package org.develnext.jphp.zend.ext.standard; import; import php.runtime.Memory; import php.runtime.annotation.Runtime; import php.runtime.annotation.Runtime.Reference; import php.runtime.common.Callback; import php.runtime.env.Environment; import php.runtime.env.TraceInfo; import php.runtime.exceptions.RecursiveException; import php.runtime.ext.core.MathFunctions; import; import php.runtime.invoke.Invoker; import php.runtime.lang.ForeachIterator; import php.runtime.memory.ArrayMemory; import php.runtime.memory.KeyValueMemory; import php.runtime.memory.LongMemory; import php.runtime.memory.ReferenceMemory; import java.util.*; import static org.develnext.jphp.zend.ext.standard.ArrayConstants.*; import static php.runtime.Memory.Type.ARRAY; public class ArrayFunctions extends FunctionsContainer { @Runtime.Immutable(ignoreRefs = true) public static boolean in_array(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory needle, @Reference Memory array, boolean strict) { if (expecting(env, trace, 2, array, ARRAY)) { ForeachIterator iterator = array.getNewIterator(env, false, false); while ( { if (strict) { if (needle.identical(iterator.getValue())) return true; } else { if (needle.equal(iterator.getValue())) return true; } } return false; } else return false; } @Runtime.Immutable(ignoreRefs = true) public static boolean in_array(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory needle, @Reference Memory array) { return in_array(env, trace, needle, array, false); } @Runtime.Immutable(ignoreRefs = true) public static boolean array_key_exists(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory key, @Reference Memory array) { if (expecting(env, trace, 2, array, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory tmp = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); return tmp.get(key) != null; } else return false; } @Runtime.Immutable(ignoreRefs = true) public static boolean key_exists(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory key, @Reference Memory array) { return array_key_exists(env, trace, key, array); } public static Memory reset(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { if (expectingReference(env, trace, array, "reset")) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory memory = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); return memory.resetCurrentIterator().toImmutable(); } } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory next(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { if (expectingReference(env, trace, array, "next")) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory memory = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); ForeachIterator iterator = memory.getCurrentIterator(); if ( return iterator.getValue().toImmutable(); else return Memory.FALSE; } } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory prev(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { if (expectingReference(env, trace, array, "prev")) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory memory = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); ForeachIterator iterator = memory.getCurrentIterator(); if (iterator.prev()) return iterator.getValue().toImmutable(); else return Memory.FALSE; } } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory current(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { if (expectingReference(env, trace, array, "current")) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { Memory value = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class).getCurrentIterator().getValue(); return value == null ? Memory.FALSE : value.toImmutable(); } } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory key(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { if (expectingReference(env, trace, array, "key")) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { Memory value = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class).getCurrentIterator().getMemoryKey(); return value == null ? Memory.FALSE : value; } } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory pos(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return current(env, trace, array); } public static Memory end(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { if (expectingReference(env, trace, array, "end")) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ForeachIterator iterator = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class).getCurrentIterator(); if (iterator.end()) { return iterator.getValue().toImmutable(); } else { return Memory.FALSE; } } } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory each(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { if (expectingReference(env, trace, array, "each")) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ForeachIterator iterator = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class).getCurrentIterator(); if ( { Memory value = iterator.getValue().toImmutable(); Memory key = iterator.getMemoryKey(); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); result.refOfIndex(1).assign(value); result.refOfIndex("value").assign(value); result.refOfIndex(0).assign(key); result.refOfIndex("key").assign(key); return result.toConstant(); } else { return Memory.FALSE; } } } return Memory.FALSE; } private static Memory _array_merge(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, boolean recursive, Memory array, Memory... arrays) { if (!array.isArray()) { env.warning(trace, "Argument %s is not an array", 1); return Memory.NULL; } if (arrays == null || arrays.length == 0) return array; ArrayMemory result = (ArrayMemory) array.toImmutable(); int i = 2; Set<Integer> used = recursive ? new HashSet<Integer>() : null; for (Memory el : arrays) { if (!el.isArray()) { env.warning(trace, "Argument %s is not an array", i); continue; } if (used != null) used.add(el.getPointer(true)); result.merge((ArrayMemory) el, recursive, used); if (used != null) used.remove(el.getPointer(true)); i++; } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory array_merge(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array, Memory... arrays) { return _array_merge(env, trace, false, array, arrays); } public static Memory array_merge_recursive(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array, Memory... arrays) { try { return _array_merge(env, trace, true, array, arrays); } catch (RecursiveException e) { env.warning(trace, "recursion detected"); return Memory.NULL; } } public static boolean shuffle(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory value) { if (expectingReference(env, trace, value, "shuffle") && expecting(env, trace, 1, value, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory array = value.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); array.shuffle(MathFunctions.RANDOM); return true; } else { return false; } } public static Memory array_map(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory callback, Memory _array, Memory... arrays) throws Throwable { Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 1, callback); if (invoker == null) { return Memory.NULL; } ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator[] iterators; if (!expecting(env, trace, 2, _array, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; if (arrays == null) { iterators = new ForeachIterator[]{_array.getNewIterator(env, false, false)}; } else { iterators = new ForeachIterator[1 + arrays.length]; iterators[0] = _array.getNewIterator(env, false, false); for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { if (!expecting(env, trace, i + 3, arrays[i], ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; iterators[i + 1] = arrays[i].getNewIterator(env, false, false); } } Memory[] args = new Memory[iterators.length]; while (true) { int i = 0; boolean done = true; for (ForeachIterator iterator : iterators) { if ( { args[i] = iterator.getValue(); done = false; } else args[i] = Memory.NULL; i++; } if (done) break; result.add(; } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory array_filter(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory callback) throws Throwable { if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { return Memory.NULL; } Invoker invoker = null; if (callback != null && callback.toBoolean()) { invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 2, callback); if (invoker == null) return Memory.NULL; } ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, true, false); while ( { Object key = iterator.getKey(); Memory value = iterator.getValue(); if (invoker == null) { if (!value.toBoolean()) continue; } else if (! continue; result.put(key, value.toImmutable()); } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory array_filter(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) throws Throwable { return array_filter(env, trace, input, null); } public static Memory array_reduce(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory callback, Memory initial) throws Throwable { if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 2, callback); if (invoker == null) return Memory.NULL; ArrayMemory array = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); if (array.size() == 0) return Memory.NULL; Memory result = initial; ForeachIterator iterator = array.getNewIterator(env, true, false); while ( { Memory el = iterator.getValue(); result =, el); } return result.toValue(); } public static Memory array_reduce(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory callback) throws Throwable { return array_reduce(env, trace, input, callback, Memory.NULL); } public static boolean array_walk(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory input, Memory callback, Memory userData) throws Throwable { if (!expectingReference(env, trace, input, "array_walk")) return false; if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return false; Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 2, callback); if (invoker == null) return false; ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, true, false); while ( { Memory item = iterator.getValue(); Memory key = iterator.getMemoryKey();, key, userData); } return true; } public static boolean array_walk(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory input, Memory callback) throws Throwable { return array_walk(env, trace, input, callback, Memory.NULL); } public static boolean _array_walk_recursive(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Invoker invoker, Memory userData, Set<Integer> used) throws Throwable { if (used == null) used = new HashSet<Integer>(); ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, true, false); while ( { Memory item = iterator.getValue(); if (item.isArray()) { if (used.add(item.getPointer())) { boolean result = _array_walk_recursive(env, trace, item, invoker, userData, used); used.remove(item.getPointer()); if (!result) return false; } else { env.warning(trace, "array_walk_recursive(): recursion detected"); } } else { Memory key = iterator.getMemoryKey();, key, userData); } } return true; } public static boolean array_walk_recursive(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory input, Memory callback, Memory userData) throws Throwable { if (!expectingReference(env, trace, input, "array_walk_recursive")) return false; if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return false; Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 2, callback); if (invoker == null) return false; Set<Integer> used = new HashSet<Integer>(); used.add(input.getPointer()); return _array_walk_recursive(env, trace, input, invoker, userData, used); } public static boolean array_walk_recursive(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory callback) throws Throwable { return array_walk_recursive(env, trace, input, callback, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory array_flip(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); while ( result.put(ArrayMemory.toKey(iterator.getValue()), iterator.getMemoryKey()); return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory array_reverse(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, boolean saveKeys) { if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; ArrayMemory array = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); Memory[] values = new Memory[array.size()]; Object[] keys = saveKeys ? new Object[values.length] : null; int i = 0; while ( { if (saveKeys) keys[i] = iterator.getKey(); values[i] = iterator.getValue().toImmutable(); i++; } for (i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (saveKeys) result.put(keys[i], values[i]); else result.add(values[i]); } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory array_reverse(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { return array_reverse(env, trace, input, false); } public static Memory array_rand(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, int numReq) { if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; ArrayMemory array = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); int size = array.size(); if (size < numReq || numReq < 1) { env.warning(trace, "array_rand(): Second argument has to be between 1 and the number of elements in the array"); return Memory.NULL; } int i; if (numReq == 1) { return array.getRandomElementKey(MathFunctions.RANDOM); } else { ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); Set<Integer> rands = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (i = 0; i < numReq; i++) { while (!rands.add(MathFunctions.rand(0, size - 1).toInteger())) ; } ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); i = -1; while ( { i++; if (!rands.contains(i)) continue; result.add(iterator.getMemoryKey()); if (result.size() >= numReq) break; } return result.toConstant(); } } public static Memory array_rand(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { return array_rand(env, trace, input, 1); } public static Memory array_pop(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory input) { if (!expectingReference(env, trace, input, "array_pop")) return Memory.NULL; if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; Memory value = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class).pop(); return value == null ? Memory.NULL : value.toImmutable(); } public static Memory array_push(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory input, Memory var, Memory... args) { if (!expectingReference(env, trace, input, "array_push")) return Memory.NULL; if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; ArrayMemory array = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); array.add(var); if (args != null) for (Memory arg : args) array.add(arg); return LongMemory.valueOf(array.size()); } public static Memory array_shift(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory input) { if (!expectingReference(env, trace, input, "array_shift")) return Memory.NULL; if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; Memory value = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class).shift(); return value == null ? Memory.NULL : value.toImmutable(); } public static Memory array_unshift(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory input, Memory var, Memory... args) { if (!expectingReference(env, trace, input, "array_unshift")) return Memory.NULL; if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; ArrayMemory array = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); Memory[] tmp = args == null ? new Memory[]{var} : new Memory[args.length + 1]; if (args != null) { tmp[0] = var; System.arraycopy(args, 0, tmp, 1, args.length); } array.unshift(tmp); return LongMemory.valueOf(array.size()); } public static Memory array_values(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; Memory[] values = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class).values(); return ArrayMemory.of(values).toConstant(); } public static Memory array_keys(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { return array_keys(env, trace, input, null); } public static Memory array_keys(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory search) { return array_keys(env, trace, input, search, false); } public static Memory array_keys(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory search, boolean strict) { if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) return Memory.NULL; ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); while ( { if (search == null) { result.add(iterator.getMemoryKey()); } else { if (strict && iterator.getValue().identical(search)) { result.add(iterator.getMemoryKey()); } else if (iterator.getValue().equal(search)) { result.add(iterator.getMemoryKey()); } } } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory array_pad(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, int padSize, Memory padValue) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory array = input.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); int size = array.size(); int needSize = Math.abs(padSize); ArrayMemory result = input.toImmutable().toValue(ArrayMemory.class); if (size == needSize) return result; result.checkCopied(); int count = needSize - size; if (padSize >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < needSize - size; i++) result.add(padValue); } else { result.unshift(padValue, count); } return result; } else return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_product(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); Memory result = Memory.CONST_INT_1; while ( { result = result.mul(iterator.getValue()); } return result; } else return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_sum(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); Memory result = Memory.CONST_INT_0; while ( { result =; } return result; } else return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_change_key_case(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, int _case) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); while ( { Object key = iterator.getKey(); if (key instanceof String) { String str = (String) key; str = _case == 0 ? str.toLowerCase() : str.toUpperCase(); result.put(str, iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } else result.put(key, iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } return result.toConstant(); } return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_change_key_case(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { return array_change_key_case(env, trace, input, 0); } public static Memory array_chunk(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, int size, boolean saveKeys) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { if (size < 1) { env.warning(trace, "array_chunk(): Size parameter expected to be greater than 0"); return Memory.NULL; } ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); ArrayMemory item = null; ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); int i = 0; while ( { if (i == 0) { item = new ArrayMemory(); result.add(item); } if (saveKeys) { item.put(iterator.getKey(), iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } else item.add(iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); if (++i == size) i = 0; } return result.toConstant(); } else return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_chunk(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, int size) { return array_chunk(env, trace, input, size, false); } public static Memory array_column(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory columnKey, Memory indexKey) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { if (columnKey.isNull() && indexKey.isNull()) return array_values(env, trace, input); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); while ( { Memory value = iterator.getValue(); if (indexKey.isNull()) { result.add(value.valueOfIndex(columnKey).toImmutable()); } else { if (columnKey.isNull()) result.refOfIndex(value.valueOfIndex(indexKey)).assign(value.toImmutable()); else result.refOfIndex(value.valueOfIndex(indexKey)).assign(value.valueOfIndex(columnKey)); } } return result.toConstant(); } else return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_column(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory columnKey) { return array_column(env, trace, input, columnKey, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory array_combine(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory keys, Memory values) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, keys, ARRAY) && expecting(env, trace, 2, values, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory _keys = keys.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); ArrayMemory _values = values.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); int size1 = _keys.size(); int size2 = _values.size(); if (size1 != size2) { env.warning(trace, "array_combine(): Both parameters should have an equal number of elements"); return Memory.FALSE; } ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (size1 == 0) return result.toConstant(); ForeachIterator iteratorKeys = _keys.getNewIterator(env, false, false); ForeachIterator iteratorValues = _values.getNewIterator(env, false, false); while ( {; result.refOfIndex(iteratorKeys.getValue()) .assign(iteratorValues.getValue().toImmutable()); } return result.toConstant(); } else return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory array_count_values(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory counts = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); boolean warning = false; while ( { Memory value = iterator.getValue(); switch (value.getRealType()) { case INT: case STRING: Memory count = counts.getOrCreate(value); count.assign(; break; default: if (!warning) { env.warning(trace, "array_count_values(): Can only count STRING and INTEGER values!"); warning = true; } } } return counts.toConstant(); } else return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_search(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory input, Memory needle, boolean strict) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, input, ARRAY)) { ForeachIterator iterator = input.getNewIterator(env, false, false); while ( { Memory value = iterator.getValue(); if (strict && needle.identical(value)) { return iterator.getMemoryKey(); } else if (needle.equal(value)) { return iterator.getMemoryKey(); } } return Memory.FALSE; } else { return Memory.FALSE; } } private static Memory _range_double(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, double low, double high, double step) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); double value; long i = 0; boolean error_occurred = false; if (step < 0.0) { step *= -1; } if (low > high) { /* Negative steps */ if (low - high < step || step <= 0) { error_occurred = true; } else { for (value = low; value >= high; value = low - (++i * step)) { result.add(value); } } } else if (high > low) { /* Positive steps */ if (high - low < step || step <= 0) { error_occurred = true; } else { for (value = low; value <= high; value = low + (++i * step)) { result.add(value); } } } else { result.add(low); } if (error_occurred) { env.warning(trace, "range(): step exceeds the specified range"); return Memory.FALSE; } return result.toConstant(); } private static Memory _range_long(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, long low, long high, long step) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); boolean error_occurred = false; if (step < 0) { step *= -1; } if (low > high) { /* Negative steps */ if (low - high < step || step <= 0) { error_occurred = true; } else { for (; low >= high; low -= step) { result.add(low); } } } else if (high > low) { /* Positive steps */ if (high - low < step || step <= 0) { error_occurred = true; } else { for (; low <= high; low += step) { result.add(low); } } } else { result.add(low); } if (error_occurred) { env.warning(trace, "range(): step exceeds the specified range"); return Memory.FALSE; } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory range(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory low, Memory high, Memory step) { if (low.getRealType() == Memory.Type.DOUBLE || high.getRealType() == Memory.Type.DOUBLE || step.getRealType() == Memory.Type.DOUBLE) { return _range_double(env, trace, low.toDouble(), high.toDouble(), step.toDouble()); } else { return _range_long(env, trace, low.toLong(), high.toLong(), step.toLong()); } } public static Memory range(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory low, Memory high) { return range(env, trace, low, high, Memory.CONST_INT_1); } public static Memory array_fill(int start, int num, Memory value) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); if (start >= 0) { for (int i = start; i < start + num; i++) { if (start == 0) { result.add(value); } else { result.refOfIndex(i).assign(value); } } } else { result.refOfIndex(start).assign(value); for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++) { result.refOfIndex(i).assign(value); } } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory array_fill_keys(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory keys, Memory value) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, keys, ARRAY)) { ForeachIterator iterator = keys.getNewIterator(env); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); while ( { result.refOfIndex(iterator.getValue()).assign(value.toImmutable()); } return result.toConstant(); } else { return new ArrayMemory().toConstant(); } } public static Memory array_unique(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array) { return array_unique(env, trace, array, 0); } public static Memory array_unique(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array, int flag) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { Set<Object> keys = new TreeSet<>(); ArrayMemory newArray = new ArrayMemory(); ForeachIterator iterator = array.getNewIterator(env); while ( { Object key; switch (flag) { case 1: key = iterator.getValue().toLong(); break; case 2: key = iterator.getValue().toBinaryString(); break; case 5: key = iterator.getValue().toString(); break; case 0: default: key = iterator.getValue().toString(); break; } if (keys.add(key)) { newArray.put(iterator.getKey(), iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } } return newArray.toConstant(); } return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_replace(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array, Memory replacement, Memory... replacements) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY) && expecting(env, trace, 2, replacement, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory result = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class).duplicate(); for (int i = 0; i < (replacements == null ? 0 : replacements.length) + 1; i++) { if (i > 0) { replacement = replacements[i - 1]; if (!expecting(env, trace, i + 2, replacement, ARRAY)) { return Memory.NULL; } } ForeachIterator iterator = replacement.getNewIterator(env); while ( { result.put(iterator.getKey(), iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } } return result.toConstant(); } return Memory.NULL; } interface ArrayDiffCallback { boolean apply(Memory keyValue, Memory value, Memory keyComparable, Memory comparable) throws Throwable; } protected static Memory _array_diff_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array1, Memory array, Memory[] arrays, ArrayDiffCallback callback) throws Throwable { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array1, ARRAY) && expecting(env, trace, 2, array, ARRAY)) { ForeachIterator iterator = array1.getNewIterator(env); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); while ( { Memory value = iterator.getValue(); boolean exists = false; for (int i = 0; i < (arrays == null ? 0 : arrays.length) +1; i++){ if (i > 0) { array = arrays[i - 1]; if (!expecting(env, trace, i + 2, array, ARRAY)) { return Memory.NULL; } } ForeachIterator newIterator = array.getNewIterator(env); while ( { if (callback.apply(iterator.getMemoryKey(), value, newIterator.getMemoryKey(), newIterator.getValue())) { exists = true; break; } } if (exists) break; } if (!exists) { result.put(iterator.getKey(), value.toImmutable()); } } return result.toConstant(); } return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory array_diff(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array1, Memory array, Memory... arrays) throws Throwable { return _array_diff_impl(env, trace, array1, array, arrays, new ArrayDiffCallback() { @Override public boolean apply(Memory keyValue, Memory value, Memory keyComparable, Memory comparable) { return value.toString().equals(comparable.toString()); } }); } public static Memory array_diff_key(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array1, Memory array, Memory... arrays) throws Throwable { return _array_diff_impl(env, trace, array1, array, arrays, new ArrayDiffCallback() { @Override public boolean apply(Memory keyValue, Memory value, Memory keyComparable, Memory comparable) { return keyValue.equal(keyComparable); } }); } public static Memory array_diff_assoc(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array1, Memory array, Memory... arrays) throws Throwable { return _array_diff_impl(env, trace, array1, array, arrays, new ArrayDiffCallback() { @Override public boolean apply(Memory keyValue, Memory value, Memory keyComparable, Memory comparable) { return keyValue.equal(keyComparable) && value.toString().equals(comparable.toString()); } }); } protected static Memory _array_udiff_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array1, Memory array, final boolean assoc, Memory... arrays) throws Throwable { if (arrays == null) { expectingCallback(env, trace, 3, Memory.NULL); return Memory.NULL; } Memory callback = arrays[arrays.length - 1]; final Invoker expectingCallback = expectingCallback(env, trace, arrays.length + 2, callback); if (expectingCallback != null) { return _array_diff_impl(env, trace, array1, array, Arrays.copyOf(arrays, arrays.length - 1), new ArrayDiffCallback() { @Override public boolean apply(Memory keyValue, Memory value, Memory keyComparable, Memory comparable) throws Throwable { if (assoc && keyValue.notEqual(keyComparable)) { return false; } Memory memory =, comparable); return memory.toInteger() == 0; } }); } else { return Memory.NULL; } } public static Memory array_udiff(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array1, Memory array, Memory... arrays) throws Throwable { return _array_udiff_impl(env, trace, array1, array, false, arrays); } public static Memory array_udiff_assoc(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array1, Memory array, Memory... arrays) throws Throwable { return _array_udiff_impl(env, trace, array1, array, true, arrays); } public static Memory array_slice(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array, int offset) { return array_slice(env, trace, array, offset, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory array_slice(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array, int offset, Memory length) { return array_slice(env, trace, array, offset, length, false); } public static Memory array_slice(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory array, int offset, Memory length, boolean preserveKeys) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory arrayMemory = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); try { return (length.isNull() ? arrayMemory.slice(offset, preserveKeys) : arrayMemory.slice(offset, length.toInteger(), preserveKeys)).toConstant(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return new ArrayMemory().toConstant(); } } else { return Memory.NULL; } } protected static Comparator<Memory> makeComparatorForUSort(final Environment env, final Invoker invoker) { return new Comparator<Memory>() { @Override public int compare(Memory o1, Memory o2) { if (invoker == null) { return 0; } try { return, o2).toInteger(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { env.forwardThrow(throwable); return 0; } } }; } protected static Comparator makeComparatorForSort(int flags, final boolean revert) { switch (flags) { case ArrayConstants.SORT_NUMERIC: return new Comparator<Memory>() { @Override public int compare(Memory o1, Memory o2) { o1 = o1.toNumeric(); o2 = o2.toNumeric(); return o1.equal(o2) ? 0 : (o1.greater(o2) ? 1 : -1) * (revert ? -1 : 1); } }; case SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE: case SORT_LOCALE_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE: return new Comparator<Memory>() { @Override public int compare(Memory o1, Memory o2) { String s1 = o1.toString(); String s2 = o2.toString(); int cmp = s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); return cmp == 0 ? 0 : (cmp < 0 ? -1 : 1) * (revert ? -1 : 1); } }; case SORT_STRING: case SORT_LOCALE_STRING: return new Comparator<Memory>() { @Override public int compare(Memory o1, Memory o2) { String s1 = o1.toString(); String s2 = o2.toString(); int cmp = s1.compareTo(s2); return cmp == 0 ? 0 : (cmp < 0 ? -1 : 1) * (revert ? -1 : 1); } }; case SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE: return new NaturalOrderComparator(true, revert); case SORT_NATURAL: return new NaturalOrderComparator(false, revert); case ArrayConstants.SORT_REGULAR: default: return new Comparator<Memory>() { @Override public int compare(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2) * (revert ? -1 : 1); } }; } } protected static boolean _sort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags, boolean revert) { return _sort_impl(env, trace, array, makeComparatorForSort(flags, revert)); } protected static boolean _sort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Comparator comparator) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory arrayMemory = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); Memory[] values = arrayMemory.values(); arrayMemory.clear(); try { Arrays.sort(values, comparator); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; } for (Memory value : values) { arrayMemory.add(value); } return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean sort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return sort(env, trace, array, 0); } public static boolean sort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags) { return _sort_impl(env, trace, array, flags, false); } public static boolean rsort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return rsort(env, trace, array, 0); } public static boolean rsort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags) { return _sort_impl(env, trace, array, flags, true); } protected static boolean _asort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags, boolean revert) { return _asort_impl(env, trace, array, makeComparatorForSort(flags, revert)); } protected static boolean _asort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Comparator comparator) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory arrayMemory = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); Memory[] values = new Memory[arrayMemory.size()]; ForeachIterator iterator = arrayMemory.getNewIterator(env); int i = 0; while ( { values[i++] = new KeyValueMemory(iterator.getMemoryKey(), iterator.getValue()); } arrayMemory.clear(); try { Arrays.sort(values, comparator); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; } for (Memory value : values) { arrayMemory.add(value); } return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean asort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return asort(env, trace, array, 0); } public static boolean asort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags) { return _asort_impl(env, trace, array, flags, false); } public static boolean arsort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return arsort(env, trace, array, 0); } public static boolean arsort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags) { return _asort_impl(env, trace, array, flags, true); } public static boolean natsort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return _asort_impl(env, trace, array, SORT_NATURAL, false); } public static boolean natcasesort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return _asort_impl(env, trace, array, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE, false); } protected static boolean _ksort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags, boolean revert) { return _ksort_impl(env, trace, array, makeComparatorForSort(flags, revert)); } protected static boolean _ksort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Comparator comparator) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, ARRAY)) { ArrayMemory arrayMemory = array.toValue(ArrayMemory.class); Memory[] values = new Memory[arrayMemory.size()]; ForeachIterator iterator = arrayMemory.getNewIterator(env); int i = 0; while ( { values[i++] = iterator.getMemoryKey(); } //arrayMemory.clear(); try { Arrays.sort(values, comparator); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; } ArrayMemory newArray = new ArrayMemory(); for (Memory value : values) { newArray.refOfIndex(value).assign(arrayMemory.valueOfIndex(value)); arrayMemory.remove(value); } array.assign(newArray); return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean ksort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return ksort(env, trace, array, 0); } public static boolean ksort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags) { return _ksort_impl(env, trace, array, flags, false); } public static boolean krsort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array) { return krsort(env, trace, array, 0); } public static boolean krsort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, int flags) { return _ksort_impl(env, trace, array, flags, true); } protected static boolean _usort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Memory callback) { Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 2, callback); if (invoker != null) { return _sort_impl(env, trace, array, makeComparatorForUSort(env, invoker)); } else { return false; } } public static boolean usort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Memory callback) { return _usort_impl(env, trace, array, callback); } protected static boolean _uasort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Memory callback) { Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 2, callback); if (invoker != null) { return _asort_impl(env, trace, array, makeComparatorForUSort(env, invoker)); } else { return false; } } public static boolean uasort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Memory callback) { return _uasort_impl(env, trace, array, callback); } protected static boolean _uksort_impl(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Memory callback) { Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 2, callback); if (invoker != null) { return _ksort_impl(env, trace, array, makeComparatorForUSort(env, invoker)); } else { return false; } } public static boolean uksort(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Reference Memory array, Memory callback) { return _uksort_impl(env, trace, array, callback); } }