrayKeyMemory(ArrayMemory.this, getMemoryKey()); } } @Override public boolean end() { if (ArrayMemory.this.size == 0) return false; if (ArrayMemory.this.list != null){ cursor = ArrayMemory.this.size - 1; currentKey = (long)cursor; setCurrentValue(list.get(cursor)); return true; } else { init = true; ArrayList<Object> tmp = new ArrayList<Object>(map.keySet()); keys = tmp.listIterator(tmp.size() - 1); if (keys.hasNext() && next()) { return true; } else { return false; } } } @Override protected boolean prevValue() { if (ArrayMemory.this.list != null) { if (cursor <= 0){ currentKey = null; currentValue = null; cursor--; keys = null; return false; } else { cursor--; currentKey = LongMemory.valueOf((long)cursor); setCurrentValue(list.get(cursor)); return true; } } else { ListIterator<Object> keyIterator = (ListIterator) keys; if (keyIterator.hasPrevious()) { currentKey = keyIterator.previous(); setCurrentValue(map.get(currentKey)); return true; } else { currentKey = null; currentValue = null; keys = null; cursor = -1; return false; } } } @Override protected boolean nextValue() { if (withPrevious && (keys == null && cursor < 0)) return false; if (ArrayMemory.this.list != null) { if (((cursor >= listMax && freeze) || (cursor >= size && !freeze)) || size < listMax) { currentKey = null; currentValue = null; return false; } currentKey = LongMemory.valueOf((long)cursor); setCurrentValue(list.get(cursor)); cursor++; return true; } else { if (keys == null) { ArrayList<Object> tmp = new ArrayList<Object>(map.keySet()); keys = tmp.listIterator(cursor - 1); } if (keys.hasNext()) { currentKey =; setCurrentValue(map.get(currentKey)); return true; } else { currentKey = null; currentValue = null; return false; } } } }; } @Override public ForeachIterator getNewIterator(Environment env, boolean getReferences, boolean getKeyReferences) { return foreachIterator(getReferences, getKeyReferences, false); } public ForeachIterator getCurrentIterator() { if (foreachIterator == null) { foreachIterator = foreachIterator(false, true); } return foreachIterator; } protected void reset() { foreachIterator = null; } public Memory resetCurrentIterator(){ reset(); ForeachIterator iterator = getCurrentIterator(); if (size == 0) return FALSE; else {; Memory tmp = iterator.getValue(); iterator.prev(); return tmp; } } @Override public byte[] getBinaryBytes(Charset charset) { return MemoryStringUtils.getBinaryBytes(this); } public boolean isList(){ return list != null; } @Override public Memory toArray() { return this; } @Override public Memory toObject(Environment env) { StdClass stdClass = new StdClass(env); ArrayMemory props = stdClass.getProperties(); ForeachIterator iterator = getNewIterator(env, false, false); while ({ props.refOfIndex(null, iterator.getMemoryKey()).assign(iterator.getValue()); } return new ObjectMemory(stdClass); } public int[] toIntArray() { int[] r = new int[size]; int i = 0; for (Memory e : this) { r[i] = e.toInteger(); i++; } return r; } public long[] toLongArray() { long[] r = new long[size]; int i = 0; for (Memory e : this) { r[i] = e.toLong(); i++; } return r; } public String[] toStringArray() { String[] r = new String[size]; int i = 0; for (Memory e : this) { r[i] = e.toString(); i++; } return r; } public float[] toFloatArray() { float[] r = new float[size]; int i = 0; for (Memory e : this) { r[i] = e.toFloat(); i++; } return r; } public double[] toDoubleArray() { double[] r = new double[size]; int i = 0; for (Memory e : this) { r[i] = e.toDouble(); i++; } return r; } public boolean[] toBoolArray() { boolean[] r = new boolean[size]; int i = 0; for (Memory e : this) { r[i] = e.toBoolean(); i++; } return r; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends IObject> List<T> toObjectArray(Class<T> clazz) { List<T> r = new ArrayList<T>(); int i = 0; for(Memory e : this) { if (e.instanceOf(clazz)) r.add(e.toObject(clazz)); else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.ERR_INVALID_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE.fetch( ReflectionUtils.getClassName(clazz), ReflectionUtils.getGivenName(e) )); } } return r; } public Map<String, String> toStringMap() { Map<String, String> r = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); ForeachIterator iterator = foreachIterator(false, false); while ( { r.put(iterator.getKey().toString(), iterator.getValue().toString()); } return r; } public Map<String, Integer> toIntMap() { Map<String, Integer> r = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); ForeachIterator iterator = foreachIterator(false, false); while ( { r.put(iterator.getKey().toString(), iterator.getValue().toInteger()); } return r; } public Map<String, Long> toLongMap() { Map<String, Long> r = new LinkedHashMap<String, Long>(); ForeachIterator iterator = foreachIterator(false, false); while ( { r.put(iterator.getKey().toString(), iterator.getValue().toLong()); } return r; } public Map<String, Double> toDoubleMap() { Map<String, Double> r = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); ForeachIterator iterator = foreachIterator(false, false); while ( { r.put(iterator.getKey().toString(), iterator.getValue().toDouble()); } return r; } public Map<String, Boolean> toBooleanMap() { Map<String, Boolean> r = new LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean>(); ForeachIterator iterator = foreachIterator(false, false); while ( { r.put(iterator.getKey().toString(), iterator.getValue().toBoolean()); } return r; } public <T extends IObject> Map<String, T> toObjectMap(Class<T> clazz) { Map<String, T> r = new LinkedHashMap<String, T>(); ForeachIterator iterator = foreachIterator(false, false); while ( { Memory e = iterator.getValue(); if (e.instanceOf(clazz)) r.put(iterator.getKey().toString(), e.toObject(clazz)); else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.ERR_INVALID_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TYPE.fetch( ReflectionUtils.getClassName(clazz), ReflectionUtils.getGivenName(e) )); } } return r; } public static ArrayMemory ofPair(String key, Memory value) { ArrayMemory r = new ArrayMemory(); r.refOfIndex(key).assign(value.toImmutable()); return r; } public static ArrayMemory ofPair(String key, String value) { return ofPair(key, StringMemory.valueOf(value)); } public static ArrayMemory ofPair(String key, long value) { return ofPair(key, LongMemory.valueOf(value)); } public static ArrayMemory ofPair(String key, double value) { return ofPair(key, DoubleMemory.valueOf(value)); } public static ArrayMemory ofPair(String key, boolean value) { return ofPair(key, TrueMemory.valueOf(value)); } public static ArrayMemory ofPair(String key, IObject value) { return ofPair(key, ObjectMemory.valueOf(value)); } public static ArrayMemory ofShorts(short... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (int el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofIntegers(int... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (int el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofBytes(byte... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (int el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofLongs(long... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (long el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofFloats(float... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (float el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofDoubles(double... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (double el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofBooleans(boolean... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (boolean el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofChars(char... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (char el : array) result.add(StringMemory.valueOf(el)); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofStrings(String... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (String el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofStringCollection(Collection<String> list) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); for (String el : list) result.add(el); return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofObjects(IObject... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null) { for (IObject el : array) result.add(el); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory of(Memory... array) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (array != null){ for(Memory el : array) { result.add(el.toImmutable()); } } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofCollection(Collection<Memory> list) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); for(Memory el : list) { result.add(el.toImmutable()); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofMap(Map<String, Memory> map) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); for (Map.Entry<String, Memory> entry : map.entrySet()) { result.putAsKeyString(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toImmutable()); } return result; } public static ArrayMemory ofStringMap(Map<String, String> map) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { result.putAsKeyString(entry.getKey(), StringMemory.valueOf(entry.getValue())); } return result; } public ArrayMemory slice(int offset) { return slice(offset, false); } public ArrayMemory slice(int offset, int length) { return slice(offset, length, false); } public ArrayMemory slice(int offset, boolean saveKeys) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (offset < 0) { offset = size() + offset; } if (isList()) { int i = 0; try { for (ReferenceMemory referenceMemory : list.subList(offset, list.size())) { if (saveKeys) { result.refOfIndex(i + offset).assign(referenceMemory.toImmutable()); } else { result.add(referenceMemory.toImmutable()); } i++; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(e.getMessage()); } } else { int i = 0; ForeachIterator iterator = foreachIterator(false, false); while ( { if (i >= offset) { if (saveKeys || !iterator.isLongKey()) { result.put(iterator.getKey(), iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } else { result.add(iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } } i++; } } return result; } public ArrayMemory slice(int offset, int length, boolean saveKeys) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (offset < 0) { offset = size() + offset; } if (length < 0) { length = size() + length - offset; } if (isList()) { int i = 0; try { for (ReferenceMemory referenceMemory : list.subList(offset, offset + length)) { if (saveKeys) { result.refOfIndex(i + offset).assign(referenceMemory.toImmutable()); } else { result.add(referenceMemory.toImmutable()); } i++; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(e.getMessage()); } } else { int i = 0, count = 0; ForeachIterator iterator = foreachIterator(false, false); while ( { if (i >= offset) { count++; if (saveKeys || !iterator.isLongKey()) { result.put(iterator.getKey(), iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } else { result.add(iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } if (count >= length) { break; } } i++; } } return result; } }