package php.runtime.reflection; import php.runtime.Memory; import php.runtime.annotation.Reflection; import php.runtime.common.LangMode; import php.runtime.common.Messages; import php.runtime.common.Modifier; import php.runtime.common.StringUtils; import php.runtime.env.ConcurrentEnvironment; import php.runtime.env.Context; import php.runtime.env.Environment; import php.runtime.env.TraceInfo; import php.runtime.exceptions.CriticalException; import php.runtime.exceptions.FatalException; import; import; import; import php.runtime.invoke.InvokeArgumentHelper; import php.runtime.invoke.ObjectInvokeHelper; import php.runtime.invoke.cache.PropertyCallCache; import php.runtime.lang.ForeachIterator; import php.runtime.lang.IObject; import; import php.runtime.memory.ArrayMemory; import php.runtime.memory.ReferenceMemory; import php.runtime.memory.StringMemory; import; import; import php.runtime.wrap.ClassWrapper; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; public class ClassEntity extends Entity implements Cloneable { private final static int FLAG_GET = 4000; private final static int FLAG_SET = 4001; private final static int FLAG_ISSET = 4002; private final static int FLAG_UNSET = 4003; // types public enum Type { CLASS, INTERFACE, TRAIT } private long id; protected int methodCounts = 0; protected boolean isInternal; protected boolean isNotRuntime; protected Extension extension; protected Class<?> nativeClazz; protected Constructor nativeConstructor; protected Method nativeInitEnvironment; protected ModuleEntity module; protected final Map<String, MethodEntity> methods; public MethodEntity methodConstruct; public MethodEntity methodDestruct; public MethodEntity methodMagicSet; public MethodEntity methodMagicGet; public MethodEntity methodMagicUnset; public MethodEntity methodMagicIsset; public MethodEntity methodMagicCall; public MethodEntity methodMagicCallStatic; public MethodEntity methodMagicInvoke; public MethodEntity methodMagicToString; public MethodEntity methodMagicClone; public MethodEntity methodMagicSleep; public MethodEntity methodMagicWakeup; public MethodEntity methodMagicDebugInfo; protected MethodEntity constructor; protected final Map<String, ClassEntity> interfaces; protected final Map<String, ClassEntity> traits; public final Map<String, ConstantEntity> constants; public final Map<String, PropertyEntity> properties; public final Map<String, PropertyEntity> staticProperties; public final Set<String> instanceOfList = new HashSet<String>(); protected ClassEntity parent; protected DocumentComment docComment; protected boolean isAbstract = false; protected boolean isFinal = false; protected Type type = Type.CLASS; protected boolean isStatic; protected static final ClassEntity magicSignatureClass = new ClassEntity(new ClassWrapper(null, MagicSignatureClass.class)); public ClassEntity(Context context) { super(context); this.methods = new LinkedHashMap<String, MethodEntity>(); this.interfaces = new LinkedHashMap<String, ClassEntity>(); this.traits = new LinkedHashMap<String, ClassEntity>(); = new LinkedHashMap<String, PropertyEntity>(); this.staticProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, PropertyEntity>(); this.constants = new LinkedHashMap<String, ConstantEntity>(); this.isInternal = false; } public ClassEntity(ClassWrapper wrapper) { this((Context) null); wrapper.onWrap(this); } public void setExtension(Extension extension) { this.extension = extension; } public String getCompiledInternalName() { return super.getInternalName(); } @Override public String getInternalName() { /*if (isTrait()) { depricated check, todo remove. throw new CriticalException("Disable of using internal names for traits, trait '" + getName() + "'"); } */ return super.getInternalName(); } public boolean isStatic() { return isStatic; } public void setStatic(boolean aStatic) { isStatic = aStatic; } public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public boolean isInternal() { return isInternal; } public boolean isTrait() { return type == Type.TRAIT; } public void setInternal(boolean isInternal) { this.isInternal = isInternal; } public boolean isNotRuntime() { return isNotRuntime; } public void setNotRuntime(boolean isNotRuntime) { this.isNotRuntime = isNotRuntime; } public void doneDeclare() { if (isClass()) { methodConstruct = methods.get("__construct"); if (methodConstruct != null && (methodConstruct.getPrototype() == null || !methodConstruct.getPrototype().isAbstractable())) methodConstruct.setDynamicSignature(true); methodDestruct = methods.get("__destruct"); methodMagicSet = methods.get("__set"); methodMagicGet = methods.get("__get"); methodMagicUnset = methods.get("__unset"); methodMagicIsset = methods.get("__isset"); methodMagicCall = methods.get("__call"); methodMagicCallStatic = methods.get("__callstatic"); methodMagicInvoke = methods.get("__invoke"); methodMagicToString = methods.get("__tostring"); methodMagicClone = methods.get("__clone"); methodMagicSleep = methods.get("__sleep"); methodMagicWakeup = methods.get("__wakeup"); methodMagicDebugInfo = methods.get("__debuginfo"); } } /* ClassReader classReader; if (data != null) classReader = new ClassReader(data); else { try { classReader = new ClassReader(nativeClazz.getName()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CriticalException(e); } } ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(); classReader.accept(classNode, 0); return cachedClassNode = classNode; */ public Extension getExtension() { return extension; } public boolean isDeprecated() { return false; // TODO } public boolean isAbstract() { return isAbstract; } public void setAbstract(boolean anAbstract) { isAbstract = anAbstract; } public boolean isFinal() { return isFinal; } public void setFinal(boolean aFinal) { isFinal = aFinal; } public Type getType() { return type; } public boolean isInterface() { return type == Type.INTERFACE; } public boolean isClass() { return type == Type.CLASS; } public boolean isHiddenInCallStack() { return false; } public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } public Map<String, MethodEntity> getMethods() { return methods; } public int getMethodCounts() { return methodCounts; } public void __setMethodCounts(int methodCounts) { this.methodCounts = methodCounts; } public List<MethodEntity> getOwnedMethods() { List<MethodEntity> result = new ArrayList<MethodEntity>(); for (MethodEntity el : methods.values()) { if (el.isOwned(this)) result.add(el); } return result; } public SignatureResult addMethod(MethodEntity method, String realName) { String name = realName == null ? method.getLowerName() : realName; SignatureResult addResult = new SignatureResult(); if (method.isAbstract && method.isFinal) { addResult.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.FINAL_ABSTRACT, method)); } else if (method.isAbstractable() && !(method.isAbstract || type == Type.INTERFACE)) { addResult.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.NON_ABSTRACT, method)); } else if (method.isAbstract && !method.isAbstractable()) { addResult.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.NON_ABSTRACTABLE, method)); } else if (method.isAbstract && !(this.isAbstract || isTrait())) { addResult.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.NON_EXISTS, method)); } else if (type == Type.INTERFACE && (method.modifier != Modifier.PUBLIC || method.isFinal)) { addResult.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.INVALID_ACCESS_FOR_INTERFACE, method)); } if (magicSignatureClass != null) { MethodEntity systemMethod = magicSignatureClass.findMethod(name.toLowerCase()); if (systemMethod != null && method.clazz.getId() == getId()) { if (method.prototype == null) method.setPrototype(systemMethod); if (systemMethod.getModifier() == Modifier.PUBLIC && method.getModifier() != Modifier.PUBLIC) { addResult.add(InvalidMethod.warning(InvalidMethod.Kind.MAGIC_MUST_BE_PUBLIC, method)); //method.setModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC); } if (!systemMethod.equalsBySignature(method, false)) { addResult.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.INVALID_SIGNATURE, method)); } else if (systemMethod.isStatic && !method.isStatic) addResult.add(InvalidMethod.warning(InvalidMethod.Kind.MUST_STATIC, method)); else if (!systemMethod.isStatic && method.isStatic) { //method.setStatic(false); addResult.add(InvalidMethod.warning(InvalidMethod.Kind.MUST_NON_STATIC, method)); } } } if (parent == null || (!name.equals(parent.lowerName) || !methods.containsKey(name))) this.methods.put(name, method); if (name.equals(lowerName) && !isTrait()) { methods.put("__construct", method); } return addResult; } public int nextMethodIndex() { return methodCounts++; } public MethodEntity findMethod(String name) { return methods.get(name); } public ConstantEntity findConstant(String name) { return constants.get(name); } // use can pass specific names public PropertyEntity findProperty(String name) { int pos = name.lastIndexOf('\0'); if (pos > -1 && pos + 1 < name.length()) name = name.substring(pos + 1); return properties.get(name); } public PropertyEntity findStaticProperty(String name) { return staticProperties.get(name); } public ClassEntity getParent() { return parent; } public boolean isInstanceOf(Class<? extends IObject> clazz) { return isInstanceOf(ReflectionUtils.getClassName(clazz)); } public boolean isInstanceOf(ClassEntity what) { return what != null && (id == || instanceOfList.contains(what.lowerName)); } public boolean isInstanceOf(String name) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); String lowerName = name.toLowerCase(); return instanceOfList.contains(lowerName) || this.lowerName.equals(lowerName); } public boolean isInstanceOfLower(String lowerName) { if (lowerName == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return instanceOfList.contains(lowerName) || this.lowerName.equals(lowerName); } public SignatureResult updateParentMethods() { SignatureResult result = new SignatureResult(); if (parent != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, MethodEntity> entry : parent.getMethods().entrySet()) { MethodEntity implMethod = findMethod(entry.getKey()); MethodEntity method = entry.getValue(); if (implMethod == method) continue; if (implMethod == null) { SignatureResult addResult = addMethod(method, entry.getKey()); if (methodConstruct == null && !isTrait() && method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(parent.getName())) { if (!method.isAbstractable() && !methods.containsKey("__construct")) { method.setDynamicSignature(true); methods.put("__construct", method); } } result.methods.addAll(addResult.methods); } else { implMethod.setPrototype(method); if (method.isFinal) result.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.FINAL, implMethod)); if (!isAbstract && method.isAbstract && implMethod.isAbstract) result.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.NON_EXISTS, implMethod)); if (!implMethod.equalsBySignature(method)) { if (!method.isDynamicSignature() || method.isAbstractable()) { boolean isStrict = true; MethodEntity pr = method; while (pr != null) { if (pr.isAbstractable()) { isStrict = false; break; } pr = method.getPrototype(); } result.add( !isStrict ? InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.INVALID_SIGNATURE, implMethod) : InvalidMethod.strict(InvalidMethod.Kind.INVALID_SIGNATURE, implMethod) ); } } else if (implMethod.isStatic() && !method.isStatic()) { result.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.MUST_NON_STATIC, implMethod)); } else if (!implMethod.isStatic() && method.isStatic()) { result.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.MUST_STATIC, implMethod)); } if (method.isPublic() && !implMethod.isPublic()) result.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.MUST_BE_PUBLIC, implMethod)); else if (method.isProtected() && implMethod.isPrivate()) result.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.MUST_BE_PROTECTED, implMethod)); } } doneDeclare(); } return result; } public ExtendsResult setParent(ClassEntity parent) { return setParent(parent, true); } public ExtendsResult setParent(ClassEntity parent, boolean updateParentMethods) { ExtendsResult result = new ExtendsResult(parent); if (this.parent != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot re-assign parent for classes"); } this.parent = parent; if (parent != null) { if (parent.useJavaLikeNames) { this.useJavaLikeNames = true; } this.methodCounts = parent.methodCounts; this.instanceOfList.add(parent.getLowerName()); this.instanceOfList.addAll(parent.instanceOfList); this.interfaces.putAll(parent.interfaces);; this.staticProperties.putAll(parent.staticProperties); this.constants.putAll(parent.constants); } if (updateParentMethods) result.methods = updateParentMethods(); return result; } /** * return empty list if success else list with not valid implemented methods in class * * @param _interface * @return */ public ImplementsResult addInterface(ClassEntity _interface) { ImplementsResult result = new ImplementsResult(_interface); for (ConstantEntity e : _interface.constants.values()) { ConstantEntity origin = constants.get(e.getName()); if (origin != null && e.getClazz().getId() == _interface.getId() && (parent == null || parent.constants.get(e.getName()) == null)) result.signature.addConstant(InvalidConstant.error(origin, e)); } this.constants.putAll(_interface.constants); this.interfaces.put(_interface.getLowerName(), _interface); this.instanceOfList.add(_interface.getLowerName()); this.instanceOfList.addAll(_interface.instanceOfList); for (MethodEntity method : _interface.getMethods().values()) { MethodEntity implMethod = findMethod(method.getLowerName()); if (implMethod == method) continue; if (implMethod == null) { addMethod(method, null); if (type == Type.CLASS && !isAbstract) result.signature.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.NON_EXISTS, method)); } else { implMethod.setPrototype(method); if (/*!method.isDynamicSignature() &&*/ !implMethod.equalsBySignature(method)) { // checking dynamic for only extends result.signature.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.INVALID_SIGNATURE, implMethod)); } else if (implMethod.isStatic() && !method.isStatic()) { result.signature.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.MUST_NON_STATIC, implMethod)); } else if (!implMethod.isStatic() && method.isStatic()) { result.signature.add(InvalidMethod.error(InvalidMethod.Kind.MUST_STATIC, implMethod)); } } } return result; } public Map<String, ClassEntity> getInterfaces() { return interfaces; } public void addTrait(ClassEntity trait) { if (!trait.isTrait()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + trait.getName() + "' is not a trait"); this.traits.put(trait.getLowerName(), trait); } public boolean hasTrait(String traitLowerName) { return this.traits.containsKey(traitLowerName); } public Map<String, ClassEntity> getTraits() { return traits; } public Collection<ConstantEntity> getConstants() { return constants.values(); } public Collection<PropertyEntity> getProperties() { return properties.values(); } public Collection<PropertyEntity> getStaticProperties() { return staticProperties.values(); } public void addConstant(ConstantEntity constant) { constants.put(constant.getName(), constant); constant.setClazz(this); } public void addDynamicConstant(Environment env, String name, Memory value) { ConstantEntity entity = constants.get(name); env.getOrCreateStatic(entity.getInternalName(), value); } public void addDynamicStaticProperty(Environment env, String name, Memory value) { PropertyEntity prop = staticProperties.get(name); env.getOrCreateStatic(prop.specificName, value); } public void addDynamicProperty(Environment env, String name, Memory value) { PropertyEntity prop = properties.get(name); env.getOrCreateStatic(prop.getInternalName(), value); } public PropertyResult addProperty(PropertyEntity property) { PropertyResult result = new PropertyResult(); PropertyEntity prototype = null; if (property.isStatic()) { prototype = staticProperties.get(property.getLowerName()); if (prototype != null && prototype.getModifier() != property.getModifier()) { property.setPrototype(prototype); } if (prototype == null) prototype = properties.get(property.getName()); staticProperties.put(property.getName(), property); } else { prototype = properties.get(property.getLowerName()); if (prototype != null && prototype.getModifier() != property.getModifier()) { property.setPrototype(prototype); } if (prototype == null) prototype = staticProperties.get(property.getName()); properties.put(property.getName(), property); } if (prototype != null) { if (property.getPrototype() != null) { if (prototype.isProtected() && property.isPrivate()) { result.addError(InvalidProperty.Kind.MUST_BE_PROTECTED, property); } if (prototype.isPublic() && !property.isPublic()) { result.addError(InvalidProperty.Kind.MUST_BE_PUBLIC, property); } } boolean overridden = property.modifier.ordinal() > prototype.modifier.ordinal(); if (!property.isPrivate() && property.modifier == prototype.modifier) overridden = true; if (property.isPublic() && prototype.isProtected()) overridden = true; if (prototype.isStatic() && !property.isStatic()) { if (overridden) { property.setPrototype(prototype); result.addError(InvalidProperty.Kind.STATIC_AS_NON_STATIC, property); } } else if (property.isStatic() && !prototype.isStatic()) { if (overridden) { property.setPrototype(prototype); result.addError(InvalidProperty.Kind.NON_STATIC_AS_STATIC, property); } } } property.setClazz(this); return result; } protected void addStaticProperty(PropertyEntity property) { if (!property.isStatic()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property must be static"); staticProperties.put(property.getLowerName(), property); property.setClazz(this); } public MethodEntity getConstructor() { return constructor; } public void setConstructor(MethodEntity constructor) { this.constructor = constructor; constructor.setClazz(this); } public DocumentComment getDocComment() { return docComment; } public void setDocComment(DocumentComment docComment) { this.docComment = docComment; } public Class<?> getNativeClass() { return nativeClazz; } @Deprecated public Class<?> getNativeClazz() { return nativeClazz; } protected static void invalidAccessToProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, PropertyEntity entity, int accessFlag) { switch (accessFlag) { case 1: env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_ERROR, Messages.ERR_ACCESS_TO_PROTECTED_PROPERTY.fetch( entity.getClazz().getName(), entity.getName() )); case 2: env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_ERROR, Messages.ERR_ACCESS_TO_PRIVATE_PROPERTY.fetch( entity.getClazz().getName(), entity.getName() )); } } public void setNativeClazz(Class<?> nativeClazz) { this.nativeClazz = nativeClazz; if (nativeClazz.getAnnotation(Reflection.UseJavaLikeNames.class) != null) { useJavaLikeNames = true; } if (!nativeClazz.isInterface()) { try { this.nativeConstructor = nativeClazz.getConstructor(Environment.class, ClassEntity.class); this.nativeConstructor.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { this.nativeConstructor = null; //if (IObject.class.isAssignableFrom(getNativeClass().getClass())) // throw new CriticalException(e); } if (!this.isInternal) { try { if (isTrait()) { this.nativeInitEnvironment = nativeClazz.getDeclaredMethod( "__$initEnvironment", Environment.class, String.class ); } else { this.nativeInitEnvironment = nativeClazz.getDeclaredMethod( "__$initEnvironment", Environment.class ); } this.nativeInitEnvironment.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { this.nativeInitEnvironment = null; } } } } public ModuleEntity getModule() { return module; } public void setModule(ModuleEntity module) { this.module = module; } public void initEnvironment(Environment env) { if (isClass() && nativeInitEnvironment != null) { try { nativeInitEnvironment.invoke(null, env); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { env.__throwException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new CriticalException(e); } } if (!traits.isEmpty()) { Set<ClassEntity> used = new HashSet<ClassEntity>(); try { for (ClassEntity trait : traits.values()) { trait.initTraitEnvironment(env, this, used); } } catch (Exception e) { env.catchUncaught(e); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new CriticalException(e); } } } protected void initTraitEnvironment(Environment env, ClassEntity originClass, Set<ClassEntity> used) throws Throwable { if (nativeInitEnvironment != null) { try { nativeInitEnvironment.invoke(null, env, originClass.getName()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { env.__throwException(e); } } for (ClassEntity trait : traits.values()) { if (used.add(trait)) { trait.initTraitEnvironment(env, originClass, used); } } } public <T extends IObject> T newObjectWithoutConstruct(Environment env) { IObject object = null; try { if (nativeConstructor != null) object = (IObject) nativeConstructor.newInstance(env, this); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { env.__throwException(e); return null; } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new CriticalException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new CriticalException(e); } return (T) object; } public <T extends IObject> T newMock(Environment env) throws Throwable { if (nativeConstructor == null) { env.error(env.trace(), ErrorType.E_CORE_ERROR, "Cannot find a java constructor %s(Environment, ClassEntity)", getName()); } try { IObject object = (IObject) nativeConstructor.newInstance(env, this); object.setAsMock(); return (T) object; } catch (InstantiationException e) { return null; } } public <T extends IObject> T newObject(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, boolean doConstruct, Memory... args) throws Throwable { if (isAbstract) { env.error(trace, "Cannot instantiate abstract class %s", name); } else if (type == Type.INTERFACE) { env.error(trace, "Cannot instantiate interface %s", name); } else if (type == Type.TRAIT) { env.error(trace, "Cannot instantiate trait %s", name); } IObject object; try { if (nativeConstructor == null) { env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_CORE_ERROR, "Cannot find a java constructor %s(Environment, ClassEntity)", getName()); } object = (IObject) nativeConstructor.newInstance(env, this); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { env.__throwException(e); return null; } ArrayMemory props = object.getProperties(); for (PropertyEntity property : getProperties()) { if (id == property.clazz.getId() && property.getGetter() == null) { props.putAsKeyString( property.getSpecificName(), property.getDefaultValue(env).toImmutable() ); } } ClassEntity tmp = parent; while (tmp != null) { long otherId = tmp.getId(); for (PropertyEntity property : tmp.getProperties()) { if (property.getClazz().getId() == otherId && property.getGetter() == null) { if (property.modifier != Modifier.PROTECTED || props.getByScalar(property.getName()) == null) props.getByScalarOrCreate( property.getSpecificName(), property.getDefaultValue(env).toImmutable() ); } } tmp = tmp.parent; } if (doConstruct && methodConstruct != null) { ObjectInvokeHelper.invokeMethod(object, methodConstruct, env, trace, args, true); } return (T) object; } public <T extends IObject> T cloneObject(T value, Environment env, TraceInfo trace) throws Throwable { IObject copy = this.newObjectWithoutConstruct(env); ForeachIterator iterator = value.getProperties().foreachIterator(false, false); ArrayMemory props = copy.getProperties(); while ( { Object key = iterator.getKey(); if (key instanceof String) { String name = (String) key; if (name.indexOf('\0') > -1) name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('\0') + 1); PropertyEntity entity = properties.get(name); if (entity != null) { if (props.getByScalar(entity.getSpecificName()) == null) props.put(entity.getSpecificName(), iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } else props.put(key, iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } else props.put(key, iterator.getValue().toImmutable()); } if (methodMagicClone != null) { ObjectInvokeHelper.invokeMethod(copy, methodMagicClone, env, trace, null, true); } return (T) copy; } public Memory concatProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return new StringMemory(o1.concat(o2)); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public Memory plusProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, final ReferenceMemory oldValue) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { if (oldValue != null) oldValue.assign(o1); return; } }, null, 0); } public Memory minusProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, final ReferenceMemory oldValue) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { if (oldValue != null) oldValue.assign(o1); return o1.minus(o2); } }, null, 0); } public Memory mulProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.mul(o2); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public Memory divProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.div(o2); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public Memory modProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.mod(o2); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public Memory bitAndProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.bitAnd(o2); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public Memory bitOrProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.bitOr(o2); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public Memory bitXorProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.bitXor(o2); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public Memory bitShrProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.bitShr(o2); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public Memory bitShlProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, new SetterCallback() { @Override public Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2) { return o1.bitShl(o2); } }, callCache, cacheIndex); } public void appendProperty(IObject object, String property, Memory value) { object.getProperties().put(property, value); } public Memory refOfProperty(ArrayMemory props, String name) { PropertyEntity entity = properties.get(name); return props.refOfIndex(entity == null ? name : entity.getSpecificName()); } public Memory setProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, Memory memory, SetterCallback callback, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { ReferenceMemory value; PropertyEntity entity = callCache == null ? null : callCache.get(env, cacheIndex); if (entity == null) { ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); entity = isInstanceOf(context) ? : properties.get(property); if (callCache != null && entity != null) { callCache.put(env, cacheIndex, entity); } } if (entity == null) { PropertyEntity staticEntity = staticProperties.get(property); if (staticEntity != null) { invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, staticEntity, staticEntity.canAccess(env)); env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_STRICT, Messages.ERR_ACCESSING_STATIC_PROPERTY_AS_NON_STATIC, staticEntity.getClazz().getName(), staticEntity.getName() ); } } int accessFlag = entity == null ? 0 : entity.canAccess(env); ArrayMemory props = object.getProperties(); if (entity != null) { if (entity.setter != null) { if (callback != null) memory = callback.invoke(getProperty(env, trace, object, property, null, 0), memory); try { ObjectInvokeHelper.invokeMethod(object, entity.setter, env, trace, new Memory[]{memory}, false); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (!object.getReflection().isInstanceOf(entity.setter.getClazz())) { return setProperty(env, trace, object, property, memory, callback, null, 0); } throw e; } return memory; } else if (entity.getter != null) { env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, Messages.ERR_READONLY_PROPERTY.fetch(entity.getClazz().getName(), property)); } } value = props == null || accessFlag != 0 ? null : props.getByScalar(entity == null ? property : entity.specificName); if (value == null) { boolean recursive = false; ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); if (context != null && methodMagicSet != null && context.getId() == methodMagicSet.getClazz().getId()) { recursive = env.peekCall(0).flags == FLAG_SET; } if (methodMagicSet != null && !recursive) { StringMemory memoryProperty = new StringMemory(property); if (callback != null) { Memory o1 = Memory.NULL; if (methodMagicGet != null) { try { Memory[] args = new Memory[]{memoryProperty}; env.pushCall( trace, object, args, methodMagicGet.getName(), methodMagicSet.getClazz().getName(), name ); env.peekCall(0).flags = FLAG_GET; InvokeArgumentHelper.checkType(env, trace, methodMagicGet, args); o1 = methodMagicGet.invokeDynamic(object, env, memoryProperty); } finally { env.popCall(); } } memory = callback.invoke(o1, memory); } try { Memory[] args = new Memory[]{memoryProperty, memory}; env.pushCall(trace, object, args, methodMagicSet.getName(), methodMagicSet.getClazz().getName(), name); env.peekCall(0).flags = FLAG_SET; InvokeArgumentHelper.checkType(env, trace, methodMagicSet, args); methodMagicSet.invokeDynamic(object, env, args); } finally { env.popCall(); } } else { /*if (accessFlag != 0) { invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, entity, accessFlag); return Memory.NULL; }*/ if (callback != null) memory = callback.invoke(Memory.NULL, memory); String name = property; if (entity != null) { if (accessFlag != 0 && context == null) { switch (accessFlag) { case 2: if (object.getReflection().getId() == entity.getClazz().getId()) { invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, entity, accessFlag); return Memory.NULL; } break; case 1: invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, entity, accessFlag); return Memory.NULL; } } if (context != null) { switch (entity.modifier) { case PRIVATE: if (entity.getClazz().getId() == context.getId()) name = entity.specificName; break; case PROTECTED: if (context.isInstanceOf(entity.getClazz())) name = entity.specificName; } } } return props == null ? Memory.NULL : (entity == null ? props.refOfIndex(name).assign(memory) : entity.assignValue(env, trace, object, name, memory)); } } else { if (callback != null) memory = callback.invoke(value, memory); if (entity instanceof CompilePropertyEntity) { return entity.assignValue(env, trace, object, property, memory); } return value.assign(memory); } return memory; } public Memory unsetProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, PropertyCallCache callCache, int index) throws Throwable { ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); PropertyEntity entity = isInstanceOf(context) ? : properties.get(property); int accessFlag = entity == null ? 0 : entity.canAccess(env); if (entity == null) { PropertyEntity staticEntity = staticProperties.get(property); if (staticEntity != null) { invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, staticEntity, staticEntity.canAccess(env)); } } ArrayMemory props = object.getProperties(); if (props == null || accessFlag != 0 || props.removeByScalar(entity == null ? property : entity.specificName) == null) { if (methodMagicUnset != null) { if (context != null && context.getId() == methodMagicUnset.getClazz().getId()) { if (env.peekCall(0).flags == FLAG_UNSET) { return Memory.NULL; } } try { Memory[] args = new Memory[]{new StringMemory(property)}; env.pushCall(trace, object, args, methodMagicUnset.getName(), methodMagicUnset.getClazz().getName(), name); env.peekCall(0).flags = FLAG_UNSET; InvokeArgumentHelper.checkType(env, trace, methodMagicUnset, args); methodMagicUnset.invokeDynamic(object, env, args); } finally { env.popCall(); } return Memory.NULL; } } if (accessFlag != 0) invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, entity, accessFlag); entity = staticProperties.get(property); if (entity != null) { env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_STRICT, Messages.ERR_ACCESSING_STATIC_PROPERTY_AS_NON_STATIC, entity.getClazz().getName(), entity.getName() ); } return Memory.NULL; } public Memory emptyProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property) throws Throwable { ClassEntity contex = env.getLastClassOnStack(); PropertyEntity entity = isInstanceOf(contex) ? : properties.get(property); int accessFlag = entity == null ? 0 : entity.canAccess(env); ArrayMemory props = object.getProperties(); if (props != null && accessFlag == 0) { Memory tmp = props.getByScalar(entity == null ? property : entity.specificName); if (tmp != null) { return tmp.toBoolean() ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.NULL; } else return Memory.NULL; } if (methodMagicIsset != null) { Memory result; if (contex != null && contex.getId() == methodMagicIsset.getClazz().getId()) { if (env.peekCall(0).flags == FLAG_ISSET) { return object.getProperties().getByScalar(property) != null ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.NULL; } } try { Memory[] args = new Memory[]{new StringMemory(property)}; env.pushCall( trace, object, args, methodMagicIsset.getName(), methodMagicIsset.getClazz().getName(), name ); env.peekCall(0).flags = FLAG_ISSET; InvokeArgumentHelper.checkType(env, trace, methodMagicIsset, new StringMemory(property)); result = methodMagicIsset.invokeDynamic(object, env, new StringMemory(property)) .toBoolean() ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.NULL; } finally { env.popCall(); } return result; } return Memory.NULL; } public Memory issetProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { PropertyEntity entity = callCache == null || env instanceof ConcurrentEnvironment ? null : callCache.get(env, cacheIndex); if (entity == null) { ClassEntity contex = env.getLastClassOnStack(); entity = isInstanceOf(contex) ? : properties.get(property); if (entity != null && callCache != null) { callCache.put(env, cacheIndex, entity); } } int accessFlag = entity == null ? 0 : entity.canAccess(env); ArrayMemory props = object.getProperties(); Memory tmp = props == null || accessFlag != 0 ? null : props.getByScalar(entity == null ? property : entity.specificName); if (tmp != null) return tmp.isNull() ? tmp : Memory.TRUE; if (methodMagicIsset != null) { Memory result; ClassEntity contex = env.getLastClassOnStack(); if (contex != null && contex.getId() == methodMagicIsset.getClazz().getId()) if (env.peekCall(0).flags == FLAG_ISSET) { return object.getProperties().getByScalar(property) != null ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.NULL; } try { Memory[] args = new Memory[]{new StringMemory(property)}; env.pushCall(trace, object, args, methodMagicIsset.getName(), methodMagicIsset.getClazz().getName(), name); env.peekCall(0).flags = FLAG_ISSET; InvokeArgumentHelper.checkType(env, trace, methodMagicIsset, new StringMemory(property)); result = methodMagicIsset.invokeDynamic(object, env, new StringMemory(property)) .toBoolean() ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.NULL; } finally { env.popCall(); } return result; } return Memory.NULL; } public Memory getStaticProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String property, boolean errorIfNotExists, boolean checkAccess, ClassEntity context, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { PropertyEntity entity = callCache == null || env instanceof ConcurrentEnvironment || context != null ? null : callCache.get(env, cacheIndex); if (entity == null) { boolean saveCache = context == null && callCache != null; context = context == null ? env.getLastClassOnStack() : context; entity = isInstanceOf(context) ? context.findStaticProperty(property) : findStaticProperty(property); if (saveCache && entity != null) { callCache.put(env, cacheIndex, entity); } } if (entity == null) { if (errorIfNotExists) env.error(trace, Messages.ERR_ACCESS_TO_UNDECLARED_STATIC_PROPERTY.fetch(name, property)); return Memory.NULL; } if (checkAccess) { int accessFlag = entity.canAccess(env, context); if (accessFlag != 0) { invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, entity, accessFlag); return Memory.NULL; } } return entity.getStaticValue(env, trace); } public Memory getRefProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { Memory value; PropertyEntity entity = callCache == null || env instanceof ConcurrentEnvironment ? null : callCache.get(env, cacheIndex); if (entity == null) { ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); entity = isInstanceOf(context) ? : properties.get(property); if (callCache != null) { callCache.put(env, cacheIndex, entity); } } if (entity == null) { PropertyEntity staticEntity = staticProperties.get(property); if (staticEntity != null) { invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, staticEntity, staticEntity.canAccess(env)); env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_STRICT, Messages.ERR_ACCESSING_STATIC_PROPERTY_AS_NON_STATIC, staticEntity.getClazz().getName(), staticEntity.getName() ); } } int accessFlag = entity == null ? 0 : entity.canAccess(env); ArrayMemory props = object.getProperties(); value = props == null || accessFlag != 0 ? null : props.getByScalar(entity == null ? property : entity.specificName); if (accessFlag != 0) invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, entity, accessFlag); if (value == null) { value = props == null ? new ReferenceMemory() : object.getProperties().refOfIndex(property); if (methodMagicGet != null || methodMagicSet != null) { env.error(trace, props == null ? ErrorType.E_ERROR : ErrorType.E_NOTICE, Messages.ERR_INDIRECT_MODIFICATION_OVERLOADED_PROPERTY, name, property); } } return value; } public Memory getProperty(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, IObject object, String property, PropertyCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable { Memory value; PropertyEntity entity = callCache == null || env instanceof ConcurrentEnvironment ? null : callCache.get(env, cacheIndex); if (entity == null) { ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); entity = isInstanceOf(context) ? : properties.get(property); if (callCache != null && entity != null) { callCache.put(env, cacheIndex, entity); } } if (entity == null) { PropertyEntity staticEntity = staticProperties.get(property); if (staticEntity != null) { invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, staticEntity, staticEntity.canAccess(env)); env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_STRICT, Messages.ERR_ACCESSING_STATIC_PROPERTY_AS_NON_STATIC, staticEntity.getClazz().getName(), staticEntity.getName() ); } } int accessFlag = entity == null ? 0 : entity.canAccess(env); if (entity != null && accessFlag != 0) { value = null; } else { if (entity != null) { value = entity.getValue(env, trace, object); } else { ArrayMemory props = object.getProperties(); value = props == null ? null : props.getByScalar(property); } } if (value != null) return value; if (methodMagicGet != null) { Memory result; ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); if (context != null && context.getId() == methodMagicGet.getClazz().getId()) { if (env.peekCall(0).flags == FLAG_GET) { env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_NOTICE, Messages.ERR_UNDEFINED_PROPERTY, name, property); return Memory.NULL; } } try { Memory[] args = new Memory[]{new StringMemory(property)}; env.pushCall(trace, object, args, methodMagicGet.getName(), methodMagicGet.getClazz().getName(), name); env.peekCall(0).flags = FLAG_GET; InvokeArgumentHelper.checkType(env, trace, methodMagicGet, args); result = methodMagicGet.invokeDynamic(object, env, args); } finally { env.popCall(); } return result; } if (accessFlag != 0) invalidAccessToProperty(env, trace, entity, accessFlag); env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_NOTICE, Messages.ERR_UNDEFINED_PROPERTY, name, property); return Memory.NULL; } public void setProperty(IObject object, String name, Memory value) { PropertyEntity prop = findProperty(name); if (prop == null) throw new RuntimeException("Property '" + name + "' not found"); object.getProperties().put(prop.specificName, value == null ? Memory.NULL : value); } private static interface SetterCallback { Memory invoke(Memory o1, Memory o2); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof ClassEntity)) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; ClassEntity entity = (ClassEntity) o; if (id != return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (int) (id ^ (id >>> 32)); return result; } public static class InvalidConstant { public final ConstantEntity constant; public final ConstantEntity prototype; public final ErrorType errorType; protected InvalidConstant(ConstantEntity constant, ConstantEntity prototype, ErrorType errorType) { this.constant = constant; this.errorType = errorType; this.prototype = prototype; } public static InvalidConstant error(ConstantEntity constant, ConstantEntity prototype) { return new InvalidConstant(constant, prototype, ErrorType.E_ERROR); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof InvalidConstant)) return false; InvalidConstant that = (InvalidConstant) o; return constant.equals(that.constant); } @Override public int hashCode() { return constant.hashCode(); } } public static class InvalidMethod { public enum Kind { NON_EXISTS, INVALID_SIGNATURE, MUST_STATIC, MUST_NON_STATIC, MAGIC_MUST_BE_PUBLIC, MUST_BE_PUBLIC, MUST_BE_PROTECTED, FINAL, NON_ABSTRACT, NON_ABSTRACTABLE, INVALID_ACCESS_FOR_INTERFACE, FINAL_ABSTRACT, OVERRIDE_CONSTANTS } public final Kind kind; public final MethodEntity method; public final ErrorType errorType; protected InvalidMethod(Kind kind, MethodEntity method, ErrorType errorType) { this.kind = kind; this.method = method; this.errorType = errorType; } public static InvalidMethod warning(Kind kind, MethodEntity method) { return new InvalidMethod(kind, method, ErrorType.E_WARNING); } public static InvalidMethod error(Kind kind, MethodEntity method) { return new InvalidMethod(kind, method, ErrorType.E_ERROR); } public static InvalidMethod strict(Kind kind, MethodEntity method) { return new InvalidMethod(kind, method, ErrorType.E_STRICT); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof InvalidMethod)) return false; InvalidMethod that = (InvalidMethod) o; return method.equals(that.method) && kind.equals(that.kind); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = kind.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + method.hashCode(); return result; } } public static class InvalidProperty { public enum Kind {MUST_BE_PROTECTED, MUST_BE_PUBLIC, STATIC_AS_NON_STATIC, NON_STATIC_AS_STATIC} public final Kind kind; public final PropertyEntity property; public final ErrorType errorType; protected InvalidProperty(Kind kind, PropertyEntity property, ErrorType errorType) { this.kind = kind; = property; this.errorType = errorType; } public static InvalidProperty warning(Kind kind, PropertyEntity property) { return new InvalidProperty(kind, property, ErrorType.E_WARNING); } public static InvalidProperty error(Kind kind, PropertyEntity property) { return new InvalidProperty(kind, property, ErrorType.E_ERROR); } public static InvalidProperty strict(Kind kind, PropertyEntity property) { return new InvalidProperty(kind, property, ErrorType.E_STRICT); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof InvalidProperty)) return false; InvalidProperty that = (InvalidProperty) o; return property.equals( && kind.equals(that.kind); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = kind.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + property.hashCode(); return result; } } public class PropertyResult { private final Set<InvalidProperty> properties; public PropertyResult() { = new HashSet<InvalidProperty>(); } public void add(InvalidProperty prop) {; } public void addError(InvalidProperty.Kind kind, PropertyEntity prop) { add(InvalidProperty.error(kind, prop)); } public void check(Environment env) { for (InvalidProperty el : properties) { ErrorException e = null; switch (el.kind) { case MUST_BE_PROTECTED: e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_ACCESS_LEVEL_MUST_BE_PROTECTED_OR_WEAKER.fetch(,, ), ); break; case MUST_BE_PUBLIC: e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_ACCESS_LEVEL_MUST_BE_PUBLIC.fetch(,, ), ); break; case STATIC_AS_NON_STATIC: e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_CANNOT_REDECLARE_STATIC_AS_NON_STATIC.fetch(,,, ), ); break; case NON_STATIC_AS_STATIC: e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_CANNOT_REDECLARE_NON_STATIC_AS_STATIC.fetch(,,, ), ); break; } if (e != null) if (env == null) throw e; else env.error(e.getTraceInfo(), el.errorType, e.getMessage()); } } } public class ImplementsResult { ClassEntity parent; SignatureResult signature; ImplementsResult(ClassEntity parent) { this.parent = parent; this.signature = new SignatureResult(); } public void check(Environment env) { if (parent != null) { if (parent.isNotRuntime && !isInternal()) { FatalException e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_CANNOT_USE_SYSTEM_CLASS.fetch(parent.getName(), getName()), ClassEntity.this.trace ); if (env != null) env.error(e.getTraceInfo(), e.getType(), e.getMessage()); else throw e; } } if (signature != null) signature.check(env); } } public class ExtendsResult { ClassEntity parent; SignatureResult methods; ExtendsResult(ClassEntity parent) { this.parent = parent; this.methods = new SignatureResult(); } public void check(Environment env) { if (parent != null) { if (parent.isNotRuntime && !isInternal()) { FatalException e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_CANNOT_USE_SYSTEM_CLASS.fetch(parent.getName(), getName()), ClassEntity.this.trace ); if (env != null) env.error(e.getTraceInfo(), e.getType(), e.getMessage()); else throw e; } if (parent.isFinal) { FatalException e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_CLASS_MAY_NOT_INHERIT_FINAL_CLASS.fetch(ClassEntity.this.getName(), parent.getName()), ClassEntity.this.trace ); if (env != null) env.error(e.getTraceInfo(), e.getType(), e.getMessage()); else throw e; } if (ClassEntity.this.type == Type.CLASS && parent.type != Type.CLASS) { FatalException e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_CANNOT_EXTENDS.fetch(ClassEntity.this.getName(), parent.getName()), ClassEntity.this.trace ); if (env != null) env.error(e.getTraceInfo(), e.getType(), e.getMessage()); else throw e; } } if (methods != null) methods.check(env); } } public class SignatureResult { private final Set<InvalidMethod> methods; private Set<InvalidConstant> overrideConstants_; SignatureResult() { methods = new HashSet<InvalidMethod>(); } public void add(InvalidMethod el) { methods.add(el); } public void addConstant(InvalidConstant el) { if (overrideConstants_ == null) overrideConstants_ = new HashSet<InvalidConstant>(); overrideConstants_.add(el); } public void check() { check(null); } private ErrorException getException(Environment env, InvalidMethod el, Messages.Item message) { return getException(env, el, message, false); } private ErrorException getException(Environment env, InvalidMethod el, Messages.Item message, boolean prototype) { ErrorException e; if (prototype) { e = new FatalException( message.fetch( el.method.getPrototype().getSignatureString(false), el.method.getSignatureString(false) ), el.method.getTrace() ); } else { e = new FatalException( message.fetch(el.method.getSignatureString(false)), el.method.getTrace() ); } return e; } public void check(Environment env) { if (overrideConstants_ != null) for (InvalidConstant e : this.overrideConstants_) { if (env != null) env.error( getTrace(), e.errorType, Messages.ERR_CANNOT_INHERIT_OVERRIDE_CONSTANT, e.constant.getName(), e.prototype.getClazz().getName() ); } Set<InvalidMethod> nonExists = null; for (InvalidMethod el : methods) { ErrorException e = null; switch (el.kind) { case INVALID_SIGNATURE: MethodEntity prototype = el.method.getPrototype(); if (!prototype.isAbstractable()) { while (prototype.prototype != null && prototype.prototype.isAbstractable()) prototype = prototype.prototype; } e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_INVALID_METHOD_SIGNATURE.fetch( el.method.getSignatureString(false), prototype.getSignatureString(true) ), el.method.getTrace() ); break; case MUST_STATIC: e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_CANNOT_MAKE_STATIC_TO_NON_STATIC.fetch( el.method.getPrototype().getSignatureString(false), ClassEntity.this.getName() ), el.method.getTrace() ); break; case MUST_NON_STATIC: e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_CANNOT_MAKE_NON_STATIC_TO_STATIC.fetch( el.method.getPrototype().getSignatureString(false), ClassEntity.this.getName() ), el.method.getTrace() ); break; case MAGIC_MUST_BE_PUBLIC: env.error(el.method.getTrace(), el.errorType, "The magic method %s must have public visibility", el.method.getSignatureString(false) ); break; case MUST_BE_PROTECTED: e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_ACCESS_LEVEL_METHOD_MUST_BE_PROTECTED_OR_WEAKER.fetch( el.method.clazz.getName(), el.method.getName(), el.method.getPrototype().getClazz().getName() ), el.method.getTrace() ); break; case MUST_BE_PUBLIC: e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_ACCESS_LEVEL_METHOD_MUST_BE_PUBLIC.fetch( el.method.clazz.getName(), el.method.getName(), el.method.getPrototype().getClazz().getName() ), el.method.getTrace() ); break; case FINAL_ABSTRACT: e = getException(env, el, Messages.ERR_CANNOT_USE_FINAL_ON_ABSTRACT); break; case FINAL: e = getException(env, el, Messages.ERR_CANNOT_OVERRIDE_FINAL_METHOD, true); break; case NON_ABSTRACT: e = getException(env, el, Messages.ERR_NON_ABSTRACT_METHOD_MUST_CONTAIN_BODY); break; case NON_ABSTRACTABLE: e = getException(env, el, Messages.ERR_ABSTRACT_METHOD_CANNOT_CONTAIN_BODY); break; case INVALID_ACCESS_FOR_INTERFACE: e = getException(env, el, Messages.ERR_ACCESS_TYPE_FOR_INTERFACE_METHOD); break; case NON_EXISTS: if (nonExists == null) nonExists = new HashSet<InvalidMethod>(); nonExists.add(el); break; } if (e != null) if (env == null) throw e; else { env.error(e.getTraceInfo(), el.errorType, e.getMessage()); } } if (nonExists != null) { StringBuilder needs = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<InvalidMethod> iterator = nonExists.iterator(); int size = 0; ErrorType errorType = ErrorType.E_NOTICE; while (iterator.hasNext()) { InvalidMethod el =; if (el.errorType.value < errorType.value) errorType = el.errorType; needs.append(el.method.getClazz().getName()) .append("::") .append(el.method.getName()); if (iterator.hasNext()) needs.append(", "); size++; } ErrorException e = new FatalException( Messages.ERR_IMPLEMENT_METHOD.fetch(ClassEntity.this.getName(), size, needs), ClassEntity.this.getTrace() ); if (env == null) throw e; else { env.error(e.getTraceInfo(), errorType, e.getMessage()); } } } } }