package javaforce.voip; import javaforce.*; import*; /** Loads a WAV file specific to VoIP requirements (must be 8000Hz, mono, 16bit PCM) * Samples are returned in 20ms blocks (last partial block is chopped). */ public class Wav { public short samples[]; public String errmsg; private int pos, len; public boolean load(String fn) { errmsg = ""; FileInputStream wav = null; try { wav = new FileInputStream(fn); return load(wav); } catch (Exception e) { JFLog.log(e); return false; } } public boolean load(InputStream wav) { errmsg = ""; try { byte data[] = new byte[30]; //read RIFF header (20 bytes);, 0, 20); if (!LE.getString(data, 0, 4).equals("RIFF")) throw new Exception("Not a valid WAV file (RIFF)"); if (!LE.getString(data, 8, 4).equals("WAVE")) throw new Exception("Not a valid WAV file (WAVE)"); if (!LE.getString(data, 12, 4).equals("fmt ")) throw new Exception("Not a valid WAV file (fmt )"); int fmtsiz = LE.getuint32(data, 16); if ((fmtsiz < 16) || (fmtsiz > 30)) throw new Exception("Not a valid WAV file (fmtsiz)");, 0, fmtsiz); if (LE.getuint16(data, 0) != 1) throw new Exception("Not PCM"); if (LE.getuint16(data, 2) != 1) throw new Exception("Not mono"); if (LE.getuint32(data, 4) != 8000) throw new Exception("Not 8000Hz"); if (LE.getuint16(data, 12) != 2) throw new Exception("Not 16bits");, 0, 8); while (!LE.getString(data, 0, 4).equals("data")) { //ignore block (FACT, INFO, etc.) len = LE.getuint32(data, 4); byte junk[] = new byte[len];;, 0, 8); } if (!LE.getString(data, 0, 4).equals("data")) throw new Exception("Not a valid WAV file (data)"); len = LE.getuint32(data, 4); if (len < 320) throw new Exception("Not a valid WAV file (len<320)"); len = len / 320 * 320; //chop to 20ms frames byte samples8[] = JF.readAll(wav, len); samples = new short[len/2]; len >>= 1; for(int a=0;a<len;a++) { samples[a] = samples8[a*2 + 1]; samples[a] <<= 8; samples[a] += samples8[a*2 + 0]; } try { if (wav != null) wav.close(); } catch (Exception e5) {} } catch ( e2) { errmsg = "WAV file not found"; try { if (wav != null) wav.close(); } catch (Exception e3) {} samples = null; return false; } catch (Exception e1) { errmsg = e1.toString(); try { if (wav != null) wav.close(); } catch (Exception e4) {} samples = null; return false; } pos = 0; return true; } public boolean isLoaded() { return samples != null; } public short[] getSamples() { short buf[] = new short[160]; System.arraycopy(samples, pos, buf, 0, 160); pos += 160; if (pos == len) pos = 0; return buf; } public void reset() { pos = 0; } }