package php.runtime.ext.core; import php.runtime.Memory; import php.runtime.annotation.Reflection; import php.runtime.annotation.Runtime; import php.runtime.common.AbstractCompiler; import php.runtime.common.GrammarUtils; import php.runtime.common.LangMode; import php.runtime.env.*; import php.runtime.env.handler.ErrorHandler; import php.runtime.env.handler.ExceptionHandler; import php.runtime.env.handler.ShutdownHandler; import php.runtime.env.message.SystemMessage; import php.runtime.exceptions.ParseException; import; import; import php.runtime.ext.core.classes.util.WrapFlow; import; import php.runtime.invoke.Invoker; import php.runtime.lang.Closure; import php.runtime.lang.ForeachIterator; import php.runtime.lang.IObject; import php.runtime.lang.Resource; import php.runtime.memory.ArrayMemory; import php.runtime.memory.LongMemory; import php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory; import php.runtime.memory.StringMemory; import php.runtime.reflection.*; import php.runtime.util.StackTracer; public class LangFunctions extends FunctionsContainer { private static String evalErrorMessage(ErrorException e){ return e.getMessage() + ", eval()'s code on line " + (e.getTraceInfo().getStartLine() + 1) + ", position " + (e.getTraceInfo().getStartPosition() + 1); } public static Memory eval(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.GetLocals ArrayMemory locals, String code) throws Throwable { try { return env.eval(code, locals); } catch (ErrorException e){ if (e.getType() == ErrorType.E_PARSE){ if (env.isHandleErrors(ErrorType.E_PARSE)) throw new ParseException(evalErrorMessage(e), trace); } else env.error(trace, e.getType(), evalErrorMessage(e)); } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory time() { return LongMemory.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } public static void sleep(int sec) throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(sec * 1000); } public static void usleep(long microsec) throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(microsec / 1000); } public static boolean time_nanosleep(long second, int nanosecond) throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(second * 1000, nanosecond); return true; } public static boolean time_sleep_until(double time) throws InterruptedException { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long to = (long) (time * 1000); long diff = to - now; if (diff >= 0) { Thread.sleep(diff); return true; } else { return false; } } public static Memory compact(@Runtime.GetLocals ArrayMemory locals, Memory varName, Memory... varNames) { ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); Memory value = locals.valueOfIndex(varName).toValue(); if (value != Memory.UNDEFINED) result.refOfIndex(varName).assign(value.toImmutable()); if (varNames != null) { for (Memory el : varNames) { value = locals.valueOfIndex(el).toValue(); if (value != Memory.UNDEFINED) result.refOfIndex(el).assign(value.toImmutable()); } } return result.toImmutable(); } public static void register_shutdown_function(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.Reference Memory handler, Memory... args) { Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 1, handler); if (invoker != null) env.registerShutdownFunction(new ShutdownHandler(invoker, args)); } public static int error_reporting(Environment env, int level) { int old = env.getErrorFlags(); env.setErrorFlags(level); return old; } public static int error_reporting(Environment env) { return env.getErrorFlags(); } public static Memory error_get_last(Environment env) { SystemMessage err = env.getLastMessage(); if (err == null) return Memory.NULL; ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); result.refOfIndex("type").assign(err.getType().value); result.refOfIndex("message").assign(err.getMessage()); if (err.getTrace() != null && err.getTrace().trace != null) { result.refOfIndex("file").assign(err.getTrace().trace.getFileName()); result.refOfIndex("line").assign(err.getTrace().trace.getStartLine() + 1); result.refOfIndex("position").assign(err.getTrace().trace.getStartPosition() + 1); } return result.toConstant(); } public static boolean trigger_error(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String message, int type) { ErrorType _type = ErrorType.valueOf(type); if (_type == null) return false; env.error(trace, _type, message); return true; } public static boolean user_error(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String message, int type) { return trigger_error(env, trace, message, type); } public static boolean trigger_error(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String message) { return trigger_error(env, trace, message, ErrorType.E_USER_NOTICE.value); } public static boolean user_error(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String message) { return trigger_error(env, trace, message); } public static Memory set_error_handler(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.Reference Memory handler, int flags) { Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 1, handler); if (invoker != null) { ErrorHandler last = env.getErrorHandler(); env.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler(invoker, handler.toImmutable(), flags)); return last == null ? Memory.NULL : last.invokerMemory; } else return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory set_error_handler(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.Reference Memory handler) { return set_error_handler(env, trace, handler, ErrorType.E_ALL.value | ErrorType.E_STRICT.value); } public static boolean restore_error_handler(Environment env) { env.setErrorHandler(env.getPreviousErrorHandler()); return true; } public static Memory set_exception_handler(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.Reference Memory handler) { Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 1, handler); if (invoker != null) { ExceptionHandler eh = env.getExceptionHandler(); env.setExceptionHandler(new ExceptionHandler(invoker, handler.toImmutable())); return eh == null || eh.invoker == null ? Memory.NULL : eh.invokerMemory; } else return Memory.FALSE; } public static boolean restore_exception_handler(Environment env) { env.setExceptionHandler(env.getPreviousExceptionHandler()); return true; } public static Memory get_defined_vars(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.GetLocals ArrayMemory locals) { return locals.toImmutable(); } public static int extract(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.GetLocals ArrayMemory locals, @Runtime.Reference Memory array, int extractType) { return extract(env, trace, locals, array, extractType, Memory.NULL); } public static int extract(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.GetLocals ArrayMemory locals, @Runtime.Reference Memory array) { return extract(env, trace, locals, array, LangConstants.EXTR_OVERWRITE, Memory.NULL); } public static int extract(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.GetLocals ArrayMemory locals, @Runtime.Reference Memory array, int extractType, Memory _prefix) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, array, Memory.Type.ARRAY)) { boolean isRefs = (extractType & LangConstants.EXTR_REFS) == LangConstants.EXTR_REFS; ForeachIterator iterator = array.getNewIterator(env, isRefs, false); int count = 0; if (extractType == LangConstants.EXTR_PREFIX_ALL || extractType == LangConstants.EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS || extractType == LangConstants.EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID || extractType == LangConstants.EXTR_PREFIX_SAME) if (_prefix.isNull()) { env.warning(trace, "extract(): specified extract type requires the prefix parameter"); return 0; } String prefix = _prefix.isNull() ? "" : _prefix.concat("_"); if (!prefix.isEmpty()) if (!GrammarUtils.isValidName(prefix)) { env.warning(trace, "extract(): prefix is not a valid identifier"); return 0; } while ( { Object key = iterator.getKey(); String keyS = key.toString(); String var; Memory value = iterator.getValue(); if (!isRefs) value = value.toImmutable(); switch (extractType) { case LangConstants.EXTR_OVERWRITE: if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(keyS)) { locals.refOfIndex(keyS).assign(value); count++; } break; case LangConstants.EXTR_SKIP: if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(keyS) && locals.valueOfIndex(keyS).isUndefined()) { locals.refOfIndex(keyS).assign(value); count++; } break; case LangConstants.EXTR_PREFIX_SAME: if (!locals.valueOfIndex(keyS).isUndefined()) { var = prefix.concat(keyS); if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(var)) { locals.refOfIndex(var).assign(value); count++; } } else if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(keyS)) { locals.refOfIndex(keyS).assign(value); count++; } break; case LangConstants.EXTR_PREFIX_ALL: var = prefix.concat(keyS); if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(var)) { locals.refOfIndex(prefix.concat(keyS)).assign(value); count++; } break; case LangConstants.EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID: if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(keyS)) { locals.refOfIndex(keyS).assign(value); count++; } else { var = prefix.concat(keyS); if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(var)) { locals.refOfIndex(var).assign(value); count++; } } break; case LangConstants.EXTR_IF_EXISTS: if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(keyS)) if (!locals.valueOfIndex(keyS).isUndefined()) { locals.refOfIndex(keyS).assign(value); count++; } break; case LangConstants.EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS: if (!locals.valueOfIndex(keyS).isUndefined()) { var = prefix.concat(keyS); if (GrammarUtils.isValidName(var)) { locals.refOfIndex(var).assign(value); count++; } } break; } } return count; } else return 0; } public static boolean defined(Environment env, String name) { Memory value = env.findConstant(name); return value != null; } public static boolean define(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String name, Memory value, boolean caseInSentisise) { return env.defineConstant(name, value, !caseInSentisise); } public static boolean define(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String name, Memory value) { return define(env, trace, name, value, false); } public static Memory constant(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String name) { int pos; if ((pos = name.indexOf("::")) > -1) { String className = name.substring(0, pos); String constName = name.substring(pos + 2); ClassEntity entity = env.fetchClass(className, true); if (entity == null) return Memory.NULL; ConstantEntity constant = entity.findConstant(constName); return constant == null ? Memory.NULL : constant.getValue(); } else { Memory value = env.findConstant(name); if (value == null) return Memory.NULL; else return value; } } @Runtime.Immutable public static String gettype(Memory memory) { switch (memory.getRealType()) { case ARRAY: return "array"; case BOOL: return "boolean"; case INT: return "integer"; case DOUBLE: return "double"; case STRING: return "string"; case OBJECT: if (memory.isResource()) return "resource"; return "object"; case NULL: return "NULL"; default: return "unknown type"; } } public static boolean is_array(@Runtime.Reference Memory memory) { return memory.isArray(); } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_bool(Memory memory) { return memory.toValue().type == Memory.Type.BOOL; } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_double(Memory memory) { return memory.toValue().type == Memory.Type.DOUBLE; } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_float(Memory memory) { return memory.toValue().type == Memory.Type.DOUBLE; } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_int(Memory memory) { return memory.toValue().type == Memory.Type.INT; } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_integer(Memory memory) { return memory.toValue().type == Memory.Type.INT; } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_long(Memory memory) { return memory.toValue().type == Memory.Type.INT; } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_null(Memory memory) { return memory.isNull(); } public static boolean is_object(@Runtime.Reference Memory memory) { return memory.isObject(); } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_real(Memory memory) { return is_float(memory); } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_string(Memory memory) { return memory.isString(); } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_numeric(Memory memory) { return StringMemory.toNumeric(memory.toString(), false, null) != null; } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean is_scalar(Memory memory) { switch (memory.getRealType()) { case BOOL: case NULL: case INT: case DOUBLE: case STRING: return true; } return false; } public static boolean is_resource(@Runtime.Reference Memory memory) { return memory.isResource(); } public static Memory get_resource_type(@Runtime.Reference Memory memory) { if (memory.isObject()) { if (((ObjectMemory) memory).value instanceof Resource) return new StringMemory( ((Resource) ((ObjectMemory) memory).value).getResourceType() ); } return Memory.NULL; } public static boolean is_callable(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, @Runtime.Reference Memory memory) throws Throwable { // optimize if (memory.isObject() && memory.toValue(ObjectMemory.class).value instanceof Closure) return true; Invoker invoker = Invoker.valueOf(env, null, memory); return invoker != null && invoker.canAccess(env) == 0; } @Runtime.Immutable public static boolean boolval(Memory memory) { return memory.toBoolean(); } @Runtime.Immutable public static String strval(Memory memory) { return memory.toString(); } @Runtime.Immutable public static long intval(Memory memory) { return memory.toLong(); } @Runtime.Immutable public static double floatval(Memory memory) { return memory.toDouble(); } @Runtime.Immutable public static double doubleval(Memory memory) { return memory.toDouble(); } public static boolean settype(@Runtime.Reference Memory memory, String type) { if (memory.isReference()) { if ("string".equals(type)) { memory.assign(memory.toString()); } else if ("bool".equals(type) || "boolean".equals(type)) { memory.assign(memory.toBoolean()); } else if ("int".equals(type) || "integer".equals(type)) { memory.assign(memory.toLong()); } else if ("float".equals(type) || "double".equals(type)) { memory.assign(memory.toDouble()); } else if ("null".equals(type)) { memory.assign(Memory.NULL); } else return false; return true; } return false; } public void debug_zval_dump(Environment env, TraceInfo trace) { env.warning(trace, "debug_zval_dump(): unsupported"); } public static Memory func_get_args(Environment env, TraceInfo trace) { if (env.getCallStackTop() == 0) { return Memory.FALSE; } return ArrayMemory.of(env.peekCall(0).args); } public static Memory func_num_args(Environment env, TraceInfo trace) { if (env.getCallStackTop() == 0) { return Memory.FALSE; } return LongMemory.valueOf(env.peekCall(0).args.length); } public static Memory func_get_arg(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, int argNum) { if (env.getCallStackTop() == 0) { return Memory.FALSE; } if (argNum < 0) return Memory.FALSE; Memory[] args = env.peekCall(0).args; if (argNum < args.length) return args[argNum]; else return Memory.FALSE; } private static Memory _call_user_func(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory function, Memory... args) throws Throwable { Invoker invoker = expectingCallback(env, trace, 1, function); if (invoker == null) { return Memory.FALSE; } invoker.setTrace(trace); return; } public static Memory call_user_func(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory function, Memory... args) throws Throwable { Memory[] passed; if (args == null) { passed = new Memory[]{function}; } else { passed = new Memory[args.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, passed, 1, args.length); passed[0] = function; } env.pushCall(trace, null, passed, "call_user_func", null, null); try { return _call_user_func(env, trace, function, args); } finally { env.popCall(); } } public static Memory call_user_func_array(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory function, Memory args) throws Throwable { if (expecting(env, trace, 2, args, Memory.Type.ARRAY)) { Memory[] passed = new Memory[]{function, args}; env.pushCall(trace, null, passed, "call_user_func_array", null, null); try { return _call_user_func(env, trace, function, ((ArrayMemory) args).values(false)); } finally { env.popCall(); } } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory debug_backtrace(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, int options, int limit) { boolean provideObject = (options & LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT) == LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT; boolean ignoreArgs = (options & LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS) == LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS; ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); for (int i = 0; i < env.getCallStackTop(); i++) { if (limit != 0 && i >= limit) break; CallStackItem item = env.peekCall(i); ArrayMemory el = item.toArray(provideObject, ignoreArgs); result.add(el); } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory debug_backtrace(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, int options) { return debug_backtrace(env, trace, options, 0); } public static Memory debug_backtrace(Environment env, TraceInfo trace) { return debug_backtrace(env, trace, LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 0); } public static void debug_print_backtrace(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, int options, int limit) { boolean provideObject = (options & LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT) == LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT; boolean ignoreArgs = (options & LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS) == LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS; StackTracer stackTracer = new StackTracer(env, limit); env.echo(stackTracer.toString(!ignoreArgs)); } public static void debug_print_backtrace(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, int options) { debug_print_backtrace(env, trace, options, 0); } public static void debug_print_backtrace(Environment env, TraceInfo trace) { debug_print_backtrace(env, trace, LangConstants.DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 0); } public static boolean function_exists(Environment env, String name) { FunctionEntity function = env.fetchFunction(name); return function != null; } public static boolean class_exists(Environment env, String name, boolean autoload) { ClassEntity entity = env.fetchClass(name, autoload); return entity != null && entity.isClass(); } public static boolean class_exists(Environment env, String name) { return class_exists(env, name, true); } public static boolean interface_exists(Environment env, String name, boolean autoload) { ClassEntity entity = env.fetchClass(name, autoload); return entity != null && entity.isInterface(); } public static boolean interface_exists(Environment env, String name) { return interface_exists(env, name, true); } public static boolean trait_exists(Environment env, String name, boolean autoload) { ClassEntity entity = env.fetchClass(name, autoload); return entity != null && entity.isTrait(); } public static boolean trait_exists(Environment env, String name) { return trait_exists(env, name, true); } public static boolean method_exists(Environment env, Memory clazz, String method) { ClassEntity classEntity; if (clazz.isObject()) { ObjectMemory tmp = clazz.toValue(ObjectMemory.class); classEntity = tmp.getReflection(); } else { String name = clazz.toString(); String nameL = name.toLowerCase(); classEntity = env.fetchClass(name, nameL, true); if (classEntity == null) classEntity = env.fetchMagicClass(name, nameL); } return classEntity != null && classEntity.findMethod(method.toLowerCase()) != null; } public static Memory property_exists(Environment env, Memory clazz, String property) throws Throwable { ClassEntity classEntity; IObject object = null; boolean isMagic = false; if (clazz.isObject()) { ObjectMemory tmp = clazz.toValue(ObjectMemory.class); classEntity = tmp.getReflection(); object = tmp.value; } else { String name = clazz.toString(); String nameL = name.toLowerCase(); classEntity = env.fetchClass(name, nameL, true); if (classEntity == null) { classEntity = env.fetchMagicClass(name, nameL); isMagic = true; } } if (classEntity == null) { return Memory.FALSE; } if (object != null) { ArrayMemory props = object.getProperties(); ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); PropertyEntity entity = classEntity.isInstanceOf(context) ? :; int accessFlags = entity == null ? 0 : entity.canAccess(env); if (accessFlags != 0) return Memory.FALSE; return (props != null && props.getByScalar(entity == null ? property : entity.getSpecificName()) != null) ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.FALSE; } else { PropertyEntity entity =; if (isMagic) { int accessFlags = entity == null ? 0 : entity.canAccess(env); if (accessFlags != 0) return Memory.FALSE; } return entity != null ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory is_a(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory object, String className, boolean allowedString) { ClassEntity classEntity = null; ClassEntity parentClass; if (allowedString && !object.isObject()) { String name = object.toString(); String nameL = name.toLowerCase(); classEntity = env.fetchClass(name, nameL, false); if (classEntity == null) classEntity = env.fetchMagicClass(name, nameL); } else if (expecting(env, trace, 1, object, Memory.Type.OBJECT)) { classEntity = object.toValue(ObjectMemory.class).getReflection(); } if (classEntity == null) return Memory.FALSE; parentClass = env.fetchClass(className, false); if (parentClass == null) return Memory.FALSE; return classEntity.isInstanceOf(parentClass) ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory is_a(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory object, String className) { return is_a(env, trace, object, className, false); } public static Memory is_subclass_of(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory object, String className, boolean allowedString) { ClassEntity classEntity = null; ClassEntity parentClass; if (allowedString && !object.isObject()) { String name = object.toString(); String nameL = name.toLowerCase(); classEntity = env.fetchClass(name, nameL, true); if (classEntity == null) classEntity = env.fetchMagicClass(name, nameL); } else if (expecting(env, trace, 1, object, Memory.Type.OBJECT)) { classEntity = object.toValue(ObjectMemory.class).getReflection(); } parentClass = env.fetchClass(className, true); if (classEntity == null) { return Memory.NULL; } else if (parentClass == null) { return Memory.NULL; } else { if (object.isObject() && object.toValue(ObjectMemory.class).value instanceof Closure) return Memory.FALSE; return classEntity.isInstanceOf(parentClass) && !classEntity.equals(parentClass) ? Memory.TRUE : Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory is_subclass_of(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory object, String className) { return is_subclass_of(env, trace, object, className, true); } public static Memory get_class(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory object) { if (object.isNull()) { if (object == Memory.UNDEFINED) { return Memory.FALSE; } CallStackItem item = env.peekCall(0); if (item.clazz != null) { if (item.classEntity == null) item.classEntity = env.fetchClass(item.clazz, false); if (item.classEntity == null) return Memory.FALSE; else { MethodEntity method = item.classEntity.findMethod(item.function); if (method == null) return Memory.FALSE; return new StringMemory(method.getClazz().getName()); } } } else if (expecting(env, trace, 1, object, Memory.Type.OBJECT)) { return new StringMemory(object.toValue(ObjectMemory.class).getReflection().getName()); } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory get_class(Environment env, TraceInfo trace) { return get_class(env, trace, Memory.NULL); } public static Memory get_called_class(Environment env) { String name = env.getLateStatic(); return name == null || name.isEmpty() ? Memory.FALSE : new StringMemory(name); } public static Memory get_class_methods(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory value) { ClassEntity entity; if (value.isString()) { entity = env.fetchClass(value.toString(), true); } else if (value.isObject()) { entity = value.toValue(ObjectMemory.class).getReflection(); } else { env.warning( trace, "get_class_methods(): Argument 1 must be string or object, %s given", value.getRealType().toString() ); return Memory.NULL; } if (entity == null) return Memory.NULL; ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); for (MethodEntity el : entity.getMethods().values()) { if (el.canAccess(env, context) == 0) result.refOfPush().assign(el.getName()); } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory get_class_vars(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory value) { ClassEntity entity; if (value.isString()) { entity = env.fetchClass(value.toString(), true); } else if (value.isObject()) { entity = value.toValue(ObjectMemory.class).getReflection(); } else { env.warning( trace, "get_class_vars(): Argument 1 must be string or object, %s given", value.getRealType().toString() ); return Memory.NULL; } if (entity == null) return Memory.NULL; ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); for (PropertyEntity el : entity.getProperties()) { if (el.canAccess(env, context) == 0) result.refOfIndex(el.getName()).assign(el.getDefaultValue(env)); } for (PropertyEntity el : entity.getStaticProperties()) { if (el.canAccess(env, context) == 0) result.refOfIndex(el.getName()).assign(el.getDefaultValue(env)); } return result.toConstant(); } public static Memory get_object_vars(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory object) { if (expecting(env, trace, 1, object, Memory.Type.OBJECT)) { ObjectMemory o = object.toValue(ObjectMemory.class); ArrayMemory props = o.value.getProperties(); ClassEntity entity = o.getReflection(); ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack(); ForeachIterator iterator = props.foreachIterator(false, false); ArrayMemory result = new ArrayMemory(); while ( { PropertyEntity prop = entity.findProperty(iterator.getKey().toString()); if (prop == null || prop.canAccess(env, context) == 0) result.refOfIndex(prop == null ? iterator.getKey().toString() : prop.getName()) .assign(iterator.getValue()); } return result.toConstant(); } else return Memory.NULL; } public static Memory get_parent_class(Memory object) { if (object.isObject()) { ClassEntity classEntity = object.toValue(ObjectMemory.class).getReflection().getParent(); if (classEntity == null) return Memory.FALSE; else return new StringMemory(classEntity.getName()); } else { return Memory.FALSE; } } public static Memory get_parent_class(Environment env) { CallStackItem item = env.peekCall(0); if (item.clazz != null) { if (item.classEntity == null) item.classEntity = env.fetchClass(item.clazz, false); if (item.classEntity == null) return Memory.FALSE; else { MethodEntity method = item.classEntity.findMethod(item.function); if (method == null) return Memory.FALSE; ClassEntity parent = method.getClazz().getParent(); return parent == null ? Memory.FALSE : new StringMemory(parent.getName()); } } return Memory.FALSE; } public static Memory flow(Environment env, Memory result) { return WrapFlow.of(env, result); } /*public static Memory define_package(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String name, Memory info) { if (env.scope.getLangMode() != LangMode.MODERN) { env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_NOTICE, "define_package(): Packages are available only in modern language mode"); return Memory.FALSE; } if (!expecting(env, trace, 1, info, Memory.Type.ARRAY)) { return Memory.FALSE; } PackageManager manager = env.getPackageManager(); if (manager.has(name)) { env.error(trace, "define_package(): Package '" + name + "' already defined"); return Memory.FALSE; } php.runtime.env.Package aPackage = manager.fetch(name, trace); for (Memory cls : classes.toValue(ArrayMemory.class)) { aPackage.addClass(cls.toString()); } for (Memory func : functions.toValue(ArrayMemory.class)) { aPackage.addFunction(func.toString()); } for (Memory c : constants.toValue(ArrayMemory.class)) { aPackage.addConstant(c.toString()); } return Memory.TRUE; }*/ }